
You’re most likely familiar with Greek mythology, but what about African mythology?

For most people growing up in the United States, learning about Zeus and the Gods of Olympians was a normal part of the curriculum. Fascinated by stories of one-eyed monsters, all-powerful gods, and mystical creatures, I never considered why I was learning only about Greek and Roman mythology and not mythology from other cultures. After all, those two cultures couldn’t be the only ones that attempted to explain the universe’s wonders through magical creatures. 

My curiosity recently led me to African mythology. Here are eight things that will make you want to learn more.

What Is African Mythology?

Like many myths, African mythology exists to explain the origin of life, the afterlife, and the supernatural. What differentiates African mythology from Western mythology is its incorporation into everyday life. Western perspectives view myths as fairy tales and legends. Yet, in many African cultures, certain parts of myths are ingrained in cultural practices. 

At its core, African mythology reflects the values and beliefs of different cultures. Common themes include having various gods, ancestral spirits, and connections to nature. 

African Mythology Is Not a Representation of the Continent

While African mythology is a common term used to describe the mythology from the continent, it’s important to note that every African country has separate beliefs and religions.

For instance, West African Yoruba culture has the pantheon of Orishas, countless divine spirits dispatched by the supreme god Olodumare.

East African mythology focuses on how animals, humans, and nature are interconnected. Many of their origin stories are about a human born or coming out of a tree or plant. 

South African mythology heavily emphasizes the afterlife and believes the supreme god Qamata sent ancestors to guide humans. 

Key African Gods and Goddesses in African Religion and Mythology

Here are a few of the most prominent gods and goddesses and their mysterious powers and abilities. 

  • Eshu, the Divine Trickster, also known as Elegba, is like the African (Yoruba) version of Loki. Known to use psychological tricks on those who do not recognize his power, his primary role is as a messenger between humans and the realm of spirits. He promises protection to those who offer sacrifices.
  • Oshun is a goddess known worldwide in various cultures, including Brazilian, Cuban, Haitian, African, and African American. The creation of the goddess originated from the Yoruba culture of Nigeria and is known to be the goddess of love, wealth, and beauty. 
  • The King of Peace Obatala represents honesty, peace, and creativity. He is known for creating the identities and personalities of children in the womb. 
  • Anansi is an Akan god of wisdom, whose origin story began in West Africa. He is often depicted as a spider. 
  • Amma, known in Western African culture and as Mulungu in East Africa, is known as the supreme god.

African Mermaids Are a Thing

Almost every Blerd remembers when Halle Bailey came out as the live-action version of Ariel in The Little Mermaid, and many people spoke out about mermaids only being white. Those critics weren’t aware of African mythology. 

One of the older presentations of mermaids started over 4,000 years ago from the Dogon people of Mali. Mermaids, also known as the Nommo people, originated from the sky and cared for the bodies of water on Earth. The Dogon people mentioned mermaids as protectors of the water but also dangerous and fierce. 

Across Africa, stories of mermaids were not like the Disney stories. In Zimbabwe, the Mondao were mermaids with sharp teeth that would pull people into the water. South Africa has legends of Mondao, who lived in a waterfall desert and, if angered, would create storms and floods.

Books Inspired by African Mythology

As storytelling is a big part of African mythology, it’s no surprise that many books share similar themes. Here are books that expand on African myths.

  • The Last Storytellers: Tales from the Heart of Morocco by Richard Hamilton. Morocco is where people have gathered for thousands of years to share stories. However, because of modern times, storytelling has been outshined by movies and TV shows. Hamilton tracked down the few storytellers left to record their stories and combat the slow eraser of in-person storytelling.
  • A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown. This book is the story of Karina, a princess who wants to resurrect her murdered mother. The story unfolds by sharing how Karina gathers the material to perform the magic to bring her mother back to life. 
  • Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye. This book will satisfy your curiosity if you’re into Yoruba mythology. The book is about Sloane, a descendant of the Yoruba god Orisha, but she must hide her true identity. Unlike some fairy tales, this book is violent and heartbreaking. It shares how Sloane will do whatever it takes to survive. It’s definitely a pick for those who like darker fiction.

