Forest Whitaker Goes Full Saw Gerrera in New Star Wars Rebels Clip

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Forest Whitaker Goes Full Saw Gerrera in New Star Wars Rebels Clip


Following the sizzle reel released this Monday of Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera on Star Wars Rebels comes this two and a half minute clip of Saw, uh… conversing with a Geonosian resident on board the Ghost. The show’s season premiere is, after all, titled, “Ghosts of Geonosis,” which is the strange desert planet populated by the bug-like Geonosians from Attack of the Clones.

While you might be forgiven for perhaps repressing memories of the planet and its residents, you may do well to perhaps recontextualize such memories with Star Wars Rebels. It is, after all, one of the best Star Wars stories on television today (read: one of the only Star Wars stories on television today). It’s a wonderful show in and of itself, and certainly deserves your attention.

In this clip, Whitaker once again embodies Saw after bringing him to life in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This episode is the very first since Rogue One came out, and having Whitaker play Saw again makes for a great direct connection to the movies. Kathleen Kennedy previously also went on record to say that she and the writers of Rogue One all wanted to explore Saw’s character a little bit more, and Rebels provides for a wonderful backdrop to do just that.

The show’s set to premiere today, and by the time you read this, you may have already seen this episode. If so, what’d you think of Saw’s “return”?

(via CBR)

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