
2020 A Capitol Fourth, 40th Anniversary – Show Images

Source: Getty Images / Getty

If you know anything about the legend that is Patti LaBelle, you know that she operates with a level of realness not often seen in celebrity spaces.

If she feels it, she says it, good, bad or indifferent. Personally, I love her for it. Not only because it’s hard to hate someone telling the truth but also because for someone who has been in the industry as long as she has, that honesty comes with a whole lot of incredible stories.

She’s shared quite a few of them over the years. She spoke about her issues with Diana Ross, stealing their outfits and then later poaching Cindy Birdsong for The Supremes. But Patti always says that the two have mended their rift.

Recently, during a conversation with Angela Rye, Ms. LaBelle told the truth about some people who weren’t always kind.

First she started with the men who had acted up in one way or another.

Patti:  I had some men who didn’t like the way that I performed and I wrote about it in my first book Don’t Block the Blessing. It was Wilson Pickett, James Brown and a few other gentlemen. Al Green. It’s a story a big story about my life working with men.

I recorded with Wilson Pickett, ‘634-5789’ with Sarah Dash and Nona Hendryx and at the very end, he did something that he didn’t like very much. I went off of background and went, ‘Why don’t you call him?!’ And when I sang that part he was so mad at me. He said, ‘If I had a gun, I would shoot you.’ I said, ‘Really?!’ Back in the day stuff. It’s real cuz it’s in my book so nobody’s going to beat me up for telling the truth.

And there was an incident with my favorite man James Brown at the Apollo Theater. We were the opening act and he had to follow. And we were singing ‘Danny Boy’ and ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ and we got standing ovations for the whole time we were on. So James said to the curtain guy, ‘Shut the curtain on those witches with a b.’

I said, ‘Woo!’ So they closed the curtains on me. Then later, after James and I got over that, he said to me, ‘Ms. LaBelle, you know what, you’re so fabulous, and I think you should do something for the young girls.’ I said, ‘What?’ He said, ‘Start a culture class because you always have your nails done, your hair done, you’re always wearing the right clothes.’

What a compliment. So it went from a downer to an upper. So in my life, I’ve learned that people don’t really not like me, they just don’t understand what I do and I was born this way.

And there was Al Green  moment when we were doing, Your Arms Are Too Short To Box with God and we were on Broadway. This is an ugly story but I’m going to tell it anyway.

So, at the time, my sister Barbara was struggling with cancer. And there was a matinee that day and an evening show. So, I wanted to go home for the matinee. Burnett Carol, the producer, said Ms. LaBelle you can go home. And Al Green, we were all there at the theater, he said, ‘If she’s going home, I’m going home.’ It was so ugly. So I said, ‘But I’m going home to see my sister who’s not well, she’s dying of cancer.’

He said, ‘I don’t care about your sister!’

Why he wanna say that? Girl, I took a glass and my friend Norma took the glass from me but I was going to cut him.

And since then, he’s apologized.

I’ve had some many funny moments with people in this industry. I’ve been through a lot in my life. But so many ups.

And now that we’re all in this dilemma together, I think it’s time to be kind. It’s always time to be kind but right now, we’re seeing life leave just like that.”


Later, she spoke about one particular diva who dissed her during a Live Aid performance. She didn’t say the woman’s name. But when she did the impersonation, it’s pretty clear who she was referring to. See what she said.

Patti: My son Zuri was about 8 or something. And he went to show with me and met everybody. It was a wonderful moment. But that was the time too, I got dissed. But I can’t tell you who it was. Lord knows I can’t. She know who she is. I went to hug her—and I went to introduce Zuri because she was with Mick Jagger at that moment and I said, ‘This is Mick Jagger.’ Mick was excited, ‘Oh, you’re Patti’s son.’ Then the lady, I went to hug her and she said, ‘Oh no, darling you’re moist.’ I said, ‘Moist?’ I had just finished and I was hot and sweaty. That heffa told me I was moist. I haven’t spoken to her since. I have so many stories. Some beautiful and some not so cute but they grew to be better.


You can listen to both parts of this interview in the videos below.



September 22, 2020

ICYMI: Patti LaBelle Talks About Everyone Who Dissed Her Back In The Day

2020 A Capitol Fourth, 40th Anniversary – Show Images

Source: Getty Images / Getty

If you know anything about the legend that is Patti LaBelle, you know that she operates with a level of realness not often seen in celebrity spaces.

