
January 16, 2017

Shia’s Hauls DXF “The Super Warriors” Future Trunks-Episode 55

Review of DXF “The Super Warriors” Future Trunks

January 15, 2017

Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Dollar Store Craft: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Today I'm excited to share my latest wreath, made with Mardi Gras beads, seashells, and a little mermaid glitter! Would you like to make a Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath too? Read on for instructions.

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Wreath a Day #6: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

I have had these pretty seashells in my stash for a few months. I bought them because I thought it would be fun to make a dollar store mermaid crown, but I never made it. When I saw the shells in my Craft Hoarder's Paradise (aka CHP, aka my garage), I thought "Hmm, maybe I'll never make that mermaid crown. But you know what I need to make right now? A wreath! Maybe I should make a mermaid wreath!" And the idea was born.

I held onto the shells for a few days because I couldn't settle on the right background on the wreath. I had neutral colored ribbon that would have made a perfectly serviceable beachy wreath, but what I really wanted was something mermaid-y. I wanted a sparkly blue or green background. When I was visiting the dollar store, I saw these Mardi Gras style beads, and I knew those were the final component in my mermaid wreath.

Supplies Needed:

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

  • Foam wreath form*
  • 3 packages of Mardi Gras beaded necklace (approximately 18 necklaces)*
  • Assorted seashells and starfish
  • Blue glitter paste or glue* and blue glitter*
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks*
  • Paint brush*

*Items with an asterisk can be purchased at the dollar store or

Step 1: Glue beads to wreath

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Before you glue the beads to the wreath, you need to break the beads on the spot where they are glued together. Find the two beads that are fused together and break them apart with your hands (or hold one side with pliers if you have trouble breaking them). Alternately, you can just snip the string between any two beads.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Put a line of hot glue on the wreath form and put the end of the beads on the glue. Hold the beads on the wreath form until the glue cools, then begin to wrap the beads around the wreath form.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

When you reach the end of one strand of beads, glue the next strand to the previous strand, and secure it onto the wreath with a dab of hot glue. Continue to wrap the wreath with beads until it is fully covered.

Production note: You might want to paint the wreath form before you begin, as the wreath form does show through the beads a little bit. If I made another wreath (or made one to sell), I would definitely cover up the wreath form before I glued the beads.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

I didn't have enough blue beads to cover the entire wreath (which would have looked amazing, I think), so I had to split the wreath coverage between blue and green beads.

Step 2: Glue the shells onto the wreath

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Before you add the beads, tie a piece of ribbon around the top of the wreath to provide a hanger.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Hot glue the starfish and seashells in place on the wreath.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

I arranged the starfish evenly around the wreath first, then arranged the seashells between them.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

Step 3: Add glitter paste

When I got all the seashells glued in place, the wreath didn't look finished, so I rummaged around in my CHP and found some sapphire blue glitter glue paste. You can buy the paste at your local art store, or online.

Or, you can just use liquid glue and blue glitter (both of which you probably have in your stash, or you can find at the dollar store).

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

I brushed blue glitter paste on all the shells to add some shimmer, and also to tone down the brightness of some of the shells and help them blend into the beaded background a little better.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

That's better! I like how the glitter looks kind of like sea gunk, but glittery sea gunk. It also tied the disparate seashells together more and made them fit together as a unit of related items.

Overall, I like how it turned out! I think it would look neat if I spray painted the whole thing white and then added some glitter glue over that. I wouldn't mind trying it.

Dollar Store Crafts: Mardi Gras Mermaid Wreath

I hope you are having as much fun watching me bust my stash as I am having making these crazy wreaths! To follow along with my project, check out my other Wreath a Day posts.

January 14, 2017

Make a Dollar Store Chandelier

Dollar Store Craft: Make a Chandelier from dollar store bottles

Wow, can you believe that this chandelier is made from ANY materials you can find at the dollar store? That's right, over at Ciburbanity, Charlotte created this stunning chandelier using bottles she found at the dollar store. You can read all about her innovative process in making this chandelier (and learn how to make one for yourself) here: [dollar store chandelier]

Dollar Store Material Used:

  • Plastic travel bottles

Check out our Dollar Store Beaded Chandelier Project:

beaded chandelier

One of our most popular projects ever: Make a Beaded Chandelier

January 13, 2017

Follow Gandalf's Journey in These Stunning New Lord of the Rings Posters

One of the many reasons why The Lord of the Rings trilogy, in both book and movie form, is so good is the characters. Each hero, villain, and everything in between is simply memorable and captivating. Everyone has their favorites and if your favorite is Gandalf, this is going to knock your socks off.


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