
Miles O'Brien in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

When you think Star Trek there are a few words that instantly come to mind. “Kirk” and “Spock” are far and away the most well-known characters in the series—and younger generations of fans might answer The Next Generation’s Captain Picard or even Q as some of the most iconic figures the franchise has churned out. Regardless of which Trek show is your jumping-on point, though, “Miles O’Brien” is rarely the answer that comes to mind when we think about Star Trek’s most beloved characters—and that’s an utter travesty. Though he may not be the most well-known, or even the most well-liked character on the series in which he appeared, Miles O’Brien is one of Star Trek’s most fascinating and under-appreciated characters.

Brought to life by Colm Meaney (who celebrates his 68th birthday today!), Miles O’Brien was first introduced as a the transporter chief on Star Trek: The Next Generation—a supporting player who was perhaps most memorable to viewers at the time for his Irish accent and friendship with Commander Data. Franchise higher-ups picked up on his potential, though, and after a successful tenure on TNG, O’Brien made the jump to a main cast member on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, where he truly blossomed into a remarkable figure in the Trek universe, building off of already established story arcs and weaving in new character threads.

Admittedly, if the name Miles O’Brien didn’t ring a bell for you right off the bat, it’s for good reason. Even though he’s the second most long-running character in Trek history (behind Michael Dorn’s Worf), O’Brien’s character is, for lack of a better word, engineered to play second fiddle. While some Trek characters are beloved for their quirky-one liners, memorable physical attributes, or extraordinary abilities, O’Brien is a very deliberate everyman—a sort of audience stand-in who’s at his best when he’s playing off of other, bigger characters.

It’s easy to draw the eye when you’re the center of attention, but to be a standout as a supporting player takes a special gift—and that’s exactly the prowess Colm Meaney holds as an actor on TNG and DS9. His most memorable relationship is part of a dynamic duo with Alexander Siddig’s bright-eyed doctor Julian Bashir, with whom O’Brien developed a begruding friendship. While we laugh and fondly role our eyes at Julian Bashir’s over-eager antics, it’s O’Brien’s annoyance and infuriation that makes the comedic beats in those scenes work. He’s a much-needed grounding presence when some of the more absentminded characters babble off into monologues of techno jargon—O’Brien is always there with a baffled, unimpressed look or a frustrated comment to level out the often overwhelming amount of sheer sci-fi in the later seasons of Deep Space Nine.

What’s more, O’Brien’s relatability extends beyond just playing straight man to goofy characters in comedic bits—he’s also frequently used by the writers’ as a vehicle to explore more grounded, blue collar themes and subjects that don’t always seem to go hand-in-hand with spaces battles and Vulcan mind melds. One particularly memorable (and trailblazing) episode is is DS9 4×16 “Bar Association,” where O’Brien inspires the Ferengei Rom to form a union and go on strike after becoming fed up with the inhumane working conditions at his brother Quark’s bar.

It’s a silly episode, sure, but Star Trek excels in using silliness and sci-fi to tackle real-life issues, and “Bar Association” is an excellent example of one of the rarer times that Trek tackles are more blue-collar subject: unions. Though Star Trek is beloved and iconic for its often deeply intellectual and philosophical storytelling, it’s not always the most accessible show—and through O’Brien, the franchise had a way to express more salt-of-the-Earth ideas in a far-flung sci-fi setting.

O’Brien’s down-to-Earth nature and more traditional sensibilities also made him the perfect conduit through which to explore one of the franchise’s touchier subjects: bigotry. Trek began as a picture of a Utopian world where hatred and bigotry was a thing of the past, but as the franchise blossomed and grew, it found ways to address those ideas without losing the integrity of the franchise. In the early days of The Original Series, it was most frequently through alien cultures that audiences saw depictions of bigotry and closed-mindedness, but with the introduction of Miles O’Brien, the franchise was able to tackle the subject in a new way—through the lens of a protagonist.

It’s rare to see any franchise willing to place bigotry in its heroes front and center, but that’s exactly what Star Trek was able to do with Miles O’Brien—explore hatred and closed-mindedness through a well-loved protagonist in a way that both honored the character and explored the issue with previously unexplored thoughtfulness and depth. It’s an unfortunate truth that even our closest friends and loved ones are all closed-minded in some capacity—but with O’Brien, Star Trek was able to explore where hatred comes from on a smaller, more personal scale.

