
With the 2018 FIFA World Cup just a month away, players and fans are gearing up for four weeks of soccer, spirits, and sex robots? Russia’s first robot brothel recently opened in Moscow, […]

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May 16, 2018

Moscow-Based Sex Bot Brothel Welcomes World Cup Players

With the 2018 FIFA World Cup just a month away, players and fans are gearing up for four weeks of soccer, spirits, and sex robots? Russia’s first robot brothel recently opened in Moscow, […]

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May 16, 2018

Things We Saw Today: Spike Lee Calls Trump a “Motherf@#!er” For Not Speaking Out Against the KKK. He’s Not Wrong.

Spike Lee’s forthcoming joint, BlacKkKlansman, tells the true story of a black police officer in 1979 Colorado who infiltrated the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan with the help of a white colleague. The film just premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and received a 10 minute standing ovation.

Part of what people responded to in the film was the way Lee connects late-1970s America with present-day America, and the racism that remains all-too-present in the very fiber of the country. He ends the film with with footage of Trump’s reaction to last year’s Charlottesville protests. You know, the whole “on both sides” thing. He also uses footage of the death (Lee calls it a “murder”) of activist Heather Heyer, who died at the hands of Nazis, with Heyer’s mother’s permission.

“We have a guy in the White House who had a chance to say we are about love and not about hate,” Lee said after the premiere of his film. “And that motherfucker did not denounce the Klan, the alt-right, and those Nazi motherfuckers.” No he did not.

So, we’re all voting against him in the next presidential election, right? Good. Glad we’re on the same page. (via Buzzfeed)

What have you seen out there today?

(image: screencap)

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May 15, 2018

Return To Sender — Why I’m Rejecting Your Privilege Pass

By Dennis R. Upkins To say Black Panther has been a worldwide phenomenon would be a massive understatement. At the time of writing this piece, the film has surpassed Titanic as the third highest grossing film ever in the U.S. and the highest grossing superhero film of all time.  The Marvel/Disney flick will be the […]

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May 15, 2018

We’re Pretty Sure This Solo Trailer With Young Harrison Ford’s Face Is Cursed

Oh god, I’m so sorry, everyone. I wished so hard that we could have had Solo: A Star Wars Story featuring an actual young Harrison Ford, and it seems only the darkest forces in the universe heard me. Now, I must inflict this on all of you: an insta-nope version of the Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer with Harrison Ford’s face placed over Alden Ehrenreich’s.

OK, I didn’t actually wish for it all that hard, but it does kind of feel like this is what everyone who’s been trying to compare the two actors (myself included) deserves. I will say this, though: It at least looks like Nick Acosta, who put this video together and posted it on Vimeo, probably did the best anyone could’ve with the available resources. It’s not quite on the (still unsettling) level of Tarkin or Leia in Rogue One, but for a personal project with limited Ford footage to work with—from pre-Star Wars movies, TV, and still photos to get that Young Solo look—rather than expensive CGI, the best parts of it do work reasonably well.

Acosta explained in the video’s description, “Watching the trailer featuring new actor Alden Ehrenreich in the titular role it’s hard to get used to. By all accounts Alden seems like great actor and good guy. But I couldn’t help wonder what would this movie would look like if you could magically transport a young Harrison Ford to play his iconic character. So using a variety of digital compositing software and some editing tricks I tried to make that happen.”

Honestly, it’s all kind of fitting, what with Star Wars’ history with after-the-fact digital edits. Somewhere, Hayden Christensen’s Force Ghost is laughing. Smugly.

(via io9, image: Lucasfilm/Nick Acosta on Vimeo)

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