If she feels it, she says it, good, bad or indifferent. Personally, I love her for it. Not only because it’s hard to hate someone telling the truth but also because for someone who has been in the industry as long as she has, that honesty comes with a whole lot of incredible stories.

She’s shared quite a few of them over the years. She spoke about her issues with Diana Ross, stealing their outfits and then later poaching Cindy Birdsong for The Supremes. But Patti always says that the two have mended their rift.

Recently, during a conversation with Angela Rye, Ms. LaBelle told the truth about some people who weren’t always kind.

First she started with the men who had acted up in one way or another.

Patti:  I had some men who didn’t like the way that I performed and I wrote about it in my first book Don’t Block the Blessing. It was Wilson Pickett, James Brown and a few other gentlemen. Al Green. It’s a story a big story about my life working with men.

I recorded with Wilson Pickett, ‘634-5789’ with Sarah Dash and Nona Hendryx and at the very end, he did something that he didn’t like very much. I went off of background and went, ‘Why don’t you call him?!’ And when I sang that part he was so mad at me. He said, ‘If I had a gun, I would shoot you.’ I said, ‘Really?!’ Back in the day stuff. It’s real cuz it’s in my book so nobody’s going to beat me up for telling the truth.

And there was an incident with my favorite man James Brown at the Apollo Theater. We were the opening act and he had to follow. And we were singing ‘Danny Boy’ and ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ and we got standing ovations for the whole time we were on. So James said to the curtain guy, ‘Shut the curtain on those witches with a b.’

I said, ‘Woo!’ So they closed the curtains on me. Then later, after James and I got over that, he said to me, ‘Ms. LaBelle, you know what, you’re so fabulous, and I think you should do something for the young girls.’ I said, ‘What?’ He said, ‘Start a culture class because you always have your nails done, your hair done, you’re always wearing the right clothes.’

What a compliment. So it went from a downer to an upper. So in my life, I’ve learned that people don’t really not like me, they just don’t understand what I do and I was born this way.

And there was Al Green  moment when we were doing, Your Arms Are Too Short To Box with God and we were on Broadway. This is an ugly story but I’m going to tell it anyway.

So, at the time, my sister Barbara was struggling with cancer. And there was a matinee that day and an evening show. So, I wanted to go home for the matinee. Burnett Carol, the producer, said Ms. LaBelle you can go home. And Al Green, we were all there at the theater, he said, ‘If she’s going home, I’m going home.’ It was so ugly. So I said, ‘But I’m going home to see my sister who’s not well, she’s dying of cancer.’

He said, ‘I don’t care about your sister!’

Why he wanna say that? Girl, I took a glass and my friend Norma took the glass from me but I was going to cut him.

And since then, he’s apologized.

I’ve had some many funny moments with people in this industry. I’ve been through a lot in my life. But so many ups.

And now that we’re all in this dilemma together, I think it’s time to be kind. It’s always time to be kind but right now, we’re seeing life leave just like that.”


Later, she spoke about one particular diva who dissed her during a Live Aid performance. She didn’t say the woman’s name. But when she did the impersonation, it’s pretty clear who she was referring to. See what she said.

Patti: My son Zuri was about 8 or something. And he went to show with me and met everybody. It was a wonderful moment. But that was the time too, I got dissed. But I can’t tell you who it was. Lord knows I can’t. She know who she is. I went to hug her—and I went to introduce Zuri because she was with Mick Jagger at that moment and I said, ‘This is Mick Jagger.’ Mick was excited, ‘Oh, you’re Patti’s son.’ Then the lady, I went to hug her and she said, ‘Oh no, darling you’re moist.’ I said, ‘Moist?’ I had just finished and I was hot and sweaty. That heffa told me I was moist. I haven’t spoken to her since. I have so many stories. Some beautiful and some not so cute but they grew to be better.


You can listen to both parts of this interview in the videos below.



