
While some of these TV series have yet to debut, others have been around, however if you haven’t heard the buzz or had time to meander through your streaming channels, here’s the low down. 

Behind Her Eyes

Spooky. When newly divorced single mom Louise (Brit actress Simona Brown, Roots, Kiss Me First) runs into a handsome man (Tom Bateman) at a bar, she’s not looking for love but finds herself drawn to him anyway. They kiss, but before anything else can happen, he has a quick change of heart and leaves her outside the bar.

Next day, wouldn’t you know it, he’s her new boss at the office where she works. Despite the embarrassment of the night before, new boss and secretary make a fresh start and little more is thought of it until by coincidence she meets his wife (Eve Hewson, The Knick) on a London street. 

Pretty soon Louise has become friends with both of them. But, as Whoopi Goldberg once said in Ghost, “You in danger, girl.” There’s a death match of sorts going on between David and Adele, and they are about to take Louise along for the ride. 

Behind Her Eyes debuts February 17 on Netflix.

Buried by the Bernards

I’m not a big reality TV fan, mostly because I want my entertainment to be as far away from real life as possible. However, you want a quick laugh and the idea of a mortuary doesn’t creep you out, then this is worth a few minutes of your life. 

In business since 2017, R. Bernard Funeral Services in Memphis, Tennessee, is a full-service family-run funeral home that includes a drive through (and this was pre-COVID!). There’s owner Ryan Bernard, his two daughters Deja and Raegan, his mom Debbie, and his uncle Kevin. 

Check out mom Debbie, because she’s the comic relief — a woman who has convinced herself that she and she alone is holding down the business. Deja and Raegan complain and display some stereotypical millennial traits (flat out refusing some tasks). 

Meanwhile Uncle Kevin is absent minded and talks to himself but has the moves of someone who’s seen some hard times and is grateful for the stabilizing factor of family and a steady check. And Ryan, part Mack Daddy/part serious businessman takes it all in stride. 

Buried by the Bernards debuted February 5 on Netflix. 

My Trans Life

The Revry channel streams LGBTQ+ content, and for Black History Month there’s a plethora of content to choose from. One is My Trans Life, with half-hour looks into the lives of transgender and transsexual people, each story different and compelling. 

My Trans Life is in its third season, so there is a lot to binge. It streams on

Ginny and Georgia 

Can’t yet really reveal plot lines in episodes but can reveal the premise that appeals. 

Georgia (Brianne Howey, Dollface, The Passage) is a blonde, Southern peach with two kids. Her daughter Ginny (Antonia Gentry), short for Virginia, is almost as old as she is, as Georgia was a teenage mom. Ginny is biracial while her little brother (Diesel La Torraca) is white. Both love their mom but also think she’s a little strange. 

While one could argue that sometimes kids think that about their parents, in this case, Georgia often proves them right. Hijinks ensue in this dramedy where Mom is sexy, loves men and wraps them around her finger, while still loving her children and showing them a few things about survival. 

Ginny and Georgia debuts February 24 on Netflix.


This is not a review of Delilah, only a preview. There. This is also not OWN’s sequel to Greenleaf (soon to come). Instead, it is the story of two friends, both lawyers, who find themselves on opposite sides of the law. Delilah (Maahra Hill) left her big firm to work for herself defending smaller clients in need of help. Her friend Tamara (Jill Marie Jones, Girlfriends) usually represents the privileged and powerful. What happens to their friendship and their lives when they finally have to square off in a big court case? Ozioma Akagha (Runaways) and Susan Heyward (Orange Is the New Black and Vinyl) round out the cast. Just sayin’, this could be good. 

Delilah debuts on OWN in March 2021.


Tina Turner

We all know the story, told so many times. Annie Mae Bullock from Nutbush, Tennessee, finds she can sing and meets a guy named Ike. They start a group, marry, and he becomes abusive throughout the marriage, music, and worldwide fame. She wrote a book about it called I Tina, and Angela Bassett portrayed her in an award-nominated, critically-acclaimed film, What’s Love Got to Do with It.  

For Turner fans, HBO’s Tina will not change much of the above but it will add “archival footage spanning 60 years, audio tapes, and personal photos” and interviews with Angela Bassett; Oprah Winfrey; and journalist Kurt Loder, co-author of Turner’s book. 

Tina debuts March 27 on HBO and HBOmax.


