
Originally Published May 2, 2019.

When it comes to mental health, black women are more likely to experience mental health-related issues due to lower income, poor health, multiple role strain, and the “double minority status” of race and gender, according to a study conducted by psychologists who focused on the lack of support black women receive professionally.

More recently, the National Alliance of Mental Illness recently published a study that revealed:

  • Only ⅓ of black Americans who need mental health care receive it
  • Physician-patient communication differs for African Americans and whites. Physicians were 23% more verbally dominant and engaged in 33% less patient-centered communication with African American patients than with white patients.
  • Lack of culturally competent counseling deters folks from seeking care

We know that’s a lot of hardcore facts. So, take a deep breath with us… Now that you have the facts, we want to be sure that you have the tools that you need to take the steps toward your healing or be a resource for another powerful woman.

Speaking of powerful women, we spoke with Dr. LaVerne Collins, interim vice president of Foundation and Professional Services for the National Board for Certified Counselors, about the real on black women and mental health as we prepare for the Women of Power self-care and self-preservation workshop where women can ask our panel of experts anything. Yes, anything!

Black Women Mental Health Facts

When it comes down to the facts and figures, Collins says that there are a number of reasons why black women aren’t seeking professional help for their stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues: stigma, pricing, and mistrust of both diagnoses and treatments to list a few.

“There’s stigma that’s still prevalent in the black community. Even a basic mental health issue like stress or anxiety because we as a people have been taught to be strong and we’ve been taught to rely on the inner strength of our ancestors and spiritual sources — all of which are good — however when we don’t seek the professional care that we need, those resources don’t give us the complete package of care.”

There is also significant stigma associated with the language that some people use that keeps women from pursuing help.

“We’ve heard people say things like, ‘you know she’s not all the way there…’ or ‘you know she’s a little touched…’ We have very unfortunate labels and judgmental statements that we’ve heard our ancestors use because they didn’t have an accurate understanding of mental health,” says Dr. Collins. And that language only keeps women in hiding to live with their pain.

While the stigmas are very real for a lot of women, Dr. Collins urges women to pay attention to abnormal feelings and triggers that may arise.

“Pay attention to anything that is atypical for you; anything that is causing an interruption to your daily life, such as your work or social life; and pay attention to the degree of interference that you are experiencing.”

On your journey to wellness, it is important to seek culturally competent and responsive mental health professionals as well as consult with your doctor to rule out any medical conditions that could be contributing to any changes in your mood or brain chemistry. Here’s Collins’ formula for finding the right fit for your needs.

Start your journey today

  • First, do the research to identify a board-certified counselor whose specialization is a fit for your needs
  • Secondly, prepare to speak to more than one counselor in the vetting process. You do not need to go with the services of the first counselor that you interview with or have a consultation with.
  • Look for a counselor who will give you a 15-minute consultation in person or by phone before you enter into an agreement with them.
  • Prepare yourself by taking notes of how you’re feeling so that you can tell your counselor what your triggers are (i.e., if you’re having crying spells).

Remember that you are not alone

“Have confidants who you can share with that you trust and who will support you with their presence and their words,” adds Dr. Collins.

  • Know your limits. — Be able to set limits and don’t overload yourself. We live in an overload culture and it’s very easy to do more and take on more. Sometimes we find our significance in the amount of things that we do and we find ourselves wearing ourselves out.
  • Take vacations or staycations. — Know how to step away and take a real vacation or staycation and do what reenergizes you and things that nourish your mind and body. If what you need is to be away from everyone, do that.
  • Watch what you eat. — Don’t give your taste buds over what your body really needs.
  • Maintain a regular cycle of 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • Minimize or manage the amount of stress in your life — recognize what things are stressful to you and have a way to minimize them.

RELATED CONTENT: Mental Health Monday: Tips For De-stressing

May 2, 2024

Black Women Can’t Afford To Ignore Mental Health Treatment

Originally Published May 2, 2019.

When it comes to mental health, black women are more likely to experience mental health-related issues due to lower income, poor health, multiple role strain, and the “double minority status” of race and gender, according to a study conducted by psychologists who focused on the lack of support black women receive professionally.

