
Disney+ is bringing together some of the brightest stars in the Star Wars galaxy for the ultimate holiday family reunion, the “LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special.” Today the streaming service also gave fans a first look at key art for the special, set to premiere on Tuesday, November 17, also known as the fan-favorite holiday Life Day first introduced in the 1978 “Star Wars Holiday Special.”

Franchise stars reprising their roles in the “LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special” include Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico), Billy Dee Williams (“Lando Calrissian”), Anthony Daniels (“C-3PO”), as well as “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” vets Matt Lanter (Anakin Skywalker), Tom Kane (Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn), James Arnold Taylor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), and Dee Bradley Baker (clone troopers).

The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special reunites Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, Rose and the droids for a joyous feast on Life Day. Rey sets off on a new adventure with BB-8 to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force. At a mysterious Jedi Temple, she is hurled into a cross-timeline adventure through beloved moments in Star Wars cinematic history, coming into contact with Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, Obi-Wan and other iconic heroes and villains from all nine Skywalker saga films. But will she make it back in time for the Life Day feast and learn the true meaning of holiday spirit?   

The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a production of Atomic Cartoons, the LEGO Group, and Lucasfilm. It is directed by Ken Cunningham and written by David Shayne, who is also co-executive producer. James Waugh, Josh Rimes, Jason Cosler, Jacqui Lopez, Jill Wilfert and Keith Malone are executive producers.

October 15, 2020

‘The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special’ Features Kelly Marie Tran, Billy Dee Williams and More!

Disney+ is bringing together some of the brightest stars in the Star Wars galaxy for the ultimate holiday family reunion, the “LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special.” Today the streaming service also gave fans a first look at key art for the special, set to premiere on Tuesday, November 17, also known as the fan-favorite holiday Life Day first introduced in the 1978 “Star Wars Holiday Special.”

Franchise stars reprising their roles in the “LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special” include Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico), Billy Dee Williams (“Lando Calrissian”), Anthony Daniels (“C-3PO”), as well as “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” vets Matt Lanter (Anakin Skywalker), Tom Kane (Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn), James Arnold Taylor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), and Dee Bradley Baker (clone troopers).

The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special reunites Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, Rose and the droids for a joyous feast on Life Day. Rey sets off on a new adventure with BB-8 to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force. At a mysterious Jedi Temple, she is hurled into a cross-timeline adventure through beloved moments in Star Wars cinematic history, coming into contact with Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, Obi-Wan and other iconic heroes and villains from all nine Skywalker saga films. But will she make it back in time for the Life Day feast and learn the true meaning of holiday spirit?   

The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a production of Atomic Cartoons, the LEGO Group, and Lucasfilm. It is directed by Ken Cunningham and written by David Shayne, who is also co-executive producer. James Waugh, Josh Rimes, Jason Cosler, Jacqui Lopez, Jill Wilfert and Keith Malone are executive producers.

October 14, 2020

The Mid Week So Soon? Mid Week in Review (MWIR) @BTalk100, WED 8pm EST; Call LIVE #508-645-0100; Soul & Coming To America 2 Sent to Streaming?; Grindhouse Continued!; NYCC ’20

Don't sleep on yet ANOTHER fun, factual and fiery sonic mission from the Afronerd Radio machine airing this Wednesday at 8pm eastern. Thanks to the good folks at BTalk100, the Mid Week in Review with its famed AFROnerdists, will analyze the following topics:  Pixar's highly anticipated animated black culture centered film, Soul is moving to Disney+ to the chagrin of theater owners; and in likeminded fashion, the 30 year plus sequel to Eddie Murphy's Coming to America is also going to a streaming platform via Amazon;  we left a number of topics on the barbecue grill per Sunday's Grindhouse podcast, so let's see if we can play "catch up"; Dburt had a conniption just at the thought of #WAP rapper, Megan the Stallion penning a NY Times op-ed piece entitled, Why I Speak Up for Black Women; expectations for Star Trek: Discovery S3-i.e. a time jump including a new character called "Book,"; our impressions on the S2 ending of Amazon's The Boys as well as predictions for the greenlighted S3;  thoughts about the return of Watchmen's Rorschach (sort of) courtesy of  writer, Tom King for DC's Black Label imprint......oh and what happened to Doomsday Clock's black Rorschach, Reggie Long?;  Hmmm....latest reports assert that the markets are reacting favorably to Disney's corporate reorganization proposals.... so what is entertainment and media behemoth actually doing? ;  The Mary Sue highlights a new Native American superhero introduced during NYCC '20's virtual convention. The Z-Hawk comic book honors the legacy of 3-year old Zaadii Tozhon Tso who was tragically killed by a distracted driver in 2015.  Lastly, Mary Sue continued to shed light on Native American creatives in honor of this week's Indigenous Peoples' Day (as a counter narrative to the Columbus Day holiday) by acknowledging 5 talented and noteworthy Indigenous creators and activists on the "come up."  Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100.


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Also Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via Pandora, Spotify and IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!

October 13, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett’s Lack of Notes Isn’t Impressive, It’s Disturbing


Today is the second day of confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett to take Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court. With only 21 days until the election, Republicans are fast-tracking her confirmation in a last-ditch effort to pack the court and potentially rule on the results of the election with a conservative majority. And given their majority in the Senate, there seems to be no stopping Coney Barrett’s confirmation.

