
BGN interviews the cast and director of the Searchlight Pictures film Rye Lane.

Featured in the interviews are: Vivian Oparah (Yas), David Johnson (Dom) and Raine Allen-Miller (Director).

Following two youngsters reeling from bad breakups who connect over a particularly eventful day in South London.

Interviewer: Jamie Broadnax

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

Rye Lane is available for streaming on Hulu March 31st.

March 23, 2023

Comedy and Chemistry are the Perfect Mix in ‘Rye Lane’

BGN interviews the cast and director of the Searchlight Pictures film Rye Lane.

Featured in the interviews are: Vivian Oparah (Yas), David Johnson (Dom) and Raine Allen-Miller (Director).

Following two youngsters reeling from bad breakups who connect over a particularly eventful day in South London.

Interviewer: Jamie Broadnax

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

Rye Lane is available for streaming on Hulu March 31st.

March 23, 2023

One of the Wealthiest People in Los Angeles Was a Black Woman, and Her Name Was Biddy Mason

Historical stories of Black wealth tend to be few and far between. Most know of the story of the  self-made millionaire Madame C.J. Walker, and amazing as that story is, it seems to be the only mainstream historical story about Black women and wealth. Walker’s story is often portrayed as the exception to the rule — the one unique story out of 100+ years of African American history.  Yet, she is not the only Black woman to defeat the odds and gain capital. 

Bridget Mason, known as Biddy Mason, is a Black woman who, at one point in time, was one of the wealthiest people in Los Angeles, California. Her life is one of the greatest examples of perseverance and the power of community. 

Biddy Mason’s journey from enslavement to freedom

Born into slavery on a plantation in Hancock County, Georgia, on August 15, 1818, Mason took on various jobs and responsibilities. She was a house servant, cattle herder, midwife, and plantation worker. Yet, despite her many roles, she never earned the full respect she deserved. When her enslavers moved across the country to California, Mason had to walk behind the caravan for seven months. 

As treacherous as the journey was, it would ultimately be the stepping stone to her freedom. When Mason and her three children arrived in California, it was declared a free state, meaning any enslaved person could become free upon entering the state. 

However, Mason didn’t gain her own and her family’s freedom immediately since their enslaver denied them their freedom and kept their imprisonment a secret. Fortunately, Mason met and often spoke with freed Black people who informed her that she could be free. 

It was a turn of events that catapulted Mason into taking action. When Mason’s enslaver wanted to move to Texas, she knew that she would never have a chance for freedom if she followed. 

Thus, Mason fought for her freedom by suing her enslaver in the 1856 court case Mason v. Smith. Unable to attend court, she had representation during her court date. Different sources tell how this day passed, but the judge presiding over her case took the time to meet with Mason privately to hear her story. Shortly after, the judge granted Mason and her family their freedom. 

How Biddy Mason gained her wealth

As a free woman, Mason did not take this opportunity for granted. Because of her midwife experience, she studied nursing and became a midwife and nurse to Dr. John Strother Griffin, a Los Angeles physician. She assisted hundreds of mothers of different races and social classes through her work. She was even renowned for her herbal remedies.

In addition to her healing work, she focused on saving money and living frugally. After years of hard work and savings, she had enough money to buy property in Los Angeles. She built small homes and rented them out to establish an additional income source. She did this for 18 years, and at 66, she sold part of her land and built a commercial building where she lived on the second floor with her family and rented out the rooms on the ground floor. 

Throughout her lifetime, she became a real estate mogul, continuously buying different properties that increased in value over time. In the early 1890s, Mason’s properties were only one block from the financial district in Los Angeles. Over her lifetime, she accumulated around $300,000 and was at one point the wealthiest African-American woman in Los Angeles.

Leaving a legacy

What is more inspiring than how Mason gained her wealth is what she did with her money. Mason believed in giving back to the community. It was in 1872 that she and Charles Owen, her son-in-law, founded and financed the First African Methodist Episcopal Church.

In addition to founding the church, she helped develop an elementary school for Black children and a traveler’s aid center. Mason, also known as Grandma Mason, gave back to the community until she passed away on January 15,1891. She was laid to rest in an unmarked grave at Evergreen Cemetery in Boyle Heights. 

Nearly a century after her death, her contributions to the Los Angeles community were recognized when she was given an official tombstone during a ceremony honoring her life. In addition, November 16, 1989, was declared National Biddy Mason day, and in her honor, a memorial wall was built on Spring street in Los Angeles. 

In 2013 the Biddy Madison Foundation was established to help serve the foster youth in the community. Her story continues to be shared with children in the book Biddy Mason Speaks Up by Arisa White and Laura Atkins.

Madison was a hard-working and selfless woman who never stopped fighting for what she deserved. Her legacy of wealth and kindness serves as an inspiration to everyone.

March 23, 2023

The MANDALORIAN Answers Grogu’s Order 66 Mystery With A Surprise Cameo!

This is the way, Star Wars fans. After three seasons and a Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian finally answered one of its biggest mysteries! Dan heads to the galaxy far, far away to break down the long-awaited details of how Grogu survived Order 66 and that surprising cameo on today’s episode of Nerdist News!

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March 22, 2023

Telfar Shakes Up The Fashion Industry With A New Collection and New Pricing System

Telfar is in high demand and, with a new pricing system, they’re letting the world know they aren’t going anywhere.

After a dramatic announcement on Twitter and Instagram, the Black-owned luxury handbag brand finally made it official – the price is going up! Their newest collection, dropping on Mar. 27, will come with a unique pricing system. Fast Company reported prices for the bags and accessories will be determined by popularity, with a pricing tool designed to keep the fastest-selling products on the cheaper side.

This new design reinforces the mission of founder, Telfar Clemens, to make his products affordable and accessible to anybody. “Many brands use price as a barrier to entry,” Clemens said. “I never wanted that for my brand.”

The brand has been a hot commodity in the fashion industry, setting the bar high for Black accessory designers. Celebrities from Chloe Bailey to Queen Bey herself, Beyoncé, have been seen sporting the colorful bags, which come in almost every color of the spectrum. With a variety of offerings, the products range in size and price, starting around $150.

Creative director, Babak Radboy, said that in the beginning, the team struggled with price points, as many brands were charging obscene amounts of money for things like hoodies. “The more we thought about it, the more it became clear that the pricing model in fashion doesn’t make any sense,” Radboy told Dazed.

“If we charge $600 for the hoodie, then only one class of person would buy it – the person who can afford it,” Radboy added.

The pricing for the new collection, consisting of handbags and garments for everyone, will start at the wholesale price and will increase over time. The final price at which the item sells will eventually decide the set cost for all future collections by Telfar.

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