
Richard Garriott revealed in an interview today that he smuggled the remains of James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek: The Original Series) along with a photo of Doohan aboard the International Space Station back in 2008 when he went on a twelve day mission as a private astronaut. It was, according to Garriott and Doohan’s son, Doohan’s final wish. A wish that had been denied officially two previous times, which is why Garriott resorted to more clandestine means to get the remains aboard. It’s comforting to know that our beloved Scotty got his beam-up!

In other news:

    • The remains of an ancient snack bar were unearthed in Pompeii, because loving snacks is a universal human truth. – CBS News
    • The Exorcist is celebrating it’s 47th anniversary today, so here is a video of audience reactions to it in 1973.
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger had a zoom reunion with the cast of Kindergarten Cop. Yahoo News
    • Wholesome Alert: Watch this cat interrupt a morning prayer:


(Photo: CBS)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

The post Things We Saw Today: Scotty Was Beamed Up After All first appeared on The Mary Sue.

December 27, 2020

Things We Saw Today: Scotty Was Beamed Up After All

Richard Garriott revealed in an interview today that he smuggled the remains of James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek: The Original Series) along with a photo of Doohan aboard the International Space Station back in 2008 when he went on a twelve day mission as a private astronaut. It was, according to Garriott and Doohan’s son, Doohan’s final wish. A wish that had been denied officially two previous times, which is why Garriott resorted to more clandestine means to get the remains aboard. It’s comforting to know that our beloved Scotty got his beam-up!

In other news:

    • The remains of an ancient snack bar were unearthed in Pompeii, because loving snacks is a universal human truth. – CBS News
    • The Exorcist is celebrating it’s 47th anniversary today, so here is a video of audience reactions to it in 1973.
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger had a zoom reunion with the cast of Kindergarten Cop. Yahoo News
    • Wholesome Alert: Watch this cat interrupt a morning prayer:


(Photo: CBS)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

The post Things We Saw Today: Scotty Was Beamed Up After All first appeared on The Mary Sue.

December 27, 2020

Taraji P. Henson Is Slaying With Her New Curly Haircut!

Taraji P. Henson Is Slaying With Her New Curly Haircut! By Brooklyn White ·December 26, 2020December 26, 2020

Purple reign! On December 26, actress Taraji P. Henson debuted a new hair color that we absolutely adore. She’s now rocking a mix of violet and hibiscus in the form of a curly cut with cropped sides.

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“Ooooops I did it again,” the former ESSENCE cover star wrote on Instagram in the unveiling post. Celebrities and fans alike are loving the new look from the What Men Want star and are singing Henson’s praises in the comments. “Ur literally so beautiful,” singer SZA said. “Love the shape and color .. perfection!”

Tracie Jade also weighed in, writing, “PRINCE is looking down with a BIG OLE SMILE on his face!!”

This year has been full of stunning looks from Henson—most memorably her

The post Taraji P. Henson Is Slaying With Her New Curly Haircut! appeared first on Essence.

December 27, 2020

Through the Windows of a Bacta Tank: ‘The Mandalorian’ Cypher Battle

First of all, spoilers below.

We’re talking about The Mandalorian, and the season’s over, so if you haven’t watched…. You’ve been warned, don’t read this, run to watch the finale, and then run back here to read this. That being said… let’s talk about what I thought was the best scene of the series.

Listen, I get it, some of you are awed by Luke, were giddy over the presence of the Darksaber, others were hype to see Ahsoka, couldn’t wait to see Seth Bullock yet again get to be a marshal. And while those were all good scenes, if you think one of those were the best, you’re a kyber crystal short of a saber. Because none of those scenes involves shit talking Mandalorians going straight for each other’s soft spots.

We know at least one thing about Mandalore, #1 the sun must never shine, because Mandalorians are used to fighting IN THE SHADEEEEEE. Also, the Hip-Hop scene must be nuts because the only thing missing from this episode of Wild’n Out was for Loaded Lux to come stepping around the corner of the cantina to get in the cypher.

Listen, the scene is short but there’s levels and layers to it. First off, it seems like the start of a Imperial Dad joke, 2 bounty hunters walk into a bar. But Din Djarin, was there on business, and Boba was rolling shotgun. I’m guessing Fennec Shand figured she wasn’t getting paid to get in the middle of a tag team Mando match and sat in the ship being all mercenarial and ish.  Anywho Din Djarin, goes looking for Bo-Katan & Crew asking for help to retrieve Grogu.

Bo-Katan hit him with the “Naw” you never seeing that kid again. Boba says we don’t need these two, and I swear I heard a bell ring, because that’s when the match started. Immediately you see the glimmer of recognition in Bo-Katan eyes as she hears Boba’s voice, and she starts off the Freestyle Battle with “You’re not a Mandalorian.” Translation: Why is he even here right now? Boba says something else, and Koska steps to the mic like it was a high school battle cypher and someone walked in with fake Jordan’s on. She says, “I didn’t know sidekicks were allowed to talk.” Translation “WHOSE MANS IS THIS??” I wasn’t ready for the verbal warplay, and the tension was thicker than bantha hide.