Coney Barrett knows this, which may be why she brought zero notes, records, or receipts to the multi-day hearing. Today, when prompted by Texas Senator John Cornyn, she revealed a little blank notepad with nothing on it. “That’s impressive,” Cornyn responded, before moving on.

This has led to a chorus of Republicans praising Coney Barrett for her keen legal mind. “She doesn’t need notes! It’s all in her head!”, they cry as if Coney Barrett’s complete lack of preparation is something to celebrate. But it’s not. As ACB continues to offer non-answers and political doublespeak to the senators’ questions, she isn’t saying much of anything at all. Nobody needs notes to rattle off disingenuous platitudes about the law.

But much like the president who nominated her, ACB can’t be bothered to prepare. It’s a sign of an oversized ego, of the knowledge that she already has the votes to be confirmed. And she has zero interest in defending her record, because she knows it doesn’t matter. It’s smarm masquerading as knowledge, and zealotry in the face of scrutiny. But Coney Barrett has already shown she’s not taking the process seriously with her omission of important documents to the senate committee.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to the Department of Justice to request withheld materials from Coney Barrett, which include two lectures given to anti-abortion students groups at Notre Dame. The Democrats’ letter read, “First, Judge Barrett’s SJQ supplement includes two 2013 talks — a lecture and a seminar — about the Supreme Court’s cases on women’s reproductive rights, … Both talks, which were also omitted from Judge Barrett’s 2017 SJQ and attachments, were made public in press reports early yesterday. It is troubling that Judge Barrett supplemented her SJQ to include these talks only after they were identified by the press.”

It feels absurd to type this, but it must be said: America deserves a Supreme Court justice who does the work, who prepares, who gathers evidence, and who doesn’t omit problematic speeches and positions. Her smug lack of preparation is insulting to everyone watching these hearings. If confirmed, she’ll be making decisions that affect millions of Americans. That should be more than enough reason for her to do her homework.

It’s also a searing indictment of these hearings and her nomination. Amy Coney Barrett isn’t making a case for herself because she thinks she’s already won. Many took to social media to call out her concerning lack of notes:

Maybe this is why 88 of her colleagues at Notre Dame called for her to step aside. I doubt she’ll listen.

(featured image: screencap/MSNBC)

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October 13, 2020

Professional Ignoramus Ted Cruz Just Called Contraception “Abortion-Inducing Drugs”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, talks during the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett

Day two of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court has come to an end and it was just as harrowing as Day 1.

There were a lot of big moments out of Tuesday’s hearing. For example:

But a major contender for the worst part of the day was every moment Ted Cruz was speaking–especially the one in which he chose to refer to birth control as “abortion-inducing drugs.”

This isn’t new, by the way. Cruz has been using this term for at least half a decade.

During his questioning, Cruz brought up the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Catholic nuns who went to court with the Obama administration over the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that employers pay for their employees’ birth control.

Here’s what Cruz said today about “religious liberty”:

The Little Sisters of the Poor are a Catholic convent of nuns who take oaths of poverty, who devote their lives to caring for the sick, caring for the needy, caring for the elderly. The Obama administration litigated against the Little Sisters of the Poor, seeking to fine them in order to force them to pay for abortion-inducing drugs among others. Truly a stunning situation when you have the federal government litigating against nuns.

I don’t know, personally, I was really glad to know that the federal government wasn’t going to let nuns discriminate their employees. I miss those days.

Also, by the way, the Obama administration tried to give the nuns an out. As The Atlantic wrote back in 2015:

A three-member panel of judges ruled that the Obama administration has come up with a sufficient accommodation for religious organizations like the Little Sisters: If they object to providing insurance coverage to employees who want to buy birth control, organizations can sign a two-page form stating that objection. That’s it—from there, the administration will arrange for a third-party provider to make sure the employee can get coverage. But the Little Sisters, along with schools like Notre Dame and other religious organizations, claimed that signing that piece of paper was the moral equivalent of condoning birth control.

And obviously, the biggest red flag in Cruz’s depiction of this case is that contraception isn’t “abortion-inducing.” Even if Cruz was referring to Plan B, which some are speculating he is, that drug prevents fertilization or stops a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb. Neither of those things have anything to do with abortion.

But this kind of gross misinformation is to be expected from Cruz, who has made it clear that he thinks condoms should be the only acceptable form of birth control. He once “joked” that there is no conservative war on women or on contraception because “Last I checked, we don’t have a rubber shortage in America.” Classy.

Senate Republicans, Cruz included, have claimed that Democrats are opposed to Barrett’s confirmation because of her faith. That’s simply not true. There are already five Catholics on the Supreme Court so to oppose Barrett on those grounds would be strange. But Barrett has made comments in the past about using her Catholicism to guide her judicial decisions, which is incredibly worrying. And when lawmakers like Cruz make it clear that they want our laws to be shaped by those religious beliefs (which is very different from protecting religious beliefs), we should absolutely express some concern over that!

(image: Patrick Semansky-Pool/Getty Images)
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