
As descendants of enslaved Africans, the word “freedom” stirs up a lot of emotions. Our ancestors knew a life of hard work and sacrifice. Freedom to them meant dreaming of a future for themselves and their descendants where rest, joy, and pleasure was a part of their daily routines.

Juneteenth, which marks the end of slavery in the United States, gives us space to honor and celebrate our ancestors’ strength and contributions to our survival. Our deceased loved ones endured hardship and still imagined living in a world where pleasure was our collective reality. 

The concept of freedom includes more than just the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. There’s also joy and pleasure wrapped up in being free, too. What’s the point of freedom if we ain’t enjoying ourselves, too? 

This month, take the time to explore what freedom looks like for you. Imagine what freedom looks like to you outside of entrepreneurship and financial commitments. Are you taking time to celebrate yourself? Are you engaging in things that bring you happiness and pleasure? Let this month’s horoscopes be your guide to leaning into the pleasure you deserve. 


Aries (March 21-April 20)

Aries horoscope

Don’t you think it’s about damn time you had a little fun? You deserve it, beloved. Your dedication to your business and your community is impeccable! BUT what about your dedication to yourself? Your joy? Your rest? Do you know that you don’t always have to work to deserve some self-care? July is begging you to go out and have some fun. Spend some time with yourself that isn’t related to business needs. 


Taurus (April 20-May 21)

taurus zodiac, business horoscope

Stop! Do NOT plan that trip. As much as you would like to be somewhere far away, you’re just avoiding the real problem. Vacation isn’t going to solve it. You have to be honest with yourself about what is making you unhappy. You have to sit down and face the truth, Taurus. Ask yourself, in what ways am I hindering my ability to grow? This could be spiritually, emotionally, or even with the decisions you are making around your business. Why are you avoiding working on yourself? 


Gemini (May 21-June 21) 

gemini zodiac, business horoscope


You’re not where you want to be. Pay attention to how you feel in the environments you are in. Do you feel supported? Do you feel like you can trust who you are around? It’s not your fear that’s making you feel that way, it’s your intuition. Listen to what it is saying. Time to move on. Don’t make things work that ain’t working. 


Cancer (June 21-July 23) 

cancer, business horoscope

If you want a soft life, you have got to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself, Cancer, looks like knowing when to let things go. Can you actually do that? You are tired because you are wearing too many hats and in charge of too many projects. Everyone loves a supporter but not a micromanager. Which are you? Take some things off of your workload and it will still get done. You need the rest, boo. Did you hear me? You need to rest, boo. 


Leo (July 23-August 23) 

Leo business horoscope


Some things are falling out of alignment. Are you going to let them go or hold on? Your core values no longer match the commitments you have made to others. As we grow, our needs start to change. You are longing for a community of like-minded people. You want connection, not obligation. You have permission to be this new version of yourself, and that requires letting things not for you fall away.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

Virgo business horoscope

You need to find time to be alone.The question isn’t should you take time off, but instead how can you step away without everything falling apart when you do? Sweet Virgo, you are strategic. Don’t just make a business plan, make a very good damn plan. You need this time alone to restore and renew yourself. 


Libra ( Sept. 23-Oct. 23) 


Have you imagined a different reality for yourself, Libra? Maybe you’ve been feeling out of business balance lately because your needs have changed. It’s time to experiment and create new ways to support yourself. You don’t have to continue operating in ways that don’t serve you anymore. 


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) 


You don’t belong at that table. That table is raggedy and on its last leg. Scorpio, you are talented at telling the truth. If things are not a good fit, let people know the absolute truth. The reason you don’t belong at that table has nothing to do with your skill, experiences, and voice. You know when something isn’t genuine. Aligning yourself with that project would go against what your gut is telling you. Tell them no when they ask you to join them. 


Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)


What you need right now, Sagittarius, is the courage to change. You need to give yourself permission to be openly curious. We learn new things about ourselves when we allow ourselves the space for exploration and curiosity. If you want to invite more joy and pleasure into your life, you need to make changes. Allow yourself to be curious. 


