Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #29 Review

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Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #29 Review


Writer: Robert Venditti / Artist: Rafa Sandoval / DC Comics

Robert Venditti was given the almost impossible task of following up Geoff Johns’ legendary run on Green Lantern almost four years ago, but it’s only now when we finally get to see and appreciate how he’s made this mythology its own beast. Where Johns’ run was a layered sci-fi mythos that changed the nature of what we know about our hero for better and for always, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps has taken that same story and created a harrowing sci-fi swashbuckler that pulls no punches and usually manages to deliver the best of this well rounded ensemble cast.

Issue #29 brings us to the conclusion of the Fall of the Gods story as we finally get a look at the big bad sending Jack Kirby metal giants after Highfather of New Genesis. This issue sees BNP’s favorite corps leader, John Stewart, finally taking the fight to the bad guys. Venditti gives us yet another fun romp that allows all of the main characters to shine and do what they do best. If you have a favorite Lantern that’s featured in this book, rest assured they go well out of their way to live up to their reputation.

Rafa Sandoval is killing the whole game with the artwork as one of the best things to happen to a Green Lantern book in years. Venditti’s script allowed for a lot more leg room artistically than last week’s where most of the book took place either a) in the Speed Force or b) in Hal Jordan’s construct plane. This week featured so many heroic team moments that belong on a shirt including Guy Gardner leading the charge against the metal giants.

Bottom Line: Venditti and Sandoval are making “sci-fi heroics” look easy. There are so many legendary hero moments in this book, one would be hard pressed to not see how this takes it place so easily as the flagship book for the Green Lantern franchise.

8.5 Enormous Mark Strong Foreheads out of 10

Reading Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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