
Spoiler Alert

Two hundred moons after the events of 1988’s Willow, a new Disney+ series with the same name steps back into the world of magic and adventure. The film ended with Elora Danan, the chosen one, safe and sound. But what happens when she comes of age? That’s where the Willow TV series picks up, exploring a world in danger from darkness. Willow Ufgood returns, as does Sorsha. They join a cast of new characters, including Sorsha’s children with Madmartigan, Kit and Airk. Madmartigan himself, however, has not appeared in the series. Despite that, we do hear about Madmartigan and even get introduced to an imposter in the series. Willow hints that Madmartigan is still out there. He’s alive. It’s just a matter of finding him.

Val Kilmer as Madmartigan in Willow

We learn Madmartigan left on a quest and never returned home. Though they had to move on, his family has had no closure. Kit and Airk, very clearly the progeny of the rogue-ish figure, comment on their missing father. Boorman, part of the quest to find Airk, is an associate of Madmartigan. The enigmatic adventurer has stories to tell, and Kit is ready to listen. She wants to find any clue that might explain why her father has been gone.

In a fun guest role, Christian Slater plays another associate of Madmartigan in episode six of the series. The trolls have kept him captive for 10 years. He introduces himself as Madmartigan, though obviously Kit and Willow know he’s an imposter. He claims he used the name to distract the trolls so the real Madmartigan could save the world. His real name is Allagash.

Showrunner Jon Kasdan shared of the role, “The idea immediately, once we saw where we were going with this, [is] there was a movie you never got to see… It came out in 1992, and it was The Adventures of Madmartigan, and it had Madmartigan leading a team of adventurers on a daring quest. And we thought, ‘Who would be in that movie?’ And Christian was the first name that popped into our heads.”

Christian Slater guest stars as Allagash, an associate of Madmartigan's, in Willow

Allagash brings Willow and the others to the door through which Madmartigan disappeared. Kit finds Madmartigan’s sword and even hears his voice calling for her in the Willow series. It certainly sounds like Val Kilmer, but it’s actually his son, Jack Kilmer. Madmartigan’s heroic theme from the original movie even plays a few times throughout these Willow scenes. 

In other words, Madmartigan’s presence looms over Willow even though he hasn’t appeared yet. During a recent press conference for the series, Kasdan even said, “Madmartigan is still out there. I’ve had many conversations with everyone involved, and our feeling is he is out there to be found, should the day arrive.”

The group of adventurers in Willow on horseback

Including the key character in the series was a conversation from the beginning. However, Val Kilmer, who portrayed Madmartigan in Willow, couldn’t make it to Wales for filming. That doesn’t rule out some kind of appearance in the future. And now that Kit hasn’t just heard tales of her lost father but heard his voice for herself, it seems all the more likely Madmartigan will turn up in the future of Willow.

New episodes of Willow air on Wednesdays on Disney+.

Originally published November 30, 2022.

The post Does Madmartigan Have a Role in the WILLOW TV Series? appeared first on Nerdist.

December 30, 2022

Does Madmartigan Have a Role in the WILLOW TV Series?

Spoiler Alert

Two hundred moons after the events of 1988’s Willow, a new Disney+ series with the same name steps back into the world of magic and adventure. The film ended with Elora Danan, the chosen one, safe and sound. But what happens when she comes of age? That’s where the Willow TV series picks up, exploring a world in danger from darkness. Willow Ufgood returns, as does Sorsha. They join a cast of new characters, including Sorsha’s children with Madmartigan, Kit and Airk. Madmartigan himself, however, has not appeared in the series. Despite that, we do hear about Madmartigan and even get introduced to an imposter in the series. Willow hints that Madmartigan is still out there. He’s alive. It’s just a matter of finding him.

Val Kilmer as Madmartigan in Willow

We learn Madmartigan left on a quest and never returned home. Though they had to move on, his family has had no closure. Kit and Airk, very clearly the progeny of the rogue-ish figure, comment on their missing father. Boorman, part of the quest to find Airk, is an associate of Madmartigan. The enigmatic adventurer has stories to tell, and Kit is ready to listen. She wants to find any clue that might explain why her father has been gone.

