
Emily’s pitch on the champagne came in clutch when she sent the champagne to her favorite bar in Chicago. The patron’s celebrated the Cubs’ win by spraying the champagne. Team Savoir will be meeting Camille’s family at a gallery event tonight. Sylvie is avoiding Antoine even though there is campaign that needs work, and Emily is wanted by one Judith Robertson (Faith Prince) from the American Friends of the Louvre aka AFL. Julien is always on point with his suits. Judith requests assistance in getting Pierre to donate a clothing item at an auction she’s holding. Let’s see if Emily can spin this to a marketable event for Pierre. 

Mathieu is available to discuss business tonight and invites himself to the gallery showing. Camille finally meets Luc and Sylvie who is joined by Mathieu. Did anyone else notice Gabriel’s eyes on Mathieu’s hands that were on Emily’s hip? Boy needs to choose a team already. Luc points out how a painting is sexual but it is lost on sweet, innocent Emily. Luc is always talking about sex, though. Once Sylvie whisks Mathieu away, Camille points out the way the man is looking at Emily, how successful he is, and he is heir to Pierre Cadault. Gabriel scoffs at Camille’s insistence that Emily date Mathieu just because he is rich and famous. Their bickering over money is annoying and repetitive. Mathieu saves Emily by suggesting they go for dinner. Aww, Gabriel is upset. 

Emily In Paris Ep 9

While out with Emily, Mathieu discusses pancakes, fashion week, and growing up with Pierre. She’s able to get a donation for AFL and is surprised with a sweet kiss on the hand. Ah, a gentleman. The next day, bitter Sylvie points out that she saw Mathieu leaving with Emily, which is against corporate commandments. Emily insists that it was all business, but the girl was checking the man out on the internet just moments before. Antoine sends Sylvie a gift, but Sylvie tells Julien to return it. Emily refuses to open it but Luc does, to find beautiful nipple rings in the box. 

Auction night is invaded by Grey Space (Isaiah Hodges and Christophe Tek), a streetwear duo design team from America. Emily tries to get them as clients but no dice on that one. AFL loses their billionaire model for the dress by Pierre Cadault, Mathieu overhears and suggests that Emily model it. She is a sight in the piece, which is bought by none other than Grey Space. That’s suspect. The boys spray her while she is on stage. It was all a publicity stunt. Terrible. 

Emily In Paris Ep 9

Everyone is concerned for Emily; even Gabriel pops up after seeing it in the newspaper. Sylvie is highly unimpressed despite the new followers. Grey Space has the dress up on showcase already, which prompts Emily to see the duo at their shop. They claim it all to be performance art and are fans of Pierre’s work; so obviously Emily wants them to prove it. Pierre is crushing crème brûlée when Emily comes by. He is sad that his clothing is loved by dying old women. However, Emily has a hoodie from Grey Space with Pierre’s name on it. The collaboration can bring more attention to Pierre’s brand. He refuses to have his name on something so ringarde. Mathieu awaits to hear how his uncle took it, but Pierre is at his darkest hour. He tells Emily that at the darkest hour, the French make love, then kisses Emily. She claims not to be that French; he says just wait. Okay daddy. 

Emily In Paris Ep 9

Emily has more love affairs in a short few months than I do in a year. Now, I’m with Camille when it comes to Mathieu. He is single and a fashion heir. So much easier to be with him. With only one episode left, I do wonder what type of ending we will be getting: French or American?

October 13, 2020

‘Emily In Paris’ Season 1, Episode 9: “An American Auction in Paris” — RECAP

Emily’s pitch on the champagne came in clutch when she sent the champagne to her favorite bar in Chicago. The patron’s celebrated the Cubs’ win by spraying the champagne. Team Savoir will be meeting Camille’s family at a gallery event tonight. Sylvie is avoiding Antoine even though there is campaign that needs work, and Emily is wanted by one Judith Robertson (Faith Prince) from the American Friends of the Louvre aka AFL. Julien is always on point with his suits. Judith requests assistance in getting Pierre to donate a clothing item at an auction she’s holding. Let’s see if Emily can spin this to a marketable event for Pierre. 

