
Exciting things are happening this season on Jane the Virgin, the twists and turns, the novelaness. No recapping the recap, we got a lot to cover.

Xo and Rogelio and Baby

So after the debacle with Eva Longoria, Rogelio knows he has got to get River Fields on board, but she will NOT see him. At the same time, Rogelio knows he can be a bit self-interested so he is trying to be more attentive to Xiomara. Ro asks her about her day and Xo is very distracted, smiling like she knows a secret and rushing out because “she has to take this call,” so suspicious.

Later on, Rogelio confides in Jane about how secretive Xo has been, Jane suggests doing something special for her, keeping it small and meaningful. Pretty sure Rogelio doesn’t understand the concept. He fills his car full of yellow roses and goes to surprise Ro at the dance studio where she has been working extra hours. When he arrives they say Xo is not there, hasn’t been there all week.

Rogelio is shocked, uses the app “Find My Pals,” tracks her down and finds her at some guys house, hugging him in the window. Rogelio bangs on the door and takes the guy into a headlock – He’s saying stuff like, “I know about the affair!” Xo is like “What! He’s my dance partner.” And then the guy’s boyfriend comes out upset about his boyfriend being attacked by some random man! Oh Jeez.

Xo comes clean and says she felt embarrassed that she was doing the competition and tried to keep it on the low. Rogelio just wants to be supportive and swears he will do anything to make her feel proud. He then is… sitting in on rehearsals, being an active cheerleader, watching their every move, making t-shirts, recording the sessions, offering lemon wedges- it’s just all too much and Xo snaps and tells him off. Says she is exhausted by his presence. Makes a lot of sense, sad it took all this time to tell him.
He leaves all introspective walking by the water…now Rogelio has alter ego daydreams- WHAT!

His inner critic reams him about his intensity and inability to think about others. Rogelio comes back to apologize to Xiomara. They are just adjusting to each other and the newlywed phase, but their commitment to each other is real.

Xo enters the competition and everything looks like it is going well – then her partner drops her to the floor on a difficult move! It looks hard too. They rush her to the hospital where she has a broken rib and the doctors have much more concerning news, they found a lump in Xo’s breast…

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

As we thought, the family totally knew about Rafael and Jane. Alba the wisest of them all, guessed the day they would fess up and definitely gloats in her victory. Getting Ro and Xo to pay up! Another winning episode for Alba.

Petra + Lawyer Jane
Petra has a sit down meeting with Jane and Rafael, and they announce they are dating. Petra’s sarcasm is on point when she hears about the dating – what a waste of time for her. I have to honor her growth, in the past this may have had a big affect on her and the relationship she has with the both of them. She threw that off her back like a pesky mosquito. She literally said, “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go into a meeting with my defense lawyer about my murder case.” That’s fair, totally fair. I like Petra more and more these days.

She meets with Lawyer Jane and is impatient about not hearing back from the blackmailer ad blames Lawyer Jane. She reassures Petra that, “You go down, I go down” hehehehe…
Petra gives Lawyer Jane a long ass list of people who want her in jail. This list is crazy, but you know who else it could be, maybe it’s Chuck from the hotel next door. I’m just gonna keep guessing, but this novela always has sharp twists so – who knows who it is!

We then see Lawyer Jane in her car with a new burner phone. Hhmmmm – a message tells her to meet them somewhere – alone. She heads straight there without telling Petra, we’ll just never know if we can trust her. At the rendezvous point, Petra is there – “catches” Lawyer Jane “meeting” blackmailer without her, then Lawyer Jane kisses Petra!!! I was like, is this another dream?

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

Thankfully no! But she did it as a distraction cuz she’s being followed. We find out Petra had planted the burner phone and set Lawyer Jane up to see if she was really loyal. Lawyer Jane didn’t tell Petra she had heard from the “blackmailer” (not really them) because she was being followed and didn’t want Petra to ruin things. She gets a message from the blackmailer later asking “what was that kiss about?” As a cover Lawyer Jane said she had to seduce Petra to get closer to her. Petra says “will they believe that?” About the seducing and Lawyer Jane is like… you were pretty into that kiss. Yea she was! She had been dreaming about it.

Later Petra is at the hotel and gets a text from Lawyer Jane, you have to see Petra’s face – so giddy – right in front of Jane. Jane-Jane, regular Jane. It’s official Petra is crushing!!! During one of their late night meetings (mmm-hhmm) Petra asks if Lawyer Jane needs to stay over… in order to solidify their lie about the seducing. Rrrriiight – Petra is so not slick. Lawyer Jane gives her the ‘girl please’ side eye and says, “not into being some straight women’s guinea pig.” Petra says she has been with women! Lawyer Jane and Petra are going for it. I wish I could just make a sentence of exclamation points!!!!

