
It’s been a scant 4 months since little Alice Michelle was born and whisked away from Purgatory and our gang is busy hunting Revenants (as always) over at Pussy Willows. But more importantly, they’re also hunting clues to track down Bulshar. And by “hunting” I mean Wynonna’s getting rip-roaring drunk and is riding a mechanical bull while Waverly and Nicole flirt over a Dragunov from their sniper nest across the street. (But I’m not judging.)

The Revenants provide exactly zero help on the Bulshar front before Wynonna sends them on a one way trip via Peacemaker but it sure is fun to see our team back in action again!

Spar Me a Minute

Neither Wynonna nor Doc are dealing well with their daughter having been whisked away at the end of Season 2 but he’s doing worse than she is. He’s closed off and sullen and only responding to Wynonna when they’re training.

hug it out

Murder by the Buttload

An uncommon call to Nicole led our crew back to good ol’ Pussy Willows, where someone or many someones had strewn a lot of bodies all over the floor in a creepy pattern. Someone’s trying to send a message, no?

send me a text next time

Mamma Mia

A clue at the Pussy Willows crime scene led Wynonna back to see her mom, who has been institutionalized since before Wynonna accidentally killed Ward. She needs answers about Bulshar but her mom is…well, not interested in helping out. At all.

mountain side view

Doc, Stock and Barrel

Doc’s been busy….being kidnapped by an old acquaintance, who also happens to be a vampire. Because of course vampires would make their way to the Ghost River Triangle for the big show. It’s pretty clear that things didn’t go well for them the first time around.


High Stakes

Meanwhile all of Purgatory has been glamored by other vampires in town to see Bulshar do his worst. Most of our crew is whammied, save for Doc, Wynonna and of course, our sexy little dragon Xavier, who’s able to free Wynonna from the coffin she was being held in, natch, so they could go on a wild staking spree.

sorry vamps

Cult of Personality

De-whammified Nicole takes another look at the crime spree and realizes she might have survived the Cult of Bulshar many moons ago.

hallmark moment

Crash Course

Wynonna, at Dolls’ urging (and of course her conscience), decides it’s high time to tell Waverly the truth about their mom, that she’s known all along where she’s been. But they barely get past the prison pass reveal when everything goes topsy-turvy. Who-knows-how-long later, someone is dragging a bloody and terrified and screaming Waverly away from the crashed truck. And her sister.

chosen one

Favorite Moments:

  • Wynonna emerging from the coffin
  • Doc getting his mojo back
  • Dolls excited about killing vampires
  • WayHaught on the rooftop

Lingering Questions:

  • What did Bulshar give the surviving vampire?
  • What did Nicole remember or sense to make her think she was a survivor of the Cult of Bulshar?
  • Rosita only got a passing mention. Is she still around somewhere?
  • What was up with the vampire’s teeth?
  • What was up with Jeremy’s mustache??
  • Since when is Michelle not on the side of a mountain with a glorious view?
  • What is Dolls’ middle name?

Final Thoughts:

I’m very excited that we’re going to delve into more of Nicole’s story though the fact that it ties into the series primary arc is both surprising and satisfying. It just adds to the sense that her place in Waverly’s life was truly meant to be.

It was so good seeing our team again. They generally seem to be doing well, with the exception of Doc and Wynonna, both of whom tend to revert to very unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Thankfully Doc seemed to be more like his old self by the end of the episode so I’ll take that as a good sign. Wynonna however, well…it’s too soon to tell how she’s really doing. Especially now that she’s apparently in real, serious truck crashing trouble.

I give “Blood Red and Going Down” 4.75 Peacemakers out of a possible 5.

The post Wynonna Earp S03E01: Fangless and Glitter-Free appeared first on The Nerd Element.

July 23, 2018

Wynonna Earp S03E01: Fangless and Glitter-Free

It’s been a scant 4 months since little Alice Michelle was born and whisked away from Purgatory and our gang is busy hunting Revenants (as always) over at Pussy Willows. But more importantly, they’re also hunting clues to track down Bulshar. And by “hunting” I mean Wynonna’s getting rip-roaring drunk and is riding a mechanical bull while Waverly and Nicole flirt over a Dragunov from their sniper nest across the street. (But I’m not judging.)

