
Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I have a lot of random jewelry components in my Craft Hoarder’s Paradise™ (aka, my garage), so I’ve been dipping into that stash to create my latest wreaths. For today’s wreath, I used a color palette I’m very fond of (turquoise and red) to create a small fun and funky wreath that has a bit of a folk art/Scandinavian flavor: a Red & Turquoise Valentine Heart Wreath.

Wreath a Day #5: Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

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Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I have a lot of jewelry supplies because I love making jewelry, but the sad truth is, I don’t make jewelry often enough to use up all the supplies I own. I could make a necklace every day for a year (maybe that will be next year’s project?), and still not use up all the supplies I have. Does anyone else have the same craft supply hoarding problem I have?

I got these jewelry components from the Fire Mountain Gems $1 Sale (Check out my haul video here).

Supplies Needed:

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

  • Grapevine wreath*
  • Wireless chenille stem ribbon
  • Red ribbon*
  • Turquoise Beads
  • Metal Leaf Beads
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks*

I got the wireless chenille stem ribbon at Consumer Crafts, but you can use any white or silver ribbon you have on hand for this project. In fact, you can substitute any supplies you DO have for the ones I used in this project. Just use it as a jumping off point for your own creativity!

You can get wreath forms at

Step 1: Wrap Ribbon Around the Wreath Form

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Secure a piece of silver ribbon or the wireless chenille stem ribbon to the back of the wreath, and then wrap it around the wreath form. When you get all the way around the wreath, cut the ribbon and glue the end of the ribbon to the back of the wreath. (Bonus points if you manage to line the ends of the ribbon up with each other!)

Step 2: Add Beads

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Next, hot glue some of the metallic leaf beads to the wreath. I arranged them in alternating color order, and placed a wire mesh heart bead at the top of the wreath.

But the wreath isn’t finished… it needs something more.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Add 1″ plastic turquoise-colored beads to the top of the flat leaf beads. Hot glue them in place.

Somehow the wreath isn’t quite done. It needs something to pull it all together.

Step 3: Add More Ribbon

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

When I added this red ribbon over the top of the wreath, it really came together.

Hot glue the end of red ribbon to the back of the wreath, and then wrap it around the wreath, between the round turquoise-colored beads.

Tie a piece of ribbon or baker’s twine to the top of the wreath to provide a way to hang your wreath.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

The red ribbon really makes the turquoise beads pop, and the chenille ribbon and leaves make a great backdrop and add visual interest to the wreath. Finally, the valentine heart at the top gives the wreath a sweet focal point.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I hope you are having as much fun watching me bust my stash as I am having making these crazy wreaths! To follow along with my project, check out my other Wreath a Day posts.

January 18, 2017

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I have a lot of random jewelry components in my Craft Hoarder's Paradise™ (aka, my garage), so I've been dipping into that stash to create my latest wreaths. For today's wreath, I used a color palette I'm very fond of (turquoise and red) to create a small fun and funky wreath that has a bit of a folk art/Scandinavian flavor: a Red & Turquoise Valentine Heart Wreath.

Wreath a Day #5: Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

This post contains affiliate links.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I have a lot of jewelry supplies because I love making jewelry, but the sad truth is, I don't make jewelry often enough to use up all the supplies I own. I could make a necklace every day for a year (maybe that will be next year's project?), and still not use up all the supplies I have. Does anyone else have the same craft supply hoarding problem I have?

I got these jewelry components from the Fire Mountain Gems $1 Sale (Check out my haul video here).

Supplies Needed:

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

  • Grapevine wreath*
  • Wireless chenille stem ribbon
  • Red ribbon*
  • Turquoise Beads
  • Metal Leaf Beads
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks*

I got the wireless chenille stem ribbon at Consumer Crafts, but you can use any white or silver ribbon you have on hand for this project. In fact, you can substitute any supplies you DO have for the ones I used in this project. Just use it as a jumping off point for your own creativity!

You can get wreath forms at

Step 1: Wrap Ribbon Around the Wreath Form

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Secure a piece of silver ribbon or the wireless chenille stem ribbon to the back of the wreath, and then wrap it around the wreath form. When you get all the way around the wreath, cut the ribbon and glue the end of the ribbon to the back of the wreath. (Bonus points if you manage to line the ends of the ribbon up with each other!)

Step 2: Add Beads

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Next, hot glue some of the metallic leaf beads to the wreath. I arranged them in alternating color order, and placed a wire mesh heart bead at the top of the wreath.

