Kamala Harris Says Listen To The Experts Regarding The COVID-19 Vaccine, Not Trump

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Kamala Harris Says Listen To The Experts Regarding The COVID-19 Vaccine, Not Trump


Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Delivers Remarks In Washington DC

Source: Michael A. McCoy / Getty

Vice president candidate Kamala Harris addressed the talk around the COVID-19 vaccine that Donald Trump has been saying will arrive before the end of the year. Harris cautioned the public to not listen to Trump and pay more attention to what the public health experts are saying. During her appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Harris pointed out that Trump has not been a trustworthy source when it comes to happenings around the anticipated vaccine.

“I think that we have learned since this pandemic started ― but really before that ― that there’s very little that we can trust that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Harris said. “No, I would not trust his word. I would trust the word of public health experts and scientists, but not Donald Trump.”

Harris added that Trump is more focused on the fact that the 2020 Presidential election is two months away and is more concerned about persuading the public to vote and will “sideline” the experts.

[Trump’s] looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and he’s grasping for whatever he can get to pretend that he’s been a leader on this issue when he has not.”

When asked if she would get the vaccine if it is available before the election, she didn’t directly say. It seems that if it becomes available while Trump is still in office, Harris won’t trust it.

“I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us,” she said. “I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach.”

Harris, 55, also said that she and presidential candidate Joe Biden have a plan for the vaccination process if they are elected into office. She said they plan to focus on those who were the most vulnerable during the pandemic.

“Joe Biden and I have a plan ― a national plan,” she said. “Donald Trump does not. … There has to be an overall plan that thinks about those who ― and will administer vaccines to those who ― have been hardest hit, who are most vulnerable and most at need.”

Watch her State of the Union interview below.

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