
Cushnie - Runway - February 2019 - New York Fashion Week: The Shows

Source: Mike Coppola / Getty

23-year-old aspiring model Mahogany Geter wants online trolls to know that she loves every part of herself — including her 100-pound left leg.

Geter, a Knoxville, Tennessee resident, lives with lymphedema — a long-term condition that causes the swelling of excessive fluids within her body’s soft tissue on the left side. Doctors diagnosed her with the disability shortly after she was born. Although there’s no cure for the illness as of yet, Getter regularly gets physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage massages in order to manage her left leg’s excessive fluids.

The 23-year-year-old faced childhood bullying because of the condition but the Daily Mail reports that she now feels “beautiful inside and out.”

“My mom was so worried when I was diagnosed but we have got through everything together,” the aspiring model shared. “As a child I never felt pretty, I used to think God had cursed me. I felt ugly, like a freak of nature and cried in private so many times.”

“Then I decided that I was given this condition because I am emotionally strong and I can handle it,” she inspiringly noted. “Since then I have been learning to accept and celebrate myself.”

RELATED CONTENT: “‘There’s Beauty In Me As A Whole And My Prosthetic Is Part Of Me:’ Marsha Elle On Representing For Disabled Black Women In PLAYBOY”

The Daily Mail also reported that “At its largest, [Geter’s] leg adds 100lb to her 300lb total body weight.” Moreover, even though the 23-year-old faces online trolls, the outlet noted that she’s “vowed” to never have her left leg amputated.

Instead, she emphasized the importance of using her disability to inspire others to “celebrate their differences,” and shared that she’s “proud” of what her body can do.

RELATED CONTENT: “5 Ways To Be A Better Advocate On National Disability Day”

“I have had my fair share of ignorant comments — one person told me my leg looked like a ham roll and one girl at school called me a deformed b–ch. It has been so hard to rise above these mean people but I have no other choice,” Geter said candidly.

“For the longest I felt so low about myself but once I got older and with loads of support from the online lymphedema community and my mom who is my inspiration, she is so strong, I realised how beautiful I am. Not only looks but as a person.”

“People have been so nice and supportive of me online,” she emphasized. “It isn’t all trolling and negativity. I have met so many people online who keep me company on this health journey I am on.”

While she shared that she isn’t working at the moment, Geter stays very busy. In addition to her physiotherapy appointments, she also draws, listens to music and creates content for her various social media platforms.

Her Instagram has over 14,000 followers and her TikTok over 34,000. The 23-year-old even has a YouTube channel.

“Despite the hard times I honestly feel like I live a normal life. I try to be strong and stay focused on my dreams of making it as a model,” Geter shared. “If I ever make it big I want to buy my mother a house and take care of my family, then I’ll do everything I can to raise awareness of lymphedema to pay it back to everyone who has ever shown me kindness.”

Iconic radio personality and talk show host Wendy Williams has also been open about her struggle with lymphodema in the past. After sharing a photo of her swollen feet (due to the condition) earlier this year, the star had said during her show’s Hot Topics segment: 

“And I had no idea how many of you have lymphedema and came out of the closet with it, in the comment section. And I had no idea how many of you learned about lymphedema on our show. So if there’s one thing that was accomplished, it’s that that’s why I walk the way I do.”


August 30, 2021

Aspiring Model With Lymphedema “Vows” To Never Amputate 100lb Leg Despite Negativity From Online Trolls

Cushnie - Runway - February 2019 - New York Fashion Week: The Shows

Source: Mike Coppola / Getty

23-year-old aspiring model Mahogany Geter wants online trolls to know that she loves every part of herself — including her 100-pound left leg.

Geter, a Knoxville, Tennessee resident, lives with lymphedema — a long-term condition that causes the swelling of excessive fluids within her body’s soft tissue on the left side. Doctors diagnosed her with the disability shortly after she was born. Although there’s no cure for the illness as of yet, Getter regularly gets physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage massages in order to manage her left leg’s excessive fluids.

The 23-year-year-old faced childhood bullying because of the condition but the Daily Mail reports that she now feels “beautiful inside and out.”

“My mom was so worried when I was diagnosed but we have got through everything together,” the aspiring model shared. “As a child I never felt pretty, I used to think God had cursed me. I felt ugly, like a freak of nature and cried in private so many times.”

“Then I decided that I was given this condition because I am emotionally strong and I can handle it,” she inspiringly noted. “Since then I have been learning to accept and celebrate myself.”