The Next Generation 4×12, “The Wounded,” is the first episode in which O’Brien’s character is explored significantly—and, consequently, is also the first episode where we learn of his resentment towards the Cardassian race. The episode revealed that O’Brien was stationed at a Federation outpost which the Cardassian military mistakenly believed was harboring a secret Federation military base that would launch an attack on Cardassia. As such, the Cardassians launched their own pre-emptive counterstrike, resulting in the slaughter of virtually the entire civilian population of the outpost.

From then on, O’Brien harbored intense hatred of all Cardassians as a whole—a personal prejudice which would go on to be explored further in Deep Space Nine episodes “Tribunal,” “Paradise,” and “Empok Nor.” What’s fascinating about how the show handles O’Brien’s hatred towards Cardassians is that it both empathetically acknowledges the root of his bias and also condemns the cruelty of judging and entire race by the actions of a select few. O’Brien is, by all accounts, a lovable character—a good soldier, a better crewmate, and a loyal friend. He’s commended by both his captains and his fellow officers—yet he has a very clear and very significant personal flaw that haunts his service in Starfleet, and one that’s acknowledge in a meaningful way by the show.

O’Brien isn’t perfect—he knows it, the audience knows it, the other characters know it—and that’s what makes him such an effective character. He’s told off by his wife Keiko for making bigoted comments about the Cardassian people—the show’s way of reminding audiences that even the fictional hereos we see on TV are flawed, human figures. What’s more is that the show takes it a step further—having O’Brien himself acknowledge his bigotry and where it comes from. In one of The Next Generation’s best lines, he tells a Cardassian soldier that “It’s not you I hate, Cardassian; I hate what I became because of you.”

Chief Miles O’Brien isn’t a particularly glitzy character, nor (at face value) is he an enviable role as an actor. But in Colm Meaney’s honest, grounded performance, Star Trek was able to explore a number of sticky subjects that would have failed miserably in the hands of a less capable actor and writing staff. From his involvement in unions to his wartime PTSD to his hatred towards Cardassians, O’Brien became a symbol of how Star Trek could and should explore the flaws within the Federation just as it explored bigotry in alien cultures. Just because you have flaws, that doesn’t make you any less of a hero.

(featured image: CBS)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

The post Yellow Uniform, Blue Collar: Celebrating Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Chief O’Brien first appeared on The Mary Sue.

May 31, 2021

Yellow Uniform, Blue Collar: Celebrating Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Chief O’Brien

Miles O'Brien in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

When you think Star Trek there are a few words that instantly come to mind. “Kirk” and “Spock” are far and away the most well-known characters in the series—and younger generations of fans might answer The Next Generation’s Captain Picard or even Q as some of the most iconic figures the franchise has churned out. Regardless of which Trek show is your jumping-on point, though, “Miles O’Brien” is rarely the answer that comes to mind when we think about Star Trek’s most beloved characters—and that’s an utter travesty. Though he may not be the most well-known, or even the most well-liked character on the series in which he appeared, Miles O’Brien is one of Star Trek’s most fascinating and under-appreciated characters.

Brought to life by Colm Meaney (who celebrates his 68th birthday today!), Miles O’Brien was first introduced as a the transporter chief on Star Trek: The Next Generation—a supporting player who was perhaps most memorable to viewers at the time for his Irish accent and friendship with Commander Data. Franchise higher-ups picked up on his potential, though, and after a successful tenure on TNG, O’Brien made the jump to a main cast member on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, where he truly blossomed into a remarkable figure in the Trek universe, building off of already established story arcs and weaving in new character threads.

Admittedly, if the name Miles O’Brien didn’t ring a bell for you right off the bat, it’s for good reason. Even though he’s the second most long-running character in Trek history (behind Michael Dorn’s Worf), O’Brien’s character is, for lack of a better word, engineered to play second fiddle. While some Trek characters are beloved for their quirky-one liners, memorable physical attributes, or extraordinary abilities, O’Brien is a very deliberate everyman—a sort of audience stand-in who’s at his best when he’s playing off of other, bigger characters.