African Mythology Is Displayed in African Artwork

While many pieces of art focus on mirroring real life, many African artists have used their artwork to display the concepts, beliefs, and stories of African mythology. Some artists who have been able to blend elements of the real world with those of mythology include:

  • Laolu Senbanjo, who demonstrates aspects of Yoruba religion and describes his work as the Sacred Art of the Ori.
  • Wangechi Mutu explores the interconnections between humans and nature while challenging Western ideals of misogyny and racism. 

African Mythology Influences African Comics

With African mythology influencing literature, of course, these stories would turn up in comics. Here are some popular comics influenced by African folklore. 

Culture Bay

African Mythologies Provide Valuable Lessons

African mythology is revered in many ways. Sculptures are often made to represent different gods and goddesses. Paintings display different scenes from different myths, and dance routines are choreographed to help tell stories. While a main component of African mythology is oral storytelling, visual representation plays a key role in persevering stories.

African stories and myths also teach lessons about kindness, bravery, respect for elders, and honesty. Thus, mythology isn’t simply looked at as fairy tales but serves as a way to support different communities. 

February 24, 2024

8 Things about African Mythology You Should Know

You’re most likely familiar with Greek mythology, but what about African mythology?

For most people growing up in the United States, learning about Zeus and the Gods of Olympians was a normal part of the curriculum. Fascinated by stories of one-eyed monsters, all-powerful gods, and mystical creatures, I never considered why I was learning only about Greek and Roman mythology and not mythology from other cultures. After all, those two cultures couldn’t be the only ones that attempted to explain the universe’s wonders through magical creatures. 

My curiosity recently led me to African mythology. Here are eight things that will make you want to learn more.

What Is African Mythology?

Like many myths, African mythology exists to explain the origin of life, the afterlife, and the supernatural. What differentiates African mythology from Western mythology is its incorporation into everyday life. Western perspectives view myths as fairy tales and legends. Yet, in many African cultures, certain parts of myths are ingrained in cultural practices. 

At its core, African mythology reflects the values and beliefs of different cultures. Common themes include having various gods, ancestral spirits, and connections to nature. 

African Mythology Is Not a Representation of the Continent

While African mythology is a common term used to describe the mythology from the continent, it’s important to note that every African country has separate beliefs and religions.

For instance, West African Yoruba culture has the pantheon of Orishas, countless divine spirits dispatched by the supreme god Olodumare.

East African mythology focuses on how animals, humans, and nature are interconnected. Many of their origin stories are about a human born or coming out of a tree or plant. 

South African mythology heavily emphasizes the afterlife and believes the supreme god Qamata sent ancestors to guide humans. 

Key African Gods and Goddesses in African Religion and Mythology

Here are a few of the most prominent gods and goddesses and their mysterious powers and abilities. 

  • Eshu, the Divine Trickster, also known as Elegba, is like the African (Yoruba) version of Loki. Known to use psychological tricks on those who do not recognize his power, his primary role is as a messenger between humans and the realm of spirits. He promises protection to those who offer sacrifices.
  • Oshun is a goddess known worldwide in various cultures, including Brazilian, Cuban, Haitian, African, and African American. The creation of the goddess originated from the Yoruba culture of Nigeria and is known to be the goddess of love, wealth, and beauty. 
  • The King of Peace Obatala represents honesty, peace, and creativity. He is known for creating the identities and personalities of children in the womb. 
  • Anansi is an Akan god of wisdom, whose origin story began in West Africa. He is often depicted as a spider. 
  • Amma, known in Western African culture and as Mulungu in East Africa, is known as the supreme god.

African Mermaids Are a Thing

Almost every Blerd remembers when Halle Bailey came out as the live-action version of Ariel in The Little Mermaid, and many people spoke out about mermaids only being white. Those critics weren’t aware of African mythology. 