The Revenants provide exactly zero help on the Bulshar front before Wynonna sends them on a one way trip via Peacemaker but it sure is fun to see our team back in action again!

Spar Me a Minute

Neither Wynonna nor Doc are dealing well with their daughter having been whisked away at the end of Season 2 but he’s doing worse than she is. He’s closed off and sullen and only responding to Wynonna when they’re training.

hug it out

Murder by the Buttload

An uncommon call to Nicole led our crew back to good ol’ Pussy Willows, where someone or many someones had strewn a lot of bodies all over the floor in a creepy pattern. Someone’s trying to send a message, no?

send me a text next time

Mamma Mia

A clue at the Pussy Willows crime scene led Wynonna back to see her mom, who has been institutionalized since before Wynonna accidentally killed Ward. She needs answers about Bulshar but her mom is…well, not interested in helping out. At all.

mountain side view

Doc, Stock and Barrel

Doc’s been busy….being kidnapped by an old acquaintance, who also happens to be a vampire. Because of course vampires would make their way to the Ghost River Triangle for the big show. It’s pretty clear that things didn’t go well for them the first time around.


High Stakes

Meanwhile all of Purgatory has been glamored by other vampires in town to see Bulshar do his worst. Most of our crew is whammied, save for Doc, Wynonna and of course, our sexy little dragon Xavier, who’s able to free Wynonna from the coffin she was being held in, natch, so they could go on a wild staking spree.

sorry vamps

Cult of Personality

De-whammified Nicole takes another look at the crime spree and realizes she might have survived the Cult of Bulshar many moons ago.

hallmark moment

Crash Course

Wynonna, at Dolls’ urging (and of course her conscience), decides it’s high time to tell Waverly the truth about their mom, that she’s known all along where she’s been. But they barely get past the prison pass reveal when everything goes topsy-turvy. Who-knows-how-long later, someone is dragging a bloody and terrified and screaming Waverly away from the crashed truck. And her sister.

chosen one

Favorite Moments:

  • Wynonna emerging from the coffin
  • Doc getting his mojo back
  • Dolls excited about killing vampires
  • WayHaught on the rooftop

Lingering Questions:

  • What did Bulshar give the surviving vampire?
  • What did Nicole remember or sense to make her think she was a survivor of the Cult of Bulshar?
  • Rosita only got a passing mention. Is she still around somewhere?
  • What was up with the vampire’s teeth?
  • What was up with Jeremy’s mustache??
  • Since when is Michelle not on the side of a mountain with a glorious view?
  • What is Dolls’ middle name?

Final Thoughts:

I’m very excited that we’re going to delve into more of Nicole’s story though the fact that it ties into the series primary arc is both surprising and satisfying. It just adds to the sense that her place in Waverly’s life was truly meant to be.

It was so good seeing our team again. They generally seem to be doing well, with the exception of Doc and Wynonna, both of whom tend to revert to very unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Thankfully Doc seemed to be more like his old self by the end of the episode so I’ll take that as a good sign. Wynonna however, well…it’s too soon to tell how she’s really doing. Especially now that she’s apparently in real, serious truck crashing trouble.

I give “Blood Red and Going Down” 4.75 Peacemakers out of a possible 5.

The post Wynonna Earp S03E01: Fangless and Glitter-Free appeared first on The Nerd Element.

July 23, 2018

Variant Covers to Grab This Week (7/25/18)

They say don’t judge a book by its cover, and honestly that’s a really good policy usually. But when comics have gorgeous covers it’s hard not to imagine the wonderful story that lies within a […]

The post Variant Covers to Grab This Week (7/25/18) appeared first on

July 22, 2018

Castor & Carina: Halley’s Cosmic Combo Review

Words:Shannon Wright /Art: Shannon Wright/

“Halley’s Cosmic Combo is a meal deal good enough to attract denizens from every corner of the galaxy. The catch? It comes once every 75 years…”

When Shannon tweeted that she was debuting this comic at TCAF, I was hyped as I love her work as an illustrator and in truth, I really thought this would be a super cute story.