It’s easy to draw the eye when you’re the center of attention, but to be a standout as a supporting player takes a special gift—and that’s exactly the prowess Colm Meaney holds as an actor on TNG and DS9. His most memorable relationship is part of a dynamic duo with Alexander Siddig’s bright-eyed doctor Julian Bashir, with whom O’Brien developed a begruding friendship. While we laugh and fondly role our eyes at Julian Bashir’s over-eager antics, it’s O’Brien’s annoyance and infuriation that makes the comedic beats in those scenes work. He’s a much-needed grounding presence when some of the more absentminded characters babble off into monologues of techno jargon—O’Brien is always there with a baffled, unimpressed look or a frustrated comment to level out the often overwhelming amount of sheer sci-fi in the later seasons of Deep Space Nine.

What’s more, O’Brien’s relatability extends beyond just playing straight man to goofy characters in comedic bits—he’s also frequently used by the writers’ as a vehicle to explore more grounded, blue collar themes and subjects that don’t always seem to go hand-in-hand with spaces battles and Vulcan mind melds. One particularly memorable (and trailblazing) episode is is DS9 4×16 “Bar Association,” where O’Brien inspires the Ferengei Rom to form a union and go on strike after becoming fed up with the inhumane working conditions at his brother Quark’s bar.

It’s a silly episode, sure, but Star Trek excels in using silliness and sci-fi to tackle real-life issues, and “Bar Association” is an excellent example of one of the rarer times that Trek tackles are more blue-collar subject: unions. Though Star Trek is beloved and iconic for its often deeply intellectual and philosophical storytelling, it’s not always the most accessible show—and through O’Brien, the franchise had a way to express more salt-of-the-Earth ideas in a far-flung sci-fi setting.

O’Brien’s down-to-Earth nature and more traditional sensibilities also made him the perfect conduit through which to explore one of the franchise’s touchier subjects: bigotry. Trek began as a picture of a Utopian world where hatred and bigotry was a thing of the past, but as the franchise blossomed and grew, it found ways to address those ideas without losing the integrity of the franchise. In the early days of The Original Series, it was most frequently through alien cultures that audiences saw depictions of bigotry and closed-mindedness, but with the introduction of Miles O’Brien, the franchise was able to tackle the subject in a new way—through the lens of a protagonist.

It’s rare to see any franchise willing to place bigotry in its heroes front and center, but that’s exactly what Star Trek was able to do with Miles O’Brien—explore hatred and closed-mindedness through a well-loved protagonist in a way that both honored the character and explored the issue with previously unexplored thoughtfulness and depth. It’s an unfortunate truth that even our closest friends and loved ones are all closed-minded in some capacity—but with O’Brien, Star Trek was able to explore where hatred comes from on a smaller, more personal scale.

The Next Generation 4×12, “The Wounded,” is the first episode in which O’Brien’s character is explored significantly—and, consequently, is also the first episode where we learn of his resentment towards the Cardassian race. The episode revealed that O’Brien was stationed at a Federation outpost which the Cardassian military mistakenly believed was harboring a secret Federation military base that would launch an attack on Cardassia. As such, the Cardassians launched their own pre-emptive counterstrike, resulting in the slaughter of virtually the entire civilian population of the outpost.

From then on, O’Brien harbored intense hatred of all Cardassians as a whole—a personal prejudice which would go on to be explored further in Deep Space Nine episodes “Tribunal,” “Paradise,” and “Empok Nor.” What’s fascinating about how the show handles O’Brien’s hatred towards Cardassians is that it both empathetically acknowledges the root of his bias and also condemns the cruelty of judging and entire race by the actions of a select few. O’Brien is, by all accounts, a lovable character—a good soldier, a better crewmate, and a loyal friend. He’s commended by both his captains and his fellow officers—yet he has a very clear and very significant personal flaw that haunts his service in Starfleet, and one that’s acknowledge in a meaningful way by the show.

