
(via geralt/Pixabay)

The American Civil Liberties Union and New York Civil Liberties Union are challenging federal law enforcement’s use of facial recognition surveillance tech.

A lawsuit was filed Thursday against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

The agencies reportedly failed to comply with requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act.

So the ACLU is asking a federal court to order each department to turn over records concerning facial surveillance and biometric data.

“Unlike other ways of verifying a person’s identity, face recognition technology can enable persistent government surveillance on a massive scale,” Ashley Gorski, staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project, said in a statement.

As of June 2019, CBP scanned the mugs of more than 20 million travelers entering and exiting the United States, according to an ACLU blog post. Several major airlines and the TSA have also partnered with Border Protection on face surveillance initiatives.

“The public has a right to know when, where, and how the government is using face recognition,” she continued. “And what safeguards, if any, are in place to protect our rights.”

The lawsuit is part of the ACLU’s ongoing efforts to bring facial surveillance technology under democratic control.

A number of cities and municipalities across the country have already passed or are considering bans on law enforcement’s use of face recognition software, according to the nonprofit.

“That we even need to go to court to pry out this information further demonstrates why we should be wary of weak industry proposals and why lawmakers urgently need to halt … use of this technology,” Gorski said. “There can be no meaningful oversight or accountability with such excessive, undemocratic secrecy.”

CBP, ICE, and TSA declined to comment on the pending litigation; Homeland Security did not immediately respond to Geek’s request for comment.

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April 19, 2020

ACLU Sues For Government Facial Recognition Records

(via geralt/Pixabay)

The American Civil Liberties Union and New York Civil Liberties Union are challenging federal law enforcement’s use of facial recognition surveillance tech.

A lawsuit was filed Thursday against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

The agencies reportedly failed to comply with requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act.

So the ACLU is asking a federal court to order each department to turn over records concerning facial surveillance and biometric data.

“Unlike other ways of verifying a person’s identity, face recognition technology can enable persistent government surveillance on a massive scale,” Ashley Gorski, staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project, said in a statement.

As of June 2019, CBP scanned the mugs of more than 20 million travelers entering and exiting the United States, according to an ACLU blog post. Several major airlines and the TSA have also partnered with Border Protection on face surveillance initiatives.

“The public has a right to know when, where, and how the government is using face recognition,” she continued. “And what safeguards, if any, are in place to protect our rights.”

The lawsuit is part of the ACLU’s ongoing efforts to bring facial surveillance technology under democratic control.

A number of cities and municipalities across the country have already passed or are considering bans on law enforcement’s use of face recognition software, according to the nonprofit.

“That we even need to go to court to pry out this information further demonstrates why we should be wary of weak industry proposals and why lawmakers urgently need to halt … use of this technology,” Gorski said. “There can be no meaningful oversight or accountability with such excessive, undemocratic secrecy.”

CBP, ICE, and TSA declined to comment on the pending litigation; Homeland Security did not immediately respond to Geek’s request for comment.

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April 18, 2020

Disneyland Coronavirus Update

It appears that Disneyland Resort together with other Disney theme parks could be reopening sometime in the summer. Rumor has it that Disneyland Resort is reopening on June 1st, which could have a lingering impact on attendance through 2021, in step with news analysts. One analyst’s report from J.P. Morgan also estimated that the closing of all 12 Disney parks during the covid-19 pandemic could cost the Disney parks, Experiences, and Products division, $5 billion in lost revenue in financial year 2020. In terms of the financial year, J.P. Morgan has lowered its attendance expectations for Disney theme parks through the end of the company’s 2020 financial year in late September and for 2021. The world health emergency is also expected to lower the Disney resort occupancy, in step with the report.

In other Disney news… Disneyland is planning on doing a $200,000 renovation for Frontierland gate when Disneyland reopens again. It is expected to be similar to the earlier Adventureland sign project that widened the notoriously-crowded entryway to the tropical land as part of a park-wide effort to improve pedestrian traffic flow.

Stay tuned for more Disneyland coronavirus updates.  

The post Disneyland Coronavirus Update appeared first on The Nerd Element.

April 18, 2020

Things We Saw Today: Catherine O’Hara Explains Moira Rose’s Iconic Accent From Schitt’s Creek

moira rose in a hat or wig made of black feathers

Schitt’s Creek is over, but the love affair between the viewing audience and the Rose family still continues (especially for those of us who are one season behind).

Cheat Sheet shared that Moira’s accent is not a real accent in the known world, which I’m sure we could all pick out, and that actress Catherine O’Hara “basically picked up different accents and assimilated them into something all her own. Putting it all together, the accent seems one part British/Canadian/Mid-Atlantic, plus a bit of retro Hollywood affectation.” In an Elle piece on the matter, O’Hara mentioned that she thinks the accent of Moira as representative of the character’s own aspirations having come from a small town and hoping to make a new name for herself.

Like everyone else who has watched the series, I have found myself mimicking a lot of ticks and vocabulary of both Moira and Alexis, which is just a tribute to what wonderful comedic actors Schitt’s Creek brought together in order to make this excellent show work.