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) 


Fill your schedule up with as much rest and pleasure as you can this month. There are so many opportunities and who says you can’t do all of them? Don’t worry too much about spending too much time out with friends. You’ve worked hard this year and deserve a break. Go ahead and plan a day or three away from the office to just lay in bed.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)  


Stop being hesitant. If it brings you joy, you should do it. You’re in the way of what could bless you. Did you hear me? You are in the way of your blessing. Stop being hesitant to move toward what you want. Your anxiety is getting in the way. If you want to go and do a thing, go out and do a thing. Doing it is the only way to know if you’ll like it. Go do it. 


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 21) 


Get ready for an unexpected opportunity. If you can dream it—it can be a reality. Have you ever sat down and made a vision board for yourself? This month write down your wildest dreams and hopes for yourself. It might seem unrealistic, but miracles happen all the time. Something good is going to happy for you, you just have to believe it to be true.

RELATED CONTENTThe Business Forecast: What Is Your Horoscope Telling You About Your Business Dealings?

July 18, 2023

Bruja & Business: July Horoscope Warns Against All Work And No Pleasure

As descendants of enslaved Africans, the word “freedom” stirs up a lot of emotions. Our ancestors knew a life of hard work and sacrifice. Freedom to them meant dreaming of a future for themselves and their descendants where rest, joy, and pleasure was a part of their daily routines.

Juneteenth, which marks the end of slavery in the United States, gives us space to honor and celebrate our ancestors’ strength and contributions to our survival. Our deceased loved ones endured hardship and still imagined living in a world where pleasure was our collective reality. 

The concept of freedom includes more than just the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. There’s also joy and pleasure wrapped up in being free, too. What’s the point of freedom if we ain’t enjoying ourselves, too? 

This month, take the time to explore what freedom looks like for you. Imagine what freedom looks like to you outside of entrepreneurship and financial commitments. Are you taking time to celebrate yourself? Are you engaging in things that bring you happiness and pleasure? Let this month’s horoscopes be your guide to leaning into the pleasure you deserve. 


Aries (March 21-April 20)

Aries horoscope

Don’t you think it’s about damn time you had a little fun? You deserve it, beloved. Your dedication to your business and your community is impeccable! BUT what about your dedication to yourself? Your joy? Your rest? Do you know that you don’t always have to work to deserve some self-care? July is begging you to go out and have some fun. Spend some time with yourself that isn’t related to business needs. 


Taurus (April 20-May 21)

taurus zodiac, business horoscope

Stop! Do NOT plan that trip. As much as you would like to be somewhere far away, you’re just avoiding the real problem. Vacation isn’t going to solve it. You have to be honest with yourself about what is making you unhappy. You have to sit down and face the truth, Taurus. Ask yourself, in what ways am I hindering my ability to grow? This could be spiritually, emotionally, or even with the decisions you are making around your business. Why are you avoiding working on yourself? 


Gemini (May 21-June 21) 

gemini zodiac, business horoscope


You’re not where you want to be. Pay attention to how you feel in the environments you are in. Do you feel supported? Do you feel like you can trust who you are around? It’s not your fear that’s making you feel that way, it’s your intuition. Listen to what it is saying. Time to move on. Don’t make things work that ain’t working. 


Cancer (June 21-July 23) 

cancer, business horoscope

If you want a soft life, you have got to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself, Cancer, looks like knowing when to let things go. Can you actually do that? You are tired because you are wearing too many hats and in charge of too many projects. Everyone loves a supporter but not a micromanager. Which are you? Take some things off of your workload and it will still get done. You need the rest, boo. Did you hear me? You need to rest, boo. 


