
We all need to take a minute to appreciate how lucky we are that so many nerdy things in the world are cherished these days. What was once dismissed as geeky nonsense is now, in so many ways, popular and mainstream. And while there will always be the naysayers who, well, say “nay” about whether or not this is a good thing—we say nay to them for their aforementioned saying of nay because of the wonderful places like Gallery 1988. Their ability to curate and celebrate some serious pop culture artwork it is nothing short of a nerdy kid’s dream come true.

Their latest show is a tribute to the NES classic Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! and, boy, are we excited for every single bit of it. The game is nearly thirty years old and still so ingrained in our memories that we’re just about to risk every bit of income we have to get our hands on any and all of these pieces. The show—Don’t Cry, Mac: A Tribute to Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!tasked artists with re-imagining the game’s characters in their own style making for an eclectic mix of prints and mixed media items. Here are a few of our favorites.


Stephen Andrade’s “X Marks The Spot” print is just phenomenal and seems like it could be a real pulp magazine cover from way back when. Hey, crazier magazines and covers have existed in real life.


Holy moly, these two are fantastic! Not only is one an actual 3D paper sculpture, but artist Adam Hoppus made the “The King of Video Land” as a print as well so you can hang it and be forever tempted to build it yourself. And yes, that’s most certainly the version of King Hippo from Captain N: The Game Master.


OK, so for $1,200.00 the DrilOne “NES” might seem a bit steep but hear us out. If everyone reading this gets enough friends to just give them a dollar and then you give us those dollars, we can get purchase this for the writer of this article and he’ll totally be your best friend. Deal? Cool. We’ll be waiting by the mailbox the 1200 bucks!

Some of our favorites are in the gallery below and all the pieces are available to purchase on Gallery 1988’s site.

Which ones are your favorite? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Images: Gallery 1988

Featured Image: Gallery 1988 | “007 373 5963” by Belinda Rodriguez

March 21, 2017

Gallery 1988’s Tribute to MIKE TYSON’S PUNCH OUT!! is a Beautiful TKO

We all need to take a minute to appreciate how lucky we are that so many nerdy things in the world are cherished these days. What was once dismissed as geeky nonsense is now, in so many ways, popular and mainstream. And while there will always be the naysayers who, well, say “nay” about whether or not this is a good thing—we say nay to them for their aforementioned saying of nay because of the wonderful places like Gallery 1988. Their ability to curate and celebrate some serious pop culture artwork it is nothing short of a nerdy kid’s dream come true.

Their latest show is a tribute to the NES classic Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! and, boy, are we excited for every single bit of it. The game is nearly thirty years old and still so ingrained in our memories that we’re just about to risk every bit of income we have to get our hands on any and all of these pieces. The show—Don’t Cry, Mac: A Tribute to Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!tasked artists with re-imagining the game’s characters in their own style making for an eclectic mix of prints and mixed media items. Here are a few of our favorites.


Stephen Andrade’s “X Marks The Spot” print is just phenomenal and seems like it could be a real pulp magazine cover from way back when. Hey, crazier magazines and covers have existed in real life.


Holy moly, these two are fantastic! Not only is one an actual 3D paper sculpture, but artist Adam Hoppus made the “The King of Video Land” as a print as well so you can hang it and be forever tempted to build it yourself. And yes, that’s most certainly the version of King Hippo from Captain N: The Game Master.


OK, so for $1,200.00 the DrilOne “NES” might seem a bit steep but hear us out. If everyone reading this gets enough friends to just give them a dollar and then you give us those dollars, we can get purchase this for the writer of this article and he’ll totally be your best friend. Deal? Cool. We’ll be waiting by the mailbox the 1200 bucks!

Some of our favorites are in the gallery below and all the pieces are available to purchase on Gallery 1988’s site.

Which ones are your favorite? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Images: Gallery 1988

Featured Image: Gallery 1988 | “007 373 5963” by Belinda Rodriguez

March 20, 2017

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The Slot New Kentucky Law Allows Student Groups to Discriminate Against LGBT Students | Deadspin Surviving Golovkin | Gizmodo How to Prove to Yourself (or Shaq) the Earth Is Round | The Root Va. Pastor, Wife Arrested in $1,200,000 Congregation Fraud Scheme |


March 20, 2017

Hillary Clinton: ‘I am ready to come out of the woods’

Get ready world! Hillary is ready for her comeback!

March 20, 2017

11 Fermi’s Paradox Solutions That Will Make You Have An Existential Crisis

Where the heck are the aliens?

Fermi's paradox is the contradiction between the high probability that alien civilizations exist and the lack of contact we've had with aliens. Here are 11 potential answers to Fermi’s paradox, some of which sound feasible, while others resemble big-budget sci-fi movie plots.

Fermi's paradox is the contradiction between the high probability that alien civilizations exist and the lack of contact we've had with aliens. Here are 11 potential answers to Fermi’s paradox, some of which sound feasible, while others resemble big-budget sci-fi movie plots.

Narathip12 / Getty Images

All advanced civilizations are listening for signals, not sending them.

All advanced civilizations are listening for signals, not sending them.

Imagine 10 people scattered across Earth several miles from one another. Each of them has a cell phone, but instead of dialing different combinations in the hopes of contacting one another, they just keep an eye on their respective phones, waiting for an incoming call.

Read more on this theory here.

Marioguti / Getty Images

Aliens are observing us like zoo animals.

Aliens are observing us like zoo animals.

Advanced beings are studying us from afar instead of interacting. There are many reasons why they might choose only to observe, whether it’s because they’re waiting for us to meet particular criteria as a civilization or they simply want to observe us in our natural habitat without knowledge of their existence.

Read more on this theory here.

Universal Pictures

Humans aren't searching correctly for signals from alien civilizations.

Humans aren't searching correctly for signals from alien civilizations.

Imagine trying to contact someone by making a phone call to a fax machine or sending a text to a landline. Aliens could be sending out signals right this very moment and we’re just not listening for them the right way.

Read more on this theory here.

Paramount Pictures

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