
Did you ever draw different costumes for Superman, Wonder Woman, or Cyborg in your Social Studies notebook? Yeah, me too. The upcoming Injustice 2 video game sort of let you do the same thing, including a Dark Knight that looks like he’s wearing Mandalorian battle armor.

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April 11, 2017

Injustice 2 Lets You Create the Boba Fett Batman You Always Dreamed of

Did you ever draw different costumes for Superman, Wonder Woman, or Cyborg in your Social Studies notebook? Yeah, me too. The upcoming Injustice 2 video game sort of let you do the same thing, including a Dark Knight that looks like he’s wearing Mandalorian battle armor.


April 10, 2017

As If You Needed An Excuse To Drink, Science Proves Wine Is Great For Your Brain

According to new research done by neuroscientist Dr. Gordon Shepherd, which was shared by The Independent, not only is wine delicious, but it’s a fantastic workout for the brain.

wine good for the brain

The Yale School of Medicine professor said that sniffing wine and analyzing the taste with our tongue takes some “exquisite control of one of the biggest muscles in the body.” How? According to the years he spent studying the ways in which our brains process flavors, he found that when we swirl wine around our mouth, the muscles of our tongue, as well as thousands of taste and odor receptors, are kicked into high gear. This analysis of the aromatic flavors is said to stimulate the brain in ways even solving tough math problems can’t seem to do.

In his new book, Neuroenology: How The Brain Creates The Taste of Wine, Shepherd stated that through his studies, he came to the conclusion that the taste of wine has nothing to do with the specific drink in question, but rather, the taste “is created by the brain of the wine taster.”

Those tastes are based on our own references of flavor, which come from “our own memories and emotions and those of our companions,” as well as the composition of our saliva, our ages and gender.

Swallowing the wine is said to be paramount to the tasting process (not spitting it out as some do at tastings), which gives your brain that workout. However, if you drink too much, you’re giving your brain a bad workout — so don’t say we gave you an excuse to get your guzzle on, friends.


Image via Bigstock 

The post As If You Needed An Excuse To Drink, Science Proves Wine Is Great For Your Brain appeared first on MadameNoire.

April 10, 2017

Gorillaz are Finally Getting Their Own TV Show

Since the early 2000s, we’ve followed the live of Gorillaz through various means. Lyrically, their albums usually weave some sort of tale about the band members’ lives or mystical lands or what-have-you. Their music videos are a visual extension of that, and they even tell a cohesive story, or at least contribute to the same universe, when viewed consecutively. In the build-up to the band’s next album Humanz, they also shared a series of social media stories that gave details about what the band members had been up to between Plastic Beach and now.

Basically, if any band is begging to be turned into a TV show, it’s Gorillaz, and now, it’s finally happening. In an interview with Q Magazine (as Fact reports), Jamie Hewlett, the illustrator half of Gorillaz, said that he’s currently working on, among other things, a 10-episode TV series about the band.

As of now, that’s about all we know, but the possibilities are endless because of the storied mythology the band has created for itself over the past sixteen years. They dealt with a zombie apocalypse in the “Clint Eastwood” music video, and that’s just the start of the madness they’ve faced. Adult Swim seems like a pretty natural home for this sort of project, so we’re optimistic that this will actually come to fruition.

How about you? Would you watch a Gorillaz TV show, or are you all set with their music? Give us a shout on Twitter and share your thoughts!

Featured image: Gorillaz/YouTube

April 10, 2017

Sail: An All-Ages Appropriate Story On The Choices We Make

Words: Mark O. Stack / Art: Jean Pe / Lettering: Danny Djeljosev /King Baby Comics

I was pulled in by this cover (I see you Jean Pe) of this lone figure on the ocean and decided to buy it after reading a few pages. Sail is a short comic of a young person leaving home, embarking on an adventure only to gain insight of what she’s had all along.



The art style is undeniable cute. Whimsical. The lettering job is simple, not over done. I was really digging the mermaid/aquatic creature that shows up: they aren’t hyper-sexualized and the color combo won me over.

A pet-peeve of mine is when comics are stuffed to the brim with text and word/thought bubbles. It means so much more to me when a story can progress without a whole lot of text. The sequence featuring the panels where day turns to night and our little adventurer has a discovery would be an prime example of this being done right.


With less than fifteen pages, Sail isn’t very long which is fine–it does manage to set up and deliver a story but I feel the ending was a bit rushed. Nevertheless as a all-ages appropriate story it strikes home why sometimes we need to examine ourselves through the decisions we make and how unlikely allies can be found to help us discover what we always knew.

7.5 Headstrong Adventures out of 10

Pick up Sail for only 99 cents here.

BONUS (AND ACTUAL SPOILER, SORRY Y'ALL) Comic Book Character named Carrie! This never happens!)

BONUS (AND ACTUAL SPOILER, SORRY Y’ALL) Comic Book Character named Carrie! This never happens!)


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