
Kentucky AG Makes Announcement On Charges In Breonna Taylor's Death

Source: Jon Cherry / Getty

On Tuesday Kentucky Attorney General Cameron gave an interview with Fox and Friends, where he again used his platform to discredit and disparage another Black woman aside from Breonna Taylor. This time he set his sights on rapper Megan Thee Stallion.

Cameron’s gripe stems from the “Savage” rapper’s recent performance on Saturday Night Live, where she dedicated a short segment of her stage show to call for the protection of Black women. As Megan stood flanked by her dancers, the phrase Protect Black Women flashed while audio clips of Malcolm X’s 1962 speech where he proclaimed, “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman.”

After the clip finished, she played a snippet from Tamika Mallory’s speech in response to the grand jury’s decision to decline charges in the death of Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT worker shot to death by Louisville Metro Police officers.

“Daniel Cameron is no different than the sellout negroes that sold our people into slavery,” Mallory said.

After the callout Megan took the mic before she said: “We need to protect our Black women and love our Black women. ‘Cause at the end of the day, we need our Black women.” She also called for the protection of Black men.

“I agree that we need to love and protect our Black women, there’s no question about that. But the fact that someone would get on national television and make disparaging comments about me because I’m trying to do my job is disgusting.” Cameron said on Tuesday in response.

The Kentucky Attorney General wasted six months of taxpayer’s time to do everything other than what his job required in the Breonna Taylor case. He released his engagement photos, stalled for a FBI ballistics report, dodged Taylor’s family until the 11th hour, appeared at the ghastly Republican National Convention where he stumped for Donald Trump, while managing to not present a full case to the grand jury. If he had he done so, it may have changed the outcome of the grand jury’s decision.

As the first Black attorney general of Kentucky in more than 70 years, Cameron continues to advocate for the upholding of whiteness and patriarchy through his actions and allegiances.

Cameron claims he’s in agreement with loving and protecting Black women.

But when will his crusade begin?

October 7, 2020

By Calling Megan Thee Stallion’s SNL Performance “Disgusting,” Daniel Cameron Again Proves That He’s Not Interested In Protecting Black Women

Kentucky AG Makes Announcement On Charges In Breonna Taylor's Death

Source: Jon Cherry / Getty

On Tuesday Kentucky Attorney General Cameron gave an interview with Fox and Friends, where he again used his platform to discredit and disparage another Black woman aside from Breonna Taylor. This time he set his sights on rapper Megan Thee Stallion.

Cameron’s gripe stems from the “Savage” rapper’s recent performance on Saturday Night Live, where she dedicated a short segment of her stage show to call for the protection of Black women. As Megan stood flanked by her dancers, the phrase Protect Black Women flashed while audio clips of Malcolm X’s 1962 speech where he proclaimed, “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman.”

After the clip finished, she played a snippet from Tamika Mallory’s speech in response to the grand jury’s decision to decline charges in the death of Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT worker shot to death by Louisville Metro Police officers.

“Daniel Cameron is no different than the sellout negroes that sold our people into slavery,” Mallory said.

After the callout Megan took the mic before she said: “We need to protect our Black women and love our Black women. ‘Cause at the end of the day, we need our Black women.” She also called for the protection of Black men.

“I agree that we need to love and protect our Black women, there’s no question about that. But the fact that someone would get on national television and make disparaging comments about me because I’m trying to do my job is disgusting.” Cameron said on Tuesday in response.

The Kentucky Attorney General wasted six months of taxpayer’s time to do everything other than what his job required in the Breonna Taylor case. He released his engagement photos, stalled for a FBI ballistics report, dodged Taylor’s family until the 11th hour, appeared at the ghastly Republican National Convention where he stumped for Donald Trump, while managing to not present a full case to the grand jury. If he had he done so, it may have changed the outcome of the grand jury’s decision.

As the first Black attorney general of Kentucky in more than 70 years, Cameron continues to advocate for the upholding of whiteness and patriarchy through his actions and allegiances.

Cameron claims he’s in agreement with loving and protecting Black women.

But when will his crusade begin?

October 7, 2020

Things We Saw Today: Eddie Van Halen (January 26, 1955 – October 6, 2020)

Musician Eddie Van Halen

Rock legend Eddie Van Halen of the band Van Halen has passed away from throat cancer. The Amsterdam-born guitarist who would go on to become an “all-American guitar hero” and the “grinning guitar god for a rock generation,” as The Los Angeles Times phrased it, was 65.

Van Halen’s son Wolfgang posted a touching goodbye to his father on Twitter.

In a year where grief seems to follow grief in unrelenting waves, fans, friends, and fellow musicians took to social media to remember Eddie Van Halen and hail his contributions to music. Van Halen hits like “Jump” and “Hot For Teacher,” among many others, are an indelible part of pop culture now, with Eddie Van Halen’s signature lightning-quick guitar licks lighting up the songs.

Per The LA Times:

One night at the Starwood nightclub in West Hollywood in 1976, Kiss singer-bassist Gene Simmons happened to catch the unknown band onstage and its grinning guitar phenom at stage left.

“This band comes on, and all of a sudden, I forget about everybody around me. I go, ‘What’s that?’” Simmons recalls. “Even though the band was a three-piece, there was a big sound coming out of them and Eddie was tapping the neck — which I’d never seen done on guitar before — with speed and accuracy in the melody. They simply didn’t sound like anybody else. There was a kind of fury.”