RELATED CONTENT: “‘There’s Beauty In Me As A Whole And My Prosthetic Is Part Of Me:’ Marsha Elle On Representing For Disabled Black Women In PLAYBOY”

The Daily Mail also reported that “At its largest, [Geter’s] leg adds 100lb to her 300lb total body weight.” Moreover, even though the 23-year-old faces online trolls, the outlet noted that she’s “vowed” to never have her left leg amputated.

Instead, she emphasized the importance of using her disability to inspire others to “celebrate their differences,” and shared that she’s “proud” of what her body can do.

RELATED CONTENT: “5 Ways To Be A Better Advocate On National Disability Day”

“I have had my fair share of ignorant comments — one person told me my leg looked like a ham roll and one girl at school called me a deformed b–ch. It has been so hard to rise above these mean people but I have no other choice,” Geter said candidly.

“For the longest I felt so low about myself but once I got older and with loads of support from the online lymphedema community and my mom who is my inspiration, she is so strong, I realised how beautiful I am. Not only looks but as a person.”

“People have been so nice and supportive of me online,” she emphasized. “It isn’t all trolling and negativity. I have met so many people online who keep me company on this health journey I am on.”

While she shared that she isn’t working at the moment, Geter stays very busy. In addition to her physiotherapy appointments, she also draws, listens to music and creates content for her various social media platforms.

Her Instagram has over 14,000 followers and her TikTok over 34,000. The 23-year-old even has a YouTube channel.

“Despite the hard times I honestly feel like I live a normal life. I try to be strong and stay focused on my dreams of making it as a model,” Geter shared. “If I ever make it big I want to buy my mother a house and take care of my family, then I’ll do everything I can to raise awareness of lymphedema to pay it back to everyone who has ever shown me kindness.”

Iconic radio personality and talk show host Wendy Williams has also been open about her struggle with lymphodema in the past. After sharing a photo of her swollen feet (due to the condition) earlier this year, the star had said during her show’s Hot Topics segment: 

“And I had no idea how many of you have lymphedema and came out of the closet with it, in the comment section. And I had no idea how many of you learned about lymphedema on our show. So if there’s one thing that was accomplished, it’s that that’s why I walk the way I do.”


August 30, 2021

‘What If’ Season 1 Episode 3: “What If… The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?” — RECAP

On Monday, Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff (Lake Bell) discuss his plan to bring together a team to avenge the world. They talk to Tony Stark (Mick Wingert) about joining the Avengers, then give him medicine to stop the spread of his infection. However, instead of Tony getting better, he dies on the spot. 

The Watcher telescopes us through one week, and three different stories unfold: Iron Man battles his demon, Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) makes an appearance, and Thor is exiled to Earth. This is the beginning of creating the Avengers. In another multiverse, this isn’t the case. 

Tuesday: Natasha is being arrested for killing Tony. S.H.I.E.L.D. has protocol for such things. Nick speaks to her briefly about how Tony’s antidote has been compromised from the inside and he needs her to help figure it out. While in transit, Natasha punches her way out of the guarded truck. 

Nick meets with Clint Barton at a site where a mysterious hammer has landed. While they speak, guards are being taken out one by one. Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) gets a visual on a man with beautiful hair making his way to the hammer. Clint is in position ready for the kill shot, but Nick tells him to wait because he wants to see what happens. Unfortunately for Thor, he is struck by an arrow. Clint insists he didn’t make the shot, but the evidence is in the body. 

Nick and Phil discuss how strange that two men are taken out by their own agents. Nick goes into a cell to talk to Clint, but to his shock, Clint is near death himself. The guards state that they never let anyone in. Unfortunately, Clint doesn’t make it, and Nick suspects foul play. 

Natasha bumps into Dr. Ross (Stephanie Panisello) to talk about the murder of Tony Stark. Dr. Ross has experience with keeping off the S.H.I.E.L.D. radar. According to Dr. Ross, this wasn’t a biological-chemical attack, and she’s not sure what was inserted into Tony’s body. As Natasha is leaving, she gets a call from Nick about Clint’s death. Nick thinks his candidates are being targeted, so he needs Natasha to find Bruce. Luckily, she finds him in Dr. Ross’s lab closet. Natasha has them leave right away. 

Phil drives back to the base with coffee but is distracted when an army lands near him. Nick and his armed men go out to meet the army and its leader, Loki (Tom Hiddleston). While Loki is making his speech, they are interrupted by a cell phone ringing. 

Natasha is calling Nick while escorting Bruce. The two are confronted by General Ross (Michael Patrick McGill), tanks, and soldiers. 

Loki is on Earth to find the killer of Thor, and due to the way Nick is speaking to him, Loki decides that the world needs to be taken. He pulls out the tesseract to shoot ice at everyone.