Boba says something mildly slick in return, and Koska stands up, slow walks up to Boba with big Chris Partlow energy, looks him up and down and slowly says, “You’ll be talking through the windows of a bacta tank.”


This phrase is #Bars. 2020 hasn’t given us much, but it has given us The Mandalorian. That “PUNKS JUMP UP TO GET BEAT DOWN” energy that I didn’t even know I needed. That line told me, that Hip-Hop is popping off somewhere in a Galaxy far far away. Because “You’ll be talking through the windows of a bacta tank” is clearly the line off some battle rap between a Wookie and a Hutt wanna be. It’s the title track off the debut album South Side of Coruscant. It’s as gangsta as a Shock Trooper with a teardrop tattoo.

There’s levels to this line. First and foremost, Koska is telling Boba “Imma whup yo ass.” I’m not gonna kill you, no, no, no…that’s too easy. But Imma beat that ass bad enough that you’re going to need more than a medical droid. You’re gonna need deep tissue healing; that “I lost a limb fighting my father” healing, that “I spent a night on Hoth and damn near froze to death” healing, that “I got both my legs cut off by Obi-Wan and I slid into a puddle of lava” type healing. But best believe I’m going to leave you alive so that you will always know, that “I’m the one who did this to you Remember me.” Koska delivered the line so smooth and casual I was waiting for her to follow up with. “It’s the one that says bad mother f*cker on it.” My immediate reaction after that line was:

I am anxiously awaiting the moment in real life when I can use that line in context. BUT THAT WASN’T THE END. The bars were still coming and the 808 hadn’t even dropped yet. Boba was like…Mandalore? It’s a run-down hole in the ground. Bo-Katan took offence and told him he was a disgrace to his armor, which to him was talking about his dad, which is really like talking about someone else’s momma, but you can’t really use momma jokes on clones sooooo… Boba tells Bo-Katan that the armor belong to his father and Bo hits him with the “don’t you mean your donor?”

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…. did she just call Boba Fett, the Carbonite casing, Hutt Hitting, baron of bounty hunting and first of his name, a test tube baby? We roasting people in space son? We playing the dozens out here on the Outer Rim? But she didn’t stop there, she went from zero to Sith so ruthlessly that Maul would have been proud. Bo-Katan hit Fett with a two piece and a biscuit, following up that first verbal haymaker with “You are a clone, I’ve heard your voice thousands of times.”

Bruh. She said it with a smile.

Even the unsaid was bad… I’ve heard your voice thousands of times equals I’ve killed your voice thousands of times. Yo! You don’t know Bo. Bo got no cut cards. Bo looks at you, sees you hit rock bottom, throws you a shovel, and says keep digging. Bo hit Boba, like Bo hit Brian Bosworth, and it was just as brutal. The rest of the scene was a solid, quick little fight scene with the first ever jet fueled, interstellar, tornado DDT, letting us know that not only is Hip-Hop in Star Wars, but luchadores exist as well.

And what better way to end off a series? Y’all can have your Luke Skywalker cameos and your Moff Gideon beat downs, give me an interstellar versus battle between two bounty hunters and a pair of bad ass Mandalorians, and I will sip on that like it’s a pint of spotchka fresh from the krill farm. This whole scene was the reason Boba went to Tatooine in the end credits with an attitude problem. That Beskar armor can fend off lightsabers, but it can’t shield you from them internal verbal wounds. Fett needs to spend the first two episodes of next season talking to a counselor. He needs to hit the couch à la Tony Soprano. He got some issues to unwind.

Me, on the other hand, I’ll be busy. Busy looking for anyone foolish enough to step up, so I can make them talk to me…through the windows of a bacta tank. #BARS!

Cover Image via Mandatory

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The post Through the Windows of a Bacta Tank: ‘The Mandalorian’ Cypher Battle appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

December 26, 2020

The Long, Weird History of Wonder Woman’s Invisible Plane

It’s one of the most recognizable elements of Wonder Woman’s mythology, dating all the way back to 1942. Ask most people with only a casual knowledge of the Amazing Amazon, and one of the top five things they’ll tell you about her is that she flies in an invisible plane. And yet, it didn’t make it into her first solo movie. But thanks to Wonder Woman 1984, the invisible plane finally makes its big screen debut at last.

In the new film, Diana uses some of the same energy her father Zeus famously used to cloak her homeland of Themyscira with an invisible shield. In the new film, Diana uses some of that same energy on an airplane with Steve Trevor. It’s a unique explanation, and one that fits into the mythos established by the film. But this explanation for the plane’s existence doesn’t come from any comic book or previous media. But that’s okay! The Invisible Plane has a long and strange history, with many different origin points.