Leo (July 23-August 23) 

Leo business horoscope


Some things are falling out of alignment. Are you going to let them go or hold on? Your core values no longer match the commitments you have made to others. As we grow, our needs start to change. You are longing for a community of like-minded people. You want connection, not obligation. You have permission to be this new version of yourself, and that requires letting things not for you fall away.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 23)

Virgo business horoscope

You need to find time to be alone.The question isn’t should you take time off, but instead how can you step away without everything falling apart when you do? Sweet Virgo, you are strategic. Don’t just make a business plan, make a very good damn plan. You need this time alone to restore and renew yourself. 


Libra ( Sept. 23-Oct. 23) 


Have you imagined a different reality for yourself, Libra? Maybe you’ve been feeling out of business balance lately because your needs have changed. It’s time to experiment and create new ways to support yourself. You don’t have to continue operating in ways that don’t serve you anymore. 


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) 


You don’t belong at that table. That table is raggedy and on its last leg. Scorpio, you are talented at telling the truth. If things are not a good fit, let people know the absolute truth. The reason you don’t belong at that table has nothing to do with your skill, experiences, and voice. You know when something isn’t genuine. Aligning yourself with that project would go against what your gut is telling you. Tell them no when they ask you to join them. 


Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)


What you need right now, Sagittarius, is the courage to change. You need to give yourself permission to be openly curious. We learn new things about ourselves when we allow ourselves the space for exploration and curiosity. If you want to invite more joy and pleasure into your life, you need to make changes. Allow yourself to be curious. 


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) 


Fill your schedule up with as much rest and pleasure as you can this month. There are so many opportunities and who says you can’t do all of them? Don’t worry too much about spending too much time out with friends. You’ve worked hard this year and deserve a break. Go ahead and plan a day or three away from the office to just lay in bed.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)  


Stop being hesitant. If it brings you joy, you should do it. You’re in the way of what could bless you. Did you hear me? You are in the way of your blessing. Stop being hesitant to move toward what you want. Your anxiety is getting in the way. If you want to go and do a thing, go out and do a thing. Doing it is the only way to know if you’ll like it. Go do it. 


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 21) 


Get ready for an unexpected opportunity. If you can dream it—it can be a reality. Have you ever sat down and made a vision board for yourself? This month write down your wildest dreams and hopes for yourself. It might seem unrealistic, but miracles happen all the time. Something good is going to happy for you, you just have to believe it to be true.

RELATED CONTENTThe Business Forecast: What Is Your Horoscope Telling You About Your Business Dealings?

July 17, 2023

The MCU’s Ms. Marvel Iman Vellani Will Write a MS. MARVEL Comic

It’s been a busy time for Marvel’s fan-favorite hero Ms. Marvel. Ms. Marvel joined the world of live-action in her own MCU Disney+ series, Ms. Marvel. Iman Vellani plays Ms. Marvel in the MCU. And Vellani’s Ms. Marvel is also getting ready to make her big-screen MCU debut in The Marvels, the Captain Marvel sequel coming in November. Meanwhile, in the world of Marvel Comics, Ms. Marvel recently died, sacrificing herself for the world in Amazing Spider-Man #26. This Marvel Comics death did not sit well with fans, though, and there was great protest on Ms. Marvel’s behalf. But death is often not permanent in Marvel’s comics, and Kamala Khan will be back.

In a delightful turn of events, the MCU’s Ms. Marvel Iman Vellani will actually be the one to write Kamala Khan’s return to Marvel Comics in Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant. This time Ms. Marvel will join a new team, becoming a member of the X-Men.

The MCU’s Ms. Marvel Iman Vellani Will Write a Ms. Marvel Comic for Marvel Comics

MCU's Ms. Marvel Iman Vellani will write Ms. Marvel comic Ms Marvel The New Mutant where Kamala Khan become an X-Men
Marvel Studios/Marvel Comics/Stanley “Artgerm” Lau

That’s a lot to unpack. First—we absolutely love that Iman Vellani will write this new Ms. Marvel comic for Marvel Comics alongside Sabir Pirzada. Vellani shared with Entertainment Weekly via Marvel’s website, “This was way scarier than joining the MCU for me… Those projects feel like they live in their own dimension, so I guess I can separate myself easier. But you can hold a comic book! I’ve never written anything before in my entire life, but I have read many comics, so I just wrote what I would want to read. I was given a very professional tool to write what is essentially my own fan fiction.”