In a fun guest role, Christian Slater plays another associate of Madmartigan in episode six of the series. The trolls have kept him captive for 10 years. He introduces himself as Madmartigan, though obviously Kit and Willow know he’s an imposter. He claims he used the name to distract the trolls so the real Madmartigan could save the world. His real name is Allagash.

Showrunner Jon Kasdan shared of the role, “The idea immediately, once we saw where we were going with this, [is] there was a movie you never got to see… It came out in 1992, and it was The Adventures of Madmartigan, and it had Madmartigan leading a team of adventurers on a daring quest. And we thought, ‘Who would be in that movie?’ And Christian was the first name that popped into our heads.”

Christian Slater guest stars as Allagash, an associate of Madmartigan's, in Willow

Allagash brings Willow and the others to the door through which Madmartigan disappeared. Kit finds Madmartigan’s sword and even hears his voice calling for her in the Willow series. It certainly sounds like Val Kilmer, but it’s actually his son, Jack Kilmer. Madmartigan’s heroic theme from the original movie even plays a few times throughout these Willow scenes. 

In other words, Madmartigan’s presence looms over Willow even though he hasn’t appeared yet. During a recent press conference for the series, Kasdan even said, “Madmartigan is still out there. I’ve had many conversations with everyone involved, and our feeling is he is out there to be found, should the day arrive.”

The group of adventurers in Willow on horseback

Including the key character in the series was a conversation from the beginning. However, Val Kilmer, who portrayed Madmartigan in Willow, couldn’t make it to Wales for filming. That doesn’t rule out some kind of appearance in the future. And now that Kit hasn’t just heard tales of her lost father but heard his voice for herself, it seems all the more likely Madmartigan will turn up in the future of Willow.

New episodes of Willow air on Wednesdays on Disney+.

Originally published November 30, 2022.

The post Does Madmartigan Have a Role in the WILLOW TV Series? appeared first on Nerdist.

December 29, 2022

ELDEN RING: THE BOARD GAME Raised $4 Million on Kickstarter

Rise, Tarnished! There’s a new way to venture through the Lands Between of the much-loved Elden Ring game. A tabletop version is coming, and there’s still time to pledge your support (and runes) to the Kickstarter campaign. More than 13,000 showed their enthusiasm for the Elden Ring: The Board Game project, raising nearly $4 million towards the relatively modest $180,000 goal. So get ready for Elden Ring’s quests and open-world exploration to come to the realm of tabletop hex tiles, attack cards, and sculpted miniatures.  

The Elden Ring tabletop game comes with miniatures, cards, and hex tiles
Steamforged Games Ltd

The Elden Ring video game, which was just released in February 2022, blends two popular styles of fantasy. George R.R. Martin was involved in the world-building aspect, while Hidetaka Miyazaki directed the game itself. With that pedigree, it’s no surprise that it became one of the most popular and award-winning games of the year. Steamforged Games designed the upcoming tabletop version. The company previously brought Miyazaki’s Dark Souls board game to life. Now that the Kickstarter is successful, Elden Ring: The Board Game will debut around May 2024. But you can still be a part of the journey with a late pledge on several levels.

You can see the highly-detailed prototype Elden Ring board game in the gameplay clip above and unboxing video below. The main quest is called Realm of the Grafted King, but there are, of course, going to be multiple expansion packs. Steamforged Games promises over 90 hours of possible gameplay!

There is no shortage of tabletop adventures, with many more on the way. Besides the Elden Ring board game, we also recently saw the news that another popular property, Gloomhaven, is getting the tabletop treatment. It’s a good time to be a gamer ready to explore mysterious fantasy worlds. It’s also probably a good time to invest in a separate gaming table so the rest of your family can go about their normal lives while you and your fellow adventurers take on these quests. 

Melissa is Nerdist’s science & technology staff writer. She also moderates “science of” panels at conventions and co-hosts Star Warsologies, a podcast about science and Star Wars. Follow her on Twitter @melissatruth. 

The post ELDEN RING: THE BOARD GAME Raised $4 Million on Kickstarter appeared first on Nerdist.

