
So, as the NFL season is approaching, there has been some updates to whether the football teams will have fans this year or not. The updates are that only 3 teams that will have some fans in their stadiums. The Chiefs which they play the Texans tomorrow night, Dolphins, and Cowboys are those teams who will have the fans to start off the season. While I am talking about the NFL season, I am going to predict that the Chiefs will beat the Texans tomorrow 42-17. I just think that the Texans might get off to a rough start against the Chiefs.

NFL Updates: The Jaguars have traded defensive end Yannick Ngakoue to the Minnesota Vikings, the Seahawks traded defensive end Jadeveon Clowney to the Tennessee Titans, and the Minnesota Vikings have traded defensive end Everson Griffin to the Dallas Cowboys! Wow that is big for the Cowboys in my opinion! Speaking of big, The Arizona Cardinals have signed safety Budda Baker to a 4-year $59,000,000 contract including $10,000,000 signing bonus, $33,100,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $14,750,000! That is big time money right there in my opinion!!! Not only that, the Cardinals also signed a massive contract extension for wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins to a two-year extension with a $54.5 million that includes $42.5 million guaranteed. All of this information came from the NFL bleacher report.

I can’t wait for the NFL season to start basically tomorrow and on Sunday. So, make sure to stay tuned for more NFL updates.

The post NFL Football News appeared first on The Nerd Element.

September 11, 2020

NFL Football News

So, as the NFL season is approaching, there has been some updates to whether the football teams will have fans this year or not. The updates are that only 3 teams that will have some fans in their stadiums. The Chiefs which they play the Texans tomorrow night, Dolphins, and Cowboys are those teams who will have the fans to start off the season. While I am talking about the NFL season, I am going to predict that the Chiefs will beat the Texans tomorrow 42-17. I just think that the Texans might get off to a rough start against the Chiefs.

NFL Updates: The Jaguars have traded defensive end Yannick Ngakoue to the Minnesota Vikings, the Seahawks traded defensive end Jadeveon Clowney to the Tennessee Titans, and the Minnesota Vikings have traded defensive end Everson Griffin to the Dallas Cowboys! Wow that is big for the Cowboys in my opinion! Speaking of big, The Arizona Cardinals have signed safety Budda Baker to a 4-year $59,000,000 contract including $10,000,000 signing bonus, $33,100,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $14,750,000! That is big time money right there in my opinion!!! Not only that, the Cardinals also signed a massive contract extension for wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins to a two-year extension with a $54.5 million that includes $42.5 million guaranteed. All of this information came from the NFL bleacher report.

I can’t wait for the NFL season to start basically tomorrow and on Sunday. So, make sure to stay tuned for more NFL updates.

The post NFL Football News appeared first on The Nerd Element.

September 11, 2020

Bob Woodward Defends Sitting on Those Damning Trump Interviews for So Long

Donald Trump makes a pouty face during a press briefing.

When Bob Woodward shared some revelations from a series of interviews he did with Donald Trump earlier this year, people were angry. Much of the anger was directed at Trump, obviously, who can be heard in recordings talking about how deadly the coronavirus is at a time when he was downplaying its threat to the public, comparing it to the flu and calling it a hoax being pushed by the Democratic Party for political gain. He told Woodward that he was downplaying the virus knowingly and deliberately because he didn’t want to “create a panic,” choosing instead to gaslight a country while hundreds of thousands of people died.

So of course people were angry with Trump. But people were also angry with Woodward for keeping these interviews to himself, only releasing them six and more months later in the lead-up to his book release.

Now Woodward is trying to defend his decision to sit on this information so long. The AP writes:

“He tells me this, and I’m thinking, ‘Wow, that’s interesting, but is it true?’ Trump says things that don’t check out, right?” Woodward told the AP during a telephone interview. Using a famous phrase from the Watergate era, when Woodward’s reporting for the Post helped lead to President Richard Nixon’s resignation, Woodward said his mission was to determine, “What did he know and when did he know it?”

It’s totally understandable for Woodward not to rush out and hastily publish this story before he knows what’s what. But the more he tries to explain why he waited so long, the more callous and calculating he ends up sounding.

“If I had done the story at that time about what he knew in February, that’s not telling us anything we didn’t know,” Woodward said. At that point, he said, the issue was no longer one of public health but of politics. His priority became getting the story out before the election in November.

“That was the demarcation line for me,” he said. “Had I decided that my book was coming out on Christmas, the end of this year, that would have been unthinkable.”

So he wanted to influence the election but has nothing to say about the nearly 200,000 people who have died between that interview and this week when he released the audio as promotion for his book?

Some are defending Woodward, saying it wouldn’t have made any difference if he’d shared what Trump told him earlier. And maybe that’s true. But we don’t know that, and it seems like a journalist has an ethical obligation to share something like this with the public. Also, who does it help to be so complacent about Trump’s actions and the reactions of his base?

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is trying to weaponize Woodward’s delay.