One of the older presentations of mermaids started over 4,000 years ago from the Dogon people of Mali. Mermaids, also known as the Nommo people, originated from the sky and cared for the bodies of water on Earth. The Dogon people mentioned mermaids as protectors of the water but also dangerous and fierce. 

Across Africa, stories of mermaids were not like the Disney stories. In Zimbabwe, the Mondao were mermaids with sharp teeth that would pull people into the water. South Africa has legends of Mondao, who lived in a waterfall desert and, if angered, would create storms and floods.

Books Inspired by African Mythology

As storytelling is a big part of African mythology, it’s no surprise that many books share similar themes. Here are books that expand on African myths.

  • The Last Storytellers: Tales from the Heart of Morocco by Richard Hamilton. Morocco is where people have gathered for thousands of years to share stories. However, because of modern times, storytelling has been outshined by movies and TV shows. Hamilton tracked down the few storytellers left to record their stories and combat the slow eraser of in-person storytelling.
  • A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown. This book is the story of Karina, a princess who wants to resurrect her murdered mother. The story unfolds by sharing how Karina gathers the material to perform the magic to bring her mother back to life. 
  • Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye. This book will satisfy your curiosity if you’re into Yoruba mythology. The book is about Sloane, a descendant of the Yoruba god Orisha, but she must hide her true identity. Unlike some fairy tales, this book is violent and heartbreaking. It shares how Sloane will do whatever it takes to survive. It’s definitely a pick for those who like darker fiction.

African Mythology Is Displayed in African Artwork

While many pieces of art focus on mirroring real life, many African artists have used their artwork to display the concepts, beliefs, and stories of African mythology. Some artists who have been able to blend elements of the real world with those of mythology include:

  • Laolu Senbanjo, who demonstrates aspects of Yoruba religion and describes his work as the Sacred Art of the Ori.
  • Wangechi Mutu explores the interconnections between humans and nature while challenging Western ideals of misogyny and racism. 

African Mythology Influences African Comics

With African mythology influencing literature, of course, these stories would turn up in comics. Here are some popular comics influenced by African folklore. 

Culture Bay

African Mythologies Provide Valuable Lessons

African mythology is revered in many ways. Sculptures are often made to represent different gods and goddesses. Paintings display different scenes from different myths, and dance routines are choreographed to help tell stories. While a main component of African mythology is oral storytelling, visual representation plays a key role in persevering stories.

African stories and myths also teach lessons about kindness, bravery, respect for elders, and honesty. Thus, mythology isn’t simply looked at as fairy tales but serves as a way to support different communities. 

February 23, 2024

Black Women Anime Characters to Fall in Love With

Happy Black History Month! It’s a time of reflection and celebration of the Black icons who inspire and bring happiness to us. So let’s give some love to the Black women of the anime world who show up and show out, from the women who make every second of screen time count to those we think deserve more time in the spotlight. Let’s take some time out this Black History Month to give flowers to the Black women of anime whom we love. 

Michiko Malandro — Michiko to Hatchin

There’s something so enthralling about a rough-around-the-edges woman with a soft side. Michiko has not had the easiest life between growing up in an orphanage and having quite a few run-ins with the law. But she’s always maintained a protective and caring spirit about herself. After she fell in love with Hiroshi Morenos, something that was not intended, the two begin dating. One day, though, a bus that Hiroshi was supposedly on explodes, seemingly killing him.

Michiko is heartbroken and ends up getting arrested, where she runs into a former friend, Atsuko. It’s there that Atsuko taunts Michiko with a photo of Hiroshi’s daughter Hana and how he’s alive and has moved on without her. This sets Michiko on a mission of her own to not only find Hana but see for herself if the love of her life really is alive and had moved on. 

