How to Save Money on Knitting and Crochet

Hulk #7
June 15, 2017
How to Store Your Yarn Stash
June 15, 2017

How to Save Money on Knitting and Crochet

How to Save Money on Knitting and Crochet

I’ve been really focused on crochet lately. Last year, I started my first afghan, and I quickly got hooked (ha ha, get it?) on crocheting afghans! I just finished my 11th afghan last week, and I’m already halfway done with my 12th. Scroll down below to get a glimpse of my most recent afghan.

After I spent over $100 on my first afghan, I realized that I would not be able to keep making them if they cost that much. So, I started looking for cheaper sources of yarn, and I was thrilled when I found bags of yarn at my local Goodwill for about $7. I was able to get enough yarn to complete an afghan for about $30, which was much more reasonable! Of course, since I like to use neon yarn in my afghans, I still end up buying a few brand new skeins once in awhile.

Over at eBay*, I have come up with 9 Ways to Save Money on Knitting and Crochet. I use several of these methods, and I look forward to trying a few more of them! (*I wrote that article as part of a paid collaboration with eBay.)

So, ready to see my most recent afghan? Check it out (you can click on the right side of the photo to scroll through my album):


And here's my 11th #epicafghan – already started on the twelfth! #crochettherapy

A post shared by Heather Mann (@dollarcraft) on May 7, 2017 at 6:42pm PDT

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