The next morning, it literally feels like Petra is in middle school, fixing her hair in the bed tryna be like Oh “ I woke up like this.” She comes clean that she had never been with a woman and Lawyer Jane is like, “yea I know.” Then in comes the room service breakfast for two – maybe trying too hard Petra…

Later we get a glimpse of what Lawyer Jane has to deal with trying to care for her mother while dealing with this overwhelming blackmailing situation and case. We see at the end, someone had placed a note on her mother’s sweater while she slept that says get a confession or we’ll take mommy with us next time. Who is doing this??! Maybe it’s Luisa – she has connections and motivations for sure. Whoever it is they are – cold blooded!! (in the key of Rick James.)

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

Jane + Everything
So, of course, everyone knew Rafael and Jane were together, no surprise there. They both thought the fam was gonna lose their ish! Nope, they literally were like, of course. Even had a bet going on when Jane and Rafael would tell. A little bit of a disappointment for the revealed couple, but the payoff was telling Mateo. He was so thrilled like a kid on a candy rush. (I still think they are missing a teachable moment about alternate family structures with him, but I get it, he wants his parents to be together – it’s cute.)

Now Jane is sure the only thing she desires doing is being a writer, she’s back at the computer and… still has writer’s block. She feels so strongly that she needs to write to the critic that gave her that bad book review. She can’t get it out of her head, getting on the critic for “his warped white lens” — Don’t know if its a white man… But wouldn’t be surprised. Jane’s self-critic comes out in full force, just breaking her down at every turn. Rogelio shows Jane his ‘failure folder’ or.. ‘Motivation folder.’ A folder of all his worst reviews, that he uses to fuel is growth and ability for greater achievements. He convinces Jane to take an improv class.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

I think it’s a great idea, it sparks a lot of creativity. She does terrible – improving a scene saying robbers of the Statue of Liberty took her virginity by force! What?? She really went there, too much there. She gets homework where she needs to observe those around her and draw up a character – even this is difficult with her own critic getting the best of her.

Rafael helps her see the helpful parts of that bad review, that the critic may have some truth. Those truths can be used to inspire her writing, to be better, to move forward. After getting a check+ in the class, she realized she did find it useful, and decides she wants to take a writing class. It’s true, she does really well when she is pushed. Wow listen to me, I’m talking like we’re besties and I know the intricacies of her personality – I may watch too much TV, lol!

Rafael is researching for his birth parents and found info on his birth father marrying someone whose name is on his birth certificate! Jane does some fast Googling and thinks she may have found her. They start thinking there’s a resemblance (not really), you know wishful thinking. We find it wasn’t her, that she was actually just a pass-through between his father and the orphanage.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

Rafael’s birth mother didn’t want her drama to follow him so she didn’t want her name on the birth certificate. What drama?? I can’t wait for this to really unfold! Jane urges Rafael to keep looking – try to get further records from the orphanage. He calls them and asks if there are any records at all on his adoption. They say, someone BOUGHT the records – you know who… Luisa, Raf’s sister! And the plot thickens. Also how does one buy records? Couldn’t she just have them given to her? This orphanage is like a front for something, taking money to give away records.

I’m beginning to believe more and more Luisa is behind so much of what is happening this season – like where is she? She still is the majority shareholder of the Marbella, was committed, found out it was on false information, is out and then has not been seen??…Suspicious.

Well see you next week on “Jane, the ‘stick to writing’ writer.”

Watching Jane The Virgin? Find BNP’s other chapter recaps of the novela here

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The post Jane the Virgin Recap: Chapter Seventy Six appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

March 14, 2018

Jane the Virgin Recap: Chapter Seventy Six

Exciting things are happening this season on Jane the Virgin, the twists and turns, the novelaness. No recapping the recap, we got a lot to cover.

Xo and Rogelio and Baby

So after the debacle with Eva Longoria, Rogelio knows he has got to get River Fields on board, but she will NOT see him. At the same time, Rogelio knows he can be a bit self-interested so he is trying to be more attentive to Xiomara. Ro asks her about her day and Xo is very distracted, smiling like she knows a secret and rushing out because “she has to take this call,” so suspicious.

