
Invincible, the adult animated superhero series, has become a household name ever since the release of its first season on Amazon Prime in 2021. It’s an atypical superhero origin story that follows Mark Grayson, a seemingly ordinary teenager who discovers that he, like his father Omni-Man, also has superpowers. He also discovered his father is an alien with an agenda to assimilate Earth into the Viltrum Empire. With Season 2 already fast approaching, it’s time to discuss what we could expect from the upcoming season.

But before we dive into Season 2’s expectations, let’s remember what happened in Season 1 of Invincible, which ended on a cliffhanger. In the finale episode, Omni-Man/Nolan Grayson, voiced by Spider-Man’s J.K. Simmons, seemingly abandoned his mission of assimilating Earth after severely beating Invincible/Mark Grayson, his son, who refused to help him in his mission. It also revealed why Omni-Man was systematically taking out anyone who could even come close to opposing him.

It’s worth noting that Invincible very closely adheres to its source material for the most part with only minor deviations from the comic book narrative. When the announcement of the second season came, the fans immediately reached for their graphic novels to find out exactly what would happen next. One thing’s for sure; considering that the show is produced by Amazon Studios and Skybound North, we can expect the same high-quality animation we saw in the first seasons.

Beyond that, the narrative should continue where the previous season left off; Omni-Man was last seen conquering another planet, Mark has recovered from the beatdown he received from his father, and he continues to balance his life as a high-school teenager and a superhero. His transformation to a full-fledged superhero is one of the main focuses of the comic book, so we can expect more character development, especially in terms of navigating relationships with his friends and coping with the revelation of his father’s true intentions.

Mark’s relationships with other characters, especially Amber and William, are also vital aspects of Mark’s journey in the comics. The upcoming season might explore the challenges of being a superhero teenager who also has to maintain personal relationships and appearances and how everything evolves over time. Of course, one of the biggest questions is Mark’s relationship with his father and what exactly will become of them. So, fans are also hoping to see the resolution of that particular storyline in the upcoming season.

Omni-Man did betray the Viltrumite Empire by abandoning his mission and conquering another planet instead, perhaps in an attempt to lessen his punishment. Still, the Viltrumite Empire comes into contact with Earth and its heroes. The Viltrumite Civil War is a significant plotline in the Invincible comics because it sets the stage for new alliances and more intense battles and allows Mark to confront his father’s past and the entire grim legacy of his people, the Viltrumites. Given that the show has already been renewed for Season 3, it’s likely that Season 2 will only serve as kindling for a larger narrative conflict.

However, Flaxans are most likely to be the next Big Bad, perhaps along with Omni-Man, of the upcoming season, as they appeared relatively early in the comic book series. Like most alien races in fiction, Flaxans are also looking to invade and conquer Earth, and they’re actually a credible threat to the planet and its superheroes. This invasion of Earth in the comics led to some of the most intense and action-packed scenes, and those who actually read the comic book series eagerly anticipate the introduction of the Flaxans on the screen. Likewise, the second season is also likely to introduce more new heroes now that most heroes defending Earth are dead. In fact, Omni-Man killed six Guardians of the Globe members with ease in the first episode alone.

So, we can expect the arrival or re-appearance of new characters from the source material. This also includes Allen the Alien, who was introduced in Season 1. He and Mark become close friends in the comics, so we can expect to see him in a more prominent role. The Invincible comic has a vast array of superhero characters, and though Season 1 had already introduced a few, others are yet to make their appearance. At the same time, fans hope to see Robot, Monster Girl (an obvious take on the Hulk), and Black Samson return in the second season.

In the end, we can say that Season 1 only laid the groundwork for establishing the Invincible universe, and Season 2 is expected to build the foundation for further expansion of the IPs universe. So far, the series only covered some 13 issues of the Invincible comic book series, comprised of 144 issues total, so there’s still plenty of material to adapt.

This gives creators plenty of source material to draw from to appease the demanding fandom, which has some high expectations from the upcoming Season 2. Luckily, the animated series has stayed faithful to the source material so far, meaning that the upcoming season is likely to expand the current narrative by introducing even more villains and allies while still following Mark’s ongoing character development and his evolution as Invincible. You can watch Invincible on Prime Video.

March 31, 2023

Everything That Comics Have Thought Us to Expect from ‘Invincible’ Season 2

Invincible, the adult animated superhero series, has become a household name ever since the release of its first season on Amazon Prime in 2021. It’s an atypical superhero origin story that follows Mark Grayson, a seemingly ordinary teenager who discovers that he, like his father Omni-Man, also has superpowers. He also discovered his father is an alien with an agenda to assimilate Earth into the Viltrum Empire. With Season 2 already fast approaching, it’s time to discuss what we could expect from the upcoming season.

But before we dive into Season 2’s expectations, let’s remember what happened in Season 1 of Invincible, which ended on a cliffhanger. In the finale episode, Omni-Man/Nolan Grayson, voiced by Spider-Man’s J.K. Simmons, seemingly abandoned his mission of assimilating Earth after severely beating Invincible/Mark Grayson, his son, who refused to help him in his mission. It also revealed why Omni-Man was systematically taking out anyone who could even come close to opposing him.