Someone shoots Bruce causing him to turn into the Hulk, but General Ross’s men claim it wasn’t them. While Hulk is smashing everything and everyone, his body inflates and he blows up. 

Nick gets Loki to listen to his pleas. Nick insists that they’re on the same side and should work together to find Thor’s killer. Loki gives him until sunrise to produce the murderer. 

Natasha acquires access to the Avengers Initiative database and finds out that a woman who died two years ago accessed the database two days ago. Just when she is calling Nick, she is attacked by someone. Nick doesn’t answer, but Natasha is able to leave a message stating, “It’s all about Hope.”

Nick replays the message at a coffee shop. Coulson reminds him that they have only four hours left and that Nick is the only Avenger left from the initiative. Nick says he’s not the only one left. He heads to his car to retrieve a beeper but realizes what Natasha was saying. He puts away the beeper and drives to where Loki is stationed to make a deal with him. 

Thursday: In San Francisco, Nick visits Hope Pym’s grave. While he stands there, he is visited by Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), who is furious about the death of his wife and daughter. Nick goads him into confessing to each murder that he has committed. The two engage in combat, with Hank using his Antman technology. However, he isn’t in battle with the real Nick Fury — he’s fighting Loki, who is using his magical tricks. 

Once Hank is defeated, Loki and Nick reveal themselves. Nick states that Hope was well aware of the work S.H.I.E.L.D. was doing and that she will never be forgotten. As Hank is taken away, he yells that Nick should honor Hope.

Loki tells Nick that they should be allies, and he would like to extend his time on Earth. Nick asks for how long.

Friday: At the United Nations, Loki and his Asgardian army make a press announcement that the world’s nations have united under his rule and he is there to fulfill their destiny. 

Nick and Phil observe the coffins of the Avengers and wonder what the Avengers Initiative was all about. Nick makes his way to an iced section of the building where a red-white-and-blue shield is frozen within. He says, “Welcome back, Captain” but turns to face Captain Marvel (Alexandra Daniels), who is ready for a fight.

This episode was truly a wild one. I wasn’t sure who the killer was. I never considered it to be Hank Pym of all people. Loki even got to rule Earth! He truly fulfilled his destiny. I honestly have no idea what to expect next. I had no clue that Thor, Iron Man, and Hulk shared a significant week of history. I wonder if Steve Rogers would’ve made an appearance at some point.

August 29, 2021

Kareem Weighs in on Jeopardy; MLK in Fortnite?; Candyman Reboot Debut; Midnight Suns VG?; Werewolf by Night @Disney+?; One Piece X-ver w/Aquaman?; Black Brothers Kidnapped by The Circus & More: The Grindhouse Airs SUN 8pm EST


Guten Tag, people! Check out our new installment of Afronerd Radio's Grindhouse-airing every Sunday at 6 p.m. eastern on the mighty BTalk 100 internet broadcasting platform.  Join your favored AFROnerdist hosts as they use their blerd analytical skills to decipher this week's topical mysteries: legendary basketball player, author and noted Holmesian, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, wrote a recent Hollywood Reporter piece highlighting the importance of choosing the right host for extremely popular and culturally significant game show, Jeopardy!while many people are debating the use of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s image (and his historical "I Have A Dream" speech) for the wildly popular online video game, Fortnite, the Afronerd team, too, will come to their own conclusions; 



The oft delayed and highly anticipated Candyman reboot (directed by Nia DaCosta) premiered this weekend and it appears that the film is off to a great post pandemic start with a projected box office gross of $20.7 million; is there more to the new Marvel Midnight Suns VG trailer than meets the eye? Perhaps a precursor to a Midnight Sons live-action project? We will ponder the situation, of course:

I believe we briefly discussed the idea of the proposed race-bended Wonder Years reboot but now that a trailer has dropped many are likening it to Everybody Hates Chris.....hmmm

Marvel is proposing a Werewolf by Night Disney+ series for Halloween 2022 but not based on the Jack Russell version but opting for the Native American, Jake Gomez iteration of the character; the longstanding manga series, One  Piece will purportedly have a crossover with DC's Aquaman;  Lastly, yet another true story that is ripe for a movie/streaming adaptation, Dburt tripped over the fascinating early 20th century circus abduction tale of the Muse brothers. Let us discuss.....       


One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


or This link below.....

Also, Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via BTalk 100 PandoraSpotify and,  IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!

August 29, 2021

Raise Your Brellies! Season 3 of ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Has Officially Wrapped

Hargreeves stans rejoice because The Umbrella Academy has officially wrapped production of season three. Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá’s stellar graphic novel turned groundbreaking Netflix series has fans eagerly waiting for its release. Per the series’ official Twitter page, the …

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