Mathieu is available to discuss business tonight and invites himself to the gallery showing. Camille finally meets Luc and Sylvie who is joined by Mathieu. Did anyone else notice Gabriel’s eyes on Mathieu’s hands that were on Emily’s hip? Boy needs to choose a team already. Luc points out how a painting is sexual but it is lost on sweet, innocent Emily. Luc is always talking about sex, though. Once Sylvie whisks Mathieu away, Camille points out the way the man is looking at Emily, how successful he is, and he is heir to Pierre Cadault. Gabriel scoffs at Camille’s insistence that Emily date Mathieu just because he is rich and famous. Their bickering over money is annoying and repetitive. Mathieu saves Emily by suggesting they go for dinner. Aww, Gabriel is upset. 

Emily In Paris Ep 9

While out with Emily, Mathieu discusses pancakes, fashion week, and growing up with Pierre. She’s able to get a donation for AFL and is surprised with a sweet kiss on the hand. Ah, a gentleman. The next day, bitter Sylvie points out that she saw Mathieu leaving with Emily, which is against corporate commandments. Emily insists that it was all business, but the girl was checking the man out on the internet just moments before. Antoine sends Sylvie a gift, but Sylvie tells Julien to return it. Emily refuses to open it but Luc does, to find beautiful nipple rings in the box. 

Auction night is invaded by Grey Space (Isaiah Hodges and Christophe Tek), a streetwear duo design team from America. Emily tries to get them as clients but no dice on that one. AFL loses their billionaire model for the dress by Pierre Cadault, Mathieu overhears and suggests that Emily model it. She is a sight in the piece, which is bought by none other than Grey Space. That’s suspect. The boys spray her while she is on stage. It was all a publicity stunt. Terrible. 

Emily In Paris Ep 9

Everyone is concerned for Emily; even Gabriel pops up after seeing it in the newspaper. Sylvie is highly unimpressed despite the new followers. Grey Space has the dress up on showcase already, which prompts Emily to see the duo at their shop. They claim it all to be performance art and are fans of Pierre’s work; so obviously Emily wants them to prove it. Pierre is crushing crème brûlée when Emily comes by. He is sad that his clothing is loved by dying old women. However, Emily has a hoodie from Grey Space with Pierre’s name on it. The collaboration can bring more attention to Pierre’s brand. He refuses to have his name on something so ringarde. Mathieu awaits to hear how his uncle took it, but Pierre is at his darkest hour. He tells Emily that at the darkest hour, the French make love, then kisses Emily. She claims not to be that French; he says just wait. Okay daddy. 

Emily In Paris Ep 9

Emily has more love affairs in a short few months than I do in a year. Now, I’m with Camille when it comes to Mathieu. He is single and a fashion heir. So much easier to be with him. With only one episode left, I do wonder what type of ending we will be getting: French or American?

October 13, 2020

Voter Registration Is a Form of Voter Suppression & It Always Has Been

A poster reads 'Vote'

A lot of states are coming up against their voter registration deadlines right now, so it’s a great time to remind everyone that if your state’s deadline hasn’t yet passed, make sure to register to vote. It’s also a great time for a reminder that voter registration is a form of voter suppression, and that’s by design.

Voter registration didn’t exist until the early 19th Century, when some states, mostly in New England, wanted to find ways to keep their growing immigrant populations from voting. Early official voter registration programs tended to be limited to states’ urban, Democrat districts like Philadelphia. Assessors travelled door to door to register voters, and they did so during work hours when poor people and POC, who are more likely to vote Democrat, were less likely to be at home.

This laid the groundwork for the literacy tests, poll taxes, housing requirements and other voter registration restrictions of Jim Crow. And after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed, outlawing those discriminatory practices, voter registration among Black voters in southern states shot up but that was not the end of the disenfranchisement caused by voter registration, which still, even now, wildly disproportionately affects poor people and BIPOC.

Over the years, we’ve come to think of voter registration as a natural part of the voting process even though in many states, like Texas, it was created as a direct response to the abolishment of other, more overt suppression tactics like poll taxes. We’re told that voter registration–like voter ID laws and other practices meant to restrict access to voting–are necessary to keep voter fraud out of our elections.