It’s worth noting that Invincible very closely adheres to its source material for the most part with only minor deviations from the comic book narrative. When the announcement of the second season came, the fans immediately reached for their graphic novels to find out exactly what would happen next. One thing’s for sure; considering that the show is produced by Amazon Studios and Skybound North, we can expect the same high-quality animation we saw in the first seasons.

Beyond that, the narrative should continue where the previous season left off; Omni-Man was last seen conquering another planet, Mark has recovered from the beatdown he received from his father, and he continues to balance his life as a high-school teenager and a superhero. His transformation to a full-fledged superhero is one of the main focuses of the comic book, so we can expect more character development, especially in terms of navigating relationships with his friends and coping with the revelation of his father’s true intentions.

Mark’s relationships with other characters, especially Amber and William, are also vital aspects of Mark’s journey in the comics. The upcoming season might explore the challenges of being a superhero teenager who also has to maintain personal relationships and appearances and how everything evolves over time. Of course, one of the biggest questions is Mark’s relationship with his father and what exactly will become of them. So, fans are also hoping to see the resolution of that particular storyline in the upcoming season.

Omni-Man did betray the Viltrumite Empire by abandoning his mission and conquering another planet instead, perhaps in an attempt to lessen his punishment. Still, the Viltrumite Empire comes into contact with Earth and its heroes. The Viltrumite Civil War is a significant plotline in the Invincible comics because it sets the stage for new alliances and more intense battles and allows Mark to confront his father’s past and the entire grim legacy of his people, the Viltrumites. Given that the show has already been renewed for Season 3, it’s likely that Season 2 will only serve as kindling for a larger narrative conflict.

However, Flaxans are most likely to be the next Big Bad, perhaps along with Omni-Man, of the upcoming season, as they appeared relatively early in the comic book series. Like most alien races in fiction, Flaxans are also looking to invade and conquer Earth, and they’re actually a credible threat to the planet and its superheroes. This invasion of Earth in the comics led to some of the most intense and action-packed scenes, and those who actually read the comic book series eagerly anticipate the introduction of the Flaxans on the screen. Likewise, the second season is also likely to introduce more new heroes now that most heroes defending Earth are dead. In fact, Omni-Man killed six Guardians of the Globe members with ease in the first episode alone.

So, we can expect the arrival or re-appearance of new characters from the source material. This also includes Allen the Alien, who was introduced in Season 1. He and Mark become close friends in the comics, so we can expect to see him in a more prominent role. The Invincible comic has a vast array of superhero characters, and though Season 1 had already introduced a few, others are yet to make their appearance. At the same time, fans hope to see Robot, Monster Girl (an obvious take on the Hulk), and Black Samson return in the second season.

In the end, we can say that Season 1 only laid the groundwork for establishing the Invincible universe, and Season 2 is expected to build the foundation for further expansion of the IPs universe. So far, the series only covered some 13 issues of the Invincible comic book series, comprised of 144 issues total, so there’s still plenty of material to adapt.

This gives creators plenty of source material to draw from to appease the demanding fandom, which has some high expectations from the upcoming Season 2. Luckily, the animated series has stayed faithful to the source material so far, meaning that the upcoming season is likely to expand the current narrative by introducing even more villains and allies while still following Mark’s ongoing character development and his evolution as Invincible. You can watch Invincible on Prime Video.

March 31, 2023

Original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson Is Writing a POWER RANGERS Comic Book

The original Power Rangers are coming back together to face Rita Repulsa once again in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always. Fans are super hype to see the crew back together again; however, it feels bittersweet in several ways. First, there’s the fairly recent passing of Jason David Frank, who played Tommy on the series, as well as the absence of Amy Jo Johnson, a.k.a. the original Pink Ranger. Johnson spoke up recently to clear the air about why she didn’t return for more Power Rangers action, saying that it wasn’t about money and telling people to mind their beeswax. Fair enough. However, Amy Jo Johnson is writing a new Power Rangers comic book series to celebrate the show’s 30th anniversary. So she’s not done with this wacky universe just yet. 

Amy Jo Johnson in her Pink Ranger outfit will create a Power Rangers comic book

As Variety reports, the Kickstarter campaign “Power Rangers: A 30th Anniversary Comic Book Celebration” hit a whopping $250K in less than 24 hours. (At the time of this post’s publication, it is now at $445K.) Now, Amy Jo Johnson is ready to team up with Boom Studios for this Power Rangers comic book. She actually came up with the idea early in the pandemic and says it will be her version of what happens in this world.

We don’t know any further details at this time but the Kickstarter currently estimates books will go out to supporters in January 2024. There’s also some really cool swag for different donation tiers. It looks like it is indeed Morphin time in more ways than one.

The post Original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson Is Writing a POWER RANGERS Comic Book appeared first on Nerdist.

