
Are you seeking economic freedom? Data show that the “promise” of northern cities is rapidly diminishing as the economic gains of the South have finally eclipsed it. 

Personal and cultural ties deeply catalyze Black Americans’ continued dominance in the South. In recent years, Black Americans who migrated to the South, especially those settling in economically thriving areas—the central southern magnet states of Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina–have been disproportionately young and well-educated. According to a report published by Bank of America, the region’s lead will continue to soar after decades of strong population and economic growth in the South. 

Whether you want to migrate to a new city or region, look at these five economic activities in the South.


Source: Source: LendingTree Study 2020

From Buckhead to Midtown, Atlanta ranks “peachy keen” with the highest % of Black-owned businesses at 7.4%. This is partly possible because of the multitude of programs and initiatives to support Black-owned businesses, including the Atlanta Business League, which provides resources and support to Black entrepreneurs, following “Hotlanta,” Washington, D.C. (7.0%), and Virginia Beach (6.8%).


The 16 states that make up the southern region represented 39% of the entire U.S. population as of 2022. The South also has the highest birth rate of the U.S. Census Regions. Between July 2021 and 2022, Florida, South Carolina, and Texas were among the nation’s fastest-growing states by population. The volume of renewed Black migration to the South is notable, as are the changes they bring to the region about youth and human capital. Young Black people of all calibers are drawn to education and networking opportunities.


The South has the highest job openings rate at 5.6% and the lowest unemployment rate of any region. The South also led all areas in hiring workers, with a rate of 4.1%. For example, as of 2020, almost 60% of the Black labor force (11.8 million people) is accounted for in the South, McKinsey & Co. reported. Additionally, Atlanta has 10 HBCUs providing education, training, and mentoring for future Black business owners. Georgia and North Carolina have the second-most HBCUs.


Data supports the Northeast states’ worse business tax climates and higher tax burdens. The average rank for Northeast states is 38, while the average for the six-state South is 17. This is a huge benefit for Black-owned businesses. According to the Tax Foundation, the average state and local tax burden in the Northeast is 12.4% of net state product. The rate is 29% lower in Texas, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas.


As reported in Bloomberg, the combined GDP of Texas, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas surpassed the GDP of the Northeast region, including Washington, D.C., and the 11 states from Maryland up to Maine. In 2022, the national GDP in the South was 23.8%, while the Northeast’s was 22.4%. The South fell short over a decade ago. 

Although it is unclear what satisfies migrants or residents in the South, the Bank of America report suggests that people are intensely interested in their finances.

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January 2, 2024

Here’s Why The South Is Leading In Economic Freedom

Are you seeking economic freedom? Data show that the “promise” of northern cities is rapidly diminishing as the economic gains of the South have finally eclipsed it. 

Personal and cultural ties deeply catalyze Black Americans’ continued dominance in the South. In recent years, Black Americans who migrated to the South, especially those settling in economically thriving areas—the central southern magnet states of Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina–have been disproportionately young and well-educated. According to a report published by Bank of America, the region’s lead will continue to soar after decades of strong population and economic growth in the South. 

Whether you want to migrate to a new city or region, look at these five economic activities in the South.


Source: Source: LendingTree Study 2020

From Buckhead to Midtown, Atlanta ranks “peachy keen” with the highest % of Black-owned businesses at 7.4%. This is partly possible because of the multitude of programs and initiatives to support Black-owned businesses, including the Atlanta Business League, which provides resources and support to Black entrepreneurs, following “Hotlanta,” Washington, D.C. (7.0%), and Virginia Beach (6.8%).


The 16 states that make up the southern region represented 39% of the entire U.S. population as of 2022. The South also has the highest birth rate of the U.S. Census Regions. Between July 2021 and 2022, Florida, South Carolina, and Texas were among the nation’s fastest-growing states by population. The volume of renewed Black migration to the South is notable, as are the changes they bring to the region about youth and human capital. Young Black people of all calibers are drawn to education and networking opportunities.


The South has the highest job openings rate at 5.6% and the lowest unemployment rate of any region. The South also led all areas in hiring workers, with a rate of 4.1%. For example, as of 2020, almost 60% of the Black labor force (11.8 million people) is accounted for in the South, McKinsey & Co. reported. Additionally, Atlanta has 10 HBCUs providing education, training, and mentoring for future Black business owners. Georgia and North Carolina have the second-most HBCUs.