In reality, these restrictive policies are addressing problems that don’t really exist–at least not on any scale deserving of this kind of institutional response. In 2016, Last Week Tonight did a great deep dive into how disenfranchising voter ID laws are. Here’s what he said then about individual voter fraud:

While American history is littered with vote-buying, vote tampering, and ballot-box stuffing, voter ID doesn’t prevent those crimes. The only crime it prevents is voter impersonation—one person showing up to the polls, pretending to be someone they’re not. Which is a pretty stupid crime, because you have to stand in line at a polling place and risk five years in prison and a $10,000 fine all to cast one probably not-consequential extra vote. … The truth here is voter impersonation fraud is incredibly rare.

Voter registration doesn’t really fix the problem of voter impersonation because, as John Oliver says, that problem is rare. But it does keep a lot of eligible voters from being able to vote. Here are just a few examples:

–In 2011, Kansas’ Secretary of State Kris Kobach pushed legislation requiring potential voters to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote. As the ACLU writes, “Most people don’t carry the required documents on hand — like a passport, or a birth certificate — and as a result, the law blocked over 30,000 Kansans from voting. The ACLU sued and defeated the law in 2018.”

–Voter ID laws disproportionately affect voters of color. In that episode of Last Week Tonight, for example, Oliver notes that in Texas, Black voters are nearly twice as likely as white voters not to have an acceptable form of ID, while Latinx voters are nearly two and a half times as likely.

–Indigenous people are hit incredibly hard by voter registration practices. In many states, a physical address is required to register to vote and/or to cast a ballot. But reservations tend not to use addressing systems and residents get their mail at P.O. boxes or cluster mailboxes, which are not recognized as an acceptable address for voter registration in most states.

–Indigenous voters face other obstacles to voting as well. According to the American Bar Association, “Numerous roads on reservations are unimproved dirt or gravel roads in poor quality and are often unnamed. After storms, many roads are impassable. Due to these poor conditions, the U.S. Postal Service does not deliver mail to the majority of the reservation residents at their homes. … Some reservation residents have to travel up to 70 miles in one direction to receive mail.”

–Additionally, “Less than half of the homes on tribal lands have reliable broadband access,” writes the ABA. “Even if a voter has access to broadband on the reservation, most online voter registration systems require a state ID to register to vote and do not accept tribal IDs.”

–Even innocuous-seeming policies like voter registration deadlines can have restrictive effects and no useful purpose in the internet age. Again, from the ACLU:

For example, New York requires voters to register at least 25 days before the election, which imposes an unnecessary burden on the right to vote. By forcing voters to register before the election even becomes salient to the public, it discourages people from registering in the first place. These outdated restrictions — which were designed for a time when registration forms were exclusively completed with pen and paper, and transmitted via snail mail — can significantly impact voter participation. In the 2016 presidential election, over 90,000 New Yorkers were unable to vote because their applications did not meet the 25-day cutoff, and the state had the eighth-worst turnout rate in the country.

So for now, voter registration is, in nearly every state, a necessary evil. There are a lot of really great activists and organizations out there working hard to make sure everyone has access to voting, although it shouldn’t be on them to circumvent these kinds of institutional suppression tactics.

Hopefully someday soon there will be automatic registration at a federal level, but in the meantime, keep an eye on legislation in your area and which of your elected officials are trying to make it harder or easier for you and your community to vote.

(image: Mario Tama/Getty Images)
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October 13, 2020

This FARGO Theory Spells Doom for Loy

The following contains spoilers for Fargo season four.

Fargo‘s fourth season has roughly 700 characters. Not an easy group to keep track of. So you might be unaware of a potentially huge and telling connection with the show’s second season that some fans are speculating about. The Irishman, the one taking care of Loy Cannon’s youngest son Satchel, is Rabbi Milligan. That’s the same surname as Bokeem Woodbine’s Mike Milligan from season two. He was also an unlikely outsider who served in Kansas City’s Italian mafia. Since there are no coincidences on Fargo, the possible connection is obvious.

And if the future Mike Milligan is really Loy’s child, the Cannon crime family seems destined for a bleak end at the hands of the son it traded to another team. A team that will never truly accept him.

An image from Fargo season 4FX

The show’s second season took place in 1979. It featured Kansas City’s Italian mafia executing a hostile takeover of the Gerhardt crime family in North Dakota. Regardless of what happens this season, set in 1950, an Italian crime syndicate will still be a powerful force in Kansas City 29 years later. And they will have a Black associate named Mike Milligan.