Earlier today he tweeted: “Bob Woodward had my quotes for many months. If he thought they were so bad or dangerous, why didn’t he immediately report them in an effort to save lives? Didn’t he have an obligation to do so? No, because he knew they were good and proper answers. Calm, no panic!”

Then at a press conference this afternoon, he said the Woodward revelation was “stuff that everyone knew,” which it was not. “If Bob Woodward thought what I said was bad, then he should have immediately, right after I said it, gone out to the authorities so they can prepare and let them know.”

But which authorities is he talking about exactly? Isn’t Trump the authority here? Or maybe the team that briefed Trump on the dangers of the virus, whom he then ignored? Who is Trump suggesting Woodward should have gone to with this information?

Every single part of this whole story is awful.

(image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

September 11, 2020

Star Date 090620..Airing in Sector 001-The Grindhouse Starts 6pm EST @BTalk100; Mission Logs: Octavia Butler is a NYT Best Seller; Mulan Soars!; The Boys S2; More Ray Fisher News; Professor Dolezal? & More

Let's get into it, AFROnerdists!  It's time for a new installment of Afronerd Radio's Grindhouse broadcast-airing this Sunday at 6pm EST.  Join your favorite internet radio hosts as they unravel the following mysteries:  the highly anticipated film, Mulan made its way to the Disney plus streaming platform and we give our impressions (quick takes: the great Jason Scott Lee should be getting more gigs and this should have been seen in theaters!);  iconic sci-fi author, the late Octavia Butler finally "gets her roses" by finally making it on the New York Times Best Sellers List; our impressions of the first 3 episodes of season two of Amazon's The Boys:

Cyborg actor, Ray Fisher sets the record straight as WB investigators begin their probe into the Justice League actor's previous allegations that director Joss Whedon ran a hostile, toxic set during filming; an African history professor, Dr. Jessica Krug might be the new Rachel Dolezal per her disclosure in a recent Medium piece that she has been passing as a black person for many years-Dburt weighs in;  "Vought" as a fictional corporation seems to be eerily similar to the real life Trump acolyte, Russell Vought of the WH Office of Management and Budget who announced that his office will be canceling racial sensitivity training among federal agencies;     

Did we speak about screenwriter, John Ridley (12 Years a Slave) writing a black Batman arc or his new comic, The Other History of the DC Universe highlighting the perspective of DC heroes from marginalized groups? And lastly, is Tenet still destined for success during a pandemic with its 100 million dollar box office?  Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100.     

"I should live in a cave.  I should live in a cave and have no friends.  No family.  I should care about no one.  Just live in a cave and go out at night to break bones and teeth....but then.....I'd probably be even more crazy than I already am.."-Matthew Murdock (Daredevil) 


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Also Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via Pandora, Spotify and IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!

September 10, 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 Could Be Delayed Again and … Sigh

New Wonder Woman 1984 still from the Junior Novelization

Sigh. Here come the stories that Wonder Woman 1984 is going to be delayed yet again, because Tenet didn’t exactly do well in the American market (just about $20.2 million in the U.S.). Right now, the world of movies is very uncertain, which … yeah, everything is, and instead of just waiting until things are safe for theatrical releases, studios are trying to push movies out and it … clearly isn’t working.

Tenet, which would have made well more than $20 million if this were a normal year (despite bad reviews), wasn’t as successful in the European market as they’d hoped, and without the benefit of also doing a VOD release, the movie was completely reliant on its theatrical box office haul.

And now, with Wonder Woman 1984, they’re looking at pushing it from an October release date into maybe even December—which would then push Dune, which just released a first trailer, into 2021, and … you get the problem here right? We just keep going in a circle with these movie release dates.

And look, I don’t want movies to be released on VOD. I want to see Black Widow and Wonder Woman 1984 in theaters, but right now, it feels like we’re either in an outrage about movie theaters being open or we’re talking about a movie release getting pushed. Those are the two moods. That’s it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: EVERYTHING SHOULD WAIT. We’re so set on trying to return to normal that we’re all being put in danger and delaying that very return by making things worse.

Look, I want nothing more than to go see Tenet and not be afraid. I’d love to be getting ready for Wonder Woman 1984 and not be worried that I could end up getting sick, or get someone else sick, because I want to go to the theater to see it. It’s rough out there right now, and the little joy we do have, in my opinion, is knowing that if we stop and do what we’re supposed to, we can go back to the movies one day and get to see our faves onscreen again.

So yes, Wonder Woman 1984 is probably going to get pushed again, and honestly, it should. I don’t want cases to be connected with people rushing to see Diana Prince. I don’t want that to be her legacy. The world needs to be smart and safe, and if that means waiting until there’s some kind of normalcy again, then fine.

The reality is that the United States is kind of ruining it for everyone because movie studios aren’t going to keep losing money, and so it means the rest of the world, who kind of has their shit together, is also going to have to wait. So … hopefully the U.S. starts to take it seriously (highly doubtful when our president is tweeting ridiculous things about letting kids go back to school when teachers are dying), but until then, we don’t deserve to go to the movies.

(image: Warner Bros.)

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 —The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

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