Later on, Rogelio confides in Jane about how secretive Xo has been, Jane suggests doing something special for her, keeping it small and meaningful. Pretty sure Rogelio doesn’t understand the concept. He fills his car full of yellow roses and goes to surprise Ro at the dance studio where she has been working extra hours. When he arrives they say Xo is not there, hasn’t been there all week.

Rogelio is shocked, uses the app “Find My Pals,” tracks her down and finds her at some guys house, hugging him in the window. Rogelio bangs on the door and takes the guy into a headlock – He’s saying stuff like, “I know about the affair!” Xo is like “What! He’s my dance partner.” And then the guy’s boyfriend comes out upset about his boyfriend being attacked by some random man! Oh Jeez.

Xo comes clean and says she felt embarrassed that she was doing the competition and tried to keep it on the low. Rogelio just wants to be supportive and swears he will do anything to make her feel proud. He then is… sitting in on rehearsals, being an active cheerleader, watching their every move, making t-shirts, recording the sessions, offering lemon wedges- it’s just all too much and Xo snaps and tells him off. Says she is exhausted by his presence. Makes a lot of sense, sad it took all this time to tell him.
He leaves all introspective walking by the water…now Rogelio has alter ego daydreams- WHAT!

His inner critic reams him about his intensity and inability to think about others. Rogelio comes back to apologize to Xiomara. They are just adjusting to each other and the newlywed phase, but their commitment to each other is real.

Xo enters the competition and everything looks like it is going well – then her partner drops her to the floor on a difficult move! It looks hard too. They rush her to the hospital where she has a broken rib and the doctors have much more concerning news, they found a lump in Xo’s breast…

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

As we thought, the family totally knew about Rafael and Jane. Alba the wisest of them all, guessed the day they would fess up and definitely gloats in her victory. Getting Ro and Xo to pay up! Another winning episode for Alba.

Petra + Lawyer Jane
Petra has a sit down meeting with Jane and Rafael, and they announce they are dating. Petra’s sarcasm is on point when she hears about the dating – what a waste of time for her. I have to honor her growth, in the past this may have had a big affect on her and the relationship she has with the both of them. She threw that off her back like a pesky mosquito. She literally said, “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go into a meeting with my defense lawyer about my murder case.” That’s fair, totally fair. I like Petra more and more these days.

She meets with Lawyer Jane and is impatient about not hearing back from the blackmailer ad blames Lawyer Jane. She reassures Petra that, “You go down, I go down” hehehehe…
Petra gives Lawyer Jane a long ass list of people who want her in jail. This list is crazy, but you know who else it could be, maybe it’s Chuck from the hotel next door. I’m just gonna keep guessing, but this novela always has sharp twists so – who knows who it is!

We then see Lawyer Jane in her car with a new burner phone. Hhmmmm – a message tells her to meet them somewhere – alone. She heads straight there without telling Petra, we’ll just never know if we can trust her. At the rendezvous point, Petra is there – “catches” Lawyer Jane “meeting” blackmailer without her, then Lawyer Jane kisses Petra!!! I was like, is this another dream?

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

Thankfully no! But she did it as a distraction cuz she’s being followed. We find out Petra had planted the burner phone and set Lawyer Jane up to see if she was really loyal. Lawyer Jane didn’t tell Petra she had heard from the “blackmailer” (not really them) because she was being followed and didn’t want Petra to ruin things. She gets a message from the blackmailer later asking “what was that kiss about?” As a cover Lawyer Jane said she had to seduce Petra to get closer to her. Petra says “will they believe that?” About the seducing and Lawyer Jane is like… you were pretty into that kiss. Yea she was! She had been dreaming about it.

Later Petra is at the hotel and gets a text from Lawyer Jane, you have to see Petra’s face – so giddy – right in front of Jane. Jane-Jane, regular Jane. It’s official Petra is crushing!!! During one of their late night meetings (mmm-hhmm) Petra asks if Lawyer Jane needs to stay over… in order to solidify their lie about the seducing. Rrrriiight – Petra is so not slick. Lawyer Jane gives her the ‘girl please’ side eye and says, “not into being some straight women’s guinea pig.” Petra says she has been with women! Lawyer Jane and Petra are going for it. I wish I could just make a sentence of exclamation points!!!!