You might want to watch this because Omar Sy is fine or because you have a thing about anything set in France. Before long though, it’ll be because you can’t take your eyes off the action in this tight mystery thriller. After 14-year-old Assan Diop (Sy) loses his immigrant father who commits suicide while in jail on trumped up charges, he wants revenge and finds his way through a book his father left for him on the exploits of Arsene Lupin, a 19th-century fictional character whose mastery of detective work, disguise and deception earns him the moniker “gentleman thief.” 

Over time, the adult Diop becomes like Lupin, stealing from people who’ve become wealthy through ill-gotten gains while trying to find a way to make the family who falsely accused his father pay. He’s also fallen in love, married, and is a father, and this certainly complicates things. Ludivine Sagnier (The New Pope) plays Diops’s long-suffering estranged wife, Claire, while newcomer Etan Simon plays his son. 

Instead of blood and gore violence, there’s lots of hold-your-breath chase scenes by car, by foot, and disguise-disposing faster than … well you get the idea.  

Lupin currently streams on Netflix. 

Bling Empire

Bling Empire is a look into the LA lives of wildly rich Asians and Asian-Americans. We know them as Anna Shay, the wealthy, middle-aged divorcee with Russian roots; the social-climbing Christine Chiu; Silicon Valley heiress Jamie Xie; heir and entrepreneur Kane Lim; entrepreneurial producer/investor Kelly Mi Li; and the not-independently wealthy model and influencer Kevin Krieder. The fun part is watching these designer-clad friends flutter from one mansion to the next, one five-star restaurant to private jet and private club, while navigating the hot mess that is their lives.

Bling Empire is currently streaming on Netflix. 


BGN is already recapping WandaVision so all I am going to say is watch this if you like classic TV shows such as I Love Lucy, Bewitched, or I Dream of Jeannie. If you have never heard of those but are a Marvel fan and know that Scarlet Witch is aka Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), this will probably pique your interest. 

This mashup series that places Wanda and Vision in classic sitcom (complete with laugh track) set in an overly idealized suburban town is the clever beginning to what may be a send up of all those old shows (well, it is) but also an epic opportunity to tell another Marvel superhero story, and perhaps hints of what’s still to come.

WandaVision is currently streaming on Disney+.

So, take a moment away from Zoom and after your workout, or dinner, stretch out and enjoy!

February 12, 2021

9 TV Shows to Have on Your Radar and Why

While some of these TV series have yet to debut, others have been around, however if you haven’t heard the buzz or had time to meander through your streaming channels, here’s the low down. 

Behind Her Eyes

Spooky. When newly divorced single mom Louise (Brit actress Simona Brown, Roots, Kiss Me First) runs into a handsome man (Tom Bateman) at a bar, she’s not looking for love but finds herself drawn to him anyway. They kiss, but before anything else can happen, he has a quick change of heart and leaves her outside the bar.

Next day, wouldn’t you know it, he’s her new boss at the office where she works. Despite the embarrassment of the night before, new boss and secretary make a fresh start and little more is thought of it until by coincidence she meets his wife (Eve Hewson, The Knick) on a London street. 

Pretty soon Louise has become friends with both of them. But, as Whoopi Goldberg once said in Ghost, “You in danger, girl.” There’s a death match of sorts going on between David and Adele, and they are about to take Louise along for the ride. 

Behind Her Eyes debuts February 17 on Netflix.

Buried by the Bernards

I’m not a big reality TV fan, mostly because I want my entertainment to be as far away from real life as possible. However, you want a quick laugh and the idea of a mortuary doesn’t creep you out, then this is worth a few minutes of your life. 

In business since 2017, R. Bernard Funeral Services in Memphis, Tennessee, is a full-service family-run funeral home that includes a drive through (and this was pre-COVID!). There’s owner Ryan Bernard, his two daughters Deja and Raegan, his mom Debbie, and his uncle Kevin. 

Check out mom Debbie, because she’s the comic relief — a woman who has convinced herself that she and she alone is holding down the business. Deja and Raegan complain and display some stereotypical millennial traits (flat out refusing some tasks). 

Meanwhile Uncle Kevin is absent minded and talks to himself but has the moves of someone who’s seen some hard times and is grateful for the stabilizing factor of family and a steady check. And Ryan, part Mack Daddy/part serious businessman takes it all in stride. 

Buried by the Bernards debuted February 5 on Netflix. 

My Trans Life

The Revry channel streams LGBTQ+ content, and for Black History Month there’s a plethora of content to choose from. One is My Trans Life, with half-hour looks into the lives of transgender and transsexual people, each story different and compelling. 

