
Should anyone ever get spousal support when a marriage ends? It depends on who you ask. If you ask these famous women, they would probably tell you “Hell no!” When their marriages ended, their former lovers made a mad grab for their dollars, seeking not just spousal support but even receiving child support in some instances. […]

The post Celebrity Women Whose Estranged Husbands Requested Spousal Support appeared first on MadameNoire.

November 22, 2016

Celebrity Women Whose Estranged Husbands Requested Spousal Support

Should anyone ever get spousal support when a marriage ends? It depends on who you ask. If you ask these famous women, they would probably tell you “Hell no!” When their marriages ended, their former lovers made a mad grab for their dollars, seeking not just spousal support but even receiving child support in some instances. […]

The post Celebrity Women Whose Estranged Husbands Requested Spousal Support appeared first on MadameNoire.

November 22, 2016

How To Make A Beefy BBQ Sandwich

Bask in the beefy goodness of this BBQ Sandwich and you'll enjoy each and every bite!

November 22, 2016

Stephen Hawking Says Life on Earth Has an Expiration Date

It’s been a rough year for life on Earth. The Arctic is a staggering 36 degrees hotter than it should be, we’ve had some of the largest storms on record (in part fueled […]

November 21, 2016

Rihanna Is Releasing An Exclusive Pair Of Velvet Puma Creepers For The Holidays

We're definitely adding these to our Christmas list!

The post Rihanna Is Releasing An Exclusive Pair Of Velvet Puma Creepers For The Holidays appeared first on MadameNoire.

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