More recently, the National Alliance of Mental Illness recently published a study that revealed:

  • Only ⅓ of black Americans who need mental health care receive it
  • Physician-patient communication differs for African Americans and whites. Physicians were 23% more verbally dominant and engaged in 33% less patient-centered communication with African American patients than with white patients.
  • Lack of culturally competent counseling deters folks from seeking care

We know that’s a lot of hardcore facts. So, take a deep breath with us… Now that you have the facts, we want to be sure that you have the tools that you need to take the steps toward your healing or be a resource for another powerful woman.

Speaking of powerful women, we spoke with Dr. LaVerne Collins, interim vice president of Foundation and Professional Services for the National Board for Certified Counselors, about the real on black women and mental health as we prepare for the Women of Power self-care and self-preservation workshop where women can ask our panel of experts anything. Yes, anything!

Black Women Mental Health Facts

When it comes down to the facts and figures, Collins says that there are a number of reasons why black women aren’t seeking professional help for their stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues: stigma, pricing, and mistrust of both diagnoses and treatments to list a few.

“There’s stigma that’s still prevalent in the black community. Even a basic mental health issue like stress or anxiety because we as a people have been taught to be strong and we’ve been taught to rely on the inner strength of our ancestors and spiritual sources — all of which are good — however when we don’t seek the professional care that we need, those resources don’t give us the complete package of care.”

There is also significant stigma associated with the language that some people use that keeps women from pursuing help.

“We’ve heard people say things like, ‘you know she’s not all the way there…’ or ‘you know she’s a little touched…’ We have very unfortunate labels and judgmental statements that we’ve heard our ancestors use because they didn’t have an accurate understanding of mental health,” says Dr. Collins. And that language only keeps women in hiding to live with their pain.

While the stigmas are very real for a lot of women, Dr. Collins urges women to pay attention to abnormal feelings and triggers that may arise.

“Pay attention to anything that is atypical for you; anything that is causing an interruption to your daily life, such as your work or social life; and pay attention to the degree of interference that you are experiencing.”

On your journey to wellness, it is important to seek culturally competent and responsive mental health professionals as well as consult with your doctor to rule out any medical conditions that could be contributing to any changes in your mood or brain chemistry. Here’s Collins’ formula for finding the right fit for your needs.

Start your journey today

  • First, do the research to identify a board-certified counselor whose specialization is a fit for your needs
  • Secondly, prepare to speak to more than one counselor in the vetting process. You do not need to go with the services of the first counselor that you interview with or have a consultation with.
  • Look for a counselor who will give you a 15-minute consultation in person or by phone before you enter into an agreement with them.
  • Prepare yourself by taking notes of how you’re feeling so that you can tell your counselor what your triggers are (i.e., if you’re having crying spells).

Remember that you are not alone

“Have confidants who you can share with that you trust and who will support you with their presence and their words,” adds Dr. Collins.

  • Know your limits. — Be able to set limits and don’t overload yourself. We live in an overload culture and it’s very easy to do more and take on more. Sometimes we find our significance in the amount of things that we do and we find ourselves wearing ourselves out.
  • Take vacations or staycations. — Know how to step away and take a real vacation or staycation and do what reenergizes you and things that nourish your mind and body. If what you need is to be away from everyone, do that.
  • Watch what you eat. — Don’t give your taste buds over what your body really needs.
  • Maintain a regular cycle of 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • Minimize or manage the amount of stress in your life — recognize what things are stressful to you and have a way to minimize them.

RELATED CONTENT: Mental Health Monday: Tips For De-stressing

May 2, 2024

Venus Williams To Host New Podcast For Carnegie Museum Of Art

Venus Williams To Host New Podcast For Carnegie Museum Of Art Photo Credit: Laura Metzler Photography By Okla Jones ·Updated May 1, 2024

Today, Carnegie Museum of Art announced that Widening the Lens: Photography, Ecology,  and the Contemporary Landscape, will be on view from May 11, 2024, to January 12, 2025, in the museum’s Heinz Galleries. The following month, a podcast amplifying the voices of artists, writers, and scholars will debut, with its host being  tennis champion and arts advocate Venus Williams.

