CBC Members Wore Kente Cloth, Recy Taylor Pins To Trump's State Of The Union Address

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CBC Members Wore Kente Cloth, Recy Taylor Pins To Trump's State Of The Union Address


President Donald Trump addressed the nation Tuesday night in his very first State of the Union since taking office last year, standing in front of a divided Congress to deliver a speech that touched on unemployment, immigration reform and the economy.

While many Democrats and Congressional leaders decided to sit this one out, others attended the address with the sole purpose of delivering a message. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus wore Kente cloth in different fashions to protest Trump’s “shithole” comments about African nations and Haiti, which many Democratic leaders believed to be anti-Black and racist.


The result was a powerful moment that called on the beauty of the African Diaspora and the richness of African nations. Not to mention, a serious nod to anyone looking for Black Panther inspiration.

Members also donned red pins emblazoned with Recy Taylor’s name, the late anti-rape activists who, in 1944, was raped and assaulted by six white men, sparking nationwide outrage. She died in December 2017.

Taylor’s decision to dedicate her life to speaking out against sexual assault was recently highlighted in today’s #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. Oprah Winfrey even referenced Taylor’s fight and tenacity in her Golden Globes Speech, calling on an end to the miscarriage of justice for victims.

“For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power to those men, but their time is up. Their time is up!” Winfrey said in her speech. “I just hope that Recy Taylor died knowing… her truth, even now, goes marching on.”

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