
BGN interviews Roxanne Avent (producer) of the Hidden Empire Film Fatale.

After a wild one-night stand, Derrick (Michael Ealy), a successful sports agent, watches his perfect life slowly disappear when he discovers that the sexy and mysterious woman he risked everything for, is a determined police detective (Hilary Swank) who entangles him in her latest investigation. As he tries desperately to put the pieces together, he falls deeper into her trap, risking his family, his career, and even his life. FATALE is a suspenseful and provocative psychological thriller and an unpredictable game of cat and mouse where one mistake can change your life.

Interviewer: Alex Jackson

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

Fatale premieres December 18, 2020 in theaters nationwide, and January 8, 2021 on PVOD.

January 3, 2021

‘Fatale’: Roxanne Avent on the Indictment of Guilt in the Eyes of Social Media

BGN interviews Roxanne Avent (producer) of the Hidden Empire Film Fatale.

After a wild one-night stand, Derrick (Michael Ealy), a successful sports agent, watches his perfect life slowly disappear when he discovers that the sexy and mysterious woman he risked everything for, is a determined police detective (Hilary Swank) who entangles him in her latest investigation. As he tries desperately to put the pieces together, he falls deeper into her trap, risking his family, his career, and even his life. FATALE is a suspenseful and provocative psychological thriller and an unpredictable game of cat and mouse where one mistake can change your life.

Interviewer: Alex Jackson

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

Fatale premieres December 18, 2020 in theaters nationwide, and January 8, 2021 on PVOD.

January 2, 2021

What Can Happen Next on DOCTOR WHO with Thirteen and Yaz?

It’s Thasmin time! Thirteen and Yaz will take on season 13 together after Graham and Ryan’s emotional yet rather unceremonious exit. A new companion named Dan will step into the TARDIS for reasons that aren’t exactly clear because, well, we really don’t need a guy there, right? But even with a replacement, Yaz and Thirteen’s undoubtedly special relationship will continue to grow and evolve. No one knows when we will get new episodes, but it leaves a lot of time for speculation. Thankfully, “Revolution of the Daleks” gives us a few hints as to what’s going on in Yaz and The Doctor’s minds and how they might proceed in the future.

In the beginning of the episode, Yaz is the only companion who refuses to accept that The Doctor may not come back. She’s spending her days and nights inside the spare TARDIS trying to figure out how to find Thirteen. Yaz’s allegiance to The Doctor has always been much stronger than her companion counterparts’, but it really comes through when The Doctor finally reunites with the fam and Jack Harkness.

Yaz is so overwhelmed and upset that she shoves The Doctor hard (a move that shocks everyone in the room). The Doctor can only apologize for her absence but it leaves Yaz in an emotional lurch.

The Time Traveling Conundrum

Doctor Who Yaz and Thirteen stand in hallway with red light

Ben Blackall/BBC

Jack Harkness later confronts Yaz about her feelings for The Doctor. He’s able to relate to her emotions after his own experiences with the Ninth Doctor. Viewers missed some of it onscreen but Jack travels with Nine and Rose for some unspecified amount of time before they separate for a while during “The Parting of Ways.” Yaz recognizes their common history with The Doctor and opens up about her thoughts during Thirteen’s absence.

“It felt cruel. To be shown something I couldn’t have anymore. Felt like…I’d rather not have known. I’d rather not have met her ‘cause having met her and then, being without her, that’s worse. How do you deal with that?”

Jack reassures her that meeting The Doctor and traveling in the TARDIS is a rare opportunity that makes them special. He tells Yaz to enjoy the time they have because no one can control when it will end. Jack also warns Yaz that the joy will come with more pain. If we know anything about Doctor Who, their time together will end. It could be good or it may be horrible but it’s the risk companions take to see the universe.

