By Calling Megan Thee Stallion’s SNL Performance “Disgusting,” Daniel Cameron Again Proves That He’s Not Interested In Protecting Black Women

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By Calling Megan Thee Stallion’s SNL Performance “Disgusting,” Daniel Cameron Again Proves That He’s Not Interested In Protecting Black Women

Kentucky AG Makes Announcement On Charges In Breonna Taylor's Death

Source: Jon Cherry / Getty

On Tuesday Kentucky Attorney General Cameron gave an interview with Fox and Friends, where he again used his platform to discredit and disparage another Black woman aside from Breonna Taylor. This time he set his sights on rapper Megan Thee Stallion.

Cameron’s gripe stems from the “Savage” rapper’s recent performance on Saturday Night Live, where she dedicated a short segment of her stage show to call for the protection of Black women. As Megan stood flanked by her dancers, the phrase Protect Black Women flashed while audio clips of Malcolm X’s 1962 speech where he proclaimed, “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman.”

After the clip finished, she played a snippet from Tamika Mallory’s speech in response to the grand jury’s decision to decline charges in the death of Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT worker shot to death by Louisville Metro Police officers.

“Daniel Cameron is no different than the sellout negroes that sold our people into slavery,” Mallory said.

After the callout Megan took the mic before she said: “We need to protect our Black women and love our Black women. ‘Cause at the end of the day, we need our Black women.” She also called for the protection of Black men.

“I agree that we need to love and protect our Black women, there’s no question about that. But the fact that someone would get on national television and make disparaging comments about me because I’m trying to do my job is disgusting.” Cameron said on Tuesday in response.

The Kentucky Attorney General wasted six months of taxpayer’s time to do everything other than what his job required in the Breonna Taylor case. He released his engagement photos, stalled for a FBI ballistics report, dodged Taylor’s family until the 11th hour, appeared at the ghastly Republican National Convention where he stumped for Donald Trump, while managing to not present a full case to the grand jury. If he had he done so, it may have changed the outcome of the grand jury’s decision.

As the first Black attorney general of Kentucky in more than 70 years, Cameron continues to advocate for the upholding of whiteness and patriarchy through his actions and allegiances.

Cameron claims he’s in agreement with loving and protecting Black women.

But when will his crusade begin?

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