My Trans Life is in its third season, so there is a lot to binge. It streams on

Ginny and Georgia 

Can’t yet really reveal plot lines in episodes but can reveal the premise that appeals. 

Georgia (Brianne Howey, Dollface, The Passage) is a blonde, Southern peach with two kids. Her daughter Ginny (Antonia Gentry), short for Virginia, is almost as old as she is, as Georgia was a teenage mom. Ginny is biracial while her little brother (Diesel La Torraca) is white. Both love their mom but also think she’s a little strange. 

While one could argue that sometimes kids think that about their parents, in this case, Georgia often proves them right. Hijinks ensue in this dramedy where Mom is sexy, loves men and wraps them around her finger, while still loving her children and showing them a few things about survival. 

Ginny and Georgia debuts February 24 on Netflix.


This is not a review of Delilah, only a preview. There. This is also not OWN’s sequel to Greenleaf (soon to come). Instead, it is the story of two friends, both lawyers, who find themselves on opposite sides of the law. Delilah (Maahra Hill) left her big firm to work for herself defending smaller clients in need of help. Her friend Tamara (Jill Marie Jones, Girlfriends) usually represents the privileged and powerful. What happens to their friendship and their lives when they finally have to square off in a big court case? Ozioma Akagha (Runaways) and Susan Heyward (Orange Is the New Black and Vinyl) round out the cast. Just sayin’, this could be good. 

Delilah debuts on OWN in March 2021.


Tina Turner

We all know the story, told so many times. Annie Mae Bullock from Nutbush, Tennessee, finds she can sing and meets a guy named Ike. They start a group, marry, and he becomes abusive throughout the marriage, music, and worldwide fame. She wrote a book about it called I Tina, and Angela Bassett portrayed her in an award-nominated, critically-acclaimed film, What’s Love Got to Do with It.  

For Turner fans, HBO’s Tina will not change much of the above but it will add “archival footage spanning 60 years, audio tapes, and personal photos” and interviews with Angela Bassett; Oprah Winfrey; and journalist Kurt Loder, co-author of Turner’s book. 

Tina debuts March 27 on HBO and HBOmax.


You might want to watch this because Omar Sy is fine or because you have a thing about anything set in France. Before long though, it’ll be because you can’t take your eyes off the action in this tight mystery thriller. After 14-year-old Assan Diop (Sy) loses his immigrant father who commits suicide while in jail on trumped up charges, he wants revenge and finds his way through a book his father left for him on the exploits of Arsene Lupin, a 19th-century fictional character whose mastery of detective work, disguise and deception earns him the moniker “gentleman thief.” 

Over time, the adult Diop becomes like Lupin, stealing from people who’ve become wealthy through ill-gotten gains while trying to find a way to make the family who falsely accused his father pay. He’s also fallen in love, married, and is a father, and this certainly complicates things. Ludivine Sagnier (The New Pope) plays Diops’s long-suffering estranged wife, Claire, while newcomer Etan Simon plays his son. 

Instead of blood and gore violence, there’s lots of hold-your-breath chase scenes by car, by foot, and disguise-disposing faster than … well you get the idea.  

Lupin currently streams on Netflix. 

Bling Empire

Bling Empire is a look into the LA lives of wildly rich Asians and Asian-Americans. We know them as Anna Shay, the wealthy, middle-aged divorcee with Russian roots; the social-climbing Christine Chiu; Silicon Valley heiress Jamie Xie; heir and entrepreneur Kane Lim; entrepreneurial producer/investor Kelly Mi Li; and the not-independently wealthy model and influencer Kevin Krieder. The fun part is watching these designer-clad friends flutter from one mansion to the next, one five-star restaurant to private jet and private club, while navigating the hot mess that is their lives.

Bling Empire is currently streaming on Netflix. 


BGN is already recapping WandaVision so all I am going to say is watch this if you like classic TV shows such as I Love Lucy, Bewitched, or I Dream of Jeannie. If you have never heard of those but are a Marvel fan and know that Scarlet Witch is aka Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), this will probably pique your interest. 

This mashup series that places Wanda and Vision in classic sitcom (complete with laugh track) set in an overly idealized suburban town is the clever beginning to what may be a send up of all those old shows (well, it is) but also an epic opportunity to tell another Marvel superhero story, and perhaps hints of what’s still to come.

WandaVision is currently streaming on Disney+.

So, take a moment away from Zoom and after your workout, or dinner, stretch out and enjoy!