But the wreath isn't finished... it needs something more.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

Add 1" plastic turquoise-colored beads to the top of the flat leaf beads. Hot glue them in place.

Somehow the wreath isn't quite done. It needs something to pull it all together.

Step 3: Add More Ribbon

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

When I added this red ribbon over the top of the wreath, it really came together.

Hot glue the end of red ribbon to the back of the wreath, and then wrap it around the wreath, between the round turquoise-colored beads.

Tie a piece of ribbon or baker's twine to the top of the wreath to provide a way to hang your wreath.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

The red ribbon really makes the turquoise beads pop, and the chenille ribbon and leaves make a great backdrop and add visual interest to the wreath. Finally, the valentine heart at the top gives the wreath a sweet focal point.

Turquoise & Red Valentine Heart Wreath

I hope you are having as much fun watching me bust my stash as I am having making these crazy wreaths! To follow along with my project, check out my other Wreath a Day posts.

January 18, 2017

Summer Zervos, One of Trump’s Sexual Abuse Accusers, Is Suing Him for Defamation

Famed women’s rights attorney Gloria Allred held a press conference today, announcing that her client Summer Zervos, a former contestant on The Apprentice, is suing Donald Trump for defamation. Zervos is one of many women who have come forward with their own accounts of being sexually harassed and/or abused by Trump.

In the suit (which you can read in full here), Zervos describes being kissed on the mouth upon meeting Trump for the first time—which other women have also described him doing—as well as being more aggressively assaulted during a job interview later.

Ms. Zervos was ambushed by Mr. Trump on more than one occasion. Mr. Trump suddenly, and without her consent, kissed her on her mouth repeatedly; he touched her breast; and he pressed his genitals up against her. Ms. Zervos never consented to any of this disgusting touching. Instead, she repeatedly expressed that he should stop his inappropriate sexual behavior, including by shoving him away from her forcefully, and telling him to “get real.” Mr. Trump did not care, he kept touching her anyway.

But it’s not the abuse Zervos is suing over. Instead, she’s suing for defamation after she came public last year and Trump called her, and the other women coming forward around the election, liars.

Mr. Trump immediately lied, saying that he “never met [Ms. Zervos] at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately.” He quickly went further, describing Ms. Zervos’s experience, along with those of others, as “made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED;” “100% fabricated and made-up charges;” “totally false;” “totally phoney [sic] stories, 100% made up by women (many already proven false);” “made up stories and lies;” “[t]otally made up nonsense.” He falsely stated: “Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign, total fabrication. The events never happened.” During the last presidential debate, he stated that these women were either being put forward by the Clinton campaign, or were motivated to come forward by getting “ten minutes of fame,” and nothing more.

Zervos, who is on the record of having passed a polygraph test in regard to her account of these events, says she didn’t come forward before because she thought his behavior “was either a test or an isolated incident, about which Mr. Trump was embarrassed and ashamed.”

But when those Access Hollywood tapes leaked, in which Trump described  his fame-enabled ability to “just start kissing [women]. . . Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything,” she says she realized that her experience with her wasn’t unusual, it was “his normal behavior towards women, and that Mr. Trump believed that he was entitled to engage in that misconduct because of his position.”

Zervos says she simply wants Trump to admit that she didn’t fabricate her story. During the press conference, she stated,

Since Mr Trump has not issued a retraction, as I requested, he has therefore left me with no alternative other than to sue him in order to vindicate my reputation. I want Mr. Trump to know that I will still be willing to dismiss my case against him, immediately, for no monetary compensation, if he would simply retract his false and defamatory statements about me and admit that I told the truth about him.

Allred compared Trump’s situation to that of Bill Clinton’s, reminding the press that sitting (or almost sitting) presidents can be deposed, and impeached. No matter what sort of Twitter rant Trump inevitably responds with, she hopes Zervos’ suit is taken seriously by the rest of us. Because, as she herself put it,

Women are not a footnote to history. They matter, we value them … and we value women that allege that they have been the victims of injustice.


(via LawNewz, image via screengrab)

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January 17, 2017

What if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had Access to Machine Learning?

machine learning

As we honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I want to reflect on all the positive things that have stemmed from this great man sharing his visions and dreams to make the world a better place. Yet, there in my #techie mind, I begin to wonder what if…

What if Dr. King had some of the modern marvels that we use daily to communicate, entertain, and share our personal views with our community and the world:  Would things have been different?

