
Fans of multi-talented actor Nick Sagar may recognize him from roles such as Charles Frederickson in Tyler Perry’s The Have and Have Nots or in both installments of Netflix’s hit Christmas films, The Princess Switch, in the role of the handsome dad, Kevin Richards. Now Sagar is set to take on a new role as sauve Anderson Louis in Starz upcoming show Run the World.

Sagar tells BGN about his excitement for the upcoming show.

Run the World is set to premiere in Spring 2021. Tell me about your process of auditioning and your reaction when you booked the role.

I was over the moon when I got the role. I’d had a chance to read the script and knew what the premise was going to be. It’s exactly the type of show we need right now — a fresh innovative look at four Black women and their careers, love lives, friendships, and how they navigate life in the big city. I’m just glad to be a part of it.

You play Anderson Louis in the show. How did you prepare for this role and how would you describe this character?

What stood out to me about the role was that I could relate to parts of him. I used that as a base to create Anderson. He’s a very passionate loving guy who values his lady very highly. The struggle comes when balancing their careers and love life. He definitely makes some decisions I wouldn’t [laughs], but that’s where the fun in playing characters comes from.

The show tells the story of Black friends simply navigating through life. Why do you think these storylines are important to have in this day and age?

They’re extremely important because there wasn’t enough growing up. Media has a huge role to play in shaping people’s realities and has the power to help people dream. On the flip side, it can also limit us if we’re not getting the right content. Accurate cultural representation is vital for us as humans to move forward as one. Telling these stories sheds light on the lives that so many can relate to but have had less representation over the years. I love that we are breaking molds and stereotypes, which is long overdue!

You’re currently working on other projects as well, such as the third installment of Princess Switch. How has set life been amid COVID-19, and has it been difficult to get acclimated to such a huge change in set life?

We’re almost done on Princess Switch 3. It’s been so good to be back with the family. They’ve been missed dearly. Having such a close set helps to make navigating these difficult times easier. We’re extremely privileged to be working at this time, and everyone takes that into account. They really are a great bunch.

If you could work with any actor on any project, who/what would it be and why?

That’s a good one. There are a few I’d like to work with. I’d love to do some action with Jackie Chan. Denzel, of course. It would be cool to do something different with my good friend Tika Sumpter. We worked on The Have and Have Nots together. Maybe some sort of action flick. [Laughs.] You can tell I’m looking for some action roles!

Any closing remarks?

Just thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this. Thank you to the team at Black Girl Nerds for featuring me — it’s really appreciated. Blessings, peace and love to all!

February 17, 2021

Nick Sagar Stepping Into a New Role for Starz Upcoming Series

Fans of multi-talented actor Nick Sagar may recognize him from roles such as Charles Frederickson in Tyler Perry’s The Have and Have Nots or in both installments of Netflix’s hit Christmas films, The Princess Switch, in the role of the handsome dad, Kevin Richards. Now Sagar is set to take on a new role as sauve Anderson Louis in Starz upcoming show Run the World.

Sagar tells BGN about his excitement for the upcoming show.

Run the World is set to premiere in Spring 2021. Tell me about your process of auditioning and your reaction when you booked the role.

I was over the moon when I got the role. I’d had a chance to read the script and knew what the premise was going to be. It’s exactly the type of show we need right now — a fresh innovative look at four Black women and their careers, love lives, friendships, and how they navigate life in the big city. I’m just glad to be a part of it.

You play Anderson Louis in the show. How did you prepare for this role and how would you describe this character?

What stood out to me about the role was that I could relate to parts of him. I used that as a base to create Anderson. He’s a very passionate loving guy who values his lady very highly. The struggle comes when balancing their careers and love life. He definitely makes some decisions I wouldn’t [laughs], but that’s where the fun in playing characters comes from.

The show tells the story of Black friends simply navigating through life. Why do you think these storylines are important to have in this day and age?

They’re extremely important because there wasn’t enough growing up. Media has a huge role to play in shaping people’s realities and has the power to help people dream. On the flip side, it can also limit us if we’re not getting the right content. Accurate cultural representation is vital for us as humans to move forward as one. Telling these stories sheds light on the lives that so many can relate to but have had less representation over the years. I love that we are breaking molds and stereotypes, which is long overdue!

You’re currently working on other projects as well, such as the third installment of Princess Switch. How has set life been amid COVID-19, and has it been difficult to get acclimated to such a huge change in set life?

