Job Coach Stephanie Heath Talks Why Soul Alignment & Facebook Groups Are Essential To The Job Search

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January 31, 2021
January 31, 2021

Job Coach Stephanie Heath Talks Why Soul Alignment & Facebook Groups Are Essential To The Job Search

I take responsibility for my own success

Source: Delmaine Donson / Getty

Job searching is stressful already and doing it during a pandemic is more nerve-wracking. Some people are just looking for a position to pay their bills and get them by. Getting a dream job seems unrealistic to some people. That’s where job coach Stephanie Heath comes in. Heath is a job search coach who has been focused on helping people get the job of their dreams through her company, Soul Work & Six Figures. She offers a 10-week program called the “Career Catalyst” where she assists professionals in getting the position they always wanted.

One of the main focuses of Heath’s work with her clients is assisting them in finding a position that is soul-aligned. Heath explained to me that a soul-aligned position not only exceeds your pay expectations but also leaves you feeling fulfilled and your coworkers feeling like your family.

“Finding a position that is soul-aligned for you is one where your coworkers are like friends,” Heath said. “People have fallen out of love with that idea but there are people who work with their coworkers and it’s like a family. I found that for minorities, because we have our guards up we don’t find that as easily as others. A soul-aligned position is one that  also pays right, which means you’re getting more than expected.”

When you don’t have a position that is soul-aligned, you could be cutting years off of your life. A lot of folks experience what Heath referred to as the “Sunday Scaries,” where a person feels dread and fear the night before they have to start a new work week.

If you’re working a job and you have this gut wrenching fear where you don’t want to think about what’s happening on Monday, every time you think about that negativity you’re shortening your life,” she told me over the phone.

So how can you search for the job of your dreams? Heath recommended using Facebook groups of professionals in your field so you can create a virtual networking experience.

“It’s a goldmine,” she said about Facebook groups. “There’s a Facebook group for everything. There’s women in tech, Blacks in tech, and even for human resources people or people in marketing. There’s all these groups that are started by people like you and me that want a place to vent and share new tools. It’s a goldmine because they are in there talking about who’s hiring. People are just more friendly and open. That’s one of the first things I do with my clients.”

When it comes to networking, Heath added that it is imperative that a person’s view of networking is intact. Some people feel awkward about networking because it entails seeking something from someone who isn’t  a friend or family. That may be the basis of it, but that’s not a negative thing because people actually like helping people. Heath said that it is important to know how to navigate networking opportunities with a direct approach.

When you’re direct people respect it more,” she said. “When you come right out and say it people respond to that more.”

When it comes to talking to new professional connections, Heath recommended four tips:

  • Don’t waste anyone’s time.
  • Don’t ask about their family.
  • Express how much you appreciate their time.
  • Ask your questions and get off the call.

Heath’s clientele includes those who are good at what they do but are soft-spoken, people pleasers and “yes men/women.” By the time her clients exit her program they not only have the position of their dreams but they are know how to ace an interview, are more assertive, confident and have a job that they consider a safe space. Learn more about her work and programs here.


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