
Nominations for the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards are officially in and some of our favorite entertainers scored big.

First-timers, including Lizzo and Lil Nas X, landed multiple nominations across several categories, while previous winners such as Beyoncé, H.E.R., John Legend, Brandy and Ella Mai returned to the nominees list yet again. Even forever first lady Michelle Obama made the cut!

Needless to say, there’s plenty to celebrate. Scroll through for a look at some of the highlights from this year’s list of nominees and how many nominations they each earned.

To see a full list of all nominees and categories, visit the official Grammy website here.

Congratulations to the 2020 Grammy nominees!

The post Here’s The Full List Of 2020 Grammy Awards Nominees appeared first on Essence.

November 20, 2019

Here’s The Full List Of 2020 Grammy Awards Nominees

Nominations for the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards are officially in and some of our favorite entertainers scored big.

First-timers, including Lizzo and Lil Nas X, landed multiple nominations across several categories, while previous winners such as Beyoncé, H.E.R., John Legend, Brandy and Ella Mai returned to the nominees list yet again. Even forever first lady Michelle Obama made the cut!

Needless to say, there’s plenty to celebrate. Scroll through for a look at some of the highlights from this year’s list of nominees and how many nominations they each earned.

To see a full list of all nominees and categories, visit the official Grammy website here.

Congratulations to the 2020 Grammy nominees!

The post Here’s The Full List Of 2020 Grammy Awards Nominees appeared first on Essence.

November 20, 2019

‘Occupy Me’, NOC’s Science-Fiction Audio Drama, Continues!

Occupy Me is a new science-fiction audio drama/narrative podcast presented by Hard NOC Media/The Nerds Of Color and Melancholyball Media. Episode 2: “Internet Killed The Video Store” premieres today. The voice cast features Erin Quill, Britney Monae, Marc Abrigo, Jessika Rodrigues, Michael Ouyang, Andrea Guidry, Will Hammond, and Eric Cheung. Music by Timo Chen and […]

November 20, 2019

Things We Saw Today: Yes, International Men’s Day Is a Thing

Two men in tuxedows standing back to back like best fancy bros.

Every year on International Women’s Day, the internet gets flooded with men demanding to know when International Men’s Day is. Those men have apparently never taken the time to Google the question because the answer is today, November 19th.

The idea of a Men’s Day is complicated, since–much like the recent focus on Straight Pride Parades–a lot of the demand for one comes as a response to Women’s Day, without recognizing that International Women’s Day was born out of women’s marginalization at the hands of cis men.

It’s clear that when men demand to know about THEIR day on and only on a day dedicated to women, they don’t actually care.

So yes, many of those men are asking in bad faith and should be treated as such, if not ignored completely. What shouldn’t be ignored are the issues actual good-faith actors and organizations have put at the center of International Men’s Day–issues like mental health, toxic masculinity, making sure boys have positive male role models, and the distressingly high suicide rate among men and boys.

  • Here’s why there were psychics (and psychic squids!) in Alan Moore’s Watchmen. (via Polygon)
  • The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare gave away free Sailor Moon condoms last month. (via Geeks Are Sexy)
  • A record number of TV episodes were directed by women and POC this year. That record number, by the way, is half–meaning the other half were directed by white men. Happy International Men’s Day, everybody! You did it! (via Variety)
  • Bong Joon-ho coming in with the hot and perfect takes:

  • Ayanna Pressley is calling for the decriminalization of sex work. (via Vice)
  • Taking on white nationalism? Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that. (via
  • Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

What did you all see out there today?

(image: Samantha Hurley from Burst)
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November 19, 2019

Photos: Best Costumes From Dragon Con 2019

Dragon Con 2019 featured cool cosplay. (Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland)

Dragon Con 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia, was an absolute success this year! The pop culture, fantasy, sci-fi, and gaming convention attracted a record-breaking 85,000 attendees for the five-day celebration and raised over $110,000 for its official 2019 charity, the American Heart Association’s Georgia affiliate.

The show brought in all kinds of genre favorites like George Takei and Lou Ferrigno, along with A-List celebrities including Karl Urban and Jack Quaid from Amazon Prime Video’s The Boys, Zachary Levi from Shazam!, and David Tennant who most of us know simply as The Doctor. And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to talent at Dragon Con. Hundreds of artists from all around take up two floors of the show space, and a third for the actual art show that is held at the event. There is a floor dedicated to arcade games and tabletop games, viewing rooms, multiple dealers rooms, parades, parties, panels, you name it, Dragon Con’s got it.

But it’s the costumes that I feel really bring all the attendees out to Dragon Con each year, or as I like to call it when the sun goes down; Nerdy Gras! I’ve talked with so many attendees who tell me it is the one show they come back to each year and try and outdo themselves costume-wise. These outfits blow anything away that you may see downtown on Halloween. We’re talking full-armored suits, living-breathing dragons, entire superhero teams, and just some of the coolest cosplay you will ever see in person.

Check out all the amazing costumes below from this past year. If anything, It may help you prep for the 2020 show.

Make sure to grab your tickets for next year’s Dragon Con event right here! 

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Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland


Photo Credit: Keenan McClelland

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