Yaz stepping outside of blue police box TARDIS

Ben Blackall/BBC

This conversation fuels Yaz’s enthusiastic decision to continue traveling with The Doctor, who is ecstatic to have her right-hand woman onboard. Yaz is certainly not the first person to develop a strong emotional attachment to the Gallifreyan hero. Companions like Rose Tyler and Donna Noble wanted to stay in the TARDIS forever until bad things shifted those plans.

Perhaps Yaz will cautiously continue on and keep Jack’s words in mind. However, it doesn’t seem like she’s really thought about the risk of consistently leaving her family behind. What happens to those relationships? Will she ever feel ready to come back and stay for good? Or will something have to rip her from The Doctor? Only time will tell. We can only hope Yaz will let go when it’s the right time and find Jack for another chat (and maybe a fun job).

In the meantime, actress Mandip Gill hinted to Digital Spy that Yaz’s previous mental health storyline may come up in the future. This wouldn’t be surprising considering how much death and destruction often comes with TARDIS travels. Gill said the next season is prime time for fans to really dig into her character’s persona. Honestly, we are far overdue a chance to get to know more about Yaz and hopefully the addition of Dan doesn’t take away from this needed development.

Thank You for Being a Friend

One thing is for sure: The Doctor needs Yaz on her side. Ryan and Thirteen also have a heartfelt chat about The Doctor’s current identity crisis. He reminds her that even though she found out parts of her past are a mystery (and a lie), she’s still The Doctor. Ryan encourages Thirteen to go forth and continue to uncover more about her life.

She thanks him for being a friend, which is exactly what she needs right now. Thirteen is in a state of flux between new life revelations and guilt over losing time with her fam. Yaz’s friendship and support along with her brilliance will be beneficial during these next steps. The Doctor also needs someone who can take charge, think quickly on their feet, and will challenge her when she’s wrong. All of those traits are right there with Yaz.

Yaz Doctor Who examines a machine in greenlight room

Ben Blackall/BBC

This episode shows Yaz stepping into her Doctorish mind with bold, clear decisions and carrying out tasks with relative ease. The Doctor and Yaz already have a healthy respect for each other that will only blossom as they spend more time together. The heart truly grows fonder after an absence.

The Doctor will take Ryan’s advice to confront the “new and the old.” Thasmin will have to discover the Timeless Child’s realm for more answers which will probably set up more questions. There’s also the possibility that Tecteun, who experimented on a child version of The Doctor to give the Time Lords their regenerative abilities, could possibly still be alive to give The Doctor valuable information about her unknown incarnations. This investigation could possibly be The Doctor’s biggest mission yet, so a solid companion who knows her well is an asset.

Sure, Yaz and The Doctor are heading to the Meringue Galaxy restaurant for fun but there’s work to be done. It’s time to head for the stars for adventure, action, and answers.

The post What Can Happen Next on DOCTOR WHO with Thirteen and Yaz? appeared first on Nerdist.

January 2, 2021

Watching Birds Feed in Slow-Mo Is Enlightening and Hilarious

As anyone who’s spent five minutes watching nature documentaries can tell you, seeing animals do stuff in slow motion is awesome. There’s just something about watching a cat leap or bugs take off in slow motion that’s endlessly enthralling. Birds, likewise, put on a great show when their rapid movements are slowed; one that’s both enlightening and pecking hilarious.

In the videos above and below, photographer Jocelyn Anderson shows off a couple different bird species eating in slow motion. Anderson’s YouTube channel actually has a seemingly endless number of slow-mo feedings, although the one above, which comes via Laughing Squid, has been Anderson’s most popular so far.

“[Oftentimes] smaller birds move too quickly for the human eye to catch the details of their movements,” Anderson says on her channel. But, with just her iPhone, she’s able to “record their flight and…antics while they select their snacks of choice.”

Watching Birds Feed in Slow-Mo Is Enlightening and Hilarious_1

Jocelyn Anderson Photography 

Anderson, who lives in Michigan, says she finds these birds at a particular park, where they’re commonly fed by hand. The birds are subsequently quite friendly, and obviously don’t think twice about Neck-flicks and snacking on someone’s open hand.