We don’t know how Mike Milligan came to serve the Italian mafia. But he played an important role for them in their violent power grab. They sent him north to take care of some very bloody business. He was no stranger to force, and not above murdering to survive and thrive. For a Black man to have that position in 1979, he clearly did something major to earn the trust of the Italian mob.

Two men in Fargo season 4FX

Ben Whishaw’s Rabbi Milligan earned that type of trust by betraying his own family. He secured his standing with the Faddas by shooting his own father.

We don’t know exactly why Rabbi Milligan murdered his dad. He told Loy Cannon it’s a “dog-eat-dog world.” He might have decided to join the winning team when he realized how the game would end for the Irish. Or he might have hated his father for trading him twice, even though he knew his son could be killed in the exchange. It’s also possible Rabbi Milligan resented his father who forced him to shoot the innocent Jewish boy who traded places with him. Likely it’s a combination of all those things and more.

No matter, we know an Irishman earned a spot alongside the head of an Italian family through blood. Now, all these years later, he is the one responsible for Satchel. And Rabbi Milligan knows better than anyone how it feels to be used as a pawn in a deadly game by power hungry fathers.

A scene from Fargo season 4FX

It’s not hard to see how Satchel could follow his protector’s path. The young boy is mad at his father for sending him away. It’s the kind of act that builds resentment. And keep in mind that it’s also 1950 in America. If you had to bet on a “winning team” in a war between white and Black Americans, you know who will come out on top. And if Loy Cannon asks his son to do something awful like murder another innocent youngster, the way Rabbi Milligan had to, Satchel might decide he’d rather point a gun at a guilty man instead. Even if that guilty man his own dad.

And once he’s no longer a part of the Cannon family, Satchel might take up the name of the person who guided him. He might honor the man who taught him the way the world works, Rabbi Milligan, as he takes his spot in the Italian mafia.

It would be a bleak ending for Loy Cannon. But it’s an ending he’s already worried about.

A scene from Fargo season 4FX

Loy knows Rabbi Milligan murdered his father when he was in the same situation as Satchel. And Loy also knows both his sons resent him. (He’s trying to stop his oldest from being a musician.) Getting his child home and away from a person who betrayed his family is as much about keeping Loy safe as it is his son. That might sound harsh. But that’s why Loy patted Satchel down when they met outside the funeral home. He didn’t hug his son when he first saw him. He checked to make sure his boy didn’t have a weapon he could use against his own father. But such an ending might be unavoidable for Loy.

The Cannons are fighting a group we know will be in power 29 years later. And losing contenders for Kansas City’s crime throne go away for good. Save for one Irishman who did the seemingly unthinkable to survive. That could be how Satchel survives his own family’s extinction too before he becomes Mike Milligan.

Satchel Cannon in FargoFX

But that doesn’t mean Satchel will have a happy ending either. What did either man get from being members of another team? As Loy told him, Rabbi Milligan is as an outsider in a family that doesn’t respect him. And Fargo‘s second season ends with Mike Milligan having proven himself reliable and ready for a new position of power. His reward was a banal desk job.

Rabbi Milligan is teaching Satchel Cannon it’s a dog-eat-dog world. But just because you run with a different pack doesn’t mean you’re a part of it.

Featured Image: FX

Mikey Walsh is a staff writer at Nerdist. You can follow him on Twitter at @burgermike, and also anywhere someone is ranking the Targaryen kings.

The post This FARGO Theory Spells Doom for Loy appeared first on Nerdist.

October 13, 2020

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Gave Us Struggle Bars, Gunsmoke, and Blood on the Mobile Suit

I never been a Gundam guy. I know there’s a bunch of Gundam series. The way I remember Gundam is from the late 90s to mid-2000s commercials for Gundam model kits that people would build up by hand. They had these super intricate big mech models in front of the camera with someone behind them, arms folded, saying, “Level 14 Gundam. 12 hours.” When I tell you that shit made me laugh every time I saw it. Like, okay, calm down. It ain’t that serious man. Little did I know, years later in 2020, I’d get told by my friend, Will, that I might rock with this show called Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. We in the middle of a global pandemic, I got the time to start some new shit today. Never tried a Gundam before but sure, Let’s rock it out.