The LA Times’ Steve Appleford has written a fascinating look at Eddie Van Valen, exploring the ups and downs of the rocker’s life and career, as well as Van Halen’s lasting impact on the world of music. It’s well worth being the thing that you read today:

Eddie Van Halen was an immigrant kid who emerged from Pasadena with an ear for hard-rock hooks and wild guitar flash in the Jimi Hendrix tradition. His speed and innovations along the fretboard inspired a generation of imitators, as the band bearing his name rose to MTV stardom and multiplatinum sales over 10 consecutive albums.

In contrast to the shadowy gothic blues of Black Sabbath, or the pagan thunder of Led Zeppelin, the band Van Halen delivered muscular hard rock in Technicolor. The group’s sound and image were vivid reflections of its Southern California home, with a lead guitarist in bright colors and a welcoming, good-time grin.

Thank you, Eddie.

(via The LA Times, photo by Alan Light/Wikimedia Commons)

Here are a few other things we saw:

  • A happy thing: Science fiction author and multiple Hugo award-winner N.K. Jemisin has been named a MacArthur fellow!! (via
  • Another happy thing: Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataky helped conservationists release 11 Tasmanian devils at a wildlife sanctuary. (via
  • Also this is happening:
  • There’s a Resident Evil reboot, I guess? At least I will watch Hannah John-Kamen in anything. (via Deadline)
  • Vote on November 3rd.

What did you see today?

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October 6, 2020

Tour FRIDAY THE 13TH’s Camp Crystal Lake This Spooky Season

This year’s Halloween celebrations won’t be able to be as festive or outlandish as before, thanks to the global pandemic. But that doesn’t mean that everything fun is off the table. Thanks to Bloody Disgusting, we’ve learned that if you’re on the East Coast during this spooky season, there’s a special event you won’t want to miss if you’re a horror fan. Friday the 13th fans will be able to tour the real-life Camp Crystal Lake, and events for this fall season have just been announced. And yes, there are tours on Halloween night, and on Friday the 13th in November.

The original Friday the 13th was filmed at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco, which is still an active Boy Scouts camp in Hardwick, New Jersey. There are different tour formats that take you to several filming locations from the original 1980 film on site. If you want to splurge, for a little extra dough there’s even a tour that takes you to those same locations at night. So be sure to bring your flashlight along, in case Mrs. Voorhees is lurking nearby. We can hear that “kill-kill-kill-ma-ma-ma” sound effect even now!

Tour FRIDAY THE 13TH's Camp Crystal Lake this Spooky Season_1


If you’re wisely worried about safety on a tour like this during these precarious times, it seems the folks in charge are at least taking the right precautions. In a statement on their site, it says “Similar to our recent summer tours, these events will feature a limited number of guests to allow for proper social distancing. Temperature scans will be performed at check-in and face coverings will be required at all times. We will continue to monitor the situation and send updates to all ticketed guests.”

Tour FRIDAY THE 13TH's Camp Crystal Lake this Spooky Season_2

Paramount Pictures

If you’ve been putting off finally making that pilgrimage to Jason Voorhees’ old stomping grounds, then this might be the year to do it. After all, 2020 marks the 40th anniversary of the legendary slasher franchise, which is now up to its 12th installment. (Seriously, someone make Friday the 13th Part 13 already.) And if you can’t make the journey, then remember, there’s always that amazing Friday the 13th box set coming from Scream Factory this month. That’s another ideal way to celebrate Jason’s birthday.

Tickets are currently available for tours on October 23, October 24, October 25, October 30, October 31, November 13,  and November 14. Head on over to Crystal Lake Tours for more information.

Featured Image: NECA Toys

The post Tour FRIDAY THE 13TH’s Camp Crystal Lake This Spooky Season appeared first on Nerdist.

October 6, 2020

“Hell Naw” Chaka Khan On Sleeping With Rick James And Her Current Love Life

2020 Vanity Fair Oscar After Party

Source: David Crotty / Getty

Some of the best tea comes from the older generation in Hollywood and other sectors of the entertainment industry.

And while entertainers from our parents’ generation were taught to keep their personal matters out of the public eye, the ones who are still around often aren’t shy about sharing.

Recently, Chaka Khan sat down with comedian Luenell on Vlad TV, to discuss her rise to stardom and a couple of personal moments along the way.

In speaking to Chaka, Luenell asked about her collaborators, including her original band Rufus, Quincy Jones and Rick James.

For those who don’t know or don’t remember, in 1982, Chaka and the late Rick James dueted together on a song called, “Slow Dancin’.”

Being that Rick James was the “super freak,” he was back in the day, I guess Luenell wondered if their relationship was more than professional.

Chaka had to let her know, not at all.

Luenell: Did you almost have a baby, again? Because I would have.

Chaka: Hell nah! I wouldn’t have touched him with your stuff.

Laughs hysterically

Luenell: Stop it!

Chaka: He was too worn…Nah. Nah. That sh*t was..Ner. Unnt unn. I was not that kind of woman ever…I may have had a couple of mercy situations but…


Chaka: But I can actually remember and count on two hands, without using all my fingers, how many men I’ve been with. And that’s a fact.

Luenell: Why do you think that is? You picky or they intimidated?

Chaka: Yes, they’re intimidated.

Luenell: It’s hard to be with a boss.

Chaka: And also, I’m very just particular.

Luenell: Well, what about now? What kind of man would step to Chaka Khan now?

Chaka: I don’t even know.

Luenell: Do you have a boyfriend?

Chaka: No.

Luenell: You want one?

Chaka: Hmm?

Chaka and Luenell’s conversation devolves into complete gibberish, you have to see to understand. It’s hilarious.

Luenell: You hear her out there folks.

Chaka: I’m doing ok. I’m doing ok, really.

You can watch this portion of Chaka’s interview in the video below.

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