Judd Apatow, Paul Rust, and Gillian Jacobs on LOVE Season 2

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Judd Apatow, Paul Rust, and Gillian Jacobs on LOVE Season 2


Few networks would dare take a chance on Love. Even with blockbuster comedy king Judd Apatow on board as one its co-creators–alongside Paul Rust and Lesley Arfin–the snarky series that centers on the gnarly romance of a pair of thirty-something losers is a bit too offbeat and sardonic for most studios to gamble on, much less give it a season two. But Netflix isn’t most studios.

Rust said as much during Netflix’s panel day in February, noting that Love’s first-ever episode would have been radically different had it gone through the pilot process of broadcast television. “We knew having the two characters meet at the end of the pilot, that was something that we wouldn’t be able to do on a network.” He explained during the Dare to be Different panel. “The first note would be, can’t they meet in the first scene? And can it be cute?”

Bucking romantic comedy conventions like the enviable meet-cute, Love centers on a pair of deeply flawed singles, who are definitely not made for each other. But try as they might, “fake-nice” Gus (Rust) and reckless Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) can’t seem to escape their compelling but potentially caustic chemistry. In season one, the pair has a not-so-cute meet over cigarettes, went on a disastrous date, ran into Andy Dick, and flung Blu-rays to the wind. But with season two coming in March, is it possible the pair might finally make their weird romance work?


In the panels, Rust revealed a major virtue of Netflix productions is that they shoot all at once, and not over the course of the show’s airing, which might make creators susceptible to fan response. “I want to be liked. Everybody wants to be liked,” Rust confessed of the urge to pander to a fandom. “I feel like knowing that we’re not going week to week and reading a recap and being like oh, ‘They like this. Let’s try to shape it into that.’ It keeps you honest which is good.”

When Nerdist sat down with Rust, Jacobs, and Apatow, we followed up to see how Love‘s media coverage impacted the creator/star’s approach to the second season. And amid much kidding and shenanigans, we learned some of what’s in store for season two, including the return of Andy Dick, and the addition of David Spade, Randall Park, and Paula Pell to the cast!

Love season two will hit Netflix on March 10, 2017.

With season three already announcedwho would you like to see join Love next? 

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