She would of course have to wait for that as she was still in prison. Twelve years later, Michiko breaks out, and this sets our main story in motion. Can Michiko heal from her years of tangling with law enforcement? Can she be a proper guardian to Hana? Is Hiroshi really alive or was Atusko just trying to get a rise out of Michiko? You can watch Michiko to Hatchin on Crunchyroll

Yoruichi Shihouin — Bleach

Whether in cat or woman form, Yoruichi is one interesting Shinigami. Her mature and calming presence makes her enthralling to watch. However, on occasion she’s not above showing her playful side. This is especially true when it comes to teasing the men around her, specifically Ichigo. The scenes of Yoruichi having her fun with Ichigo at the hot springs is one of the funniest scenes in Bleach, which is really saying something. 

It’s still not known how exactly Yoruichi acquired her cat form, but she seems to be the only Shinigami we meet with this exact power, making her for a versatile and interesting character. This is doubly intriguing as her cat form has a masculine voice that her woman form doesn’t have. This makes for a funny reveal when a character sees her transform for the first time. You can see everyone’s favorite feline Shinigami on Hulu

Coffee — Cowboy Bebop

It’s a shame we didn’t see more of Coffee on Cowboy Bebop. She was not only a bounty hunter with a cool car, but she had a distinct look as well. The silhouette of the large fro and the skin tight clothing brings to mind the ’70s Blaxploitation era, one that has had its fair share of scrutiny but love and acclaim among the Black community as well. In fact Coffee’s inspiration was none other Pam Grier herself in the movie Coffy

We meet Coffee as she asking around about a man by the name of Domino Walker. Domino had a big bounty on his head, and who can blame Coffee for wanting to get her hands on that prize pool? She crosses path with everyone’s favorite Bebop duo, Ed and Ein, who are trying to find some food to bring back to the ship. In exchange for a watermelon purchase, she asks the watermelon seller to help her in her pursuit of information.

This sets off a chain of events in which Coffee ends up with Ed and Ein in the trunk of her car and her getting arrested for kidnapping. Then she becomes one of the people chasing after Domino as he runs across the top of a train, Coffee in her car of course. Thanks to Shaft falling into her car, she crashes but does survive. You can see Coffee’s brief time on Cowboy Bebop in the hilarious episode “Mushroom Samba” on Netflix

Karui — Naruto/Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations

Karui is another character that we really could use more of. She’s the wife of resident foodie and sweetheart Choji Akimichi and the mother of their daughter Chocho. Though Karui currently lives in the Leaf Village with her family, she’s originally from the Hidden Cloud Village, home to the bombastic and talented Killer B. Karui is headstrong, devoted, and fiercely protective of the Raikage, the aforementioned Killer B. She yells at Team Kakashi for letting Sasuke get away with attacking B and even lets out her anger on Naruto for doing so, though it’s later said by her teammate Omoi that she feels bad about it afterward. This shows that she’s not a fan of her temper. 

Later on she falls in love with Choji and the two get married, even having a daughter by the name of ChoCho, who is a perfect mix of her parents in both looks and personality. We can see that in the new era, Karui is more laid back and relaxed in contrast to her temperament during the war. She even questions if ChoCho requires training as they are in a time of peace.

You can see Karui in the 4th Great Shinobi War arc in Naruto on Netflix and as a mother on Boruto on Crunchyroll

February 23, 2024

Descendants Of A Black Entrepreneur Are Fighting To Reclaim Their Family’s Land In Santa Monica

Descendants Of A Black Entrepreneur Are Fighting To Reclaim Their Family’s Land In Santa Monica Downtown Santa Monica CA and the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. By Rayna Reid Rayford ·Updated February 23, 2024

In 1957, Silas White, a Black entrepreneur purchased a valuable plot of land in Santa Monica, CA. White wanted to >NBC Los Angeles reported.

White had already started renovations, but unfortunately, his dream would never become a reality. A year after White’s purchase, the city seized the land, citing eminent domain, which “refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use, referred to as a taking.” Four years later, White passed away and the story almost died with him. It would take decades before White’s descendants learned about their family legacy.