The next morning, it literally feels like Petra is in middle school, fixing her hair in the bed tryna be like Oh “ I woke up like this.” She comes clean that she had never been with a woman and Lawyer Jane is like, “yea I know.” Then in comes the room service breakfast for two – maybe trying too hard Petra…

Later we get a glimpse of what Lawyer Jane has to deal with trying to care for her mother while dealing with this overwhelming blackmailing situation and case. We see at the end, someone had placed a note on her mother’s sweater while she slept that says get a confession or we’ll take mommy with us next time. Who is doing this??! Maybe it’s Luisa – she has connections and motivations for sure. Whoever it is they are – cold blooded!! (in the key of Rick James.)

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

Jane + Everything
So, of course, everyone knew Rafael and Jane were together, no surprise there. They both thought the fam was gonna lose their ish! Nope, they literally were like, of course. Even had a bet going on when Jane and Rafael would tell. A little bit of a disappointment for the revealed couple, but the payoff was telling Mateo. He was so thrilled like a kid on a candy rush. (I still think they are missing a teachable moment about alternate family structures with him, but I get it, he wants his parents to be together – it’s cute.)

Now Jane is sure the only thing she desires doing is being a writer, she’s back at the computer and… still has writer’s block. She feels so strongly that she needs to write to the critic that gave her that bad book review. She can’t get it out of her head, getting on the critic for “his warped white lens” — Don’t know if its a white man… But wouldn’t be surprised. Jane’s self-critic comes out in full force, just breaking her down at every turn. Rogelio shows Jane his ‘failure folder’ or.. ‘Motivation folder.’ A folder of all his worst reviews, that he uses to fuel is growth and ability for greater achievements. He convinces Jane to take an improv class.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

I think it’s a great idea, it sparks a lot of creativity. She does terrible – improving a scene saying robbers of the Statue of Liberty took her virginity by force! What?? She really went there, too much there. She gets homework where she needs to observe those around her and draw up a character – even this is difficult with her own critic getting the best of her.

Rafael helps her see the helpful parts of that bad review, that the critic may have some truth. Those truths can be used to inspire her writing, to be better, to move forward. After getting a check+ in the class, she realized she did find it useful, and decides she wants to take a writing class. It’s true, she does really well when she is pushed. Wow listen to me, I’m talking like we’re besties and I know the intricacies of her personality – I may watch too much TV, lol!

Rafael is researching for his birth parents and found info on his birth father marrying someone whose name is on his birth certificate! Jane does some fast Googling and thinks she may have found her. They start thinking there’s a resemblance (not really), you know wishful thinking. We find it wasn’t her, that she was actually just a pass-through between his father and the orphanage.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Seventy Six

Rafael’s birth mother didn’t want her drama to follow him so she didn’t want her name on the birth certificate. What drama?? I can’t wait for this to really unfold! Jane urges Rafael to keep looking – try to get further records from the orphanage. He calls them and asks if there are any records at all on his adoption. They say, someone BOUGHT the records – you know who… Luisa, Raf’s sister! And the plot thickens. Also how does one buy records? Couldn’t she just have them given to her? This orphanage is like a front for something, taking money to give away records.

I’m beginning to believe more and more Luisa is behind so much of what is happening this season – like where is she? She still is the majority shareholder of the Marbella, was committed, found out it was on false information, is out and then has not been seen??…Suspicious.

Well see you next week on “Jane, the ‘stick to writing’ writer.”

Watching Jane The Virgin? Find BNP’s other chapter recaps of the novela here

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The post Jane the Virgin Recap: Chapter Seventy Six appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

March 13, 2018

“Did He or Didn’t He?” Singer Jhene Aiko Addresses Rumors that Rapper Boyfriend Big Sean Cheated

In the past 12 hours, singer Jhene Aiko and her rapper boyfriend Big Sean have been all over social media with people wondering whether rumors were true about the "IDFWU" lyricist cheating on her.

March 13, 2018

WESTWORLD Fans Experience Sweetwater IRL at SXSW

There’s no show better suited for elaborate publicity stunts and exclusive promotions than Westworld. And that’s never been clearer than it was with SXSW 2018’s one-of-a-kind Westworld experience.

Dubbed the Westworld: Live Without Limits Weekend, the staggeringly elaborate in-universe event that occurred on March 9 -March 11 took up more than two acres of land outside Austin. Upon arriving at the park portal, the lucky few guests got their customary black or white hats, boarded a train, and were then given (mostly) free reign of Sweetwater. That meant visiting reproductions of the Mariposa and other landmarks familiar to fans of the show, hobnobbing with hosts, and, if they were so inclined, searching for clues about where the series will go next.