We feel it’s likely that no one loves the character of Ms. Marvel more than Iman Vellani, so it’s safe to say she and the story are in good hands. Vellani herself is also known to be a huge Marvel fan. Pirzada shares of making the Ms. Marvel comic, “It was actually a very humbling experience to work with Iman [Vellani], because she knows her comics even better than I do, and that is saying something… She was throwing out references to specific comics that came out before either of us were born. She has a very great eye for what makes for a good sequence on the page as drawn by an artist. It was very impressive to me to see her throw out all these references to different artists that she’s been following through the years.”

Ms. Marvel Will Join the X-Men in Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant

Kamala Khan's new X-Men Ms Marvel Costume design for comic by Iman Vellani
Marvel Comics/Jamie McKelvie

Next up, we can’t wait to see Ms. Marvel join the X-Men. Ms. Marvel has been part of many Marvel Comics teams, like the Avengers and the Inhumans. But this marks the first-time Ms. Marvel will join up with the X-Men. We feel that will make for an excellent adventure, guarenteed. This crossover also makes us think more about what might happen in live-action. The X-Men will join the MCU sooner or later—if Wolverine’s yellow Deadpool 3 suit is any indicator. Maybe we’ll see Ms. Marvel as a member of the MCU X-Men team when it arrives; there will be Marvel Comics precedence now, after all.

Vellani shares more about this Ms. Marvel change in the Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant comics, noting. “I want to make it very, very clear that we are not reconning her Inhuman origin. That’s a part of Kamala’s identity that Marvel editorial and myself would very much like to keep and protect… Our book will absolutely reflect all those core themes of identity that the Ms. Marvel comics have consistently explored — only now there’s a whole new label that Kamala has to learn to accept. It’s going to be pretty crazy.”

More About Iman Vellani’s Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant: Synopsis, Release Date, and X-Men Costume

Ms. Marvel the New Mutant cover, Iman Vellani will co-write and Kamala Khan will join the X-Men
Marvel Comics/Stanley “Artgerm” Lau

In addition, Marvel has revealed a synopsis of Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant. It reads:

After being brought back via Krakoan Resurrection Technology, Kamala is shocked to learn she is mutant. But before she has a chance to come to terms with this revelation, the catastrophic FALL OF X will throw her world into chaos…and a secret mission on behalf of the X-Men.

Ms. Marvel will also receive a brand new X-Men costume in Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant.  This suit comes from “superstar artist Jamie McKelvie, who designed Carol Danvers’ iconic Captain Marvel suit and Kamala’s original Ms. Marvel look in the comics.”

Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant will be a four-issue limited series co-written by Iman Vellani and Sabir Pirzada. The new Ms. Marvel comic will be drawn by artists Carlos Gómez and Adam Gorham. Covers will be drawn by Sara Pichelli. Ms. Marvel: New Mutant #1 will go on sale August 30.

The post The MCU’s Ms. Marvel Iman Vellani Will Write a MS. MARVEL Comic appeared first on Nerdist.

July 16, 2023

‘Secret Invasion’ Cast Dermot Mulroney and Charlayne Woodard on the Intensity of Filming

*This interview was recorded before the SAG-AFTRA strike*

BGN interviews actors Dermot Mulroney and Charlayne Woodard to discuss the latest episode of the series Secret Invasion and the intense days of filming on set.

Nick Fury learns of a secret invasion of Earth by a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls; Fury joins his allies, and together they race against time to thwart an imminent Skrull invasion and save humanity.