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Warner Bros.

In William Marston’s original conception in the ’40s, the Amazons of Paradise Island had very advanced technology, miles ahead of anything in “Man’s World.” When Diana left her home to fight in World War II as Wonder Woman, her mother gifted her with a special plane that was invisible to the naked eye and all forms of radar. Wonder Woman could even use her tiara to control her Robot Plane (as she called it) to appear. She could also telepathically command the plane, and maneuver the vehicle with a thought.

The Weird History of Wonder Woman's Invisible Plane_1

DC Comics

In the ‘40s, the plane appeared as a propeller plane, as was standard in that era. But in the ‘50s, when high powered jets became the norm, it took on that appearance to keep with the times. Starting in the early ’60s, there was a brief period where the plane was explained as once having been a mythical Pegasus, transformed into an airplane by the Greek Goddess Athena. But that was quickly dropped. During the four-year period when Wonder Woman lost her powers, she didn’t use her iconic ride at all.

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DC Comics

In the ‘70s, Diana Prince finally leapt off the printed page and onto television. First, with the Super Friends animated series, and then with the Lynda Carter live-action Wonder Woman show. Both versions featured the invisible plane, forever cementing it as part of Diana’s iconography to the masses. The live-action show only used it a handful of times, probably because it looked really goofy. But on Saturday mornings, Wonder Woman was never too far from her iconic aircraft.

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Warner Bros.

Despite this newfound fame, by the mid ’80s, the plane would vanish. (Pun fully intended.) TV versions felt silly than in the comics, giving way to  comments like, “Where does she find the plane once it’s parked?” By and large, the plane became a pop culture joke. So in DC Comics’ post-Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot of Wonder Woman, Diana would get a huge power upgrade. Rather than “gliding on air currents” as she once did, Diana now wielded the power of flight. This meant that she just didn’t need the plane anymore. And thus, the invisible plane went the way of the dinosaur for a whole decade.

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DC Comics

In the late ’90s, writer/artist John Byrne reinvented the Invisible plane for the modern age, this time as a product of alien technology. It was an alien “morphing crystal”, which could change shape, and was actually sentient. The crystal was often a plane, but could transform into other transparent vehicles. This alien being was initially sheltered from the outside world by an underground race of creatures called the Lansinarians, who in turn gave it to Diana.

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DC Comics

This new version of the invisible jet could communicate telepathically with Diana, and would eventually morph into her version of the Fortress of Solitude called the Wonder Dome. Saving Themyscria, the alien eventually died, leaving Wonder Woman once again without a cool vehicle of her own. Batman provided her with a stealth jet created by Wayne Enterprises, but it was decidedly not as cool. Wondy didn’t use it much; no one really loved the idea of Diana’s jet being a hand-me-down from Bruce Wayne.

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DC Comics

2011’s big New 52 reboot of the DC Universe didn’t find much use for the invisible plane. But it did pop up, in a way, in a reinvented form. During this era of  Diana’s history, the emphasis was less on her relationship with her Amazon sisters, and more on her relationship with her Olympian siblings. So the god Hephasteus built his sister an “invisible chariot,” similar to one he built for himself “to move freely around the world without Olympus watching him.” Presumably it could fly, so it was kind of an invisible jet? In any case, it didn’t make many appearances.

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DC Comics

When Greg Rucka returned to writing Princess Diana in 2016 for the Wonder Woman: Year One reboot, he brought back the invisible jet proper in a new way. His explanation for the plane was that it was pilot Steve Trevor’s plane that crashed on Themyscira. It was  destroyed in the crash, but the Amazons rebuilt it and added some of their own magical expertise. And presto—the plane was now invisible. Technically, it was Trevor’s plane, but Diana was the one flying it. The reasons for the invisibility was so it couldn’t be tracked leaving the secret island, thereby giving away its location.

Animation has continued to give the invisible plane even more wild explanations. In the Justice League animated film Crisis on Two Earths, the plane was a stealth jet with cloaking tech belonging to Owl Man, the evil alternate universe version of Batman. Wonder Woman bested him in battle and stole his plane as “the spoils of war,” and took it back to her own Earth. It’s kind of badass, but it’s always better when the plane doesn’t come from another character’s mythos.

Silly or not, the invisible plane has been a staple of Wonder Woman’s iconography since almost day one. Creators will continue to find a way to make it cool and relevant, despite public perception. Sure, the image of a woman just kind of sitting in the sky is weird, but all that aside, a supersonic stealth aircraft shouldn’t ever be not awesome. And as long as Wonder Woman is flying it, the Invisible Plane always will be.

The post The Long, Weird History of Wonder Woman’s Invisible Plane appeared first on Nerdist.

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