Putting the town of Sweetwater together was no easy feat. HBO, agency Giant Spoon, and Westworld co-creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy began conceptualizing the park last November. It took five weeks of construction, 58 vendors, 60 actors, six stunt performers, five bands, and even a handful of horses (well, six, which is more than a handful) to bring the park together—and judging from the photos, all that effort was well worth it.

If this was how HBO and the Westworld showrunners built on their immersive experiences at SDCC and NYCC last year, we can only speculate how much further they’ll go for future seasons. We already know Nolan and Joy are nowhere near the show’s endpoint. Back in February, we found out via Delos Destinations that there are at least five more parks to discover. Could those be the basis for future special events? Here’s hoping. In the meantime, I’ll just painstakingly tear off another one of the links in my paper chain counting down to the season two premiere on April 22.

Would you rather herd cattle in Westworld or wield a samurai sword in one of the new Delos Destinations? Let us know in the comments!

Images: HBO

More TV news!

March 12, 2018

Counterpart Recap: Love the Lie

Season: 1 / Episode: 8 / Starz

***Spoilers be quoting Slim Charles and saying, “If it’s a lie, then we fight on that lie.” Previous COUNTERPART recaps are here***

Maaaan, listen. We start this shit off with a flashback of sorts, or more so, a “meanwhile back in Episode 6” type shit. When Pope called and asked if this was the dry cleaners that shit was something serious, yo. They at the Indigo School in full alert going Fahrenheit 451. They out here burning everything gotdamn thing, yo. The prime crew in the woods get discovered in the middle of the purge and they all go inside. They got a whole satchel of cyanide pills, yo.

But it ain’t the quiet goodnight just yet. These muthafuckas got the Punisher’s weapon locker and they going to war over this shit, fam. Bodies hitting the floor outside, documents getting flamed on the inside. This shit is all the way real, man. Your boy Shaw took one to the shoulder, but fuck it. He spit that bullet out and still killed a dude cuz there’s more work to be done.

Meanwhile, this ol “down with the ship” heifer done packed her shit up and leaving out the back while ayebody else getting sprayed the fuck up. Dude tries to call her out on it, but he like, fuck it, I’d rather live too, I guess.

Howard walking the scene and checking this carnage. Shit is fucking crazy. Shaw and Emily Prime aka EPMD talking about this place and not knowing what the fuck they lookin’ at. EPMD brings Shaw into the classroom and she shows him the timeline they were creating, how they were comparing the two worlds and schooling the youth and shit.

Howard finds the, ahem, operating room. He fucking mortified cuz they done fed the kiddies cyanide pills, man. Gotdamn this shit is the worst.

Interdimensional In-Laws, Am I Right?

Speaking of the worst, Howard in Black aka HIB hears a phone ringing in the house. He picks that shit up and it’s his… mother-in-law. I guess. She calling cuz she done made it to Berlin. She in Emily Coma’s hospital room cuz Emily is no longer… in a coma.

So… that’s awkward.

Not nearly as awkward as this shit that must be going on in the Quayle residence. St. Pete trying to get the baby to stop crying cuz Snake Ass Clare is handcuffed to a radiator in the bathroom.

HIB gets to the hospital and Charlotte there to tell him that E Coma might not understand anything. She awake but she ain’t responded to shit.

Innocence Lost, or at Least Innocence Got Mercy Ruled

Baldwin sleeping that comfortable ass sleep, like he doesn’t have a bounty on his head/isn’t a world jumping assassin or anything. Greta trying to get Baldwin to open up, stay for breakfast, apply to the local community college, something. But she asking too many questions, yo. Baldwin like, yeah… it’s been good, but I gotta go.

At the hollowed out remains of the Indigo School, they still going through the shit left behind, and EPMD convinces Shaw not to call this shit in. She still a little gun shy cuz last time she went through official channels, they tried to give her that rockstart at age 27 treatment. They got their suspicions that Pope is behind this shit, but they trying to get their ducks in a row first.

EPMD tries to see if Howard is fine but that muthafucka ain’t fine. Problem is, Howard can’t be cracking now cuz he supposed to be HIB and Shaw watching this shit like a hawk. They discover what this shit really is, a replacement school for terrorist cells. Fun. Shaw asks Howard check with his people in customs to see if any of these cats have crossed over recently. EPMD volunteers to go with him. Shaw is like, the fuck for? But she throws him off by mentioning that dude from the interrogation was the only one that knew they were coming. For what its worth, EPMD seems to be one of the few people that are pretty damn good at their job.