Interviewer: Jeandra LeBeauf

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

Secret Invasion is currently streaming on Disney+

July 16, 2023

Hidden Gem Anime Series to Enjoy: ‘Tengoku Daimakyou’

Here’s the next entry in ‘Hidden Gem Anime Series to Enjoy’ for you all to enjoy. As we’re officially in summer, let me introduce you to Tengoku Daimakyou. I picked up the first few volumes of the manga and learned that there was an anime adaptation already streaming, and I just felt that there wasn’t enough buzz about it. The more I watched the more I knew that outside of some of my faves this Spring Anime Season that this was a stunner that I had to keep watching. It had been described to me as “The Last of Us meets The Promised Neverland,” so I knew I had to tell all of my anime watching friends.

If you love your dystopian anime with a TV-MA (Mature Audience only) programming rating, this may be your jam. On a note of transparency and as I think trigger warnings are great tools, please take care as I link here for a later episode that might just make some viewers drop the show altogether. Spoilers aren’t great, but mental health takes precedence here in the house of BNP. Take care yourselves, friends.

What is it About:

In short, the world has gone to crap. Some fifteen years ago The Great Disaster befell Japan. Now in the year 2024, grotesque human-eating monsters lurk amongst the ruins of Japan, while the remaining population is scattered about eking out a living with the surviving technologies. The anime centers upon two groups of young adults: Kiruko and Maru who are traveling through Japan while Tokio and her classmates that she’s grown up with in an isolated facility protecting them from the harsh outside world. Kiruko, a young woman who works as a sort of travel guide who is incredibly resourceful, accepts a mysterious woman’s dying wish to take a teenager named Maru to a place called “Heaven.”

Maru is on a mission to find a place called Heaven with someone with a face like his, and Kiruko is searching for a few people connected to her past who have dabbled with some shady business. Far, far away from these two, Tokio is a teenager who has grown up safely and mostly happily with other children in a facility cut away from the madness and harsh realities of the current state of Japan. He, along with several of the children there, is starting to question this place with its nursery-style setting run mostly by robots. Puberty brings curiosity, discovery, and the desire for more which results in unearthing great secrets and terrifying truths. Tokio may be living in “Heaven” but is it truly a paradise or someplace more sinister– like a prison?

Get in Loser, We’re Solving a Mystery:

Folks that Tengoku Daimakyou could appeal to include:

-Folks who are looking for anime with coming-of-age vibes

-Folks looking for anime based on ongoing manga series

-Folks who are looking for anime with a true psychological lean

-Folks who enjoy the action, adventure, sci-fi, and horror genres

-Folks looking to be shocked, surprised, happy, and just feel the full range of emotions

What Makes this Anime Standout:

The world building in Tengoku Daimakyou is glorious as it is detailed: in the ruined country Kiruko and Maru find scattered pockets of civilization, some more thriving than others. From a bursting farming area growing everything from crops like tomatoes to marijuana to small cities with shops dedicated to preserving arcade games and media like music and books, the journey takes the two to many places. With society surviving, brings politics and economics which differ from area to area of course. 


In one location, some local bandits prey on travelers seeking lodging, directions, and clean water. In another location, two different groups with conflicting ideologies fight for the rare working machinery with lots of opinions about human life and where science places a part in preserving or ending life. Kiruko and Maru find betrayal at every turn in every new place that they venture to: some tragedies avoided and some stumbled upon with greater heartbreak.

Tokio and his classmates that he’s grown up with and lived with have and mostly thrived in an isolated facility protecting them from the harsh outside world. But is this place a haven or a testing ground? This part of the narrative leans heavily into ethics and when, in this new world that has risen from the rumble, goes too far with its power and absolutes. As each episode brings us closer to the truth, we learn that the children are special, all have some kind of talent or capability–whether that be a talent for mechanical engineering, foresight, or just being extra flexible and loving physical activity. 