We’re almost done on Princess Switch 3. It’s been so good to be back with the family. They’ve been missed dearly. Having such a close set helps to make navigating these difficult times easier. We’re extremely privileged to be working at this time, and everyone takes that into account. They really are a great bunch.

If you could work with any actor on any project, who/what would it be and why?

That’s a good one. There are a few I’d like to work with. I’d love to do some action with Jackie Chan. Denzel, of course. It would be cool to do something different with my good friend Tika Sumpter. We worked on The Have and Have Nots together. Maybe some sort of action flick. [Laughs.] You can tell I’m looking for some action roles!

Any closing remarks?

Just thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this. Thank you to the team at Black Girl Nerds for featuring me — it’s really appreciated. Blessings, peace and love to all!

February 16, 2021

Ray Fisher’s Friends; "Gay Burger" Trends?; Gina Carano Fired; Wanda (vision) in "The Middle"; Milestone Returns; Judas & The Black Messiah + More; The Grindhouse Airs SUN, 6pm via BTalk 100


We hope our listenership is enjoying this Valentine Day's weekend but what better way is there to enjoy the break than to listen to Afronerd Radio's Grindhouse broadcast? And for the uninitiated, The Grindhouse airs every Sunday at 8 p.m. eastern on the BTalk 100 platform.  Your "not ready for prime time" AFROnerdist hosts will be unpacking the following topics: Cyborg/Justice League actor, Ray Fisher seems to be getting even more help from industry friends in the wake of allegations he levied against filmmaker, Joss Whedon for crass and unprofessional behavior while on set;  it appears what was once perceived as a joke, hence the term "gay burger," and its trending on Twitter is now a fully-realized restaurant IP.  The question remains when (and how) can blackness capitalize on ideas in a similar fashion?; former MMA and actress, Gina Carano loses her gig with Disney +'s Mandalorian TV series but lands on her proverbial feet thanks to conservative pundit, Ben Shapiro?;  thoughts about episode 6 of Wandavison including the identity of  Monica Rambeau's mystery contact (Reed Richards or Adam Brashear?); legendary jazz musician, Chick Corea passes at 79


It looks like a few folks (Daniel Kaluuya, Ryan Coogler) decided to revisit a different "Black Panther" story via this weekend's release of HBO Max' Judas and the Black Messiah film; and even more hype (is that possible?) is at play concerning the latest trailer for Zack Snyder's Justice League. A film also slated for an HBO Max  streaming release; 

And lastly, the importance of Black comic book IPs becomes apparent via the return of Milestone Media during BHM and Black Sands garnering a 1M investment into its burgeoning publishing house.


*One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


or This link below.....
function openPlayer(s){""+escape(s),"Player","height=630,width=940,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes")}

Also, Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via BTalk 100 PandoraSpotify and,  IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!

February 16, 2021

Ciara Talks Embracing Her Curves At Oprah x WW’s ‘Be the Love You Need’ Event

Ciara Talks Embracing Her Curves At Oprah x WW’s ‘Be the Love You Need’ Event By Jasmine Grant ·February 16, 2021February 16, 2021

This past weekend, Oprah and the good folks at WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) teamed up to bring us “Be the Love You Need” – a free virtual event designed to “help people recommit to themselves and create the stronger, healthier life they envision.”

The 90-minute experience was packed with gems about how to set up the building blocks to healthier, happier versions of ourselves. Ciara stopped by for a quick chat with mama O, where she gave a quick update on her weight loss journey since having her third child, Win, last summer. The Grammy-winning singer set out to lose 48 pounds with a balanced diet and committed workouts with her trainer Decker Davis. She reveals that while she only has about 18 more pounds left to lose, she’s not as eager to lose the weight as she once was.

“With this pregnancy, in particular, I chose to embrace every step of the process,” Ciara told Oprah. “I’m really enjoying my curves. I think my goal may change this go-around versus what I use to want my goal to be. I may want to hold on to five more pounds than I normally would. But because I’m loving where I am, I’m embracing every bit of the process, and it is somewhat a new me.”

Ciara explains that after giving birth to her son Future and daughter Sienna, she put much more pressure on herself to snap back into shaping. This time around, she’s taking a different approach. “I realized sometimes you have to step back, look at where you are, and say, ‘I’m actually doing alright. I love these extra love handles and my hips.'”

