
BGN interviews the team behind the Disney/Pixar film Turning Red.

Featured in the interviews are: Domee Shi (director), Lindsey Collins (producer), Sandra Oh (Ming Lee), and Rosalie Chiang (Meilin Lee). Disney and Pixar’s Turning Red introduces Mei Lee, a confident, dorky 13-year-old torn between staying her mother’s dutiful daughter and the chaos of adolescence. Her protective, if not slightly overbearing mother, Ming, is never far from her daughter—an unfortunate reality for the teenager. And as if changes to her interests, relationships, and body weren’t enough, whenever she gets too excited (which is practically ALWAYS), she “poofs” into a giant red panda!

Streaming exclusively on Disney+ beginning March 11, 2022, Disney and Pixar’s Turning Red is directed by Academy Award® winner Domee Shi (Pixar short “Bao”) and produced by Lindsey Collins (Finding Dory).

Interviewer: Jeandra LeBeauf

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

March 6, 2022

The Cast and Crew of ‘Turning Red’ Discuss the “Coming-of-Age” Genre

BGN interviews the team behind the Disney/Pixar film Turning Red.

Featured in the interviews are: Domee Shi (director), Lindsey Collins (producer), Sandra Oh (Ming Lee), and Rosalie Chiang (Meilin Lee). Disney and Pixar’s Turning Red introduces Mei Lee, a confident, dorky 13-year-old torn between staying her mother’s dutiful daughter and the chaos of adolescence. Her protective, if not slightly overbearing mother, Ming, is never far from her daughter—an unfortunate reality for the teenager. And as if changes to her interests, relationships, and body weren’t enough, whenever she gets too excited (which is practically ALWAYS), she “poofs” into a giant red panda!

Streaming exclusively on Disney+ beginning March 11, 2022, Disney and Pixar’s Turning Red is directed by Academy Award® winner Domee Shi (Pixar short “Bao”) and produced by Lindsey Collins (Finding Dory).

Interviewer: Jeandra LeBeauf

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

March 5, 2022

Solo Travel Safety Tips for WOC From a Community of Solo Travelers

Solo travel can be exhilarating and also terrifying. Instagram and YouTube are great resources for travel inspiration, but they often only show the glamorous side. With misogyny being a global problem, women face many barriers when solo traveling. Yet on top of worrying about strange men, women of color often have to face racism and bigotry. Therefore, community is so important when it comes to solo traveling. This might sound like a contradiction, yet the concept of community has become a part of the solo travel experience. One person who understands this importance is Sheldon Louis. As featured in TravelNoire, he created the Solo Traveler Group on WhatsApp. An invite-only group with over 150 members is a virtual space where travelers from all walks of life can give each other support as they cross the globe.

Sheldon Louis

Born in Florida and of Caribbean descent, traveling was something Louis grew up with and is an integral part of his life. Through an exchange of emails, Sheldon and BGN discussed the conversations around safety he’s seen in his travel group.

Tell me about your WhatsApp group. How and why did you start it, and how have you seen it help travelers, particularly female travelers? 

I started this group because I felt there was a need for a real-time community for solo travelers, and I didn’t see one for us. I’ve seen the group help travelers in a multitude of ways, especially for female travelers. The idea of traveling alone might be uneasy or scary for women, and this group has helped eliminate some of that fear. For instance, someone in the group created a super useful doc where people can voluntarily share their upcoming travel plans to connect and meet up with other travelers.

What makes your group different from other Facebook groups, Telegram groups, etc.?

The main difference with this group (compared to other travel groups on Facebook and Telegram) is that real-time interactions and conversations are at the forefront of the Solo Travel group. This makes communication among group members seamless, despite them being in different regions or time zones. Other platforms and groups focus on content, while this one focuses on communication.

What are some common challenges you’ve seen addressed in the group, especially for WOC?  