After finally reading it, I’m not wrong. It IS super cute.

As a lover of comics, I can and do appreciate a story that evolves into several volumes. I appreciate a narrative that develops into months and even years of pages that become a web comic. I’m here for a tale that can be as old as time and be a lengthy ride.

However, I also believe that a single story, a solo dolo adventure, a one shot, when done right can be equally as powerful. Castor & Carina: Halley’s Cosmic Combo is one such of those stories by Shannon Wright.

These two precious children, dragon children, Castor and his twin sister Carina are, if you were trying to measure their excitement, on ten:

*gulps in very Black Childhood*

The two get themselves ready, and it’s such a fun ride to read: it is as relatable for those of us who had mommas who worked hard and couldn’t do things we wanted at times but also for those who have siblings–it’s a reminder of the hijinks you into with your siblings when you were young, myself included. I believe the heart of this offering is the quest for adventure, the longing to obtain “the thing,” and the dangers and obstacles they’ll have to get there and get a taste. The fact that they’re going to Halley’s for burgers, which I’m assuming is the Holy Grail In-N-Out of the Galaxy, endears me to them even more.

The story takes some turns and throws us some surprises, but it all comes to a satisfying (and also relatable) ending which made me want to reminiscence on the wild adventures I had with my brothers eons ago and text them. It’s a feel good story with some funny moments about some persistent kids who just want a taste of adventure and have to rely on each other to get it. The comic itself is set in a Black and White toned format which makes Wright’s art stand out more especially with outer space settings. Castor and Carina are obviously adorable characters here, and there’s an emphasis on the small details like the vivid facial expressions and the word bubbles.

At only 24 pages, this is a fun ride. It’s part slice of life, part sci-fi, part fantasy and just a whole cup of cuteness and brown skinned characters with natural hair, what more could you want? Buy a digital copy of Castor & Carina: Halley’s Cosmic Combo here.

9.7 Best Combos In The Galaxy Out Of 10

Update: If you’ve loved these two siblings, it looks like they’re getting their own series–more of their adventures in the realm of slice of life and possibly more in space to come!

See more of Wright on her personal website, on Twitter and see more of her comics for sale here on Gumroad.

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The post Castor & Carina: Halley’s Cosmic Combo Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

July 22, 2018

The AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER Team Has a New Show About Elves and Magic Toads

It’s impossible not to get excited for any project from the creatives who delivered the perfection that is Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is why The Dragon Prince instantly draws the eye, but, now that we’ve gotten the first trailer courtesy of SDCC, the show also appears to contain much of the same DNA that made ATLA great.

Slow-ish frame rate aside, the trailer is an excellent tease of action, goofiness, and the kind of character designs that were hallmarks of ATLA. One character even appears to throw air during a fight. No doubt The Dragon Prince will be its own animal, though. The show focuses on a conflict between humans and elves through the alliance of two princely brothers (Jack DeSena’s Callum and Sasha Rojen’s Ezran) and their would-be elf assassin (Paula Burrows’ Rayla).

If an elf is trying to kill you, befriend her. That’s good life advice.

The Dragon Prince is a collaboration between ATLA head writer Aaron Ehasz, Annie award-winning ATLA director Giancarlo Volpe, and Uncharted 3 director Justin Richmond. Obviously the personnel is brimming with potential, but the show also has a glowing magical toad named Bait, so bingeing every episode when they land September 14 feels appropriate.

The most exciting thing is the opportunity to see more of Ehasz’s world-building. These characters already feel familiar, and I couldn’t fault them if they used a hefty amount of the ATLA formula as a starting point, but that showed excelled in its scope and the way it revealed the world’s nooks and crannies along the way, which is why The Dragon Prince could be another standout of mythological proportions.

Images: Netflix

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