February 11, 2021

Michael Jai White is Lupin (Sorta); Insurrection @TheCapitol & Soho Karen Continued; Canceling Marvel’s Punisher Post MAGA Coup? Quibi @Roku?; The GrindHouse Airs SUN, 6pm-@BTalk100


What's up, AFROnerdists!  Let's just get to it, shall we?  Welcome to another Grindhouse broadcast as engineered by the mighty Afronerd Radio "steam engine" and powered by the BTalk 100 platform. The show airs regularly on Sundays at 6pm eastern.  The topics up for discussion are: thoughts about Netflix' foray into French cinema via the new Omar Sy film, Lupin. The dubbed version also showcases the pretty recognizable voice of action star, Michael Jai White; further discourse and more fallout in the aftermath of the MAGA attack on our nation's Capitol; and speaking of post insurrection fallout, a campaign has started for Marvel to "cancel" their Frank Castle/Punisher vigilante character due to the IP's skull logo being coopted by a number of white supremacists/militia groups; more thoughts about the inevitable arrest of Miya Ponsetto aka "Soho Karen" and her contentious interview with Gayle King;    

has the failing Quibi micro-streaming service been saved? And is the Roku channel responsible? Dburt does a quick take on simplifying finances (versus corporate hip hop's Birkin bag/gifting babies Rolex watches "logic"), exploring cryptocurrency as well as the black American legacy of cryptologists;  some folks are perturbed over the new Vogue cover of VP elect, Kamala Harris which downplays her regal status for a less becoming appearance:

Whelp...our favorite convention is returning this upcoming week-the Schomburg's Black Comic Book Festival-virtual edition; Lastly, we forgot (as usual) to discuss some matters left on the metaphorical kitchen floor per last Wednesday's Mid Week let's address them!   

*One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


or This link below.....
function openPlayer(s){""+escape(s),"Player","height=630,width=940,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes")}

Also Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via PandoraSpotify and IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!    

February 11, 2021

Some Disney Updates, Reopening Dates and More!

Hi everyone! Today I have some important information that I want to discuss with y’all so that you will know what is going on with Disney going forward. So, let’s get started, shall we?! At Disneyland Paris, they have announced that they have installed the new barriers to increase Covid-19 capacity on several of their attractions. According to Outside Ears, these new Plexiglas plates are currently being installed on the docks and boarding areas as well as inside the vehicles of some attractions. Attractions that will receiving the new barriers include RC Racer, Star Tours, Tower of Terror, Hyperspace Mountain, Peter Pan’s Flight, Phantom Manor (stretch-rooms), “it’s a small world” and the future Cars Route 66 Road Trip attraction. These new measures will no doubt significantly increase the capacity of these attractions when the park reopens. Currently, Disneyland Paris is scheduled to reopen on April 2, after temporarily closing due to the pandemic. The resort has been hard at work during its closure though.

Over at Disneyland Resort, they have announced that they will be starting a Food and Beverage event to start in mid-March inside California Adventure, and they are bringing 1,000 cast members back to work.     The new experience will be held within areas of Disney California Adventure park.

    The expanded offerings in the park will not include any attractions as theme parks are not currently allowed to reopen under California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy.

    In addition to food and beverage offerings, retail locations will be open offering some of the latest Disney merchandise.

    Guests can also enjoy “Carefully constructed entertainment offerings” with social distancing practices enforced.

    Disney previously opened Buena Vista Street as an expansion of the Downtown Disney shopping district. There’s no word on if Buena Vista Street will become part of this upcoming Food and Beverage event or if it will still be accessible to Guests visiting Downtown Disney.

    At this time, Disney has not made any announcements regarding Legacy Passholder benefits, such as discounts on the price of admission to the experience or a priority booking window.

    Disneyland will reveal more information in the coming weeks.

    Cast Members received a letter today from Disneyland President Ken Potrock. The full letter can be read below.

Ken Potrock’s Letter to Cast Members:

“Dear Cast Members,

It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since we welcomed our first Guests to Disney California Adventure Park. While I’m relatively new to the Disneyland Resort, I was so excited to visit Disney California Adventure the first year and have enjoyed seeing the park evolve over the last two decades and the role it has played in creating a multi-day destination for our Guests. From the ongoing expansions and enhancements focused on bringing more Disney storytelling to the park, including Cars Land, to our upcoming mission to suit up the next generation of Super Heroes at Avengers Campus, we continue to add new and vibrant experiences for Guests to enjoy. I’m pleased to report that Avengers Campus is making incredible progress. From the futuristic architecture, theatrical lighting, unique audio, creative food, beautiful costuming and innovative merchandise, the land will be an immersive experience that we know our Guests are going to love. And while we aren’t ready to reveal Avengers Campus to the world just yet, I am excited about another very special opportunity we have at Disney California Adventure Park that speaks to our top priorities: getting more Cast Members back to work and engaging with our Guests in different and relevant ways.