I was not ready. I was not fucking ready for Mikazuki “I’m only 16 but my body count is old” Augus. Soon as I saw young boy Mika holding the burner, blood on his face, gun smoke wafting away beside him as he was looking at his mans and dem Orga Itsuka asking, “Who you need me to dead next, Orga?” I said, Tekkedan, you son of a bish. I’m in. Oh, I was fucking hooked. I was fucking hooked man. This is the hard shit I be talking about. These fucking teens being treated like human debris to fight wars for corporations, private militaries, and so on as child soldiers. They then say fuck that noise, cause a mutiny, then create their own private military called Tekkadan. Which gets them pulled into the politics of trying to Mars independence, they get caught up in this crime syndicate to operate under to get the government off their backs.

Best Boy Sociopath

Listen, Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans is 2 seasons of gun smoke and bodies piling up. I ain’t here to discuss all of that as a review. I’m here to talk about the best boy sociopath Mikazuki Augus, pilot of Gundamn Barbatos Lupus Rex.

Man, Mikazuki is about the action, the whole action and nothing but that fucking action. I knew dude was real when Orga handed him the burner and they pulled the mutiny. Mika popped three shots in their former (abusive) boss’ head like it was nothing. Gave that man a fucking flu shot far as he was concerned, then shot a dude trying to rush’em after that like it was just another typical taco Tuesday. I said, “oh this boy real right here”. Didn’t matter who was stepping to the young lion. Mikazuki already built different as fuck then they fucked around and let’em pilot a Gundam?! They gave this boy the Bompton Barbatos Gundam to turn all of Tekkadan’s enemies to memories?! I knew Mikazuki was with the Metamucil when that Gjallarhorn soldier challenged him, got fucking got, and was asking Mikazuki for an honorable death or some shit? I don’t know what he was sayin’ cause Mikazuki got out the cockpit with Royce Da 5’9 playing in the background and popped dude before he could even finish his sentence. What?! What the fuck?! Let’s fucking go. That’s what I’m talking about.

Ain’t no shonen long-winded monologue about friendship or life being precious. Mikazuki out here treating the opps like Rice Krispies cereal You either get your neck snapped or bones crackled from fighting Barbatos or popped from Mikazuki’s burner’s burner account. That’s it. One enemy told Mikazuki that he probably enjoyed killing. You know what Mika said… after he killed’em? “Oh shit, do I? Man, I’ll figure that shit out later.” You know damn well that shit ain’t get figured out later cause fuck that. Mikazuki a fucking mud-made monster of Tekkadan man. Let’s get into ya boy’s partner on the field too. Mr. Muscle Milk The Muscles Man himself, Akihiro Altland.

Mr. Milk The Muscles Man

Akihiro Altland is here to do three things. Get his weight up in the gym, put the weight of his friend’s lives on his shoulders, and take the weight of life off his enemies. That’s it. That’s all this man does. Akihiro is second to fighting only to Mikazuki. We saw him get his weight up in and out of the Gundam. When Tekkadan ran into the Turbines then got cool with them, the women fighters trained him to become even more refined. Akihiro stayed in the simulator. That’s the danger room man. He fought everyone and anyone available in order to get better. Meek Mill “Dreams and Nightmares” on the entire time he was in that simulator. Saying, to himself ” So I had to grind like that to shine like this // In a matter of time I spent on some locked up shit” repeatedly.

I knew the exact dynamic that Mikazuki and Akihiro had when i saw them both in the hallway doing pull ups on the pipes. That’s all I needed to see to know that these two are the realist. These two? Ain’t here for no play play shit. These two? Ain’t tryina kumbaya with you n****, they trying to murder anything and anyone standing in the way of their people’s living the good life Kanye and T-Payne sang about on Graduation. This is Iron-Blooded Orphan Human Debris mentality right here. Muthafuckas gotta respect the work out regimen for this life. Come the fuck on, yo. When I be saying I want that real rap raw, this is the exact shit I’m talking bout.

