
On Wednesday, during her inaugural “Flawless Talks” virtual series, Gabrielle Union explained what it means to be flawless.

To Union, the term typically used to describe perfect hair and makeup has nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with how you feel. “There is no such thing as flawless. That’s fool’s gold,” she said.

“If you would have asked the 25-year-old me, I would have given you a version of flawless that looks nothing like me, that I could never be. Because flawless was something outside of myself. It was the carrot I was chasing after but losing myself in the process, and losing my hair along the way,” she said.

And now at the age of 47, the actress has a new perspective.“Today, for me it’s about being on the journey of being flawless of spirit and flawless of soul,” she said. And to arrive, sometimes you have to start over, even with your hair. Union, who has been open about her hair struggles, said to make it healthy, she had to cut it off.

“Healthy hair for me is flawless,” said Union. “It doesn’t matter what you do with it. It’s healthy. And I didn’t have healthy hair. I had to cut it all off to start over.” And now her curls are full and flourishing thanks to her big chop and her hair care line, of course.

During the conversation, celebrity hairstylist and co-founder of Flawless by Gabrielle Union Larry Sims shared that the brand’s Repairing Deep Conditioning Hair Masque and Detangling Leave-in Hair Conditioner is what really helped Union grow her hair out.

The post Gabrielle Union Talks About What It Means To Be Flawless And Her Journey To Healthy Hair appeared first on Essence.

August 14, 2020

Gabrielle Union Talks About What It Means To Be Flawless And Her Journey To Healthy Hair

On Wednesday, during her inaugural “Flawless Talks” virtual series, Gabrielle Union explained what it means to be flawless.

To Union, the term typically used to describe perfect hair and makeup has nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with how you feel. “There is no such thing as flawless. That’s fool’s gold,” she said.

“If you would have asked the 25-year-old me, I would have given you a version of flawless that looks nothing like me, that I could never be. Because flawless was something outside of myself. It was the carrot I was chasing after but losing myself in the process, and losing my hair along the way,” she said.

And now at the age of 47, the actress has a new perspective.“Today, for me it’s about being on the journey of being flawless of spirit and flawless of soul,” she said. And to arrive, sometimes you have to start over, even with your hair. Union, who has been open about her hair struggles, said to make it healthy, she had to cut it off.

“Healthy hair for me is flawless,” said Union. “It doesn’t matter what you do with it. It’s healthy. And I didn’t have healthy hair. I had to cut it all off to start over.” And now her curls are full and flourishing thanks to her big chop and her hair care line, of course.

During the conversation, celebrity hairstylist and co-founder of Flawless by Gabrielle Union Larry Sims shared that the brand’s Repairing Deep Conditioning Hair Masque and Detangling Leave-in Hair Conditioner is what really helped Union grow her hair out.

The post Gabrielle Union Talks About What It Means To Be Flawless And Her Journey To Healthy Hair appeared first on Essence.

August 13, 2020


A new graphic novel, Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen, is due to be released in the UK on August 20. The horror story was released in the States earlier this year to great reviews. Read on for more details in the press release.

NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN, a Haunting Coming-of-Age Horror Story For Our Times

(August 13, 2020) Something strange has been unleashed in the North of England. A modern-day druid has been committing a series of ghastly murders in an attempt to unleash the awesome power of the ancient gods of Great Britain. But all hell really breaks loose when his latest would-be victim, rebellious teen Nicnevin “Nissy” Oswald, turns out to be more than she seems. In NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN, debut graphic novel writer Helen Mullane, acclaimed artists Dom Reardon and Matthew Dow Smith, and celebrated colorist Lee Loughridge have created a haunting and unsettling coming-of-age horror story for our times. 

“Darkly magical and strange, NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN explores British landscape and myth in the style of folk horror film and TV from the 1960s and ’70s but with a contemporary edge.”— Kim Newman (Anno Dracula)

Humanoids, the publisher of some of the world’s most iconic and groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy graphic novels, will publish NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN in the UK on August 20, 2020. The book features a stunning cover by Jock, the co-creator of Wytches and one of the modern masters of comic book suspense. 

This original graphic novel marks the literary debut of writer Helen Mullane, who collaborates with artists Dom Reardon and Matthew Dow Smith, letterer Robin Jones, and colorist Lee Loughridge for a different kind of horror and a different kind of heroine. In the story, London teen “Nissy” Oswald is stuck in the countryside for the entire summer with only her mother and little brother for company, but things start to look up when she meets Reggie, an attractive and mysterious older man to whom she feels inexorably drawn. As Nissy divides her time between feuding with her mother and lusting for Reggie, the small town is rocked by a grisly murder and everything changes. “I wanted to channel the feelings and attitudes that I remember so clearly from my own teenage years, the experiences of me and my friends,” said Mullane. “We weren’t wholesome or chaste, or bothered about saving the day–we weren’t the Famous Five or the Teen Titans! We just wanted to hang around, maybe get a bit wasted, get crushes on whoever was around… I feel like that sort of teen experience is rarely explored in mainstream comics.” 

