
When I first saw The Force Awakens after a fully funded summer media apparatus of hype in the winter of 2015, I remember the following Christmas morning my mother turned the corner, threw me a Force Awakens pillow, and coldly chuckled “Merry Christmas.” It was a good joke — like many the Force is moderately […]

January 4, 2020

The Rise of Disney and the Future of Fantasy in the Shadow of the Empire

When I first saw The Force Awakens after a fully funded summer media apparatus of hype in the winter of 2015, I remember the following Christmas morning my mother turned the corner, threw me a Force Awakens pillow, and coldly chuckled “Merry Christmas.” It was a good joke — like many the Force is moderately […]

January 4, 2020

Terry Gilliam Is Tired of Society Blaming White Men for Everything and We’re Just as Tired of Him

terry gilliam is here to save white men

Bad news everyone! Monty Python alum Terry Gilliam is back with more terrible and offensive opinions. The 79 year old Brazil director is currently on a press tour for his long-gestating film The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, which he has struggled to make for over twenty years. In a new interview with The Independent however, Gilliam was more interested in talking about the victimization of white men. Oh man, if he thinks white guys have it tough, JUST WAIT until he hears how bad everyone else has it!

Journalist Alexandra Pollard summed up her interview on Twitter quite succinctly:

In his rambling interview, Gilliam shares his thoughts on the current cultural climate and the Me Too Movement, saying “We’re living in a time where there’s always somebody responsible for your failures, and I don’t like this. I want people to take responsibility and not just constantly point a finger at somebody else, saying, ‘You’ve ruined my life.’”

Curiously, Gilliam’s expectations of taking responsibility don’t extend to men in power who abuse women. The director added, “No. When you have power, you don’t take responsibility for abusing others. You enjoy the power. That’s the way it works in reality.” Yeah dude, we know that’s how it works. That’s how it has always worked. That’s the problem.

He went on, saying “Yeah, I said #MeToo is a witch hunt … I really feel there were a lot of people, decent people, or mildly irritating people, who were getting hammered. That’s wrong. I don’t like mob mentality. These were ambitious adults.” Gilliam, like many opponents of the Me Too Movement, conflates the long overdue reckoning with an indictment of men in general. He shares an anecdote about a female producer who he described as a “neurotic bitch”, as evidence that … women can suck too?

Pollard calls him out on there being a staggering difference between someone being unpleasant to work with and a serial rapist, but Gilliam pivots, saying that these things shouldn’t be taken so seriously. That is, until he perceives call-out culture as being directed towards him. “I understand that men have had more power longer, but I’m tired, as a white male, of being blamed for everything that is wrong with the world … I didn’t do it!”

Over all, the director comes across as that obnoxious guy in your freshman dorm who argues about everything just for the sake of arguing (you know, the one always playing devil’s advocate). Much like his comments on Black Panther, it’s a tiring take from an old man desperate to shock his way out of irrelevancy.

Gilliam, much like Don Quixote, is chasing the dream of a less evolved era, looking to slay political correctness and accountability. But in reality, he’s just an old man swinging blindly at the windmill.

(via The Independent, image: KHALED DESOUKI/AFP via Getty Images)

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January 4, 2020

What to Stream on Hulu This Weekend

'Beyond the Gates' (Photo Credit: IFC Midnight / Scream Factory

Hulu has a lot to offer, however, deciding what to watch on the platform isn’t always easy. If you need help putting together your binge-watching lineup, you’ve come to the right place: We’ve picked the top documentaries, TV series, and movies to stream on Hulu from January 3 to January 5. Galactic missions, colossal sharks, and creepy board games will probably sabotage your weekend plans, because you’ll want to stream Hulu all day and night.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

The U.S.S. Enterprise’s original crew gets back together in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. When an alien ship threatens our planet, the squad steps in to save mankind from an extraterrestrial disaster.

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Black Clover

Magic is the leading theme of the anime series Black Clover: Asta and Yuno receive grimoires, books that heighten their powers, when they both turn 15. Both teens desire to become the Wizard King and the path to the throne won’t be an easy one.

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Beyond the Gates

VHS tapes can’t be harmful, right? Wrong. Beyond the Gates, an adventure horror movie, follows two siblings who must play a “board game” to save the soul of their dad. Think grown-up Jumanji, except the animals are replaced with supernatural beings.

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Superstore is a hilarious series to binge-watch: It highlights the day-to-day lives of employees at a big-box retailer and how they interact with customers, handle inventory, and deal with crazy sales.

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Creed II

Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) is back in the ring in the movie Creed II. Under the wing of trainer Rocky Balboa, Creed will prepare for the biggest fight of his life that he can’t lose.

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The Meg

Jaws? No, this is Megalodon, a giant prehistoric shark that loves to nosh on humans. In The Meg, the massive creature hunts after a rescue mission on the ocean floor.

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For more streaming coverage, check out our sister sites, PCMagMashable, and AskMen

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McFarlane Toys Officially Picks up the DC Multiverse Baton

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