Ciara also admitted to feeling “empowered” by her decision to keep working and appearing on magazine covers while still working towards her fitness goals. “I’ve done a few cover shoots that I probably never would have done back in the day because I would have felt like I had to get back to my base weight,” she admits.

Watch the full segment below:

Ciara’s hard work appears to be paying off. While appearing at the Super Bowl with her husband Russell Wilson, Cici showed off her toned legs as she participated in the “walk challenge.”

View this post on Instagram

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Keep on crushing it, Cici!


The post Ciara Talks Embracing Her Curves At Oprah x WW’s ‘Be the Love You Need’ Event appeared first on Essence.

February 16, 2021

‘The Sister’ Shows That Some Secrets Don’t Stay Buried

Written By: Madelyn Gee 

The murder mystery plotline has been used for ages. There is always a murderer trying to run from capture for a murder more horrific than words can express. However, what happens when your captor is in your own home? The Hulu mini-series The Sister, based on the 2010 book Burial by Neil Cross, explores this dynamic throughout the four episodes of the series. Through flashbacks, larger-than-life, characters and the dreary atmosphere of London as its backdrop, director Niall MacCormick displays how far someone can go to not only protect themselves, but the ones they love as well.  

We first meet Russel Tovey’s character Nathan sitting in front of the television and watching the news. There are a deadly amount of pills strewn across his glass table along with a glass of water. Something on his television screen stops him from executing his plan. Elise Fox (Simone Ashley) has been missing for three years. Her sister Holly (Amrita Acharia) is begging for her sister’s return. In a daze, Nathan puts the pills away. This is where the true chaos of the show begins. 

Produced by Euston Films, the show is mostly filmed at nighttime or indark settings. This contributes to the haunting and eerie vibe of each episode. Darkness has become synonymous with the supernatural — and as each episode continues, these themes become a main character. The supernatural is what makes The Sister different from the typical murder mystery. Actor Bertie Carvel’s character Bob and his struggle to separate what is real and what is not is what drives him to see his “old friend” Nathan in the first place. The belief that your past actions can manifest into your future is constantly being forced into Nathan’s mind. 

The flashbacks of each episode show that simply ignoring the past is not going to work. It is essential to understanding the entirety of what happened to Elise Fox. As each flashback becomes more and more detailed, the viewer can see the panic and dread taking over Nathan. One of the most powerful emotions in the world is guilt, and slowly the viewer can see it transform Tovey’s character into his worst nightmare — a monster.

He is trying so hard to be the perfect husband. The perfect worker. The perfect son-in-law. But there is only so much one can do before secrets come to the surface. In the case of The Sister, those secrets are transforming into “mental imprint manifestations” — a phenomenon much scarier than just a noise in the dark. These secrets are not only eating at him, they are physically appearing before him, looking to be released into the world. 

Another factor that drives the series is the cat-and-mouse game that Nathan plays with his wife’s best friend (and cop) Jacki (Nina Toussaint-White). In the first scenes with them together, it is blatant that there is no trust there. Even at a party for Jacki, Nathan looks like he is having to save face. The more that Jacki and Nathan interact, the more that Jacki notices what is truly off about Nathan. She begins to keep track of him while Nathan is keeping track of her. Along with trying to maintain this status of perfection, Nathan now also has to be as unsuspicious as possible while the police poke and prod at who he truly is. 

What truly was heartbreaking about this series were the scenes showcasing Elise’s family. They walk and interact around their home as if they are zombies trying to find their purpose. The joy and happiness they once had now has been replaced with an eternal anxiousness for justice for their daughter. They have been waiting for three years to find any type of clue of Elise’s whereabouts. However, the person that holds all the answers is someone close to them, making the deceitfulness behind Elise’s case even more enormous. 

The twists in each episode truly stopped this viewer in her tracks. What I knew about each of the characters seemed to change every minute, showing that we can truly never know the people we surround ourselves with. Nathan starts the show as a calm and well-natured man navigating life through London. At the show’s climax, I could see the physical effects of guilt and dread were eating him alive. As characters such as Bob, Jacki, and Elise’s family continue to show up and require attention or time from him, Nathan begins to lose it. How far can someone go to not hurt others before they begin to hurt themselves as well? The Sister showcases through the series that it doesn’t take long at all. 

The series is surely not one of instant action. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a slow burn series that transforms into a blazing fire full of drama and edge-of-your-seat suspense, then this is the show for you. 

All four episodes of The Sister are streaming now on Hulu. 

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