Nobody was safe in this series. No plot armor protecting anybody from the fade. God’s armor couldn’t be equipped for this gutta gutta shit man. Tekkadan teammates getting dropped in battle left and right. Loved ones making sacrifice play so they teammates and peoples could make it out of lose/lose situations alive. Yall don’t fucking hear me tho, man. Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans is the shit Pusha T be rapping about man. If you know you fucking know. You think you know the direction the show going and then they fucking shift gears like Jason Statham and make a hard left while driving in reverse (diddy and biggie style). There are deaths that still don’t sit right with me in my fucking spirit, man. You get got on the battlefield fine, but come on, man. My girl Lafter Frankland? Not like that, yo. Not like fucking that.

The Turbines

Lafter done did it all man. Went bar for bar with Mikazuki on their first meeting with nothing but beef between them before Tekkadan joined up with The Turbines / Teiwaz. She and her girls trained Akihiro and the other Tekkadan members into the fucking gutter mobile suit monsters that NOBODY wanted a piece off. Ya girl made it out of the Gjallarhorn raid on the Turbines, saw the folks that took her in, Naze and Amida, get fucking got, got the blessing to go and be with Akihiro who she didn’t realize she fell in love with, then decided to not tell him she loved him after their small date (Akihiro mad oblivious) and instead stay with her girls in the Turbines. Lafter went through all that shit just to end up in a Build-A-Bear store looking at a bear that reminded her of Akihiro just to catch four rounds in a fucking walk by, yo.

Jasley Donomikols killed her just to push Tekkadan, Who were under Naze’s protection, into a fight on some petty shit. Jasley Donomikols dropped a dime on Naze which lead to’em getting killed and now he done got Lafter? The sweet-faced monster Gundam pilot, Lafter?! Just to get control of Teiwaz you did this?

Nah. Nah, Tekkadan coudn’t accept that shit. Tekkadan had to send that order back to the fucking kitchen. Tekkadan dropped outta Teiwaz just to fucking run that man’s fade. They ain’t even talk to one another during the fight, everybody knew what it was. Jasley Donomikols got his shit rock’em sock’em robot’ed. The fuck he think he was stepping to man? These kids Iron-Blooded monsters, man. Mika asked Orga, how far am I taking this? Am I ending this man’s career or eliminating his whole bloodline? Orga said, “Total annihilation.” and it was game fucking over. Tekkadan in 5… fucking minutes.

No Games, No Peace Talks

Mikazuki ain’t here to play any games with these mutha fuckas, man. Akihiro didn’t come here to discuss peace talks. Orga ain’t send them and the rest of the gang out for a fucking walk in the park. This is gutta shit. You wanted beef? Well, this is top sirloin with garlic butter. Enjoy, cause it’s your last fucking meal coming out the end of a god damn Gundam rifle with air holes in the muzzle.

These Tekkadan kids built fucking different, man. I done seen these boys off grown ass adults that fucked them up. Nice ass sweet boy Takaki Uno pulled the burner on a man that fucked over his whole battalion through lies and leading them on. Takaki Uno pulling the burner outside the battlefield is like Mr. Rogers running somebody’s chain. You done pushed this sweet boy too fucking far, got his friends knocked, and blood needs to be a down payment for that shit. Speaking of blood as a down payment, Mikazuki Augus literally gave everything he had to Tekkadan.

Literally. My man had to fight a Gundam that stepped to Tekkadan on Earth. That boy said, fuck it. Fine. He let Barbatos take more control of his body and it cost him his right arm and right eye. Mikazuki ain’t give a fuck about it. Fuck that arm. He shoot with his left anyway. Mika could only use his arm when he was piloting Barbatos due to the Alaya-Vijnana System. Shit ain’t stop there tho. Mikazuki, later on, had to step to an unmanned Armor Gundam called the Hashmal. The Hasmal was fucking everybody the fuck up. Whoever beat it tho would get the glory and recognized for their strength. Mikazuki KNEW he had to do this shit to put Tekkadan on the map. Gjallarhorn members couldn’t do shit facing off against this fucking monster. Mikazuki took it the fuck down on some fucking big bad wolf shit.

For the Squad

He let Barbatos take all the way over and it cost him his whole left side. This boy gave his whole left side to deliver the fade for the baddest mutha fucker in the galaxy title for Tekkadan to hold. Mika literally had to be carried around by his subordinate hush after this point (and wanted to stay hooked up to Barbatos so he could remain functional). Mika wasn’t even mad about it either, mans didn’t even care. This is what he did to protect Tekkadan and put them where they needed to be. Mikazuki did this for his squad and he did this shit for his fucking gang, come the fuck on.