December 29, 2022

‘The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie’: Comfort Food in an Anime

Written by: April Prince

Harem anime is a big part of the anime experience. From traditional harem to reverse harem, fans of the genre like to sit back, relax, and watch a group of characters who fit into different archetypes fall in love with one clueless protagonist who doesn’t notice all of their friends are in love with them until the last episode. Or in the case of Quintessential Quintuplets, we get a nice movie to cap off the journey we’ve taken with these characters. So let’s see if The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie ends the story one a high note, or leaves romance at the door. 

Starting with the plot, the movie takes place in two different points in time. We open the movie before the wedding between our main character Futaro Uesugi and one of the quintuplets, but we’re not sure which one yet. We then flash back to the main characters’ time in high school, specifically to the planning of their school festival. This school festival ends up being the catalyst for Futaro telling the quintuplets that he has in fact fallen for one of them and he’s going to tell them after the festival who he has decided to pursue a relationship with. This gives us our mystery for the movie. Who does Futaro confess his love to, and which sister does he end up marrying? Thankfully all of the sisters decide to play a nice trick on Futaro by dressing up as five brides with matching attire. Gotta keep the mystery alive, right? 

The characters for Quintessential Quintuplets are so well defined and clear in their archetypes that it makes it easy to pick out one to identify with. This is especially clear when one looks at the Nakano sisters and how each one has different aspirations, interests, and personality apart from the others. This also gives viewers incentive to have one or more sisters to root for when it comes to who ends up with Futaro. The choice to make the movie a build-up to which sister Futaro ends up marrying lends itself well to how the sisters are portrayed. Not to be outdone, the man himself is quite the character. Futaro is an academically gifted young man who tends to lean into a blunt and straightforward approach to life. He can be full of himself, but that makes the moments where he’s open about his feelings hit that much harder. 

The movie has such a rich and inviting color palette. Everything feels like it’s been bathed in sunlight but in a way that gives the feeling of looking out the window in midsummer. The high-definition cinematic resolution means that everything pops even more. Adding even more to the cozy feel is the music. If you’ve ever watched Clannad, the music has something akin to that whimsical but comforting emotion behind it.  This makes this a comforting watch and could very feel become someone’s comfort film. 

Speaking to who this film is for, there’s the elephant in the room that this is the conclusion to a two-season series. So to be honest, there’s an entire history behind these characters that a first-time watcher would not be privy to if they were to jump right into the movie without watching the series beforehand. That said, if one were to be looking for a movie about a group of sisters who fell in love with their tutor, there’s enough substance there to enjoy the experience. However, it is advised that you go back and experience the story from the beginning afterward you see the movie. Knowing the dynamics of the cast makes each moment so much sweeter. 

All in all, The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie is an experience that’s leans into the warm and inviting. Where a lot of harem anime can lean into the back and forth between the love interests quite a bit, QQ tends to be more wholesome in its presentation, and the movie is no different. So, if you’re looking for something that’s easy going and more on the sweet side, this may be the movie for you. 

The filmed was first released in theaters in Japan in May 2022, while the United States had to wait all the way until December 2 to see the conclusion to the story. Though it’s sad to say goodbye to these characters, it’s nice to see Futaro find his one true bride, for the Nakano sisters to not only find a great tutor but a husband/brother-in-law, and that everyone was able to make it through their last year of high school — not to mention, at the end of the movie, the sisters are deciding on where to go for the honeymoon. So let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds and wish Futaro and the Nakano sisters a happy and prosperous future. 

December 28, 2022

An Engaging Interview with ‘Will Trent’ Cast Members Sonja Sohn and Iantha Richardson

Will Trent is a new crime drama coming to ABC in January 2023 based on the best-selling Atlanta-based novels by Karin Slaughter. TV crime drama veteran Sonja Sohn (The Chi, The Wire) and Iantha Richardson (This is Us) co-star in this engaging new series. BGN spoke with Sohn and Richardson via Zoom shortly before Christmas 2022. 

Amanda and Faith are so much fun to watch. What’s the juiciest part of playing these women?

Sonja Sohn: As we get into the season, it’s getting more fun. I love exploring the relationship with Faith aside from the fact that I had a deep friendship and partnership with Faith’s mother that lasted for years, which then sort of makes me like, godmother/auntie. I’ve known this child since she was a baby, and I know where her mother stepped on the lines a little bit. Also, they have this intersection with Will’s genius. Amanda overall is a protector and a caretaker of everything and everybody around her. 