One common challenge I’ve seen addressed in the group, especially for WOC, is the discomfort that comes with traveling alone. A perfect example is when one WOC solo traveler openly asked if anyone wanted to go to India in the spring. She shared that she was kind to head to India alone as a woman. Her openness led to another woman in the group saying that she’d be interested in joining along. This is what it’s all about with creating a community like this, open communication, and making solo travel easier for everyone.

Tell us about some of the conversations around the safety of female-identifying solo travelers?

There have been some valuable conversations as it relates to overall safety, especially for female-identifying solo travelers. One recurring conversation, in particular, is the hotel vs. Airbnb question. This topic was brought up when someone asked if booking an Airbnb as a first-time solo traveler was the right move.

Some WOC solo travelers share their personal travel experiences, both good and bad. One solo traveler, in particular, shared how much harassment she faced in a country she traveled to as a WOC traveler, and it helped shed light on the topic and country. This resulted in people sharing recommendations, like hiring a trusted tour guide and getting a driver. On the contrary, other solo travelers have shared positive experiences they’ve had in countries as well. 

There are conversations centered on tips when traveling solo especially as a WOC, such as being aware of your surroundings, not having tons of flashy jewelry or an expensive smartphone, not hanging out of a window while you’re in a vehicle, etc.

Going beyond the information that Louis has shared, having a place for female travelers to share the ugly side of traveling alone can be incredibly healing. When a scary or even traumatic moment happens abroad, it can be easy to slip into isolation. Thinking you’re the only one that moment has happened to. Knowing you are not alone in a struggle is the ultimate source of empowerment.

What are some common safety tips you’ve seen shared in the group?

  1. Don’t tell people you’re traveling alone.
  2. Know a few different routes to/from wherever you’re staying
  3. Know where emergency services are, especially hospitals/pharmacies.
  4. Always check the license plate before getting in an uber.
  5. Make connections with the host or hotel personnel and ensure you meet them during your trip.
  6. Consider using the STEP program for US citizens abroad.
  7. Get travel insurance for the year or for an upcoming trip.
  8. Look up the address and area of your hotel or Airbnb accommodation. Reading previous/recent reviews.

What are three of the most important things WOC should remember when they take a trip?

(1) Do your research. It’s important to ask yourself questions like, “Has this country/ location been a problem for other WOC in the past? Are there any current safety risks happening in this particular location? Is dress code a factor in this country, or does it not matter as much?”

(2) Be visible/vocal
. Always let someone you trust know what your plans are and where you’re going.

(3) Basic is sometimes better.When you dress too fancy or extremely different from the culture or population, you can become an easy target for scammers. I am guilty of being sometimes “too fresh or flashy”, and I have to remind myself that it’s better to tone it down. Avoid appearing like a tourist and leave the valuables at home.

What’s been the best part of creating and managing your Whatsapp group?

The best part about creating and managing my WhatsApp group is the discourse and the growing companionship. I love how the solo traveler group has become an open forum where people start conversations on numerous topics or ask general questions. For instance, some people ask for recommendations about upcoming countries they’re planning to visit, some people share their upcoming travel plans to see if anyone else will be in the area. The group really has taken on a life of its own.

Overall, I want people to know that this group is an open space and a judgment-free zone. The idea of traveling alone can sometimes be daunting and a barrier for people, especially for those who are WOC and/or LGBTQ+. 

My goal with this group is to make that idea or decision a “not so hard one” for current and aspiring solo travelers, especially those who identify as WOC. The group is invite-only, but if anyone is interested in joining, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram, @swipeszn! 

March 4, 2022

Director Janicza Bravo Calls the Shots

Auteur Indie director Janicza Bravo doesn’t just want a seat at the table. She wants to design the place settings. She wants to challenge the other diners while making the table accessible and beautiful. She doesn’t want a hand up. She wants objectors to get out of her way. Bravo may have had her background in the theater, but her vision was made for the screen. She has a style all of her own, and this awards season, Janicza Bravo makes good on her potential with her latest film, Zola

In March of 2022, awards season is upon us and Zola is a contender for several Independent Spirit Awards and has also snagged 9 nominations for the Black Reel Awards. Awards season can be a conflicting time for film creators. BGN sat down with Bravo over the phone on February 18, 2022, to discuss her thoughts on awards, some of her directorial choices on Zola, and expose why it deserves to be seen as a piece of art. 