The original graphic novel received widespread acclaim upon its publication in the States this spring:

“A series of murders in rural England might not seem like the sort of thing that would interest a surly teenager, but Nicnevin Oswald has no idea that she’s at the center of a story that stretches back centuries and places her in grave danger. Welcome to the world of Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen…a world of druids, magical thinking and murders.”—HOLLYWOOD REPORTER

“A truly great horror story that simultaneously conjures images from that golden age of British horror, while presenting a distinct modern slant—which is both timely and very welcome. Compelling, unique, and unmissable.”—Tula Lotay (All-Star Batman)

“Beautiful and foreboding.”—DAILY DEAD

“Dredging its dread from the deep well of teenage anxieties and British folk horror, a new original graphic novel being published by Humanoids is an old-fashioned fright yarn that weaves a lasting spell on readers yearning for an intense murder mystery with a black magic flair….  A disturbing coming-of-age horror story perfect for these complicated digital age times.”—SYFY WIRE

“Darkly magical and strange, Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen explores British landscape and myth in the style of folk horror film and TV from the 1960s and ’70s but with a contemporary edge.”—Kim Newman (Anno Dracula series, Nightmare Movies: A critical history of the horror film, 1968–88)

“For a modern teenage girl, there is no thought more chilling than a summer vacation with their mother in the middle of nowhere. But throw in witchcraft, murder, and mysterious strangers, and you have a different kind of horror entirely. … Beautifully unnerving.”—SCREENRANT

“What makes Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen so special isn’t just how well crafted and ornate it is, but how it seamlessly blends an insidious fairy tale murder mystery with the coming-of-age story of a teenager embracing her emerging identity.”—Emma Ríos (Pretty Deadly)

“Helen Mullane’s debut graphic novel Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen carefully walks the line between realism and folk horror in a way that only the best horror stories do.  Mullane’s unique take on the folklore and mythology of Great Britain, told through the eyes of a disaffected teen, slowly works its way towards an explosive ending with many terrifying signposts along the way.”—HORROR NEWS NETWORK

“Folk horror is the ideal genre for exploring the wave of unreason engulfing us, and in Humanoid’s NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN by Helen Mullane and Dom Reardon the comics medium may just have the final word. This is a masterpiece.”— Alex Paknadel (Friendo)

The artwork for this collection is gorgeous… It’s easy to fall under the spell of this book…. Highly entertaining story.”—FANGIRL NATION

“NICNEVIN & THE BLOODY QUEEN is a moody slice of folk horror that peels away the skin of modern Britain to reveal its wild and bloody heart.”—Andy Diggle (Losers) 

“A fantastic gothic horror, fairytale-esque story that draws in readers with an unnerving art style and a narrative that keeps you turning the pages.”—WICKED HORROR

“This is an excellent book. Helen Mullane is going to be a name to watch.”—Christian Ward (Invisible Kingdom, O-DC)

“Like a great witch’s potion, Humanoids have stirred together a cauldron of quality creators who bring their own unique skills together to create something magical and mysterious.”—PIPEDREAM COMICS

“Folk horror at its finest.”—Lawrence Campbell (B.P.R.D.)

“Reminiscent of some of Mike Mignola’s best work…. The art is fantastic and the atmosphere is perfect.”—FORCES OF GEEK

“A contemporary folk horror tale rich in atmosphere and feeling…. Impressive.”—WYRD DAZE

“NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN is eerie yet cathartic. Strange yet graceful. Novel yet wistful…. [It] marks Helen Mullane as a much needed, passionate new voice in horror/weird fiction.”—Lonnie Nadler (The Dregs)

“NICNEVIN is the kind of dark and spooky British tale that appeals to the mid-teen to adult crowd and seems like a nice, fun confection—right up until it rips out your guts and leaves you with nightmares for weeks on end.  Anyone whose read Neil Gaiman’s novels can appreciate the style… It’s an impressive work.”—PULLBOX

“This is fabulous! A bewitching blend of British folk horror and coming-of-age yarn that had me racing through its pages, desperate to see what happened next. Nicnevin is a heroine for our times, a sympathetic but credibly self-absorbed urban teenager discovering there’s more to the landscape than meets the eye.”—Anne Billson (Suckers, Stiff Lips, Cats on Film)

“Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen captures much of the same brooding vibe of the old British manifestations of folk horror.”—COMICS BEAT

NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN is ripe with black magic, myth, and murder. The book comes alive with its honest depiction of family dysfunction and moments of quiet despair. It’s a spellbinding story, the kind that recalls the best horror stories of the past, while daring to unearth something entirely new.   