Data supports the Northeast states’ worse business tax climates and higher tax burdens. The average rank for Northeast states is 38, while the average for the six-state South is 17. This is a huge benefit for Black-owned businesses. According to the Tax Foundation, the average state and local tax burden in the Northeast is 12.4% of net state product. The rate is 29% lower in Texas, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas.


As reported in Bloomberg, the combined GDP of Texas, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas surpassed the GDP of the Northeast region, including Washington, D.C., and the 11 states from Maryland up to Maine. In 2022, the national GDP in the South was 23.8%, while the Northeast’s was 22.4%. The South fell short over a decade ago. 

Although it is unclear what satisfies migrants or residents in the South, the Bank of America report suggests that people are intensely interested in their finances.

RELATED CONTENT: Man Allegedly Stabs 2 Teens After Shouting, ‘I Want All The White People Dead’

January 2, 2024

3 Health Hazards In The Office And How To Avoid Them

Originally Published Jun. 20, 2016

The average morning commute to the office can be a walk on the wild side for any CEO or entrepreneur with today’s traffic conditions, especially in major cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. Hazards might abound even before you get to the office, but what about those present once you arrive?

With some entrepreneurs spending at least 62 hours per week working and some burning the midnight oil past 70 hours it’s evident how vital it is to have a healthy daily workplace experience.

Check out three health hazards that might present themselves in the office, and how you can avoid or combat them:

1. Joint Conditions

Experts say repetitive movements can cause discomfort or even injury from conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, and sitting all day can cause stiffness, pain, or even blood clots.

The Solution?

The National Institute of Health recommends participation in on-the-job conditioning, performing stretching exercises, and taking frequent rest breaks. It also suggests having workstations, tasks, tools, and tool handles redesigned to enable your wrists to maintain a natural position during work.

2. Airborne Hazards

According to the CDC, more than 25 million adults in the U.S. have asthma (including allergic asthma). Indoor triggers of asthma include dust mites, mold, and insects.

These triggers also affect those without asthma, causing breathing issues and skin irritations. The CDC indicates that indoor environmental air quality at your workplace can be affected by various factors; from caulks, sealants, and coatings, to air fresheners and other scented products. Potential health issues related to these factors include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat.

The Solution?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends to avoid blocking air vents with office furniture, complying with (or enforcing) a company smoking policy to only smoke in designated office areas, and disposing of all garbage promptly in the proper receptacle.

Employers are also encouraged to create additional policies that protect non-smokers from second-hand smoke, enforce rules on trash disposal, keep up with HVAC system updates, and maintain great pest control practices.

Using environmentally friendly cleaning products, office supplies, and even furniture can do wonders as well. If you have asthma or allergies, be sure to keep a supply of the necessary medications at the office for emergencies.

3. Fatty Food Temptations

This doesn’t have a direct link to immediate health emergencies, however, over time, multiple trips to the vending machine for sugar- and fat-filled snacks definitely doesn’t help in reaching wellness goals.

The Solution?

Drink lots of water throughout the day and keep a stash of your own healthy snacks at the office. Experts tout the benefits of drinking a full glass of water before eating to avoid overindulging. Also, the more healthy snacks you invest in to munch on at your desk, the less likely you’ll spend the extra dollar or two on that bag of chips, chocolate bar, or soda.

RELATED CONTENT: How To Keep Your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions Going Strong

January 2, 2024

How To Keep Your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions Going Strong

Originally Published Jan. 8, 2017

It’s OFFICIAL… it’s 2024. For millions of Americans, the New Year is also starting with New Year’s resolutions around health.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, better manage your blood pressure, or just eat healthier, it’s difficult for most people to sustain those good intentions throughout the year. In January, resolutions are in full effect, but over the course of as little as 3-4 months, most healthy New Year’s resolutions are long forgotten. Don’t fall into that trap. Here are five simple tips to help you keep chugging along, just like the little engine that could.

Out with the old & in with the new

Say goodbye to the old you and meet the new person you want to be. Take pictures of where you are today and find an image to visualize who you want to be. Place these reminders in places you frequent, preferably by a mirror so you can see progress and be reminded of your goals.

Use the power of words

How you word your resolutions and say them aloud sets the tone from being impossible into one that empowers you to believe “I’m possible.” Don’t be afraid to share your goals with others so they can help keep you accountable and support you along the journey. Fellas, take it from the ladies who are always great with the girlfriend power.