O’Brien isn’t perfect—he knows it, the audience knows it, the other characters know it—and that’s what makes him such an effective character. He’s told off by his wife Keiko for making bigoted comments about the Cardassian people—the show’s way of reminding audiences that even the fictional hereos we see on TV are flawed, human figures. What’s more is that the show takes it a step further—having O’Brien himself acknowledge his bigotry and where it comes from. In one of The Next Generation’s best lines, he tells a Cardassian soldier that “It’s not you I hate, Cardassian; I hate what I became because of you.”

Chief Miles O’Brien isn’t a particularly glitzy character, nor (at face value) is he an enviable role as an actor. But in Colm Meaney’s honest, grounded performance, Star Trek was able to explore a number of sticky subjects that would have failed miserably in the hands of a less capable actor and writing staff. From his involvement in unions to his wartime PTSD to his hatred towards Cardassians, O’Brien became a symbol of how Star Trek could and should explore the flaws within the Federation just as it explored bigotry in alien cultures. Just because you have flaws, that doesn’t make you any less of a hero.

(featured image: CBS)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

The post Yellow Uniform, Blue Collar: Celebrating Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Chief O’Brien first appeared on The Mary Sue.

May 30, 2021

Fantasia Reveals Daughter Is In The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit After Giving Birth Early


Source: FayesVision/ / WENN

Fantasia has been documenting the ups and downs of her latest pregnancy via social media. Back in April, she revealed that she was hospitalized after experiencing contractions. Despite her recent hospitalization to stop contractions and going into labor, her daughter was still born a bit too soon.

Last week, she announced that she and her husband, Kendall Taylor, welcomed their first child together, Keziah Taylor.

“Keziah was born a little too early but she is a fighter just like her Mother,” she wrote on Instagram.
In her latest post, the “Free Yourself” singer revealed that her daughter is in the neonatal intensive care unit seven days after giving birth.

“In the NICU with You,” she captioned a photo of her and husband holding hands on Instagram.

She didn’t provide any further details.

Before she started experiencing complications, the mother of three said she was “feeling good” and that her husband had been a great support.

“Mornings are a little tough for me but again, this is my third time riding this rodeo so I got it,” she said during an appearance on The Tamron Hall Show in December. “I think the greatest gift that I have is a supportive husband that won’t let me touch anything, do anything. I wake up to breakfast so it makes it a whole lot better.”

Fantasia already has two other children, Zion,19, and Dallas, 9.

After watching Fantasia give birth, Taylor gushed about his wife’s strength in an IG post.

“Today I experienced something that rewrote my personal definition of a Black Woman,” Taylor said. “To observe my Queen @tasiasword bring my little Angel @keziahlondontaylor into this world elevated my understanding and sense of pride, respect and admiration for black women. Yahweh, please empower me to lead and protect my wife and children with the highest level of wisdom, power and discipline that I have to capacity to receive!”



May 30, 2021

Disney Baby Clothes & Onesies

Check out this all-inclusive list to find the best Disney baby clothes and accessories for your new Mouseketeer. 

disney statue

Disney baby clothes are a wonderful way to celebrate all things Disney by honoring your favorite characters or admiring all the delicious treats from the Disney Parks. You can even get creative by Disneybounding.

There are many budget-friendly options to choose from when purchasing Disney clothes. Geek Baby Clothes has assembled the perfect list of Disney clothes and accessories for any budding Disney fan.

Don’t forget to head over to our curated list of ideas for Nightmare Before Christmas baby clothes, Star Wars baby clothes, and Marvel baby clothes for a complete guide to dressing up your growing Disney aficionado.

After purchasing clothes for your wee one, be sure to check out our guide to learn how to wash baby clothes.

Baby’s First Disney Cosplay Characters ?

Pixar Bodysuit Pack

Pixar Bodysuit Pack

This Pixar bodysuit pack is the foolproof option for any Pixar fan. Your little one can dress up as characters from popular Pixar movies like The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and Monsters, Inc.

Mickey Mouse Snuggle Suit

Mickey Mouse Snuggle Suit

This Mickey Snuggle Suit will keep your little mouseketeer nice and warm with plush, long sleeves, and a quilted lining. The attached white “glove” mittens add a special touch that any Mickey fan would appreciate.

Tigger Baby Bodysuit

Tigger Baby Bodysuit

The wonderful thing about Tigger is that he’s the only one. Your little one can embody this fun-loving character from the Hundred Acre Woods with this awesome bodysuit. They also have options for other Disney fan favorite characters. 

