
I have some interesting news on the MLB season. The MLB plans to release schedule for a 60-game season on Monday (tomorrow). The schedule is expected to feature the New York Yankees at Washington Nationals and San Francisco Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers on July 23. Nightengale noted the remaining 26 teams will begin their seasons July 24. The other key dates for the 2020 season include the trade deadline, which was moved back to August 31, and the final day of the regular season, September 27. Friday marked the first full day of workouts and baseball activities for all 30 teams. The schedule will include teams playing 40 games against divisional opponents and 20 games against the opposite league’s corresponding geographic division (e.g., America League East vs. National League East).

Stay tuned for MLB Season Schedule updates.

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July 6, 2020

MLB Season Schedule Releasing?

I have some interesting news on the MLB season. The MLB plans to release schedule for a 60-game season on Monday (tomorrow). The schedule is expected to feature the New York Yankees at Washington Nationals and San Francisco Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers on July 23. Nightengale noted the remaining 26 teams will begin their seasons July 24. The other key dates for the 2020 season include the trade deadline, which was moved back to August 31, and the final day of the regular season, September 27. Friday marked the first full day of workouts and baseball activities for all 30 teams. The schedule will include teams playing 40 games against divisional opponents and 20 games against the opposite league’s corresponding geographic division (e.g., America League East vs. National League East).

Stay tuned for MLB Season Schedule updates.

The post MLB Season Schedule Releasing? appeared first on The Nerd Element.

July 5, 2020

Janelle Monae Wants To Abolish Misogyny In Hip-Hop

Janelle Monae

Source: WENN/Avalon / WENN

Hip-hop has been problematic but beloved since its early days. The main issue with the 40 plus year old genre is that there are misogynistic lyrics and hateful language towards women spread through the songs of many of our favorite rappers. Despite all the calls to put a stop to those lyrics, it has never ended and it has even been defended by many of hip-hop’s own. Janelle Monae recently reignited the conversation saying that even though she loves hip-hop, they need to pipe down on all the misogyny,

The Electric Lady went to Twitter and vented about the language used against women in many of our favorite songs and said it needs to be “abolished.”

“Y’all cant wait to call women every b—h, hoe, discuss violent acts against women, etc for clout in rap, rock and throughout music history,” she tweeted. “Misogyny has NEVER been okay yet it has become normalized. Women didn’t create misogyny, y’all did. So you do the work to abolish it.”

The Hidden Figures star said she is mind blown despite the deeply rooted misogyny, she still loves the music.

“Crazy thing is me and my girls still be dancing to this shit. It’s such a mind f–k. How did we get here?!”

The Kansas native said she’s so tired of the lyrics from male rappers that she just wants to hear female rappers.

“I really only wanna hear women rapping,” she tweeted. “The amount of misogyny from most of men in rap and music is infuriating. We need to abolish that shit too.”

She added that the misogyny is also overwhelming in other fields outside of entertainment.

“Misogyny in entertainment, boardrooms, the WH, households, corporate spaces, army, church, let’s us all know ya’ll do not care about women on a human to human level and you never have,” she continued. “If you did it would have been ABOLISHED centuries ago. You had time.”

Monae is conflicted about the hip-hop genre just like many of us are.  Take a look at her tweets below.


July 4, 2020

NFL Preseason Games Shortened?

So, it appears that the NFL has shortened the preseason games by eliminating weeks 1 and 4. This is the second amendment to the preseason schedule this year following the league’s cancellation of the annual Hall of Fame Game, which typically serves as the first exhibition game of the season. For example, The NFL announced the match up between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Dallas Cowboys would be moved to next year. In recent years, the fourth preseason game has been largely ceremonial, with a number of starters typically on the sidelines to avoid the risk of injury a week before the season begins.

In other news, the NFL may ask fans to sign the liability waivers to attend games amid pandemic as we expect to have an NFL season this year and they also will not hold the 2020 supplemental draft amid pandemic. This event is usually held in July, providing an option for players who might not be eligible to play college football the next season. If a team selects a player in the supplemental draft, they forfeit that round’s selection in the draft the following season. Regardless of adjustments to the college season, players will have to wait until the 2021 draft to enter the NFL as college players may leave school because of the uncertainty of the college football season.

Stay tuned for NFL updates.

The post NFL Preseason Games Shortened? appeared first on The Nerd Element.

July 4, 2020

Fastest-Growing Black Hole as Big as 34 Billion Suns

The fastest-growing black hole ever observed has been given an approximate weight, and it tips the scale at 34 billion times the mass of the Sun. The researchers who’ve estimated its weight also say it continues to grow, devouring a Sun’s worth of matter per day. On top of claiming those mondo stats, the gorging monster may also help to unlock some key mysteries of the early universe.

The fastest-growing black hole in the universe has been pegged at 34 billion solar masses.

European Southern Observatory 

The “ultramassive black hole” (that’s literally a class of black hole), dubbed J2157-3602, was discovered in 2018 and given an initial weight of 20 billion solar masses—a solar mass is a unit of mass equivalent to the mass of the Sun. Since then, researchers have gone back and taken new measurements using the Very Large Telescope array in Chile. (Pictured immediately below.)

J2157 is “about 8,000 times bigger than the black hole in the centre of the Milky Way,” astronomer Christopher Onken of Australian National University told Science Alert. He added that “If the Milky Way’s black hole wanted to grow that fat, it would have to swallow two thirds of all the stars in our galaxy.”

The fastest-growing black hole in the universe has been pegged at 34 billion solar masses.

ESO/H.H. Heyer

Onken and others described these new measurements in a paper recently published in the journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyIn the paper, which comes via ZME Science, the researchers say that the ultramassive black hole is, on top of being gargantuan, also the most luminous quasar in the known universe. A quasar—pictured at top—is essentially a black hole that’s actively pulling in gas and dust from a surrounding accretion disk. In other words, a “feeding” black hole.

Although J2157 is huge beyond imagination, it isn’t the most massive black hole we’ve ever observed. That title belongs to an ultramassive black hole powering the quasar known as TON 618, which is about 10.4 billion light-years away from Earth. That indescribably large light-swallowing beast weighs in at 66 billion solar masses. Below, for visual reference, is a comparison of all the differently sized black holes.

Like TON 618, J2157 is also astoundingly far from Earth. According to Science Alert, J2157 is some billions of light-years away. However, the measurement isn’t as exact as that for TON 618. J2157 can still help to illuminate the very early universe, however, when it was younger than 1 billion years old. Especially when it comes to gleaning information about the galaxy in which it resides.

“Is this galaxy one of the behemoths of the early Universe, or did the black hole just swallow up an extraordinary amount of its surroundings?” Onken asked rhetorically. Depending on the answer to that question, cosmological models explaining how the universe has grown over time could be altered. Right now, astronomers are still just trying to figure out how black holes can grow to be as massive as J2157 so early on in the universe’s existence.

What do you think about J2157 and its ability to swallow a Sun’s worth of mass every single day? Do you have any ideas as to how the ultramassive hole will change our understanding of the early universe? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Feature image: European Southern Observatory 

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