Set the stage

Just like you prepare to make a meal, ensure you have all the ingredients, and supplies, and have preheated the oven–everything is in place. Same with your resolutions. Do you have everything in place? Do you have a T-shirt and jogging pants ready to go? Did you place your running shoes by the door? Did you block out time to exercise on your schedule? Do you have healthy snacks or food choices in the refrigerator? (Better yet, did you stop buying the cookies, chips, and soda?)

Reward yourself for milestones 

Be realistic with layered goals. For example, instead of saying you’ll lose 30 lbs. this year, try losing 5 lbs. every month for the first six months and sustain that weight loss the latter half of the year. This layers your goal into manageable and achievable bite sizes. This positive reinforcement will also keep you motivated along the way. And if by chance you don’t reach your weight loss goal, you will have still celebrated the weight you did lose along the way. **Disclaimer** Celebrate in moderation! There is no point in totally derailing your new healthy diet by binge eating your once favorite sweets.

Find a reason beyond the obvious

Tell yourself why these healthy New Year’s resolutions are important to you. Make them meaningful. Although many just want to look better, knowing these changes will lead to a healthier you is even more meaningful. An example of this would be a father deciding to exercise more and eat healthier, not only because he wants to lose weight to look better but because he wants to be healthy and here to walk his daughter down the aisle when she gets married. Do some soul searching as to why these changes are important to you. Once you find that reason, you will be less likely to give up on your resolutions as easily.

RELATED CONTENT: 3 Ways to Achieve Your Financial New Year’s Resolution In Just 30 Days

January 1, 2024

Alicia Keys’ ‘Hell’s Kitchen:’ A Musical Journey Set in the Heart of New York City

Alicia Keys’ Hell’s Kitchen has been setting The Public Theater ablaze since its world premiere on Nov. 19. After receiving rave reviews and selling out numerous shows, the popular musical loosely based on the life of the 15-time Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter is now headed to Broadway.

Set in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, where Keys was born and raised, the play is a coming-to-age story built on the global superstar’s personal experiences and catalog. Actress Maleah Joi Moon stars as Ali, a 17-year-old defiant, biracial teen who bumps heads with her white, overprotective single mother, Jersey (played by Broadway veteran Shoshana Bean), while struggling to find her identity and independence. The tension between Ali and Jersey culminates when Jersey calls the police after catching Ali getting intimate with an older Black man.

Another important storyline involves Ali’s development as an artist after meeting Miss Liza Jane (played by Kecia Lewis), a stern piano teacher who helps Ali cultivate her musical gifts and find her voice.

“My favorite line in the show — which applies to a lot of us — is, ‘You are here because the voices of your ancestors have requested your presence,’” Lewis told BLACK ENTERPRISE, referring to a scene in which Miss Liza Jane summons a reluctant Ali for piano lessons. This line, Lewis explained, “speaks to all of us as a people. The fact that our ancestors were the ones who survived the Middle Passage. So, we come from people that dug in and held on no matter what. They just rolled with it and fought when they needed to fight.”

Hell's Kitchen
Source: Chris Lee and Maleah Joi Moon in the world premiere production of “Hell’s Kitchen” at the Public Theater. (Photo Credit: Joan Marcus)

The songs featured in the musical – from “Girl on Fire” to “Fallin’” to deep Keys’ cuts like “Gramercy Park” — are artfully reimagined and reinterpreted for the play. Each performance brings the lyrics of her robust catalog to life while the story touches on complex issues like race, sex, and family relations. Not surprisingly, TheaterMania called Hell’s Kitchen ”easily the best new musical at the Public since Hamilton.” 

Though she doesn’t appear in the musical, Keys serves as the lead producer and composer. After conceptualizing the play more than a decade ago, she worked with Emmy and Grammy Award-winner Adam Blackstone, director Michael Greif (who directed Rent in 1996), Pulitzer Prize-finalist playwright Kristoffer Diaz, and Tony-nominated choreographer Camille A. Brown to bring the story to life.

Alicia Keys Hell's Kitchen Musical
Source: Maleah Joi Moon (foreground) and the company of the world premiere production of Hell’s Kitchen at The Public Theater (Photo Credit: Joan Marcus)

Following a successful run at The Public Theater, Keys announced on Dec. 4 that Hell’s Kitchen will debut on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre in the Theater District in the Spring, with previews starting March 28 and opening night on April 20. Until then, you can catch Hell’s Kitchen at The Public Theater until Jan. 14.

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