Imagine If McGruff Actually Gave Useful Advice for Dealing With Cops

McGruff the crime dog

31 years ago, McGruff the Crime Dog was introduced to encourage kids to “take a bite out of crime.” The anthropomorphic cartoon dog’s ad campaigns were a staple of 1980s & ’90s TV and were mostly centered on personal safety (locking your doors, stranger danger, etc) and community action (like joining a neighborhood watch and asking your neighbors to keep an eye on your home when you’re on vacation).

Another big element of McGruff’s campaign was getting kids to trust and work with police, as well as using the cute character to soften the police’s public image. Even today, police departments across the country use McGruff costumes for outreach programs.

Adorable, right? Of course it is. That’s the whole point.

A worker-owned streaming service called Means TV has updated McGruff with some more helpful advice for kids (or anyone) when dealing with the police, starting with “don’t.”

The digital flyer is full of great ACLU-approved advice like talking with a lawyer before talking to the police and consulting the National Lawyers Guild. There are also really important reminders like the fact that you have the right not to talk to police and also, remember, “cops are allowed to lie!”

This truly is the McGruff we need.

(via BoingBoing, image: NCPC)

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