Iantha Richardson: Our relationship is interesting because we live on different sides of the spectrum but get each other simultaneously. Amanda is like an auntie who you know loves you and will look out for you more than anything, but it’s also like, can you please just be nice? Like, talk to me a little better, like a human. I think Amanda’s grown up in this male-dominated space, and it’s such a rough space for her to be, and she’s had to develop these calluses and ways of speaking that are now natural to her. But Faith can see the love underneath regardless. Their relationship is special because you can see the person without the world having to see them. Faith sees Amanda’s heart. Amanda may get on Faith’s nerves, but there’s always love and all of that deep-seated history that’s fun to play.

Had you read the books before taking on this project?

SS: I had no experience with the books before I’d been exposed to the script, but I am now making my way through Criminal.

IR:  I listened to the Fractured audiobook. I’ve also been piecing together things, talking to people like Karin Slaughter, who has come to set, and  Liz, our creator, and showrunner. 

Sonja, how different does it feel to be able to be working on a police drama now than it was back in 2002?

SS:  Today, we’re in a new landscape around race and culture and the participation of those without access. Back then, I felt incredibly grateful to have a well-paying job, and there’s the survival aspect. There was this sense that it was so difficult to get in the room. To get representation [an agent], it felt like threading the needle back in those days. For people of color, the eye of the needle was so small, and if you got a shoulder in, got representation, and got a real audition for a network television show, you were incredibly blessed and fortunate. 

In terms of The Wire, there had never been that many Black people on a dramatic television series before. In expressing that, we just felt lucky and grateful; there’s something a little sad about that. I was just lucky to be there. I wasn’t gonna make any noise. 

In the process of wanting to do an excellent job, sometimes that requires you to challenge and get into conversations that are a little conflicted. But as a person of color, you’re not trying to get in any kind of conflict, which then becomes an invisible little container that can squeeze you, and you don’t know that. And I believe that was what happened to me in the 1990s and early 2000s. Then when I left The Wire, I did other shows in less diverse spaces at that time that were in the mainstream. 

So constantly being aware that Black folks have had to stay in a box impacts the work and your ability to do it. Now, I feel there’s more latitude to be myself to question and express. I feel they’re listening to my feedback, and it’s welcome in a way that I didn’t sense before. And it might have been welcomed before, but it seemed that the structure didn’t allow it back then, which impacted my ability to stand fully in myself at that time. 

Iantha, as someone coming to the industry now, how much do you feel you’re able to share your voice artistically as a part of your creative process?

IR: I feel like my input is welcome. Something in me is consistently growing, wanting to be more open in my feedback, and trusting of my own words and what I think. There is a hierarchy like there is in any job, so just being aware is something that I carry with me, but at the same time, I don’t feel, in any way, stifled. I’m also naturally the type of person who fights back against feeling stifled. So I, probably more than most break that just naturally. But I will say, especially on this show, we have very kind people running this space; Liz and Dan are open to a lot, which makes it an actual collaboration between actors and their ideas and Karin’s archetypes of these people as well. So, it’s beautiful to come into this very special space where I feel open to speak.

What do you think brings your characters the most joy about this world and their relationship?

IR: Faith is an ambitious person, and she has the ability to win, be successful, and overcome all that she has had to overcome being a teenage mom and giving up so much of her life to be a part of the GBI. You see the breadcrumbs of her progressing in her life that bring her joy because it brings fulfillment. She enjoys solving the puzzles that get her to the end goal. In the context of the entire show, her family [brings her joy]. You see, tidbits of her and her son and what, potentially, could be family units. The redemption of the family, which was lost in her early life, you hear about but don’t see. We don’t know much about her mother currently or what her family looks like other than Amanda, but the sanctity of a family and the potential that brings her joy.

SJ: The joy for Amanda is in the job well done. It’s about mission and purpose. When she entered this field, it was not a picnic. She understood that she was called into this field as an ultimate truth seeker, an anchor for justice. She sees the imbalance in the world and believes she was called into this position to help right wrongs and bring equanimity to the people, particularly those not experiencing it from the social structure. So the joy for her resides in a job well done and her ability to balance the scales for the folks she represents. 

Will Trent premieres on ABC Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 10:00 pm ET/PT.

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