This nursery style facility seems to be raising children–but to what end? To whose benefit and to what goal? Their lives and care push the boundaries for what is proper and what could be against the law; the few adults and robots tasked with protecting these children have agendas that bring up the importance for reasoning and consent. With Tokio, Kona, Mimihime, Shiro, Anzu, and Taka find that there’s more to just surviving as they been to question what and when is too far and too much in the pursuit to save a life? To save mankind? When the narrative introduced a huge reveal regarding Tokio, I love that I started questioning who played God when it came to medical care and what is appropriate for those most vulnerable–minors and children? 

Perhaps what I love most about Tengoku Daimakyou is the coming-of-age approach to growing up and living in a dystopia–it is not a simple one at all. The complexities of puberty and adolescence play a big hand in not just the storytelling but how these characters, the young adults at least, face the world. Kiruko’s backstory with Asakusa, Robin, and Haruki featured a heart-wrenching foundation story wise where Haruki’s feelings of being in the wrong body feels at home in an anime about children and teenagers. Her complicated feelings about womanhood and body dysphoria come across as truly searing as she’s figuring out what life is now, without family as she has to rebuild her life and find purpose. The reveal behind her new start at life is the first big reveal of the series that threw me for a loop and had me scrambling trying to think back on all that I knew about this character and how her traumas were multi-fold.

When I think about Tokio and the gang’s lives, far from Kiruko and Maru, isolated and protected–at a cost for nefarious reasons, I am again lost for words. When I started Tengoku Daimakyou, I thought the place where they lived and studied was a sort of paradise, perhaps to help protect the sanctity of life in a ruined world. A place to raise up the next generation and to keep civilization going, and yet as I kept watching all I could see it as cells in a petri dish, ready to switch out of the experiment to sate curiosity and satisfaction for others. First loves, exploring emotions, and bodies and questioning the outside of the outside all sound like typical wanderings of adolescence. Yet, it is all intensified here in this place where these young adults have a different kind of upbringing. Tokio’s storyline takes a turn in questioning when does childhood end as gender also colors the experiences in this place and a surprising medical checkup shocks the facility. 

Tengoku Daimakyou’s anime adaptation produced by Production I.G. does not disappoint on the visual side that fans have come to love and associate with the animation powerhouse. From the philosophical yet high energy opening sequence (with an aptly named opening song titled, “innocent arrogance”  by BiSH) to the quiet moments of characters attempting to voice the troubling swell of emotions when real life happens, this series can be praised for being a visual treat. I really, really appreciated the smoothness of the action sequences, the dive into the body horror, the emphasis on the dreams and foreboding, and symbolism. As someone who read a few volumes of the manga first before starting the anime adaptation, I really found the attention to detail on the dreams of certain characters a plus to the storytelling that further scenes from the original material and made certain episodes stand out more. Later, more startling scenes are masterfully enhanced or masked in a way that make them a bit more bearable to watch later towards the end of the thirteen episodes slot of anime that we received. 

Tengoku Daimakyou certainly pushes the envelope on adapting a manga with an incredible story about dreams, adolescents, and reality. Moving through all the genres of science fiction, action, and thriller made for a thrilling and damning narrative centering children and young adults pressing forward in a broken world leaning on limited experience, but it was full of heart and huge reveals that challenge viewers thoughts on gender, family–found and blood-,and purpose. This is an anime series that I would recommend watching for those who can stomach the psychological dive into the darkness of the lives of children and teenagers being fodder for adults for their own selfish and nefarious plans. While there is certainly a conversation to be had about the later episodes and if they successfully wrap up this leg of the story or undo most of the foundation of it, the series as a whole is mostly solid. The anime is also an animated offering that serves as a reminder that life can and is manufactured and to what end can those individuals involved break free and create their own realities, their own versions of heaven?

Tengoku Daimakyou , better known in English as Heavenly Delusion is based on manga created by Masakazu Ishiguro, published through Denpa.

You can find Tengoku Daimakyou currently streaming on Hulu for U.S. based watchers.

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The post Hidden Gem Anime Series to Enjoy: ‘Tengoku Daimakyou’ appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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