Lori Harvey Escaped Two Car Thiefs In Atlanta

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Lori Harvey Escaped Two Car Thiefs In Atlanta


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Source: Vivien Killilea / Getty

Lori Harvey got out of a carjacking by simply just walking away. When carjackers tried to steal her whip, she tried to fight them off but then remembered a fun fact about her car.

According to TMZ, after she parked her 2020 Rolls-Royce Cullinan in the parking garage of an Atlanta complex, a man ran toward her car in an attempt to jump into the driver’s seat while she was getting a few things out of the trunk. The suspect pushed her away and before she decided to keep fighting back she realized that she didn’t have to. The 23-year-old remembered that all she had to do was walk away from the SUV with the key fob because the car will no longer drive if it is too far from it. So instead of getting hurt,  she calmly walked away.

A second suspect also pulled up and took a duffel bag out of the back seat. Harvey later confirmed that the duffel bag only had a few clothes in it so nothing of great value was taken. Since she was coming from Whole Foods Market, police hope that surveillance footage will help them catch the two suspects.

This is the second car-related incident Harvey’s been involved in in the past year. She was recently charged with two misdemeanors including one count of resisting, delaying, obstructing a peace officer and one count of hit and run resulting in property damage. She is accused of hitting a parked car and then trying to flee the scene after her Mercedes-Benz G Wagon flipped over

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. She was later caught by police when she walking down the street not too far from the accident.

If convicted, she could be sentenced up to a year in prison. Harvey has not yet commented on this incident.


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