Currently planned to begin mid-March, we will debut an all-new, limited-time ticketed experience focused on our world-famous food and beverage offerings from around the resort, the latest merchandise and unique, carefully crafted entertainment experiences…all to be offered multiple days a week. With limited capacity and enhanced health and safety measures in place, Guests once again will get to step into a magical Disney environment that will provide memorable and fun experiences our Guests are craving.

Teams across the resort are currently developing this distinctly Disney experience, so there are many more details to come, but I wanted you – our Cast Members – to hear this news first. Stay tuned for the official announcement coming soon.

What I’m most thrilled about is that this initiative – along with the recent reopening of our outdoor dining on Buena Vista Street – enables us to bring about 1,000 Cast Members back to work. While that is clearly not all we want to accomplish, it’s a start. Teams are working as we speak to start recalling identified Cast in the coming weeks.

This past year has presented extraordinary challenges, but that has not curtailed in any way our ability to move forward with a spirit of optimism. Thanks to each and every one of you for your contributions to making the Disneyland Resort a place where dreamers around the world are always welcome. Stay safe and stay well.



Disneyland Resort President”

They also announced that they are having an expansion of outdoor ticketed dining, and the other entertainment At California Adventure in March.


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Disney’s California Adventure Kirby Lee via AP

As part of Disneyland’s California Adventure Park’s 20th anniversary today, officials announced plans to expand dining outdoors at the theme park in Anaheim.

In a letter to employees, Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock said that by mid-March the company will debut a new ticketed dining event featuring fare from around the theme park as well as new merchandise and other forms of entertainment at California Adventure Park.

Disney’s corporate sibling, ABC, confirmed the news with a post on Good Morning

Potrock’s letter called the offering a “distinctly Disney…limited-time ticketed experience.” He also indicated that it would be available multiple times a week.

The new event is under development and will adhere to Covid-19 regulations. Disney stock jumped on the news.

The announcement comes after two California Assembly members representing districts impacted greatly by the closure of Disneyland and Six Flags Magic Mountain last March were set to co-sponsor a bill that will place all theme parks in a less-restrictive tier of the state’s Covid-19 Industry Guidance for Amusement Parks and Theme Parks.

Industry executives and Governor Gavin Newsom have waged a war of words over the larger parks’ closures and the rationale for it. About 350 workers have gone back to their jobs as part of the reopening of outdoor dining at the Downtown Disney District.

There was a rumor that the Disneyland Park’s Main Street USA will be reopening on March 14th, exactly one year after the park closed. With the announcement earlier today that Disney California Adventure will host a ticketed event starting in mid-March, it seems Disneyland Resort is recalling cast members to reopen a portion of Disneyland Park. According to cast members at the park, Disneyland will reopen Main Street U.S.A. (from the entrance up to Sleeping Beauty Castle) with limited capacity, in the same fashion as Buena Vista Street has operated at Disney California Adventure as of late. This would mean shops and restaurants will open up and down the iconic avenue. The rumored date for the reopening of Main Street U.S.A. is March 14th, 2021, which aligns with the plans for DCA, and just happens to be one year to the day since Disneyland closed. With Main Street reopening, this would allow Disney to close all of California Adventure to guests not attending the ticketed dining and live entertainment event at Disney California Adventure, while still offering a similar lineup of offerings to what they have for guests now. Disney has yet to announce the reopening, but cast members have started getting their calls today to return to work on Main Street U.S.A.

So, I think they are trying everything they can to at least reopen back up some magic at the Disneyland resort and I’m glad that they are doing it!

All of this information came from the news I look at.

So, what do you guys think about this Disney information?!

I would like to hear some comments, thoughts, opinions, concerns, or questions down below!

Stay tuned for more Disney updates.

The post Some Disney Updates, Reopening Dates and More! appeared first on The Nerd Element.

February 10, 2021

The Inspiration Behind the Story of Disney’s ‘Flora & Ulysses’

When you first hear about the upcoming Disney+ film, Flora & Ulysses, you wonder just how Newbury Award-winning author and executive producer Kate DiCamillo came up with the idea of a girl and her superhero squirrel. The film, which premieres this Friday, tells the story of Flora, an avid comic book fan and self-avowed cynic, […]

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