Gorillaz are Finally Getting Their Own TV Show

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Gorillaz are Finally Getting Their Own TV Show


Since the early 2000s, we’ve followed the live of Gorillaz through various means. Lyrically, their albums usually weave some sort of tale about the band members’ lives or mystical lands or what-have-you. Their music videos are a visual extension of that, and they even tell a cohesive story, or at least contribute to the same universe, when viewed consecutively. In the build-up to the band’s next album Humanz, they also shared a series of social media stories that gave details about what the band members had been up to between Plastic Beach and now.

Basically, if any band is begging to be turned into a TV show, it’s Gorillaz, and now, it’s finally happening. In an interview with Q Magazine (as Fact reports), Jamie Hewlett, the illustrator half of Gorillaz, said that he’s currently working on, among other things, a 10-episode TV series about the band.

As of now, that’s about all we know, but the possibilities are endless because of the storied mythology the band has created for itself over the past sixteen years. They dealt with a zombie apocalypse in the “Clint Eastwood” music video, and that’s just the start of the madness they’ve faced. Adult Swim seems like a pretty natural home for this sort of project, so we’re optimistic that this will actually come to fruition.

How about you? Would you watch a Gorillaz TV show, or are you all set with their music? Give us a shout on Twitter and share your thoughts!

Featured image: Gorillaz/YouTube

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