Some creatives have complicated feelings about awards. Some people think it’s great to be recognized for their hard work, while others believe they’re playing into the “machine.” Where do you fall on that spectrum?

You know, I’ve been making work for quite some time, and most of the work I’ve made has gone ignored or dismissed. I’m not really hanging my hat on this, but that said, the measure of the award, the tangible award, is you walk into a room, and something becomes easier by 5 or 10%. Do I want to wear a really cool outfit and stand in front of a bunch of people and say really smart words that make me sound really f*cking sexy? Sure, sure! But I’d also like to think that there is a breath of a career in front of me. 

What keeps you grounded when considering the road-blocks? 

I have to remind myself to do a gut check. Pedro Almodóvar never got a TV deal, you know? David Lynch made tons of movies that have changed my life that most people thought were freak sh*t. Rainer Fassbinder is one of the reasons I thought I could be a director and nobody ever knew who he was in Hollywood. When I can remind myself of that, it’s super helpful. I’m ultimately less concerned with prizes. I just want the road to be a little easier. I want to stop auditioning in every room that I walk into. 

What was the connection you felt to the story of Zola and to Aziah King?

My job beyond my job, which, yes, to direct the film, was to protect this woman. Protect Aziah King who told this story. Part of directing is to protect my actors, and make sure they feel heard and cared for. 

One of the stories behind the original script, and directors is the initial draft and ideas felt exploitative. I believe it speaks volumes when you say it was a priority to take care of [King], because it’s so easy to become manipulated in her position. 

Absolutely! I think there’s a juicy conversation to be had around what our responsibility is when we work with real people and use their life as part of our storytelling. I have a lot to gain from doing a good job. I could easily walk away when the project wrapped and say my goodbyes, but there’s something transactional [in those relationships]. I felt I owed [King] and that we were forever tethered. 

I can think of several examples where a director had the opposite idea and lesser success. 

Listen, I’m not going to give examples because it’s going to look like I’m trying to start some rap war! Don’t get me wrong, we love a rap war, but it’s Black History Month; who has the time?

And this Black History Month people have been trying it so I won’t ask you to contribute to the messiness this time! Instead, was there a scene that you really loved in Zola?

In the whole film? I would say it’s what I refer to as “@Stephanie” which is Riley Keough’s retelling of the film basically. I would say it was one of my favorites only because I laughed. I generally do not laugh, like, we’re making a movie, what are we laughing about? Also, there’s usually always something stressful happening. But we laughed the entire time shooting her version of the story, and it was one of those moments that I thought I can’t believe I’m getting away with this. 

Were there any scenes or setups that presented a challenge for you? What did you do to overcome it?

I could point to any scene in the film and tell you something about it! But off the top of my head, editorially, it was the sex montage. The sex montage is ultimately about looking at how this is our filthiest moment in the movies, but it’s also in the movie where you have to lay out all of the cards. We actually have to show the thing we’ve been talking about. How do we earn the male nudity in this film without turning off the audience – where the audience feels the film has earned it? 

On the one hand, you want to take care of the audience, on the other, you want to challenge them to analyze their boundaries.

Right. There were people in the audience who are women who have done this work. I felt I had to take care of them first. And if I don’t show it like it is, they’re going to really feel the pain. 

Where on earth did you find the girls in stuck cars videos?

Car Stuck Girls is something I’ve loved for a very long time. I don’t remember my exact introduction to it except that it was something that my first roommate after college loved and we used to make our own version of them. We didn’t have a car so we would do stuck girls and like bicycles or a cart, just really dumb, dumb sh*t. But it was a kink that immediately fascinated me and one of those kinks that makes you feel like – oh, the world is so much larger than I understand. 

Would you say you have any directorial easter eggs that you put into your films? Is there anything Classic Janicza?

