Japan’s Ice Cream Katana is the Culinary Action Treat We’ve Always Wanted

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Japan’s Ice Cream Katana is the Culinary Action Treat We’ve Always Wanted


By many accounts, the history if ice cream goes back several centuries, and it remains one of the most popular deserts around the world. Many countries put their own spin on ice cream, but the latest creation out of Japan may be the most hardcore ice cream treat that we’ve ever seen. It’s an ice cream katana with a chocolate-covered cookie cross-guard!

Via Kotaku, Asahi Digital is reporting that the ingenious idea to create ice cream in the shape of a katana blade came from a high school student in the city of Seki in Gifu Prefecture. It’s especially fitting since the swordsmiths of Seki are renowned for their sword-making skills and their “high-quality kitchen cutlery.” As for the katana ice cream, they are made by a local confectionery chef and they appear to very popular creations.

So far, the katana ice cream only comes in bean paste or Japanese citron flavor, and it is only available in Seki. However, it’s such a great idea that we wouldn’t be shocked at all if it continues to expand across Japan and even to the United States at some point in the future. At least that’s what we’re hoping for! Because now that we know these exist, we want them badly.

What do you think about the katana ice cream blades? And which flavors would you like to see if they make it to the US? Share your delicious thoughts in the comment section below!

Image: Neku

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