
Writer, journalist, and podcaster Marc Bernardin returns to Hard NOC Life! Keith and Marc engage in a wide-ranging conversation about representation in media.

Together, they handicap the Oscar potential of films like Get Out, Logan, and Wonder Woman; investigate the balkanization of fandom; discuss how his Top Cow series Genius holds a mirror up to society; relive the summer he spent interning on Deep Space Nine; reveal what it was like writing for the upcoming Hulu series Castle Rock; and anticipate this summer’s Avengers: Infinity War.

All this and more on Hard NOC Life! Watch it on your screen, hit “play,” and check this. Subscribe to all of podcasts in the Hard NOC Media family on Apple Podcasts and Google Play!

As always, our official theme music is brought to you by the super team of Adam WarRock and Chops.

January 13, 2018

The ‘Genius’ of Marc Bernardin

Writer, journalist, and podcaster Marc Bernardin returns to Hard NOC Life! Keith and Marc engage in a wide-ranging conversation about representation in media.

Together, they handicap the Oscar potential of films like Get Out, Logan, and Wonder Woman; investigate the balkanization of fandom; discuss how his Top Cow series Genius holds a mirror up to society; relive the summer he spent interning on Deep Space Nine; reveal what it was like writing for the upcoming Hulu series Castle Rock; and anticipate this summer’s Avengers: Infinity War.

All this and more on Hard NOC Life! Watch it on your screen, hit “play,” and check this. Subscribe to all of podcasts in the Hard NOC Media family on Apple Podcasts and Google Play!

As always, our official theme music is brought to you by the super team of Adam WarRock and Chops.

January 13, 2018

TVTalk with The Nerd Element Ep 163: Why Michelle?

Michelle joins Kim, Natasha aka Natty Willy, and Chris to go over TV news, Once Upon a Time, Knightfall, and Agents of SHIELD. Why does Michelle not watch 3 of the 4 shows? Find out why in this episode. We even have a pre-show discussion at the tell end of the podcast talking about X-Files and other things. Sound off in the comments!

The post TVTalk with The Nerd Element Ep 163: Why Michelle? appeared first on The Nerd Element.

January 12, 2018

Rian Johnson Debunks THE LAST JEDI Controversies

Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been out for almost a month, and there are still a lot of lingering questions coming out of the film, including at least three controversies that proved to be very divisive among the fan community. Fortunately, director Rian Johnson appears to be on a whirlwind press tour and he’s debunking some of those moments by explaining his choices. Today’s Nerdist News is Force-skyping in with The Last Jedi answers that we’ve all been waiting to hear.

Warning: there are massive spoilers ahead for The Last Jedi. If you haven’t seen the movie, head to hyperspace now and come back later!

Join host and America’s top porg chef, Jessica Chobot, as she runs down the three major controversies from the film. First up, the return of Luke‘s blue lightsaber and his younger looking Force avatar during his confrontation with Kylo Ren on Crait. According to Johnson, all of that reflected choices made by Luke that were designed to get under Kylo’s skin. While the audience saw the destruction of the lightsaber that once belonged to Luke and his father, Kylo was knocked out and didn’t witness it. Seeing the lightsaber back in Luke’s hands only enraged Kylo, and that’s what it was meant to do.

Johnson also addressed the galaxy-spanning Force connection between Rey and Kylo. It’s true that none of the previous films established that power, although we have seen Luke and Darth Vader exchange a few Force words over a long distance near the end of The Empire Strikes Back. Johnson’s argument is that every Star Wars movie in the main saga has introduced new Force powers out of necessity to the plot, and this time he needed a way to get Rey and Kylo talking to each other without instantly being at each others’ throats. Plus, it led to shirtless Kylo Ren, an image that launched so many memes.

Finally, Johnson got around to dealing with Supreme Leader Snoke, the enigmatic ruler of the First Order. Everyone had a Snoke theory. Was he the First Jedi? The Last Jedi? Jar-Jar Binks reborn? According to Johnson, he purposefully withheld Snoke’s backstory because he felt that it would have hurt the film’s pace to include it. So, we may have to wait for a novel or some other ancillary media to give us Snoke’s story, unless J.J. Abrams finds a way to put it in Episode IX.

What do you think about Johnson’s latest Last Jedi remarks? Force ghost your way to the comment section below!

Images: Lucasfilm

More of the latest nerd news!

January 12, 2018

Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey #3 Review

Writer: Matt Rosenberg / Artists: Joe Bennett Leinil Yu/ Marvel Comics

This issue, is what I’ve been waiting for and I feel like the writers used this rebirth metaphor to make everything come full circle. In the first issue of Phoenix Resurrection, two white kids were interrupted with a game of “Frisbee”. In this issue we begin with a father and son, enjoying their perfect outing. Doing what every stereotypical white family does on cartoons, fishing in the middle of the lake. Everyone is having a good time, it’s all smooth and then “Oh look. Now the lake is on fire. Now isn’t that convenient”?

Doesn’t that hit too close to home? When a pillar of fire shoots out of the water and nearly roasts you. There’s essentially nowhere to escape a fire that shoots out of water. That’s like saying, hey I should be safe in this hospital, oh look now everyone is stabbing each other.

It’s BBQ season again, boys!
The X-Men are closing in on their search of Jean Grey and they will be searching to and fro looking for the wonderful Phoenix. Looking through caskets n’ crap. What made me enjoy this issue is that the writers were using this issue as a form of self reflection. How will the past revisit itself in the present? The biggest misunderstanding in the matter is that we don’t realize how fire innately merges our identities? Very much like melding steel? How will the rebirth of The Phoenix revisit this present Jean Grey?

Does the powerful aspects of our past selves overcome what we have transformed into today? Jean Grey is no longer dead, but which piece of her is the strongest part of her resurrection? What does this change about the X-Men and their fallen friend? The presence of shadows stretched across the issue; which really spoke to the idea of a rebirth of “darkness”. Which is probably the most ironic thing to arise in the presence of fire.

8.7 Fire and Furies out of 10

Reading Phoenix Resurrection? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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The post Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey #3 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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