It’s The Mid Week in Review! WED 8pm: Gaming & BLM?; Terry Crews On "Black Supremacy"; Defunding Police? No More Elongated Man?

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It’s The Mid Week in Review! WED 8pm: Gaming & BLM?; Terry Crews On "Black Supremacy"; Defunding Police? No More Elongated Man?

Howdy, people.  Let’s keep this simple and succinct.  Check out the latest edition of Afronerd Radio’s Mid Week in Review (MWIR) airing this Wednesday at 8pm eastern, courtesy of our new platform at BTalk100.   Join your AFROnerdist hosts as they wax about the following (mid) weekly topics: recently posted a piece describing the somewhat ambiguous allegiance the gaming industry has with the Black Lives Matter movement; popular actor/host, Terry Crews appears to have gotten into hot water with black twitter over his remarks concerning the notion of “Black Supremacy” in the aftermath of protests over the senseless police killing of George Floyd;

We try to address issues we left on the table per last Sunday’s Grindhouse broadcast; what exactly does the call for defunding the police actually mean?  And what was the deal with Senator Kamala Harris needing to explain it to The View host, Meghan McCain?;  and in nerd cultural news, how did The Flash’s Elongated Man actor,  Hartley Sawyer, lose his job on his day off? (Answer: “Racism for 100, Alex!”); and in a case of the (post COVID-19) times are a changin’, recent reports assert that Hollywood is looking to use CGI to reenact love scenes for obvious reasons;  very intriguing….Blumhouse Productions is looking to reboot Dracula looking to recapture similar success from their recent Invisible Man film; Bonnie Pointer from the iconic sister group, The Pointer Sisters passes at the age of 69; The site highlights alleged growing discontent with the CW network’s diversity problems with much of its fantasy/sci-fi programming;  apparently, Japanese can’t get Black anime right when it comes to the BLM discussion; And lastly, after all the mayhem stemming from the George Floyd police killing-is Rev. Al Sharpton’s  request (during Floyd’s televised funeral) that Colin Kaepernick should be rehired to play football since history has proven his activism to be on the right side of history? Call LIVE at 508-645-0100.

Oh and an alleged fan tweeted rocker, Tom Morello that he didn’t care for his legendary band, Rage Against The Machine (I guess the band name was lost on him) becoming so political.…I tell ya…or questioning Morello’s political knowledge


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