Goofy Coverall Onesie

Goofy Coverall Onesie

Fans of this OG member of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will love this Goofy outfit for their little bambino to sleep and play in. This outfit is an excellent option for traveling as it has a zip closure that will make diaper changes a breeze.

Stitch and Angel Crochet Outfit

Stitch and Angel Crochet Outfit

This Stitch and Angel crocheted outfits are perfect for those newborn photoshoots. The crochet work is impeccable and definitely worth the price. The eyes perfectly capture the spirit of Stitch and Angel.

Anna Romper

Anna Romper

This handmade romper will turn your little one into the Princess of Arendelle. This Anna romper is well-made, and that floral detail is truly exquisite.

Lightning McQueen Pajamas

Lightning McQueen Pajamas

This pajama set featuring Lighting McQueen will make any baby say “Ka-Chow!” May your little one have sweet dreams of winning the Piston Cup in this outfit perfect for any future racer.

Bambi Hooded Romper

Disney Expressions ?

Bambi Hooded Romper

This Bambi hooded romper is the cutest! It’s perfect for your new fawn to sleep or play in. The spots on the back are simply superb.

Piglet Onesie

Piglet Onesie

This onesie features one of Winnie the Pooh’s best pals. By far the cutest character in the Hundred Acre Woods, this onesie is a great reminder that the “smallest things really do take the most room in your heart.”

Tangled Baby Bodysuit

Tangled Baby Bodysuit

This onesie will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that your new dream has become a reality. They even offer this onesie in other colors, which will surely please Rapunzel and Flynn Rider.

Ratatouille T-shirt

Ratatouille T-shirt

This shirt featuring Remy from Ratatouille is a great reminder for any little chef that “anyone can cook.” Chef Gusteau would be so proud to know that his legacy will live on.

Alice in Wonderland Baby Onesie

Alice in Wonderland Baby Onesie

This onesie and bib set is the epitome of life with a newborn. The Mad Hatter hat and bowtie are a wonderful addition to add some joy to the craziness of parent life.

Peter Pan Onesie

Peter Pan Onesie

This is a mantra you’ll repeat every day to your little bundle of joy. While your little ones won’t stay little boys or girls forever, it’s nice to enjoy this precious time with them.

Lion King Onesie

Lion King Onesie

Your new cub will definitely be working on their roar, so this shirt is fitting. The hidden details in this onesie truly make it stand out. You can see characters like Timon, Rafiki, and Pumba.

Jungle Book Baby Onesie

Jungle Book Baby Onesie

You better watch out! You don’t want King Louie to make a deal with your little Man Cub for the power of fire when wearing this onesie. 

Dumbo Baby Onesie

Dumbo Baby Onesie

You’d think a stork just dropped off your little one with this onesie. Seeing your baby in this will make you want to rock your little one just as Mrs. Jumbo does to Dumbo.

Because Disney Food Always Looks Better ?

Disney Snacks Outfit

Disney Snacks Outfit

This is my motto when I visit the Disneyland Resort. It includes all the classic Disney Parks snacks: Mickey waffles, churros, popcorn, and a Mickey ice cream bar. I’m getting hungry just looking at all those snacks. 

Dole Whip Onesie

Dole Whip Onesie

Who doesn’t love Disney Puns? Disney puns plus Disney food is even better. A trip to the Disney Parks isn’t complete without a Dole Whip. 

Disneyland Funnel Cake and Cotton Candy Shirt

Disneyland Funnel Cake and Cotton Candy Shirt

Your child is never too young to let the world what their priorities look like, but any Disney fan will know that the treats alone are worth the trip to the Disney Parks.

Disney Food Dress

Disney Food Dress

A dapper dress for a stylish baby, this outfit is perfect for your little one’s next trip to the Disneyland Resort. A vibrant and wonderful addition to any wardrobe.

Disney Snackgoals Bib

Disney Snackgoals Bib

This bib has all the essentials for a fun trip to the Disney Parks: ice cream, Mickey pretzel, and a Dole Whip. It truly embodies #snackgoals.