September 22, 2020

Where Did The Summer Go? Whelp We DO Know It’s Grindhouse Time! This SUN 6pm EST-Discussing TikTok Table Reads; Notorious RBG Passes; She-Hulk Casting News; Chris Rock Interview; DC Universe & More

Let's get straight to the crux of the matter, shall we?  Welcome to the umpteenth edition of Afronerd Radio's The Grindhouse broadcast airing every Sunday at 6pm eastern.  Join our regular cavalcade of AFROnerdists as they discuss the following data: social media received an interesting quarantine entertainment treat by way of a table read for charity (actor, Sean Penn's CORE-Community Organized Relief Effort). What was the script reenactment?  One of Penn's most memorable films, Fast Times at Ridgemont High:

Iconic Supreme Court jurist, the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes at the age of 87 and the nation reels for a number of reasons beyond the immediacy of the loss;  it looks like Marvel finally has finally found their She-Hulk as it was just announced that the phenomenal Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black) was cast to portray the superhero in the forthcoming Disney plus streaming series;  as legendary comedian, Chris Rock gears up for the 4th season of Fargo, we delve into some of his musings which were showcased in a recent NY Times piece; Oh and our thoughts about Rock waxing about the lost potential for a black "Ocean's Eleven" film that was torpedoed for something more palatable; as expected, DC Universe will just be a digital reserve for their comic archive as their streaming shows will be moved to HBO Max;  more Marvel news, the Hollywood Reporter highlights the Muslim centered directing team that will bring another highly anticipated Disney plus series to life, Ms. Marvel;  and just when we found out the cost of the upcoming PS5 video gaming console ($399 to $499, tentatively), Sony sweetens the pot with more gameplay from their Miles Morales single player game developed by Insomniac Games:

Here's a thought, Halle Berry's "Jinx" character could have (and should have) gotten a James Bond spinoff.  Which gives further credence to Dburt's assertion that there is room for a Black MI6 Bond archetype....hell, what about Cleopatra Jones

And lastly, speaking of the Bond universe.....rumor has it that Venom/Bane actor, Tom Hardy might be up to replacing Daniel Craig for future installments.  Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100. 

Oh and what about Netflix' Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous new animated series?

"You took She-Hulk out of the equation, Stark.  And do you know what that's left you with? Jennifer Walters: one of the best lawyers on the east coast!"-Jennifer Walters, ESQ (She-Hulk).



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Also Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via Pandora, Spotify and IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!

September 22, 2020

“It’s Me Vs. Me” Tamar Braxton Shares Update Amid David Adefeso Drama

Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen - Season 15

Source: Bravo / Getty

During her interview with Vivica Fox, Trina Braxton shared that Tamar asked her sisters to allow her the opportunity to tell her own story.

And after the allegations of her being violent with her boyfriend David Adefeso, we’re all interested to hear it.

While we’re sure that there is more on the way, Tamar shared some insight on this current process of her healing journey.

See what she had to say below.

“God thank you for saving me! You know my true heart. Despite what the world may think of me, you kept me here for a reason. You are a God of second chances, and this second chance I won’t take for granted. The world can often be a dark place but I must resort to you for my light.

Ladies, have you ever felt like you put all your time and love into your children, job, relationship and family but often forget to love yourself? That is where I have been for the past few years. I believe I have put a lot of time and effort in loving and giving my all to everything else but myself. I have allowed myself to stay in toxic situations including work environments.

I’ve allowed my talents to be used for the wrong reasons. I have allowed myself to be used in too many “angry black girl” narratives. I’m not angry at all.

I have been battling mental health for some time now, and Let me tell y’all is not a joke. Nor is it a reason for anyone to call you “crazy.

I am praying for anyone that is on this same battle.

I’ve realized in this time that the only thing I can control is the things I own.
I want to personally fight for brown girls to have more ownership and not just be a slave to the industry. Black women are the unvalued and unprotected.

I am on a never ending battle to be the best Tamar Braxton I can be. God has brought me through alot so I would like to pass it on to use my voice to help brown women and ALL women in these similar situations. We all have the opportunity to evolve. For now on it’s me vs me. ✨”

September 21, 2020

Cartoonist Keith Knight on ‘Woke,’ Politics, and the Power of Comics

Keith Knight is the creator of three popular comic strips: the Knight Life, (th)ink, and the K Chronicles. He has appeared in various publications worldwide, including the Washington Post, Daily KOS, San Francisco Chronicle,, Ebony, ESPN the Magazine, L.A. Weekly, MAD Magazine, and the Funny Times. I sat down with Keith to talk his […]

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