The 6-episode podcast series launching June 26, 2024, features 20 notable figures such as A.K. Burns, Raven Chacon, Dionne Lee, Xaviera Simmons, and Sky Hopkina. Podcast contributors will address questions of colonial legacies, memorial charged landscapes, human adaptability and complicity, and environmental anxiety, foregrounding narratives and people that are often overlooked or excluded from conversations about the landscape.

“I’m honored to partner with Carnegie Museum of Art on Widening the Lens, a deeply meaningful project that integrates art, environment and intentional storytelling,” says Venus Williams. “The participating artists and thinkers you’ll hear on the Widening the Lens podcast reflect diverse, global perspectives and a vast range of backgrounds and experiences; I am proud to help amplify their voices as they prompt us to consider new  and alternative ways of relating to our landscapes through photography.” 

The synergistic partnership between Carnegie Museum of Art and Williams came to fruition through a mutual interest in increasing access to art, engaging new and diverse perspectives, and provoking discussion around the exhibition’s timely, critical themes. Williams, an avid collector of contemporary art with a particular interest in promoting and preserving the legacies of artists of color, was drawn to the partnership as an opportunity to expand her knowledge of the photographic medium and engage a wide array of audiences who might not otherwise interact with a museum.

In addition to the podcast series, the project consists of an expansive exhibition bringing together nearly 100 works by 19 artists, an extensive suite of public programming, and a fully illustrated publication, offering visitors multiple points of entry into the American landscape. Proving to be one of the most significant surveys of contemporary photography presented this year, the exhibition—and wider project—is part of the latest iteration of the museum’s celebrated Hillman Photography Initiative, an ongoing series that invites audiences to experience new ideas about art and photography.

“The project explicitly looks at how the camera can act as a tool to question inherited narratives about people  and ecology, and foreground stories that are often overlooked or excluded,” says Dan Leers, Curator of  Photography at Carnegie Museum of Art. “We are thrilled to bring together many artists and thinkers who  have catalyzed their creative agency to ask challenging questions and envision possible futures.”

A range of public programs begins on Saturday, May 11, 2024, activating the project within and beyond the  museum. Visitors are invited to join artists, ecologists, and poets to locate themselves and their histories  within the space.

For additional details on programming and events, please visit


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May 1, 2024

KRAVEN THE HUNTER Movie Delayed a Third Time to December 2024

Sony Pictures’ Spider-Man Universe is ever-expanding. Coming up very soon is Kraven the Hunter. Sony’s Kraven the Hunter film has been in the works for some time now, but it has finally turned a corner. With Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Kraven, suiting up for his third different superhero project, we know we’re in for… something.

Alas, we’ll have to wait a while longer to know exactly what though. Kraven the Hunter has been delayed for a third time. The movie was originally meant to be released in January 2023 and was then moved to October 2023. After that Kraven shifted its release date to August 2024. Now Kraven the Hunter is slated to release on December 13, 2024. Hopefully this release date takes.

Kraven the Hunter, one of Spider-Man's oldest foes.

Here’s everything we know about Sony’s Kraven the Hunter movie.


The film is named Kraven the Hunter, after its central character.

Kraven the Hunter’s Plot

In the original Marvel Comics, Sergei Kravinoff is born into an aristocratic Russian family. He becomes a world-famous international big-game hunter, who tries to catch the ultimate and elusive prize: Spider-Man. The villain first shows up in The Amazing Spider-Man #15 (1964). The Stan Lee/Steve Ditko creation is a founding member of the Sinister Six. Later stories show witch doctor Calypso giving Kravinoff an herbal potion, granting him enhanced speed and senses that match those of a wild jungle cat.

In Kraven the Hunter, it seems like we’ll get an origin story for the Spider-Man villain. Take a look at the movie’s official trailer below.

Unlike Venom, the character of Kraven has never had a shelf life outside of being a Spider-Man villain. So it’s hard to see how they are going to create a narrative around the character that doesn’t involve the wall-crawler in some form. There is no news of Tom Holland appearing in the movie so far.

Chameleon sits in a chair surrounded by dozens of masks of Spider-Man characters.