While having lunch with my friend and fellow #techie Rishabh Sharma, CEO of Poletus—which uses state of art machine learning as a central nervous system to its product offering—we began to run the mental algorithmic reasons of what if. The first thing that came to mind is what if Dr. King had access to machine learning.

Now, I know that some think that machine learning is something mythical, but it’s not.   Machine learning is a powerful way to forecast possibilities through the usage of data analytics and data insights.

“Half of the industry uses machine learning as a buzzword, yet as a society we have not unearthed the brevity of its capabilities.” —Rishabh Sharma, CEO of Poletus

Take a peek below at the possibilities that Rishabh and I dreamt up.


1. Discourse Identity


If Dr. King had access, he would’ve run a large-scale semantic analysis, running social media and social feeds of entire cities to see which cities had max discourse and minimum discourse to identify influential and noninfluential cities.


2. Information Dissemination and Network Effect


Use the maximum discourse hotspots to identify and quantify the speed at which information is being spread to the neighboring cities. This would have allowed MLK to identify which discourse-ridden hotspots were also rapidly affecting neighboring communities.


3. Time Utilization


Having the ability to find the top discourse spots, time utilization would have enabled him to focus on five strategic heat spots that had a significant impact on surrounding areas. He could’ve rapidly affected those surrounding areas indirectly and organically, thus impacting the country. He could have minimized his travel time to different cities and used his remaining time to focus on ways to improve and further understanding between races.


4. Data visualization


Mapping and contrasting U.S. Census data and finding correlations between social economic factors and the tendency toward racism. Using data visualization services like DOMO, MLK could have visualized complex data and gathered a complete picture of underlying patterns and problem points at the core of our U.S. culture. Big data would become easy to handle because everything would be visualized.


5. Finding Those That Matter


Finding the right person to recruit other people by noticing their sharing coefficient. Dr. King could have calculated the sharing coefficient of each user on the network to find the trendsetters and sympathizers of the cause that could influence that many more people to spread the message even further and organically.

“MLK achieved a monumental task of uniting the nation without machine learning. With machine learning there’s a high chance history textbooks might have referred to him as President-elect.” —Rishabh Sharma, CEO of Poletus


6. Automated Recruiting


Using state of the art products, we have to create automated campaigns to persuade people that are on the fence or who are sympathetic to the cause to join and further the cause. He could’ve tracked what emails are being opened, how many times an email has been opened, find out people who are accessing the email the most and give a weighted score to them and interact with a higher score of people. Also, he could have run Facebook Lead Ads to gather contact information, insert it directly into Salesforce, and produce an email marketing campaign. Using Pardot, he could have emailed campaigns to those of a certain weighted score to encourage them to spread the message.

Rishabh Sharma is a successful Indian-American entrepreneur and technologist based in Los Angeles. A graduate of Berklee College of Music, he has combined his passion for the arts with his passion for technology. He is the executive producer and founder of Poletus one of the leading social media marketing companies.

January 17, 2017

The Mental Stages Of Discovering You Have HPV

[caption id="attachment_728582" align="aligncenter" width="1068"]<img src="" alt="" width="1068" height="601" class="size-full wp-image-728582" /> doctor[/caption] Here’s a common yet scary scenario that happens to a lot of women; you go in for your routine pap smear. You go home and forget about it because those things have always gone perfectly fine and your doctor has never called about anything. You give yourself a gold star and some gelato for keeping up your annual appointments.  Then fast forward a few weeks and you’re confused to see your gynecologist calling. She’s calling to tell you that your pap smear came back “Irregular.” The word “irregular” has never sounded so terrifying. <em>How does your gyno sound so calm?! </em>You run over the events of the past year in your head; every sexual partner and weird bus seat you ever sat on. Nothing odd comes up—how could this have happened!? <em>Relax, </em>says your gyno—<em>it’s just HPV. </em>You’re not sure if it’s “just” HPV, but you look it up and discover that, in fact, <a href="">nearly 80 million Americans</a> currently live with it. Here are the awkwardly true stages of finding out you have HPV and accepting it. [caption id="attachment_710067" align="alignleft" width="420"]<img src="" alt="" width="420" height="420" class="size-full wp-image-710067" /> Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption] <h2><strong>But I used condoms!</strong></h2> Why did I spend all of that money on condoms over the years if I was just going to catch something anyways! Oh—right. Pregnancy and incurable STDs and things like that. Okay—it’s good I used condoms.          

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