For more updates, follow Humanoids on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram


Helen Mullane began her career in film distribution, managing the release of major films for the likes of Studio Canal and EOne. Later she produced the feature documentary FUTURESHOCK! THE STORY OF 2000AD and various shorts such as the multi-award-winning NASTY. Helen currently resides in northern Sweden where she lives with 80 huskies, balancing her time between writing and dog mushing.


Dom Reardon is an illustrator from the U.K. He is best known for his work in the anthology comic 2000 AD where he co-created the series Caballitics Inc. with writer Gordon Rennie and The Grievous Journey of Ichabod Azrael with writer Rob Williams. He has also worked for Dark Horse, Walker Books and Wizards of the Coast among others.

Matthew Dow Smith is a writer and comic book artist who has worked for nearly every major American comic book publisher. His art has appeared in Mike Mignola’s Hellboy, Dark Horse Comics’s Bad Luck Chuck, Aftershock’s Dead Kings, DC’s Suicide Squad: Hell to Play, and many others. He is also the writer/artist of the upcoming The October Girl graphic novel series.


Based in Hollywood, California, with branches in Paris, London, and Tokyo, HUMANOIDS was co-founded 46 years ago in Paris, France, by legendary creator Mœbius, and has published thousands of titles since, including international bestsellers and iconic series such as The Incal and The Metabarons.

The post New Graphic Novel: NICNEVIN AND THE BLOODY QUEEN appeared first on The Nerd Element.

August 13, 2020

Things We Saw Today: Animal Crossing Is Partnering With Gillette Venus to Make the Game More “Skinclusive”

A shot from Gillette Venus's "skinclusive" Animal Crossing campaign.

A few days ago, I scrolled past a targeted ad on Twitter. The ad was for the shaving company Gillette Venus and featured Animal Crossing player characters. I didn’t think much of it at first, as brands using the game to advertise isn’t anything new.

As it turns out, this was a lot more than a simple ad. Gillette Venus has partnered with the game to make it, as they’ve branded the endeavor, “skinclusive.” Animal Crossing allows you to customize your character, though, as with most games, the choices are fairly limited. (Although I do love that things like hairstyles and dress are not confined by gender.)

What Gillette Venus has done is created a bunch of design codes for a variety of skin types, including freckles, acne, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, and more. There are also codes for body-related things like curves, surgery scars, stretch marks, burns, and cellulite. In all, there are 19 skin types and eight skin tones, totalling 264 possible new designs. You can see the designs in the Lookbook put together by the brand.

Designer Nicole Cuddihy writes:

As I designed, I thought of those in my own life who represent each skin type. I wanted to create designs I knew they would cherish– a bright dress for my confident friend who never hides her acne, a fashionable look for my artistic friend with a deep scar, and a feminine lacy top for my courageous aunt who underwent a mastectomy. I am incredibly excited to bring you this collection, in partnership with Venus.

This sort of detail was already something players had the option to do, as we can design patterns as face paint. But there’s something very emboldening about having your own specific skin design created for you, especially on such a mass level. Many of the designs GV has created are things most of us would think of as “flaws” in ourselves. Sure, this is a product tie-in and there’s always reason to be cynical of that but honestly, having a company create these designs of those “flaws” because they actually see them as marketable can feel super empowering (in pretty much the only way capitalism can be empowering).

Have you done any skin-related custom designs? Will you be using Gillette Venus’s? Show us those screengrabs in the comments! (via Pajiba)

  • Disney+ had Hamilton, now Netflix is getting the Princess Diana musical Diana. The show will hit streaming early next year before reopening on Broadway in May. (via Vanity Fair)
  • A great piece from Rebecca Solnit: “Trans women pose no threat to cis women, but we pose a threat to them if we make them outcasts.” (via The Guardian)
  • This is an important deep dive into the absolutely horrific sexual abuse/racism/milkshake machines full of cockroaches at at least one Alamo Drafthouse location. Full disclosure: It was co-written by my husband. But that means I can vouch for how harrowing and thorough a month-plus worth of investigative interviews were leading up this. (via The Pitch)
  • Yayyyyyyyy:

  • And on the flip side, oh noooooo:

  • Vulture asked a gynecologist about “WAP.” (via Vulture)
  • This New Zealand city has an official wizard and it’s a paid position. (via CNN)
  • Please make this real and please let me have it:

What did you all see out there on this whatever day it is?

(image: )
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August 13, 2020

Full Talent Line-Up Announced for the DC FanDome

Way back in June, the first details about the DC FanDome, DC’s fan-driven virtual convention, began to emerge. In said article, I said stay tuned to The Nerds of Color for more news on DC FanDome. And well, loyal readers, I aim to keep that promise, and do the opposite of what my dad did […]

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