Kraven the Hunter will unsurprisingly be Sony’s first R-rated Marvel movie. As Aaron Taylor-Johnson eloquently noted at Sony’s panel at CinemaCon 2023, “Will it be rated-R? F**k yes, it will be rated R.”

Behind the Scenes

A Most Violent Year’s J.C. Chandor is directing a script from Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, and Richard Wenk, with Avi Arad, Matt Tolmach, and David Householter producing.

Kraven the Hunter’s Cast

Kraven the hunter sitting on an antler chair from official trailer release
Sony Pictures

The upcoming film is anchored by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who is playing Kraven the Hunter. Joining him are Russell Crowe, Ariana DeBose, Fred Hechinger, and Alessandro Nivola. Crowe will play Kraven’s father. Meanwhile, Nivola will play classic Spider-Man villain Rhino, and Hechinger will act as Kraven’s brother, Chameleon. DeBose will play Calypso.

Additionally, Deadline reports that Christopher Abbott will join Kraven the Hunter. Although unconfirmed, the publication shares that Abbot will play the film’s main villain, the Foreigner. In the comics, Foreigner is a Spider-Man villain with the ability to induce hypnotic trances. Otherwise, it is his skills in martial arts and mastery of weaponry that makes him a threat. As we learn more about Kraven the Hunter‘s plot, we will see how this character comes to exist on the screen.

Kraven the Hunter’s Release Date

Kraven the Hunter will now arrive in theaters on December 13, 2024.

Originally published on May 26, 2021.

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The post KRAVEN THE HUNTER Movie Delayed a Third Time to December 2024 appeared first on Nerdist.

April 30, 2024

Will Doctors No Longer Be Able To Use Abortions During Emergency Medical Situations?

Will Doctors No Longer Be Able To Use Abortions During Emergency Medical Situations? Andrew Harnik / Staff / Getty Images By Rayna Reid Rayford ·Updated April 30, 2024

For the second time in one month, an abortion case has gone before the Supreme Court. A key issue in the case revolves around whether or not doctors in Idaho are able to both comply with the state’s abortion ban and the federal law requiring them to deliver emergency care for patients. The justices are deciding if doctors will be able to use abortions during emergency situations.

In the case at hand, the Biden administration filed a lawsuit after Roe v. Wade was overturned and the Defense of Life Act became law in 2022. The Idaho law states that “anyone who performs an abortion is subject to criminal penalties, including up to five years in prison. Health care professionals found to have violated the law can lose their professional licenses.”

The second abortion case before the high court this term revolves around access to the medication abortion pill, mifepristone.

In Idaho, the near total ban only allows abortions when a pregnant mother’s life needs to be saved, “but not to prevent her health from deteriorating.”

But under federal law, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), “when a patient goes to an emergency room with an urgent medical issue, hospitals must either provide treatment to stabilize the patient or transfer the patient to a medical facility that can, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. It says that if a state law conflicts with the federal law, the federal law takes precedence.”

The justices are determining if the Idaho law is in violation of EMTALA, essentially deciding if doctors will be able to use abortions during emergency situations.

During oral arguments, Joshua Turner, Idaho’s attorney faced a barrage of questions around “whether the exception can also apply to a situation in which a woman has complications that pose a substantial health risk but not imminent death,” NBC News reports.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor questioned if Idaho’s ban prevented doctors from performing an abortion in instances “where a woman where a woman would otherwise lose an organ or have serious medical complications.” Turner answered in the affirmative, saying “Yes, Idaho law does say that abortions in that case aren’t allowed.”

But when conservative Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., chimed in with the assertion that these were all just hypotheticals situations, Justice Elena Kagan countered with the fact that “the hospital with the most advanced emergency room services in Idaho had needed to transfer six women to other states for emergency abortions so far this year.”

Experts are predicting that the ramifications of this case on reproductive care have the ability to go beyond Idaho into other states.

“People are going to die,” cautions, Pregnancy Justice’s legal director Karen Thompson. “They are going to be bleeding out in hospital rooms. They’re going to be dying from sepsis because doctors are not going to be able to make the choices that they need to make to give people the care that will save their lives in these emergency situations.”


The post Will Doctors No Longer Be Able To Use Abortions During Emergency Medical Situations? appeared first on Essence.

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