Everybody is a Prisoner of Someone’s

SAC still chained up like the mom from Unbreakable. The baby still crying. St. Pete still questioning her and she comes clean about everything… except the part about her strangling the fucking life out of MHOBC. Extracted. Uh-huh. St. Pete finally lets SAC feed Borrowed Name Spencer, tears falling like this whole fucking façade.

At the hospital, HIB is getting briefed on E-Coma’s condition. Charlotte gonna step in talking about whatever care is best for her, we’ll do it, after she got done playing Cookie crush on her phone or some shit. HIB ain’t havin’ it. She knows Charlotte ain’t shit. Her whole family ain’t shit. But she is here to stay now so I can’t wait till Howard gets back and sees this shit. Or till HIB sees what the hell is going on at the Quayle Household. Everybody in for surprise parties, fam.

EPMD and Howard leaving the house and Howard still shook. EPMD tells him that they need to get in touch with HIB because that’s the only person she can trust. But HIB or someone that looks exactly like him got a better standing in the office so this might be on him.

SAC and St. Pete talkin’ this shit out and how this is an act of war. SAC drops that this shit is payback for the flu epidemic. St. Pete goes to turn her in, but she start talkin’ that shit to him. Saying he gonna be just as fucked when this shit goes down as she will. Also, Spencer got that Prime DNA in her so she bout to be a lab rat like a muthafucka.

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Murders

Baldwin scoping shit out and sees one of the targets doing some shopping. Your boy was legit just enjoying his muthafuckin day, bringing home some Trader Joes in whatever hipster part of Berlin when she put the garot to him. Fucking self-tightening shit. She for real went riding her bike with no hands on your boys assassination. Colllllllddddd-blooodddded.

Howard doing his HIB impression at customs and confirms these children of the corn muthafuckas crossed over.

Aldrich just drops by to holla at St. Pete. This shit look all the way bad, man. He offers your boy soup, which is a great plan cuz he watching St. Pete’s hand trembling like a muthafucka. HOW IS THIS DUDE A SPY? I know I’ve told y’all before, when a muthafucka rolls up on you and tells an unsolicited analogy that just so happens to coincide with whatever shit you are secretly going through, DON’T LET THEM FINISH. Get the fuck out, man. But nah, St. Pete too shook so he just listens to Aldrich demonstrate how cold he is for the cause. He tells St. Pete he’s leaving dudes outside the house, but he’s letting him come in on his own terms. I say gotdamn.

EPMD catches Raash walking his dog, as he is wont to do. She tells him that needs to get HIB a message. And oh yeah, I know the Howard muthafucka currently here ain’t HIB, FYI. On both sides, EPMD and HIB trying to arrange an interface that night to relay information.


Howard walking into interface and this is actually some shit he knows how to do. And just like that, HIB and Howard seeing each other again. Bruh. This might be the best scene of the series. This shit just confirmed that JK Simmons is winning the Golden Globe next year, yo. No. Fucking. Contest.

Howard is going the fuck off. HIB is smug as all hell. And HIB lies about E-Coma waking up. But he does tell Howard that she was fucking Andrei. Man, he cut Howard to the gotdamn bone. And… Howard knew all along that E-Coma was not only cheating but also a spy. He just suppressed that shit. Jesus, man. This shit went from bad to fucking sad to Howard resolving that shit and making HIB look smaller than how he came in. Jesus, Simmons is Da Gawd.

The ability to love someone, is the only thing that separates me, from you.


Man, both Howards walk out there all kinds of fucked up.

So I think I Gotta Drop Saint from St. Pete

Late night at Greta’s, and Baldwin comes back up in the spot. Um… breaks into the spot actually. Cuz that’s how you tell someone you miss them. Breaking and entering. Greta gotta be like… so maybe you I don’t pick up scarface drifters in my coffee shop anymore.

St. Pete waiting at the Hotel Walcot. Aldrich is there on schedule. St. Pete confesses that he’s been manipulated but he ain’t the mole itself. And then… he lays that shit on Howard Silk.

What in all fucks, man? There was literally one good way to do this shit and this muthafucka chose one of the other 8 billion. Ok… ok, that’s cool. But St. Pete gotta die too when this shit is done. No debating, he gots to go. First you were an idiot, but now you a fuckin’ snake like Snake Ass Clare.

Ugh… as if the Howards didn’t have enough shit to deal with. I think it’s fair to say things are as bad as they’ve ever been.

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The post Counterpart Recap: Love the Lie appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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