I think my photography. I tend to shoot in the proscenium. I really like hanging out in the wide. I’m not gonna go for the close-up, or tons of coverage. It’s not that I don’t like the close-up, I just like to think globally, so I’m really attracted to the juicy wide. In the theater, if you’re in the audience and you’re watching the performer, you don’t get a close-up. There’s no shot in Zola that is arbitrary. The film is littered with surprises for repeat viewers. 
You can find Bravo’s work on episodes in popular series like In Treatment, Them, and Atlanta. Next, she’ll be directing an adaptation of Octavia Butler’s Beloved. Zola is currently available to watch on Showtime or VOD.

March 4, 2022

Screen Actors Guild Award Winners: Squid Game and CODA are Big Winners

The 28th Annual Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards took place on February 27th 2022 in Santa Monica, with performances in both film and television recognised.

The film awards were split amongst a variety of awards, with CODA being the only film to win multiple awards. Supporting male actor Troy Kotsur and the ensemble cast won on the night, with Kotsur becoming the first deaf actor to win an individual SAG award.

Ariana DeBose’s win for West Side Story saw her become the first openly queer woman of colour to earn a SAG award.

In the television section, Squid Game became the first foreign-language series to win at the SAG awards, winning two individual acting awards for Jung Ho-Yeon and Lee Jung-Jae as well as the stunt award.

Ted Lasso and Jason Sudeikis continued their awards show success with two wins.

Helen Mirren won the lifetime achievement award.

See below for the complete winners list, winners are in bold.


Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture



Don’t Look Up

House of Gucci

King Richard

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role

Jennifer Hudson – Respect

Nicole Kidman – Being the Ricardos

Jessica Chastain – The Eyes of Tammy Faye

Olivia Colman – The Lost Daughter

Lady Gaga – House of Gucci

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role

Javier Bardem – Being the Ricardos

Benedict Cumberbatch – The Power of the Dog

Andrew Garfield – Tick, Tick…Boom

Will Smith – King Richard

Denzel Washington – The Tragedy of Macbeth

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role

Ariana Debose – West Side Story

Catríona Balfe – Belfast

Ruth Negga – Passing

Cate Blanchett – Nightmare Alley

Kirsten Dunst – The Power of the Dog

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

Ben Affleck – The Tender Bar

Bradley Cooper – Licorice Pizza

Troy Kotsur – CODA

Jared Leto – The House of Gucci

Kodi Smit-McPhee – The Power of the Dog


Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series

The Handmaid’s Tale

The Morning Show

Squid Game



Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series

Jennifer Aniston – The Morning Show

Jung Ho-Yeon – Squid Game

Elisabeth Moss – The Handmaid’s Tale

Sarah Snook – Succession

Reese Witherspoon – The Morning Show

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series

Brian Cox – Succession

Billy Crudup – The Morning Show

Kieran Culkin – Succession

Lee Jung-Jae – Squid Game

Jeremy Strong – Succession

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series

The Great


The Kominsky Method

Only Murders in the Building

Ted Lasso

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series

Hannah Waddingham – Ted Lasso

Jean Smart – Hacks

Juno Temple – Ted Lasso

Elle Fanning – The Great

Sandra Oh – The Chair

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series

Michael Douglas – The Kominsky Method

Brett Goldstein – Ted Lasso

Steve Martin – Only Murders in the Building

Martin Short – Only Murders in the Building

Jason Sudeikis – Ted Lasso

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series

Margaret Qualley – Maid

Jennifer Coolidge – The White Lotus

Kate Winslet – Mare of Easttown

Cynthia Erivo – Genius: Aretha

Jean Smart – Mare of Easttown

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series

Murray Bartlett – The White Lotus

Oscar Isaac – Scenes from a Marriage

Michael Keaton – Dopesick

Ewan McGregor – Halston

Evan Peters – Mare of Easttown


Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture

Black Widow


The Matrix Resurrections

No Time to Die

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series

Cobra Kai

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Mare of Easttown

Squid Game


Helen Mirren

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