Luke Skywalker Cosplayer is a Jedi Santa for Sick Children

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Luke Skywalker Cosplayer is a Jedi Santa for Sick Children

This new generation of Star Wars movies has made the space opera franchise something of a holiday tradition. I’ll admit, as an old school Star Wars fan, I resisted the notion of seeing the series escape its summertime roots, but after three Christmas seasons in a row surrounded by all kinds of Jedi goodness, I’ve become quite used to the idea. And so has one Star Wars cosplayer who goes by the name “Fluke Skywalker.”

Dressed as Luke in his Jedi Master form from The Last Jedi, “Fluke,” who from certain angles actually quite resembles an older Mark Hamill, has made a practice of raising money for the Ronald McDonald’s House toy drive and handing out Star Wars toys to children who are in dire medical situations and in desperate need of any kind of holiday cheer. You can check out images of this “Santa Skywalker” handing out toys below.

Fluke set up a GoFundMe page to help out these sick children, and many a Star Wars fan on Reddit and Imgur donated money to help these kids out. In the Star Wars canon, being a Jedi is all about giving one’s self over to the idea of total selflessness and helping others. Seems that’s one Jedi lesson that good old Fluke here really took to heart. We think that Master Yoda would be very proud indeed, don’t you?

For more images of Fluke Skywalker in action as Jedi Santa, be sure to check out this Imgur gallery.

Does this good samaritan Jedi make you believe in the good of humanity again like he does for us? Be sure to let us know down below in the comments.

Images: Fluke Skywalker

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