Black Travel Vibes: Live The Luxe Life In Zanzibar

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Black Travel Vibes: Live The Luxe Life In Zanzibar

If you thought all there was to the continent of Africa was the poor and downtrodden clips you’ve seen on the news or in movies, you couldn’t be more wrong. From Morocco to South Africa, Mama Africa istarget=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener” aria-label=”beauty and luxury that can rival any Caribbean or European destination (opens in a new tab)”>beauty and luxury that can rival any Caribbean or European destination on your bucket list. And one of those destinations is Zanzibar.

Zanzibar is infused with a unique heritage full of Caribbean-like charm, yet still distinctly African and the perfect escape for travelers looking for a luxurious vacation. From 5-star resorts with overwater villas looking out into the endless blues of the Indian Ocean and unique dining

The post Black Travel Vibes: Live The Luxe Life In Zanzibar appeared first on Essence.

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