Disney World Snacks Onesie

Disney World Snacks Onesie

This onesie perfectly sums up what a trip to Disney World looks like since there are so many different food options. You really do have to take it one bite at a time. 

Disney Baby Fashionista Accessories ?

Bumkins Disney Bibs

Bumkins Disney Bibs

These Bumkins Disney bibs are a splendid option for future Disney fans. This set features the main mouse himself, Mickey; however, they have bibs featuring many other Disney characters.

Up Bibs

Up Bibs

“Adventure is out there.” Both bibs contain a white terry cloth backing, so they are super absorbent. These Up bibs featuring your favorite balloon house and characters from the movie are a wonderful addition to your child’s wardrobe. 

Inside Out Pacifier Clip

Inside Out Pacifier Clip

“Who’s your friend who likes to play? Bing Bong, Bing Bong” This pacifier clip features Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust from Inside Out. It’s the perfect option for little ones on the move so they can play with their own imaginary friend like Bing Bong.

Winnie the Pooh Beanie

Winnie the Pooh Beanie

This beanie will turn your little one into your favorite silly little old bear. This Winnie the Pooh crotchet beanie is great for photoshoots and everyday adventures with your little one.

Lady and the Tramp Hat and Bib Set

Lady and the Tramp Hat and Bib Set

This sun hat and bib combo featuring baby versions of Lady and the Tramp is absolutely adorable. A great option for the summer. The button at the top of the hat adds a little extra cuteness.

101 Dalmatian's Pacifier Lovey

101 Dalmatian’s Pacifier Lovey

If you’ve ever struggled with remembering to bring your child’s lovey AND pacifier when you leave the house, then fret no more as this pacifier/lovey combo clips the pacifier directly onto the lovey. The lovey is also machine-washable, so you don’t need to worry when your baby takes this everywhere they go.

Mickey Silicone Teethers

Mickey Silicone Teethers

These Mickey teethers are made from FDA-approved food-grade silicone. They are not only cute, but easy to clean! They are BPA-free and 100% non-toxic. Bonus, they are even freezer safe to help soothe your teething baby.

Disney Baby Mittens

Disney Baby Mittens

These baby mittens are perfect for future members of the Mickey Mouse Club. The fabric is soft and stretchy, a great option to keep your baby from accidentally scratching themselves. 

The post Disney Baby Clothes & Onesies appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

May 30, 2021

How YSL Beauty Made A Special Cameo In Justine Skye’s Latest Video

How YSL Beauty Made A Special Cameo In Justine Skye’s Latest Video Courtesy of YSL Beauty By Lauryn Jiles ·May 29, 2021May 29, 2021

Justine Skye’s latest music video, Twisted Fantasy, featuring Rema, was just released, and it’s a visual masterpiece everyone needs to witness. The captivating production described by Skye as “a journey to a different dimension where thoughts and visions meet in a dream within a dream,” features the artist strutting her stuff through a scad of dreamy and tranquil spaces—all while looking absolutely stunning, of course. When it came to Skye’s makeup, however, it wasn’t all about the high-glam as one would expect, with the star instead opting for an easy glow, subtle eye, and a glossy lip complements of YSL Beauty.

So why is YSL’s Rouge Volupte Shine Lipstick Balm in the shade Beige Satin such a big deal? So much so that the sleek tube made its own cameo appearance in the video? Well for starters, the hyaluronic acid microspheres seal in moisture in the lips for eight hours and actually soften the skin, making them perfect for an all-day music video shoot. Besides that, it’s the perfect Black girl-friendly balm, with the nude hue dishing out enough color payoff that it can be seen even under brightest oflights with a touch of shimmer to really make your pout pop. It was the perfect addition to Skye’s makeup look and natural beauty, proving to be the second star of the May 26 video release.

The Beige Satin shade that Skye wore is part of YSL’s new Burning Chilis collection with all lippies made with 65% essential oils to make your lips look healthy and nourished after four weeks of continued application. So treat yourself and your lips to the latest and greatest from the luxury brand, we promise you won’t regret it.

YSL’s Rouge Volupte Shine Lipstick Balm in Beige Satin Courtesy of YSL Beauty available at Sephora $38


The post How YSL Beauty Made A Special Cameo In Justine Skye’s Latest Video appeared first on Essence.

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