March 30, 2023

No, Nicolas Cage Didn’t Use Method Acting for RENFIELD Role as Dracula

It’s no secret that a lot of actors really, really get into their roles to the point of never breaking character. Method acting can get pretty wild, like when Tom Hanks lost over 50 pounds and refused to bathe while filming Cast Away. But when it comes to Nic Cage’s time as Dracula in the upcoming film Renfield, that is actually not the case. Director Chris McKay said Nicolas Cage was fully method acting for Renfield; however, the actor says that is simply not the case. 

Nicolas Cage as Dracula with Renfield from trailer
Universal Pictures

The actor spoke with The Hollywood Reporter, affirming that he was, in fact, not acting like Dracula between scenes. “I just don’t have that recollection, I don’t know why Chris said that,” Cage said. “I had a lot of laughs in between takes with both Chris McKay and Nick Hoult, so maybe that was his experience, maybe because I still had the fangs in my mouth that made me speak a certain way, but that wasn’t my experience.”

Now I’m wondering if those laughs were normal Nicolas Cage laughs or more in the style of The Count from Sesame Street. That character is a parody of Bela Lugosi’s Count Dracula, after all. Either way, the Renfield trailer shows that Nicolas Cage totally nails, no method acting needed, it as the most famous vampire of all time. And that’s what really…counts.

The post No, Nicolas Cage Didn’t Use Method Acting for RENFIELD Role as Dracula appeared first on Nerdist.

March 30, 2023

Secret Deodorant Launches Initiative Empowering Women to Achieve Financial Wellness

Ahead of Financial Literacy Month this April, Secret Deodorant is introducing a multi-year financial empowerment initiative that starts by providing 1 million young women with access to in-depth financial courses and training resources developed and led by highly-renowned female financial experts. The initiative was unveiled yesterday at the New York Stock Exchange during the ‘Young Women’s Financial Wellness Forum,’ hosted in partnership with Seneca Women, a women’s leadership platform dedicated to advancing women in the economy and around the world. The initiative is designed to support young women at the very start of their independent financial journeys, by providing them with the foundational tools needed to succeed today, and in turn, improve their financial wellness.

Gen Z adults in the U.S. report the highest level of stress compared to any other generation, according to the American Psychological Association.1The biggest cause of stress? Money. Financial stress disproportionately impacts women, particularly women of color. Black and Hispanic women generally have higher unmet financial needs, more student loan debt, and are more likely to struggle financially while in school.2 Unfortunately, this disparity can take a toll on a woman’s financial journey.3 By 2030, Secret will empower millions of young women to tackle financial stress and forge a path to equitable wealth.

“As part of Secret’s continued efforts to uplift women, we hope to spark a conversation about financial well-being and provide tools for financial literacy and education,” said Kate DiCarlo, Senior Communications Director, Personal Care Portfolio, Procter & Gamble. “Secret is proud to partner with a diverse group of women to lend their financial expertise to this initiative.”

Secret commissioned an advisory board of renowned multicultural financial experts to help propel its mission of increasing access to financial education, proving that a financially well life is within reach for all women. The financial experts helped launch the initiative by providing practical, tangible advice geared towards the needs and concerns of Gen Z women at Seneca Women’s ‘Young Women’s Financial Wellness Forum’ in partnership with Secret.

Secret’s alliance of financial experts includes:

  • Berna Anat: Financial educator and author of “Money Out Loud – All the Financial Stuff No One Taught Us,” helping BIPOC and first-gen folks feel seen in the money world
  • Carmen Perez: Creator of MUCH budgeting app, helping individuals manage their money and paychecks
  • Giovanna Gonzalez: Founder of The First Gen Mentor, helping first-generation students and young professionals of color entering the workplace to confidently manage their money
  • Jamila Souffrant: Founder of Journey to Launch, helping individuals launch into financial freedom
  • Marsha Barnes: CEO and founder of The Finance Bar Members Club, helping individuals start their journey to financial wellness

“I understand how imperative it is to be well-versed in the world of finances. From understanding how to get your first credit card, student loans, to how to apply for a mortgage and dealing with debt, it’s a lot to take in,” said Marsha Barnes, personal finance expert and founder of The Finance Bar Members Club. “Through financial therapy and education, I can support women throughout their experiences, and partnering with Secret gives me the opportunity to extend a helping hand to more women in need. I look forward to making a meaningful impact in young women’s lives as they embark on their personal journeys to achieve financial wellness.”

The multi-phased initiative will also take to social media to reach young women through #SecretMoneyMoves, a series of financial literacy social posts that address the ins and outs of prominent financial questions, like how to create a budget, negotiate your first salary, understand your credit score and much more.

Secret has also joined forces with Prosperity Now, the nation’s leading racial economic justice organization, to help remove the barriers for young women in need to achieve financial equity. The organization’s mission is to drive economic opportunity for all and build equitable economic power through impactful systemic change; centering those who have been historically excluded, amplifying community-rooted solutions, and energizing them through research, advocacy, policy and narrative change.

To learn more about Secret’s new financial empowerment programming, visit

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