And today that land is home to the Viceroy Hotel on Ocean Avenue. But how did White’s descendants learn about their family’s land? It’s all because of Where Is My Land?, an organization founded by Kavon Ward aimed at helping “Black Americans discover connections to stolen land through research, data, and technology,” helping their descendants reclaim said land, and educating the public.

In 2022, Ward helped the Bruce family reclaim their Manhattan Beach property, which “was taken under similar terms in the 1920s.” Thanks to Ward’s efforts, “Los Angeles County transferred the property back to them, righting a century-old wrong.”

“I think it opened up a lot of hope for Black people who have had their land stolen,” stated Ward. “It means money…Money for the violation of civil and human rights, and money for taking land that could’ve gotten them more money.”

For Milana Davis, White’s niece, the family’s spokesperson for Connie White who now resides in North Carolina, “It’s frustrating. Disappointing…Maybe the right thing will finally be done and my cousin will receive some form of restitution for what was done to him.”

“It’s an open wound with no remedy,” Davis added. “From what I’ve been told, there were already 2,000 people signed up [for the Ebony Beach Club.”

Ward and the Whites recently met with City Manager David White and Councilwoman Caroline Torosis. “Torosis said the city is working on adopting a citywide equity plan, which includes exploring models for restitution and reparations, but so far it’s unclear how support exists on the council with regards to returning the land to the White family.”

The City of Santa Monica released a statement, which read in part, “Santa Monica hears and acknowledges the voices on this topic in the community and is actively seeking appropriate and realistic remedies.”

“We know that for those who have been wronged by the city’s past discriminatory practices, justice can’t come soon enough, and we take what we’ve learned from the families and individuals who have been harmed by these acts very seriously,” continued the statement. “We are a better city because of their continued attention to these issues and we are committed to getting this right.”


The post Descendants Of A Black Entrepreneur Are Fighting To Reclaim Their Family’s Land In Santa Monica appeared first on Essence.

February 22, 2024

NFL Championship Prediction Updates and the Super Bowl Pick!

Good afternoon, folks! Today I want to discuss which game I got correct and which one I got wrong! So, let’s get started, shall we?! I predicted that the 49ers would beat the Lions 24-23, but the final score was 34-31 49ers over the Lions in a shootout. The Lions came up just short of going into the Super Bowl only if they kicked some field goals.

I predicted that the Ravens would beat the Chiefs 31-29, but the final score was 17-10 Chiefs over the Ravens. The Chiefs defense was pretty much outstanding against the dangerous Ravens offense along with Lamar Jackson.

Overall, I have gotten 1 out of 2 picks correct!!!!! Now, let’s get to our final pick of the season, the Super Bowl between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs, shall we?! Both of these teams have had an outstanding season. They are playing in a rematch which takes place in Las Vegas. It’s the quarterbacks Brock Purdy and Patrick Mahomes. The players we will be watching are Brock Purdy, Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, George Kittle, Christian McCaffrey, Deebo Samual, Isiah Pacheco, Brandon Aiyuk and more.  The Chiefs defense played outstanding like I mentioned earlier and the 49ers defense did not play as well as they used to even if they were able to hold off the Lions barely. They will be up for a big challenge. Of course the 49ers may remember what had happened the last time they played the Chiefs. Will they get revenge against the Chiefs? Well unfortunately, I don’t think so as I think the Chiefs will win the Super Bowl again by beating the 49ers barely 34-27. The 49ers will keep it close, but it just won’t be enough to beat the Chiefs. The Chiefs offense can still score a lot of points and the 49ers are going to have to keep up by scoring a lot of points. Because if they don’t, then they are in trouble. And also, Patrick Mahomes says that he wants to go to Disneyland again if he wins the Super Bowl. I also bet that Taylor Swift will be in the Super Bowl as well.

So, what are your final thoughts about the Super Bowl?! I would love to hear your thoughts and comments down below!

Stay tuned for NFL updates.

The post NFL Championship Prediction Updates and the Super Bowl Pick! appeared first on The Nerd Element.

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