(via Cheat Sheet, image: CBC/Pop)

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April 18, 2020

A Black Woman’s Guide to K-beauty Skincare

The K-beauty industry has been extremely innovative and at the forefront of enhancing the looks of many modern women. While the popularity of Korean culture continues to soar, more of its products are being exported worldwide. A demographic that has been very receptive to Korean beauty products is the U.S market. This has catapulted it to being one of the leading beauty industries in the world, sparking a revolution from other market players across the globe.

KollectionK has played a major role in the beauty industry. If you’re someone who wants to make a bold statement with your makeup, here’s a great lineup you can find on the online store; from skincare products such as cleansers, moisturizers, treats, and masks, to body and hair commodities. You can also find a range of makeup products that are fit for a variety of skin tones. Visit the official site where you could learn more about K-Beauty on KollectionK. What’s more, the packaging of the products is visually appealing, which attracts a lot of buyers.  

Why K-Beauty?

You might wonder what makes K-Beauty so unique and successful. Well, it’s because of their mastery in the use of natural ingredients such as rice water, seaweed, honey, camellia trees, etcetera. The constituents are usually blended with modern elements to create extraordinary commodities. Consumers of K-Beauty are highly knowledgeable about the products; they always endeavor to get the ultimate glow for their skin. 

What makes K-Beauty Products Popular

After K-Beauty products gained popularity, the sales of the commodities increased rapidly worldwide. If you’re still puzzled about the wide-spread fame of the industry, take a look at the following contributing factors. 


Considering that Korean products are imported and created with high-end biotechnological methods, their products still manage to be available at pocket-friendly prices. This is arguably one of the reasons that have contributed to their stardom.

Sophisticated Meets Natural Ingredients

The Korean beauty industry has been a pioneer when it comes to natural ingredients. Many of the constituents are typical of traditional culture, which is very rare in Western products. You can imagine using snail slime as an element in anti-wrinkle creams – quite mind-boggling; but as long as it keeps you looking like you’re still sixteen, that’s alright. The components of the snail slime include elastin, antimicrobial, hydrochloric acid, and peptides. Its water composition makes it the best element to neutralize the signs of wrinkles.

Perfect For All Skin Types

Do you know what it takes to get the best skin ever? Everyone’s desire is to have spotless glowing skin and this has always been a major focus of K-beauty cosmetics. The industry has everything made for you including commodities that are specially made for people with oily and dry skin.


The Korean continents are very advanced, with South Korea taking the lead when it comes to biotechnology, inventions, and novel innovation. The peculiarity of mixing traditional remedies with modern components creates revolutionary products. This feature has enabled the beauty industry of Korea to always be the go-to among many women.

Black women market share

Studies done by MocoSpace reveal that roughly 70 percent of black women use their mobile devices to find deals online. For a number of years, African American women have been ignored by beauty brands. This goes to show the tremendous opportunity that’s untapped when it comes to black women’s beauty products. The good news is that K-Beauty has an incredible range of products for dark-skin women. K-beauty cosmetics have proven to be incredible products for Afro-American women, which majorly focus on solving hyperpigmentation.

Skincare routine

K-Beauty skincare regimens have steps that focus on using a variety of skincare products ranging from least hydrating up to the most moisturizing. The important features of the skincare routine include protecting your skin from sunburns as well as hydrating it. By protecting and moisturizing your skin, you’ll eventually reduce the possibility of requiring many corrective treatments afterward. This routine is perfect for black women since it involves treating, exfoliating, and applying sunscreen daily. With K-beauty you’ll never have to struggle with dull skin tone or dark acne marks. 

Products for a Black woman’s skin tone

For perfect skin, K-Beauty has come up with an extraordinary lineup specifically for African American women. The following are the ideal products that work magic on dark skin.

The Plant Base Waterfall Balanced Hyaluronic Acid

This product promises to give you an elegant glow that’ll make your skin look a lot younger. With Hyaluronic acid as its main substance, you can be sure to have a healthy and robust skin. Furthermore, the product is safe to use for people of all skin types. 

Triple C Lightning Liquid  

This product has a concentration of serum with pure vitamin C to make your skin feel brighter and smoother. The function of the serum is to revitalize the skin of women who suffer from hyperpigmentation and dull skin.

Time Revolution: Skin Repair Serum

The Korean skincare product has a watery essence which is neutral, making it convenient for a range of skin types. The formula used in this skin repair product has a low viscosity, which is better absorbed by the skin. When you use this serum, you can rest assured that you’ll have clear, healthy, and glowing skin. Time Revolution is made specifically for black women, to illuminate their skin texture.

Karuna Exfoliating face mask

This product is for women who are looking for a shine on their faces. It is made of salicylic acid, pineapple extract, and citric acid. The mask ensures the restoration of the skin’s youthful nature. This normally occurs by pushing the serum deeper into the skin. This treatment facilitates the absorption rate of your skin besides opening up the pores. Another great benefit of using the Exfoliating mask is that it leaves the skin tender and smoother.

The multi-million-dollar beauty industry is here to stay; with market leaders such as the Korea beauty manufacturers, a lot of black women can breathe a sigh of relief as there are many products that are now tailor-made to suit their needs.

The post A Black Woman’s Guide to K-beauty Skincare appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

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