This shit was never more apparent than when Tekkadan had to go underground after betting on the wrong side fo the Gjallarhorn revolution with McGillis’ side. Man, mainstream Gjallarhorn was smearing Tekkadan’s name in the papers, and everywhere. Tekkadan had to escape to Earth from their base on Mars. In order to do that someone had to hold off the Gjallarhorn forces that outnumbered them. Maaaaaaan, Tekkadan mobile suit squad was holding it down. They lost some people, but once folks were ready to dip. Mikazuki told everyone to fall the fuck back. He’d join up with them later. Mika tried to tell that shit to Akihiro as well.

Akihiro said, who the fuck you talking to. You know damn well I’m staying to fuck these folks up. When I tell you that these mutha fuckas did the coldest last stand I done ever seen. I knew from the beginning of the series that these two would probably die in battle but oh my god, I had no idea how many they would take with them. Once Akihiro took a deep breath and shouted “Akihiro Altland, pilot of Gundamn Gusion Rebake Full City” and Mikazuki did the same yelling, “Mikazuki Augus, Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex” It was fucking over for me.

What Does It Take To Die

When you state your government name then the name of the whip you bout to whip these mother fuckers with? It’s over. You got no choice but to go out on your sword and take as many of these mutha fuckas with you as you can. Mikazuki and Akihiro did fucking wooooooork. Two fucking 16-17-year-olds, beating up grown men with their mech suits. Grown ass men saying, “Yo, what the fuck are these guys’ problem?” Grown ass men shitting they pants against teens that should be hanging out at a fucking mall food court are out here beating the fucking just for men off their ass. Grown ass men shook. So shook that Gjallarhorn had to use an illegal fucking war weapon to bring these dudes down. They rained that shit down above these boys from overhead.

THEM BOYS AIN’T FUCKING DIE THO! Mika and Akihiro got right the fuck back up. Arms missing from they Gundams, their faces Stone Cold Steve Austin in the Sharpshooter bloody. Becky Lynch broken nose with arms spread eagle in the stands at WWE Raw bloody. Still ready for fucking war. Still ready to bring to the pain to these mutha fuckas. How you get shot down, get up, and cop even more bodies than when you were busting these folks shit in from before?! What the fuck?! Let’s fucking Go. Gjallarhorn captain Iok that was a fucking idiot and caused the death of so many folks on Tekkadan due to his idiocy and arrogance (including Naze) was there comin at them. Once Akihiro heard his voice and made sure to kill his ass before he got stabbed up. Akihiro got a third wind hearing his voice saying, “Wait, your dumbass is here?! Oh you GOTS to fucking go!” Meanwhile, Mikazuki in Barbatos with one fucking arm out here killing these soldiers on his wolf shit.

Give The Boys Their Due

Mika went off for a fucking kill streak. Gjallarhorn captain Julieta was like, “Bro, it’s over what are you doing? Why you still fighting?!” Mikazuki was not hearing that shit. Mika was hitting Marvel Vs Capcom 2 level combos on these mutha fuckas. Crossing them over with one arm and his fucking tail. Mika had these soldiers looking like they belonged back on the bench. Mika only went down due to his injuries. These mutha fuckas could not see this man on the battlefield. His body gave out and they wanted to give Julieta the praise of having killed the demon wolf of Tekkadan… man, we can watch that tape back. Julieta ain’t do a damn thing all-season or in this fucking fight. I ain’t ever seen a side with more numbers take a hit like that. Mika and Akihiro kept these mutha fuckas profits in the fucking red.

Man, Iron-Blooded Orphans got me respecting Gundam now. I’ll check out the other series but, if they do not go as hard as Mikazuki Augus and Akihiro Altland putting muhfuckas in the fucking space dirt, I don’t want it. If it ain’t to the level of Orga in the Ron Burgundy burgundy suit taking gunshots in the back to protect his mans ride then bucking off kill shots while bleeding out then I don’t want it. Next time you see me, I’ma be rocking a Tekkadan jacket with timberlands on outta fucking respect for the trilliest.

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