Ivanka Trump Praises “Skills-Based Hiring” as the Entire Internet Dies of Laughter

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Ivanka Trump Praises “Skills-Based Hiring” as the Entire Internet Dies of Laughter


Ivanka and Donald Trump lean in to talk.

The White House released a video statement Friday praising Donald Trump for signing an executive order designed “to transform the federal hiring process.” The order, they say, would “replace one-size-fits-all, degree-based hiring with skills-based hiring.”

And the person the administration chose to be the spokesperson for “skills-based hiring” was … Ivanka Trump.

They’re trolling us, right? They have to know how ridiculous it is to have one of the least qualified and yet most powerful people in the country to talk about how great it is to hire based on skills and merit.

Thanks to the White House’s video, “Nepotism Barbie” is trending and while visually accurate, it’s a term I’m not crazy about because the “Barbie” moniker comes with an implication that her appearance invalidates her opinions. And let’s be clear, Ivanka Trump isn’t useless because of the way she looks. She’s useless because she’s an unqualified, nepotistic leech who used her feminist-lite persona to soften her father’s image while doing absolutely nothing for women or anyone else except herself and her immediate family.

(image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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