Black Girls Draw: Jena Holliday Is Proving Black Motherhood Is A Work Of Art

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Black Girls Draw: Jena Holliday Is Proving Black Motherhood Is A Work Of Art

One of the greatest revolutionary acts as a Black person in America is Black motherhood.

Not only was this right stripped from Black women while they were enslaved, it is also the cornerstone of most Black families in its various forms. Mothers. Aunties. Grandmothers. Sisters. Motherhood is power.

For illustrator Jena Holliday, her art represents that power, presenting its complexities in a positive way.

“I want to bring Black women and Black motherhood into focus in a positive light,” she told ESSENCE in the latest installment of Black Girls Draw. “Black women are a work of art.”

“Black women are unique, creative, courageous, bold, and march to the beat of their own drum,” she continued.

Representation, especially portrayed authentically, is an important ingredient in Holliday’s work.

“Representation wasn’t there growing up, which caused me to question many things about my own identity. I want to show different facets of Black women to the world. As a mother myself, I hope to inspire others and those behind me to change the world by adding to the conversation by the power of their creativity, actions, and words.”

Watch Holliday’s story above and check out her work, here.

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