In the video up top, Anderson feeds a red-bellied woodpecker in slow motion. And while seeing the bird in flight by itself is pretty cool—it looks like a little, feathered missile for a while there, right?—seeing how much this clip has actually been slowed down will blow your mind. (Here’s a video of a woodpecker eating at normal speed for comparison.)

And the video immediately above contains what is simply one of the funniest bird moments of all time. An incredible claim to be sure, but watching one black-capped chickadee kick another one into the air in slow motion is undoubtedly comedy gold. Make sure you have the sound on for the full effect though.

Anyone who wants to let slow-mo birds further mesmerize them should definitely take a look at Anderson’s other videos. Along with being fun and educational, many of them are also ridiculously cute. The little Tufted Titmouse in the video below takes the cake though, along with our hearts. And what looks to be a hazelnut?

Feature image: Jocelyn Anderson Photography 

The post Watching Birds Feed in Slow-Mo Is Enlightening and Hilarious appeared first on Nerdist.

January 2, 2021

She Tried It: Everspring Cleaning Products Helped Simplify My Transition To Clean Living

Everspring by Target

Source: Target / Everspring

Earlier this year, I started paying more attention to the products that I was using on my body and began my transition to clean beauty. However, I was surprised when my fixation on labels and ingredients grew and I began to focus on the cleaning products that I was using around the house.

While researching non-toxic household cleaning products, I remembered Everspring, the natural all-purpose cleaner I had purchased one year prior, and began digging to find out if the line had other product offerings. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they did. In fact, the line features more than 70 Earth-friendly household items that range from laundry detergent to candles. It also didn’t hurt that the products are well-priced, too.

“Everspring is a great example of how we’re listening—and responding—to the evolving needs of our guests in a way that’s uniquely Target,” said Christina Hennington, senior vice president, general merchandise manager, Target in a statement last spring. “Guests can feel confident they’re purchasing essentials for their home that include ingredients and components they want and have the efficacy they need to get daily routines done. And, at prices nearly 20 percent less than comparable brands and a focus on fresh design, Everspring offers guests another compelling reason to stock up at Target.”

While I haven’t even scratched the surface of what Everspring has to offer yet, I did want to highlight some of my household favorites.

Everspring by Target

Source: Target / Everspring

Lavender & Bergamot Laundry Detergent

One of my favorite products from the Everpsring line is the laundry detergent. While many commercial detergents contain harsh toxins and carcinogens, this item is non-toxic and made from mostly plant-derived ingredients. I had my reservations about using a natural detergent because I love for my laundry to have a fresh scent that lasts, but my concerns quickly subsided. Every load came out just as clean as they did when I used regular detergent and they had a lasting fresh scent. Best of all, $10.99 will get you 100 ounces.

Everspring by Target

Source: Target / Everspring

Lemon & Mint Dishwasher Packs

The next thing that I was excited to try was the dishwasher packs. Although I always keep them up high and out of reach, there’s always the concern that my daughter would somehow get her hands on one and try to eat one and get sick. I was pleasantly surprised that the naturally-derived dishwasher packs from Everspring cleaned my dishes just as well as any other dishwasher packs without the harmful chemicals. Of course, they should still be placed out of the reach of children.

Everspring by Target

Source: Target / Everspring

Lavender & Bergamot All-Purpose Cleaner

The all-purpose cleaner is ammonia-free and cleans exceptionally well. It has a subtle scent that is derived from 100 percent natural fragrances and it’s made of a 91% biodegradable formula.

Everspring by Target

Source: Target / Everspring

Citrus  & Basil Multisurface Cleaning Wipes

I use multisurface wipes for cleaning just about every surface in my house including my daughter’s highchair tray and toys due to their non-toxic qualities. These are sturdy — very sturdy — and I also find it extremely convenient to keep a pack or two in the car for unexpected spills and messes.

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